To be immortal or to be reincarnated?

Immortality - Who wants to die anyway?
@modstar (9605)
December 26, 2008 3:14am CST
Assuming these two are true or possible, what will you choose? to become immortal or being reincarnated? Some people may find it boring to be immortal so they want change so they'll choose being reincarnated.
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14 responses
@ketybhagat (4123)
• India
26 Dec 08
Being immortal means to blend the soul to the immmortal soul, i.e. God. Who would then have normal feelings like boredom etc. when one has merged with the pure Light. Id any day prefer immortality for then there is no good, evil, bad, or any other emotions. Just pure BLISS.
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• Philippines
26 Dec 08
i agree with you, ketybhagat. to be immortal is all advantages to the person who has become the beneficiary of the condition. whereas, if one gets reincarnated, that is actually a painful process. we keep leading the regular kind of life. and the regular kind of life that people lead in this world will always be a painful one. this is the reason why a child will let out a cry from birth and not giggles. for to be born alone is already a battle one has to fight for and the sign of having been victorious is a cry of victory.
• Philippines
26 Dec 08
if one thinks deeply about the consequences of both conditions, i will pick to become immmortal. to be immortal is more beneficial since once we say that somebody is immortal, it connotes the idea that one no longer gets any older physically once the strongest physical condition is attained. there are so many things going with an immortal human being. he is sickness and disease free, always strong in mind and body, can accumulate as much wealth as one desires by working on it continuously. no need to be a bad one. just by earning honest and good money, all the earnings will surely add up to some huge amount after so many years of accumulation. hey, this is one such perfect way of having and securing for ourselves a very good life, a perfectly good life.
@Zalvor (727)
• Turkey
26 Dec 08
A perfectly good life, all alone :)
@oyenkai (4394)
• Philippines
28 Dec 08
I think I'd rather be immortal if reincarnation would mean I have to forget my previous life - and if it means I have to go through puberty again!!! I don't think life would be boring at all. There are so many places to go and so many people to meet, I couldn't possibly meet everyone - if I did then by the time I'm done, I can go back and meet their descendants and see the changes in the places they lived. Life would only be boring for an immortal if one were poor and all he did were make money to keep on living - that would be stupid. I'd rather die then. Thanks for the comment on my discussion!
@moneymaya (901)
• India
26 Dec 08
if there would be such type of choice then I would like to choose immortal , since in reincarnation its not possible to having same situation again and again means suppose you have collected so much money in this birth and after reincarnation you don't have choice to rebirth in same house to enjoy you own treasure , but in immortal you have power on your own hands , btw intersting question thanks
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
26 Dec 08
I'm glad you liked it. i sort of running out of interesting ideas to post as a dicussion hehe.. I'll choose immortality too.
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Dec 08
This is a very awesome question and something that I've never thought about. I guess on one hand, if your reincarnated, then you start new. A lot of people wouldn't mind a fresh beginning since a lot of people have made many, many mistakes. Then again, if you truly love who you are and wouldn't change a thing, being immortal seems like a pretty good option too. So both has their pros and cons. I am going to go with being immortal because I like the person that I am and I like all of the talents that I possess. If I was reincarnated, what if I am born with a disability or have a character defect like being bipolar? There are many things that could be wrong. So I'm going to choose to be immortal! I hope that with picking being immortal, that I would also stay the same age and would never wrinkle. If the case was that I keep aging but don't die, I'd definitely choose reincarnation.
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
27 Dec 08
If we only have control over our process of reincarnation like what we would like to be, male/femae, animals.. etc.. so like you, i'll still go for immortality because right now i'm contented with what i am and i just want to extend it. I'm just too curious about what the future will bring.
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• Philippines
28 Dec 08
ill chose to be reincarnated because this is the time to return back what god gave us...and that is life :)
@balasri (26537)
• India
28 Dec 08
I hate to me immortal.Well do we have a choice in this? Well.I may like to be reincarnated as myself to have my wife and daughter back too.
@shar_25 (1339)
• India
26 Dec 08
Hi Modstar. I agree with you. It'll be very boring to be immortal and live on and on. And heaven forbid if life hasn't been too nice to you, imagine the disaster of living such a life forever. I would like to die painlessly and get incarnated. I would definitely want to be born as a human being in my next life too.
@carinio98 (2929)
• Philippines
26 Dec 08
i would like to be immortal. coz when your a immortal being youll never die. and you have an iternal life. unlike reincarnated you just die and pass to another body and thats not good.
@AnakSuNamun (2084)
• United States
26 Dec 08
I would prefer to be reincarnated mainly out of boredom,as you have mentioned. But I want it on my conditions: I get to pick who I want to be(definitely not an ant or a bedbug)regardless of my carma and I get to take a break. Even reincarnation is no fun if you keep going on and on in circles. As to immortality,that sounds enticing if I get to be a vampire:) What about you?
@neuronic (242)
• Japan
27 Dec 08
Depends of exact definition. I'd choose immortal, because of the experience and knowledge you get over years. If it would get boring, I'd have made it interesting, is that easy.
@onlydia (2808)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I'm not sure I would want either. But if I had to choose it would be to be reincarnated as I wouldn't want to see my own child die or anything like that. I would have to change. Just so I would go crazy and feel lonely. Your friend onlyida
@sivanj (1263)
• India
26 Dec 08
i would go for immortal life which is more pure and divine.
@savak03 (6684)
• United States
27 Dec 08
I would choose to be immortal. If I understand the idea of reincarnation properly you are reborn and have to live through childhood and everything again. Furthermore you don't have any memory of your previous lives. I would consider that to be a huge waste. We are molded by our experiences so we can only improve if we can remember the lessons we have learned.