what better? X or X-2?

@roee93 (22)
December 26, 2008 4:28am CST
hello =] what game you think it better? FFX or FFX-2? well , i think that FFX is the best. the story is amazing and the charecters are just great. you can play this game 1000 times and you will enjoy it like your first time. however FFX-2 turned Yuna , one of the best characters on FFX , to a stupid little girl that acts stupid. what do you think? why?
9 responses
• Canada
13 Aug 12
As much as I'm a fan to the Final Fantasy franchise, I think FFX-2 was released/developed after Squaresoft merged with Enix, and not to get political or anything, but I often feel like square-enix is more focus with "making money" rather than developing an excellent game (I use the term loosely) anymore, since Final Fantasy is an extremely well-established series. So based on that fact, I feel that FFX-2 is lacking somewhat, and is a quick "scheme" for square-enix to generate (fast) income, to some degree, so personally, I prefer FFX... I like the more serious storyline anyway. :)
• United States
4 Aug 12
I love them both but I must say being a fan of more serious things I love FFX simply because of the sorrow and corruption built into it all. FFX-2 had its moments where it was eerie as crap though let me tell you. But you just can't beat some of the FFX moments.
• United States
16 Jul 09
I personally prefer X to X-2, mainly due to the gameplay and the wide variety of characters that are present. In X-2, however, the storyline is more upbeat, and we're able to see a side of Yuna that wasn't witnessed in X (she seems like such a prude in X!). The battle system in X was nearly flawless, since it allowed for more strategic gameplay where you had to think about the consequences of each action. In X-2, you're forced to think far more quickly, and this often leads to catastrophic mistakes. It also becomes more of a button-mashing game, since there is very little strategy involved throughout most of the game.
@Watashi (22)
• United States
7 Oct 09
Final Fantasy X was excellent I loved it. X-2 was a Joke. a Pop music themed game with almost no actual story. They didn't even update the graphics at all. At the age I was when I got it, It was nice seeing the characters without most of their clothes, but even then It wasnt good enough to make up for the gameplay. They were just milking FFX for money, and didnt put any effort in the actual game.
• United States
20 Jan 10
ffx is way better ffx-2 was just a little side quest game for me. ffx has a amazing story, cool characters, summonings, magic, bosses, etc. but nothing can come close to even touching ff7 =]
@Paleflare (141)
• Philippines
22 Mar 10
Hi roee93, for me Final Fantasy X is way more better than Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy X story is good, really touching, I love the part in HOME when Tidus learn that Yuna will die if she summons the final summon. In Final Fantasy X-2 the story in the beginning are pure comedy and the serious part is in the middle of the game when Shuyin and Len Appears. Final Fantasy X is better I think, Its just my opinion.
@shaeki (42)
• Philippines
22 May 09
I really didn't like X-2 very much. The way they butchered Yuna like that is unacceptable! The once soft-spoken gentle girl now dresses like a you-know-what! Makes me rage so hard... I did like the slight improvement in the graphics and the added storyline of Shuyin and Len though.
• United States
22 Feb 09
X is a better made game with a more serious, engaging storyline, but X-2 is much more fun and does have some touching moments. It's supposed to be a bit cheesy because Yuna no longer has to live for others as much as she used to. She can be a heroine on her own terms, and she realizes that she doesn't NEED to have a man in her life, only that she simply wants one, but can be happy as a single person. X is meant to be epic(especially the battles), where X-2 is a little more personal. Both games had some very good characters, and I do wish that X-2 elaborated more on the newer characters.
@snow_one (202)
• United States
5 Apr 09
i would have to go with ffx. to me it is so much better. i do not really like the fact that there are no aons in ffx-2, and the fact that your abilities come with your clothes. in ffx i am like god and that is with no cheats i have a full spere grid and have had lots and lots of hours of play. that game is one of the best role playing games i have played and it is my favorite final fantasy game i have played.