Checking out....

United States
December 26, 2008 2:10am CST
Ever really thought seriously about checking out.? Life twists my insides to the point of disgust. It is hard to push forward when others are pushing you backwards. I try so hard to the point of being quiet about my feelings. Things stay the same and no one notices. This world is not make for me...Do you like it here? Will you stay around?
1 response
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
26 Dec 08
Hi jordan~No, No matter what life throws my way I don't think about leaving before my time on this earth is up! What would that accomplish? You only get whatever time you are given and that is all! There is no coming back once your time is up so then why not make the best of it. I wouldn't shorten my time here for anything! Things can always get better. I have had my share of ups and downs, but that is just part of life! Nothing is bad enough to make me want to end my time before I have to and I sure hope you don't want to do that either.