Is media taking away too much of our time?

December 26, 2008 12:45am CST
While media is providing us with a greater variety of the world, it is taking away too much of our time. Conventional reading should be reconsidered to see a generation more healthy both physically and emotionally. The following is meant especially for parents with little kids. A warm hug, An interesting book, With touching sound, Accompany the Soul meeting with your kid. It is especially good, In the bed, With warm light at side, As LOVE is bred, While thoughts instilled.
4 responses
• China
28 Dec 08
Yeah, we got to say that media has taken away most of our spare time. Through media, we get all kinds of information and news, however, we lose something at the same time which we used to like. That's a pity. Since we can not turn the time back, we have to live with it now. No matter what it looks like. But, that's not mean we can not benifit from it, if we want, we can. Er... I found myself just just do not know how to express, wish you can catch it. Good luck.
• India
26 Dec 08
yeah i agree! but its also annoying cuz its always in our faces happy lotting and have a nice day
@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
26 Dec 08
From my observations I have to agree with you that multimedia is taking away too much our time. Family members are spending less time interacting with each other because of easily available entertainment. As a result many of us know more about celebrities rather than our own family members. Nevertheless even if multimedia is seen as a time stealerm we are also to be blamed. We let the slide because at the beginning it was an easy way out to rest or to keep everybody else quiet. Now it is difficult to stop the slide. all the best, rosdimy
• Philippines
26 Dec 08
yup, media is taking away those precious time. we forget those moments of bonding and sharing our memories with our loved ones.. but i am starting to do something about having long walks with my friends and coffee with family...a chat is a good way of taking our time preciously...