Is saying the words "I love you" enough?

@fastyr (122)
December 26, 2008 2:25am CST
In these world ... especially in our daily life's...we humans have the tendency to react to other people but...when it comes to love...does saying "i love you" to your love one enough for them? What does it take to make sure that the is true or likewise false? well...for me,its just a matter of faith and work of the heart but I still just cant get enough of that kind of explanation... Is there something more you can add? can tell me? I just want to know if it still matters today?!! =
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43 responses
@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
26 Dec 08
I can say that saying "I love you" is not enough to show your love to someone. Words can be deceiving. People can say "I love you" to someone easily. In fact, people can pretend to say it even if they not really mean it.On my own opinion, it is better to say " I love you" in actions. It can be proven on the lines "Action speak louder than words". It is the evidence if what you say is true or not.Love can be proven in so many ways. It can be shown by care and support to one another. It can be shown by letting the other to know that there is someone whom he or she can rely on. It is by letting someone feel that there is someone for him or her who can he or she can be with, be it on good times or bad times.What can be the importance of saying "I love you" if those words will not reflect it? I can say that words without action is useless.Spoken words must be justified with actions.Through that, one can determine if what is said comes really from the heart or not. Hope this helps.
@ellie333 (21016)
26 Dec 08
Hi Annierose, I was just about to respond but upon reading what you have written I could add anything and 100% agree with you that although nice to hear these words actions are what put meaning behind them and confirm they are meant eh! Without the actions the words aremeaningless. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
words:actions that's the ratio between these two perspectives as you say.... thanks 4 the response... = it does really reflect the actions a person make!! happy mylotting!!!
• Philippines
26 Dec 08
Hi fast! Saying Iloveyou is not enough of course, there are many needs, longings, and desires that a love relationship can fulfill,I guess we have to define not only the love feelings but the state of being in love relationship,it is being's the most important person in someone else's life, so that there is mutuality of affection, concern, commitment and the joy in the existence of the other. Saying I love you requires effort and work, a person is not likely to be content if the relationship does not provide some substantial satisfaction, say, emotional intimacy, emotional and practical support affection and companionship. But still, all thing's is up to you! :) Happy mylotting!
@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
26 Dec 08
yup....your definitely right... Being in love and saying "I love you" not just that easy. for it still companions the commitment and the affection of both sexes. I thought of it very well ....for how many times I've been broke.. broke out of love... But still its a matter of choice... whether to be or not to be... A relationship does last with those characteristics,and I'm impressed on the way on how you responded? Is these comment based on your exp? hehehehehe just asking... happy mylotting!!!
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@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
26 Dec 08
maligayang pasko na lang sayo at manigong bagong taon na rin.. in advance!! thanks =
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• Philippines
26 Dec 08
T'was. Indeed. :)
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@regal_aeros (2605)
• Singapore
26 Dec 08
I still think saying the words are still as important as SHOWING how much you really mean it. You might do a million wonderful "loving" deeds but one can only guess and some people like myself would still want to her those lovely words. on the other hand, if all they you say "I love you" but treat the receiver like crap, honestly that would be cheap words that holds no value nor worth. In this case what is the point. It cheapens the entire meaning of those 3 lovely words.
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@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
yup... saying those words are still a requirement for human beings to understand the thing called love... but it still corresponds with care,trust and the act of loving!! hehehehehe happy mylotting!!!
• China
26 Dec 08
it's hard to define such things today, people often says drink water will be satisfied if people in love, but todays most of people changes their opinions and regard moeny more important than infant love~~ we can do nothing but look into one's eyes when we say"i love you".best wishes.
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@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
yup... it still depends on how a person acts on the way he/she wanted!!! happy mylotting!!!
@ahmadia (117)
• Malaysia
26 Dec 08
sometimes they are enough, sometimes they arent it all depends the actions that follow them. but these days everything is said then done. it become mere of words
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@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
yup...that's right sorry for the late response .... it definitely depends on the act fo LOVE... thanks 4 the response.. =
• Philippines
26 Dec 08
"I love you" are words that can be enough in some situation and not enough in others as well. Sometimes people in love are far from each other because of personal reasons and with that the words "i love you" are enough for them for a while but later on as they miss each other, the fact that actions are needed to show their love each other makes the three words vulnerable. As for knowing if the love is true or not, I guess in love, you'll just know it. And one should always remember that every relationship does not only depend on love alone, there is responsibility, faith, and trust.
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@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
yup... love cant be alone.. it has the characteristics in which it would be stronger and persevere... for lovers!! happy mylotting!!
• Philippines
26 Dec 08
their love for each other*
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@arkansos (545)
• India
26 Dec 08
I think we should live on the philosophy of "let things show their truth themselves". When you are dating someone, you wonder whether (s)he you or not. but Never go fidgeting with the question. But the moment he/she proposes, we go all out and really wonder whether he/she does. Then we ask them again and again whether they love us. Find reasons to beleive they don't Comon guys take things easy. When the other person says I love you, take his/her word for it.
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@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
26 Dec 08
well have a point. yup,it really do happen when these things happen... but it still does have importance or should i say the reason behind all of that but then again it still a matter of choice...right? thanks for the response!! =
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@Margajoe (4709)
• Germany
26 Dec 08
Good question. Saying I love you, is not enough these days. Not saying it, is not good either. But to say it and to mean it, that is what it is all about. How do you know when someone means it??? That is a very difficult question. First you must feel it in your heart. And when your partner makes you happy and has respect for you. Helps you when you need it. Talks to you when you need a friend as a best friend. Then I guess it is true Love. Take care.
@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
keeping the feeling is enough 4 me to know if the words are meant or not... its by your senses... happy mylotting!!!
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@Margajoe (4709)
• Germany
5 Jan 09
Yes, I think so too. Happy MyLotting! Take care.
@jesbellaine (4139)
• Philippines
26 Dec 08
Hello There! Words and actions are important in a relationship. You can just say you love the person but not showing it thus you can't show them you love them without saying a word how much you love them because it can be misinterpreted or somethings. It works both ways for me. I tell my boyfriend that I love him so much and I meant what I said... with sincerity... at the same time, I show him that I love him by spending time with him online since he is far away from here. Take care! Happy Mylotting and Happy Holidays! Cheers!
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@shanemre (357)
• Saudi Arabia
6 Jan 09
Definitely not enough. Saying I love you alone is not an assurance that the love is all that. Love does not end its meaning in its four letters. Love requires commitment, trust, hope, happiness, loyalty, respect, courage, strength.. and a lot more. Action will definitely speak louder than just saying I love you. Sometimes, it doesn't even require to say I love you. I kiss on the cheek, holding hands, a hug, a smile, even from simple things or actions that are coming from the heart can say more than I love you. Love goes beyond these three words. ON my experience, we came to the point in the relationship when I asked my husband, why he is not telling me much that he loves me... he told me... he wants to keep the meaning of the words... Telling it too often will make it feel and look like eating bread... it might lose it's flavor. And then I agree. Words will always sound good, but the feeling will be different if you put them into actions instead. Of course you still have to tell.. Sometimes, you just have to make the other person crave for that... make them miss you saying the words... and sure that when you tell, it will contain all the meanings... and it will never ever lose that.
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@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
7 Jan 09
T'was indeed= happy moltting!!!
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@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
26 Dec 08
saying I love you, adds color to the affection you're showing or you're having for someone. For others it is not enough too showing them or letting them feel your affection without hearing from you, the words "I love you". Saying I love you is not enough but when you mean what you say, it could be enough.
@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
those words are like spices that spices up love right? its just one of the many things a lover should do to show someone that he/she loves a person
• India
26 Dec 08
i think both are important "to love" and "say that you love"...firstly we should make the other person feel that we are available when she needs us , we are caring and ready to listen to her whenever she want to share something with us, this will automatically make her feel that you love and care for her...and on top of that if you say to her once in a while that you love her that would be perfect...
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@kg4bah (78)
• United States
27 Dec 08
In today's world, I believe people use the word "love" a little too much. I "love" to do work there, I "love" to talk, etc. When it comes to saying I "love" you to someone, it requires a bit more than just I love you. It is easy to say the words, but when it comes to walking the walk, is it just as easy? When you say I love you, you will have to show it. These days people say "I love you" to people they have never met before, people they talk to over the Internet. Is that really love? No. In order to truly love someone, you have to know them inside and out - In order to love someone, you can't just say it, you have to give that commitment that comes with love. If you love someone, then you will know it. You should not say you love someone unless you truly feel that way. Saying "I love you" to your wife or husband daily will not have much effect on them unless you PROVE that you love them. This isn't a one time thing, you have to keep proving you love them. How do you prove you love them? If you truly love them, then your heart will tell you that answer. ~Melanie
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@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
Love can do lots of crazy things to you... in there goes all the things that you do to prove you love ssomeone... but words aren't enough without the actions that makes it colorful... thanks for the response happy mylotting!! =
@Soccer21 (17)
• United States
31 Dec 08
I think that when people say "I love you" they truely mean in in their hearts if they are sincere about it. But to me I opperate on the I love you as a ... It may sound mean and i don't mean it to be but my love works on different levels and commitments. I hate it when (especailly teenagers) say I'm in love with are my life..etc. Can you really feel that as a teenager? And if they do then I kind of want them to prove it. I don't mean go buy me something either. I would want them to show me with their emotions, their actions, not just words. I don't think that simply saying "I love you" and mean I'm deeply in love with you, works. But after you show that love I think it serves as a good reminder that they do love and cherish you. I don't know. Honestly i'm having conflicting views in my head now because of the question. :)
@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
love at your teenager stage is a lot different on love on your adulthood stage right? .... for it still depends on the people that came it from and how that person interprets it... ages do matter when proving your in love!! hehhe happy mylotting!!
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@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
26 Dec 08
Hello, fastyr. Although the words "I love you" still do mean a lot to everybody, it is not the only way to find out if somebody is really being true. For me, I would not be happy enough with hearing I love you everytime. I'd rather find out for myself in the other person's actions. That's what really defines the intensity and the truth behind the words "I love you". You can say these to everybody you know. But you will only act like a real lover when you are loving. Respectfully, Munhozmib.
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@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
hey munhozmib, first of all... hi... heheheh its a big thanks to you for responding it you do have a point.. those words dont have a meaning without proving it by actions ... it depends on the person or otherwise.. happy mylotting!! yours truly, fastyr
@anne12d (676)
• Philippines
26 Dec 08
Saying "I Love You" is not enough just by saying it plainly. It's how you say it and how the person you're saying that words react and how that person interpret what you are saying. Plus having actions to what you've said helps a lot too. As what they say Action Speak Louder than Words. It applies to it also. It always matter if you really meant to say any words.
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@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
6 Jan 09
yup... it does really matter when to say it or how to say it... happy mylotting!! tc
@manixxx (116)
• Japan
26 Dec 08
its not enough...even if you say it to your loved one, it is just enough. i believe in the saying that "action speaks louder than words." if you really truly love someone, show it through actions and not just saying it, the fact that it is heard by your loved but still you do not show it, its rather not say "i love you" but i want to show it and make them realize that words are not enough.
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@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
you have a point sometimes I act that way too... doing things to show that you love someone but I still can't say "I love you" to her... thkns 4 the response!!! happy mylotting!!!
@piya84 (2581)
• India
26 Dec 08
fastyr i think it depend upon person.Few people have habit of saying these things just to please their partner.I have seen few people who keep repeating these things just like hii and bye.You have to learn with experiance to who you shud take seriously and to whom you not.
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@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
thanks 4 the response I've learned much out of it.. = happy mylotting!!
• Nigeria
29 Dec 08
of course it is not enough. These days girls claim to have heard it all before. so there is nothng you will say that will make them believe you are serious until you put it in action.
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@har360 (95)
• Indonesia
26 Dec 08
Say just i love you, is not enough though. There a lot thing that we can do to someone that we love, like give a hand, when they need our help. Give a support when your lover have something in hard moment in their life and so on. And i believe if we give a love the more love will come to you too.
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@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
I also believe in KARMA... but your right... you must have a reason to say those words!! happy mylotting!!