How do you deal with people you can't stand at work?

@n30wing (4767)
December 25, 2008 12:49am CST
What I do I get busier with my work, the less time I have to interact with unwanted and annoying colleagues. Have A Merry Christmas to all of you!
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7 responses
• Philippines
26 Dec 08
Hi there n30wing! There are instances when we can't totally avoid unwanted and annoying colleagues especially at work. But we can always try. In my case, I try my very best to avoid them the best way I can. Well, of course, in the most proper way possible too. You are right, when we keep ourselves busy, the less time we get to interact with unwanted and annoying colleagues. It gets easier when we can actually spend more time away from them. Like in my case, since I am working as a teacher, I actually spend more time in my classes than I do in our faculty room. That makes it more convenient for me.
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@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
30 Dec 08
Thanks for the advice. I do that also. I just ignore them and keep on being busy with what I am doing. Have a nice day to you! Sorry for the late reply. Happy New year! Keep on smiling!
• Philippines
25 Dec 08
i try to ignore them and their comments which really, really annoy me. there are times that i have to make up excuses just to spend the time or breaktime away from them.Like there are times when and i try to make up with all the negative vibes by doing something happy at home. like reading a book , be with friends, watch a movie, or malling.
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@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
30 Dec 08
That is what I am doing right now. Thanks for the advice. Happy New Year! I just keep on smiling and ignoring them.
• Philippines
25 Dec 08
you will have to ignore them, n30wing. there are times however, when they manage to get into your nerves and thus will really trouble you inwardly. just talk about the annoying officemate to the family when you reach home. this is the only way to unload the burden without running the risk of picking a fight with the annoying guy.
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
30 Dec 08
Usually when I reach home I tell my fiancee about it. But she was telling me you can't please everyone. You go to work because of the work, and just focus with what your doing when your at work. Have a nice day to you! Sorry for the late reply. Happy New Year! Keep on smiling!
@jesbellaine (4139)
• Philippines
6 Jan 09
Hello There! There were times that I really let myself down or underestimate myself especially when I am feeling so down. I know it is not right but I can’t help it when I am so depressed in what is happening with my life. But lately, I have been so positive with all my plans and I always set my mind not to underestimate myself so that I can do my work properly. It is just a matter of believing in yourself. Goodluck and thanks for the discussion! Happy Mylotting! Cheers!
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
8 Jan 09
You know what jesbellaine I am happy you've change now your working properly. I usually tell my fiancee don't think negatively life is so simple. When you think positively everything change for the better. Look out the outcome. That is great! Sorry for the late reply! God bless! Keep on smiling!
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
8 Jan 09
For me I don't mind them as long as I finish my work, I just ignore them, anyway it's my life, and I don't care about them. Have a great day to you! God bless!
• Philippines
6 Jan 09
Sorry… wrong posts! I have many windows open that is why I posted this answer to wrong discussion.. lolz… this is my answer to your discussion: I really don’t mind them meaning I try to ignore them as much as possible. Those are the people who are most likely are insecure to us or just want to do harm in your work. I just concentrate with my work. As long as they are not hurting me then I don’t have problems ignoring them.
@srik11 (482)
• India
25 Dec 08
hi, we come across many people everyday....some we like some we dont...and some we just cant stand in their presence... as far as i am concerned i just dont respond .... no matter what happens i never respond.... i think the best way to avoid a person is to stop thnking of him.... the more you think the more are the chances of coming across with him ... trust me,this might sound strange ... we usually think or let me say 'concentrate' on what we dont like ....thats why we get to end with such thing that we hate...for example before an examination we think of question what we have not practised and in the exam we find them.. now lets concentrate on what we like what we want....and see how we can make our own which there are only the things,people.. that we like... bye merry christmas...
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@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
30 Dec 08
Thanks for the advice, I really need it. But I just ignore them and just focusing with my work. Have a nice day to you! Sorry for the late reply. Happy New Year!
@miamhae (339)
• Philippines
27 Dec 08
As they say ignore them, but for me, Why stop for a while and think what the positive attitude they have and what they can help you in your work and when they annoying you try to just smile back, because some people being happy when they know that they are annoying... Be patient and think it just in work you saw them.... A prosperous new year for us my friend.
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
30 Dec 08
Thanks for the advice my friend. But I really don't like their attitude, so I just ignore them. What is important is my work, and I love my work. Have a nice day to you! Happy New Year!Keep on smiling!
@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
26 Dec 08
I agree with your way of thinking. Sometimes the work place can be an unfavorable place to work when it comes to colleagues that have a tendency to annoy you or just be plain old bothersome. I am a stay at home mother of a little boy so I haven't really been working outside of the home in quite a while. However I do remember working in offices and the like and being around people. There are always going to be people with personalities that conflict with your own. When I would just keep occupied and worry about my own work and getting things done so the boss or manager would be happy then that is what will best suit me when it comes to co workers that can be irritating. Sometimes it is hard to get around those that are not too nice at work because you have to see them every day and you need to work to make a living. It is not always easy just to quit as soon as there are people that aren't too nice because you will find co workers that might not be too easy to get along with in all areas of the working life. In my younger years I have made the mistake of actually leaving some places because there were unfavorable environments where other people were not "rubbing me the right way" but sometimes certain people would have me that upset. I have grown up and become much more mature and I know now that I could handle things better with diplomacy.
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
30 Dec 08
What I do is just focusing on my work and just ignore them. I love my work even though I can't please all of them. What is important I am doing my job well done. Have a nice day to you! Happy New Year! God bless!