Do you really belive that ADAM and EVE are the first people here on EARTH?
By Fragile
@Fragile (361)
32 responses
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Oh yes! Most definitely! I did a large study on this - creation vs evolution, and my eyes were really opened! There's lots of evidence for creation, and not much at all for evolution..
- And remember how Adam called Eve "the mother of all"? I believe after the tribes/nations were scattered from Babel Tower, they all took with them memories of Eve, and these evolved into mther 'goddesses'.. The oldest known artifacts are of heavy mother 'goddesses'. They've been found in every land. And these I believe originated from these dim memories of Eve! - I also believe the Neanderthals were descendants of Cain - he asked for and recieved from God, a notable forehead - and I believe they perished at the flood. I'll include the link (or address)to the summary of my study, it turned out very interesting. - The fossil layer, where the fossils are is sediment from the flood. They find piles of fossils, like you find debris from the tide.
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@bizmanfirst (143)
• United States
20 Nov 06
sorry but all your statements starts with "I believe"you didn't provide any evidence for creation.
And there are a lot of evidence for evolution.
you are only believing. Theres no evidence on Eve. Theres no evidence of Adam.
There no evidence that they even existed at one point.
There are however evidence that apes existed and still do.
There are evidence that evolution is real, not just for human, but for fish to land.
We have fossils. (and don't say that those fossils are made by human)
You don't have fossils of adam and eve. I am sure if they were such a big impact, people would have kept their remains in a safe place.
(and the flood and we can't find the fossils and such is just an excuse for "you can't prove that it wasn't there"

@FrancyDafne (2047)
• Italy
12 Apr 07
No, I don't believe it at all, to me the Genesis is only a myth. Every culture bases itself on its own mythology, I - for instance - who love Greek mythology, I consider Pandora the first woman on earth.
Unfortunately the story of Adam and Eve is a story in which Eve tempts Adam and she is more guilty than him. And don't forget the snake, a sacred animal in the ancient culture becomes Satan who tempts Eve. I don't like this myth, it's too sexist.
@go9999 (818)
• India
9 Nov 06
If it was true that Adam and Eve were the first human's on the earth,then it would be throwing away the scientific theory on evolution to the dustbin!

@Timinator (739)
• United States
19 Nov 06
WHAT? are you kidding? that is crazy. If 6 billion people all came from 2 people, there wouldn't be all the race issues and everyone would be so inbred that we would all die from retardedness. It has been proven that we are evolved from apes over millions of years, and that shouldn't even be disputed because it is the only thing that makes sense.

@rfhameed2003 (743)
• Pakistan
9 Nov 06
I dont belive that adam and eve are the first people here on earth.
@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
22 Jan 07
I believe in God and the Holy Bible as the Word of God and it is the truth. In Genesis, God created the heaven and the earth and everything. On the sixth day of creation, God created man in His image from the soil and breathed His spirit into the face and that became alive and that's Adam. Adam was not able to find a good companion from those God created and so God put Adam into a deep sleep and took off from the ribs of Adam and created the woman and that's Eve. Adam and Eve were the first people on earth from where we came.
I started a topic entitled creation and anybody interested to know the pertinent Bible verses may please go my Profile and open such topic.
@OnfireforJesus (500)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I agree with Areseniajoaquin! It's all in the Scriptures!!
@givemechance (3794)
• Indonesia
9 Nov 06
yes, but just for modern human. not for pre modern human, like neandherthal, cro magnon, pithecantrophus,etc.
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
8 Feb 07
No, not really. Because, for one, Adam and Eve supposedly had children, correct? Well, who did their children marry, if they were the first people on earth? They obviously could marry their parents, and couldn't reproduce with them because we'd obviously all have disabilities by now because of all the inbreeding. The LOGICAL evidence just doesn't support those claims.
@mrmatts (87)
• Malaysia
21 Jan 07
Yes. I believe cause the Bible says so.
Not because there is evidence but because God has touched me in my life.
When someone, the Aplha and Omega, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords touch you - even a simple gesture of healing - of spiritual cleansing - how can you deny what has been said of his book?
You can trust Him to the very end cause God can touch you too spiritually and you will be transformed. Nothing else matters.
@OnfireforJesus (500)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Yes, according to the Bible, Genesis 1:26-27, He created man in his Image. I know that there is much controversy on this, I can only trust my belief and stand in my faith.
@askJakes2030 (34)
• India
23 Jan 07
All right everybody let me bring in my theory of evolution ( call it Jacob's Theory of Evolution)...
take a note of what Cain said God after God said he was going to punish him GEN Ch4 14-:"..."i shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the Earth and anyone who meets me may kill me."Then the Lord said to him, "Not so ! Whoever kills Cain shall suffer a seven fold vengeance ". So God put a mark on Cain so that no one who came upon him would kill him". This means that there were other people...And here is my theory...
God created animals. These animals(apes) evolved into humans. And at around the same time God created Adam and Eve in His own likeness. These were the Israelites. And that is why God always refers to the Israelites as "my people". And God has a special name for the descendants of Adam. He calls them "Mankind". So my theory is that Adam and Eve were the first Humans God created, the others evolved out of the other animals God created.
@morsefaria (122)
• India
23 Jan 07
I dont believe in the tehory of Adam and Eve... primarily becoz I believ in science and I believe than we would have a limited gene pool and would not be able to achieve such a diverse gene pool.... besides half our ancestors would be supermales and superfemales hence resulting in reproduction disability