Do You Write Poems?

@KrauseHome (36448)
United States
November 8, 2006 3:53pm CST
Is there one you would like to share here?
7 people like this
40 responses
@candaceb87 (1362)
• Canada
9 Nov 06
i write all kinds of peoms but sorry i don't want to share them because some people copy them and then when i try to publish my book i could get caught up in a law suit or something! i still think that you should send something to chicken soup though!!!
• United States
12 Nov 06
how would you go about sending some of your work to chicken soup?
@kgwat70 (13388)
• United States
8 Nov 06
No, I do not write poems at all and do not read poetry either. Maybe I should learn to read and write them more. :-)
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
14 Nov 06
Well, not everyone is a Poem writer. Most who like too like me, are probably Romantics as well.
@jray721 (1969)
• United States
8 Nov 06
i used to but no so much anymore. heres a + for you !
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
12 Nov 06
I think a lot of us have Wrote Poetry over time. Way back I had some of mine published, and would Love to get a hold of a copy if one still exists somewhere.
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
8 Nov 06
no,but i like listening to and reading poetry
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
9 Nov 06
There is a lot of Good Poetry out there for sure.
@Imran5 (264)
• India
8 Nov 06
No ... i dont write any poems...
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
14 Nov 06
Well, some people Love to write Poetry, while many do not.
@angel1983 (149)
• Australia
14 Nov 06
no i dont but i like to read them
• Pakistan
12 Nov 06
Im 14 and started writing poems when i was 10 years old!! U might find it children type but still i love it! This poem is about a student who is complainin his teacher for his failures! Complain and its response Complain By Student If you wanted me to be fail than you should tell me before At least I could have burnt my books or throw them in the store. I worked so hard but still was unsuccessful But still I could be pass if you allow me to cheat and be little helpful The paper that I gave I left them all blank Seeing the neatness, I should get me 1st rank. Response From Teacher If u wanted to be fail than you should have told me before I could have told your father to take you out of the school door I tried my level best but still was unsuccessful You should be working hard instead of being playful Paper that we gave you were returned blank But among the failures, you have got 1st rank
@saphire539 (1639)
• United States
12 Nov 06
yes i love poetry and i also write poetry here is one of mine.I done this one for a contest at my poetry site.I hope you enjoy it. Tears of pain The tears fall softly down my cheeks like a never ending river flowing so free.The pain unbearable not knowing what to do.My love for you is so deep. The hurt inside my heart from what you have done to me.All these jumbled thoughts running through my head.I'am trying to talk to you but you won't listen,more tears are falling making a puddle on my shirt. Please help me to ease the pain in my heart so that i can be whole again and stop The Tears Of Pain........
@netty79 (991)
• Indonesia
9 Nov 06
no i dont
@netty79 (991)
• Indonesia
9 Nov 06
no im dont
• Indonesia
9 Nov 06
yes i do,
@chance00 (3331)
• United States
9 Nov 06
No but i can read them all day.I love poems
@alien_0731 (1237)
• India
14 Nov 06
no its tough job
• Singapore
14 Nov 06
I actually started a topic to get critique, but I suppose I can repost it, just to share it, since sharing and inviting critique are two different things. A myriad of impressions fall into place. Breathe caught in throat Sensual. Lithe. Sensitive. He speaks to my heart. Drink in - Every curve, line, breath. Abrupt sense of shattering. Flown apart High and lifted up Soaring. Shattering. Crashing.
@Himansu (793)
• India
9 Nov 06
Yes Some time in my Local Language When I have in mood
• India
9 Nov 06
poem - its my poem
take a look at this
• India
9 Nov 06
• Canada
9 Nov 06
I just found one on my computer that my son wrote. He writes more than I do and some of it I find quite profound. I'd love to get other opinions on it. Restless Nights I get ready to lay down and attempt to sleep, putting my pillow under my head and my blanket over my body. I begin to adjust my position to become more comfortable, placing one arm over my head and the other on my chest. An hour goes by and still I find myself awake, becoming restless I decide to change positions. Yet another hour goes by and I still have not slept, I’ve been thinking too much and cannot seem to relax. These thoughts are eating away at me inside, hurting and making me feel like shedding tears. I find myself angry to the point where I want to snap, but can’t because of fear of losing your love. I think of the way we make each other feel, and the frown on my face turns to a smile. Then I think of how you’ve been treated by others, and my smile converts back to that previous frown. There is so much hurt that I’ve seen you feel, from people with no idea how amazing you are. I’ve also seen the happiness I can bring into your life, when you see that I’ll always be by your side. It’s thoughts like these that make me wonder, why you can’t feel for me what I feel for you. There is such a strong connection between us, it seems it’s just not strong enough for you to see. I guess it’s true when people say “love is blind”, because your eyes must be shut to not see what is here. It’s a real love which you refuse to acknowledge, for what such reason I have yet to get an answer. There are so many questions with so little answers, yet I still can’t help but search for the truth. So I’ll just lay here searching my soul for a reason, with hopes that one day I’ll find what it is I’m looking for.
• Canada
9 Nov 06
Yes, I do write poetry, but I don't have one handy on this computer. I would like to share the following one though as it is one that I live by. GOD GRANT ME THE SERENITY TO ACCEPT THE THINGS I CANNOT CHANGE, THE COURAGE TO CHANGE THE THINGS I CAN AND THE WISDOM TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!
@kartchit (173)
• India
9 Nov 06
No i dont