Selfish B@stard
By maddysmommy
@maddysmommy (16230)
United States
December 29, 2008 2:40am CST
My husband just told me that he thinks its not working between us after 7 years of marriage and is thinking about a divorce. How this came about was he got upset that I wouldn't take the day off tommorrow to take him to the doctors. I can't even drive and not even sure if he will get an appointment that day. He's been in pain for a week with gout and he hasn't done anything about it to get himself better - (he's had gout for many years and refuses to get medication for it). On top of that he has type 2 diabetes which he has not managed properly either and now that his health is going down the sh1thole, he wakes me up at 2am to ask me what I want if we divorce because I wouldn't take time off from my part time seasonal job (which by the way finishes tommorrow) to attend to his every need.
Now he's snoring and I'm sitting on the couch angry and crying, wondering the fugh what happened and what I'm going to do.
So much for a fricken happy new year huh?!? :( (excuse the language)
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22 responses
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
29 Dec 08
Oh sweetie, I am so sorry to hear that this is happening to you. But I am your friend, so I have to be honest with you. I believe that your husband should come first. He is probably scared and needs you to be there with him. Men have a hard time expressing these kinds of feelings. He may not have even meant that he wants a divorce, but from what I have heard, gout is very painful indeed.
This is a seasonal, temporary job, you can get many more. Your husband is for life, go with him. I could not imagine being anywhere else in the world with my husband suffering like that. Go and tell him that you will accompany him. Call the job earlier enough for them to get a replacement. You would not think twice if it were your son. But your son has both of you. You two have to be there for each other. Please go with him.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
30 Dec 08
I apologise for my swearing. I was so angry at him as well as upset that he would even bring up the topic of divorce.
He's always come first along with our son until he decided he didn't care enough about himself and his health, so I decided not to either. I have been begging him to see a doctor about his gout and to get back on track with his Diabetes and when he refused to go, I decided to leave it be and let him make that decision. Now that he has been in immense pain, and I wasn't feeling sorry for him, he thought I didn't care and started this "I think I'm going to die" routine and started talking about burial arrangements, and so forth - WTH?!? and then onto "I think it's not working between us because you don't care for me" blah blah blah crap.
I wanted to see him get off his butt and do something about it and not have to rely on me to call the doctor and arrange his appointments and hold his hand all the way. I'm tired of doing that for him, I want him to stand up and take charge of his life and want to live and be healthy and see his son grow. I can't do that if he isn't willing to do it for himself.
We had the longest conversation in our lives today and eventually he came out saying that he is still in denial, that he is not sick, that he doesn't have type two diabetes, that the doctors don't know what they're talking about, that all he needs is over the counter medicines and he'll be fine.
He also told me that he is scared of going to see ANY doctor, he is scared of finding out what's wrong with him. He says it's better that he doesn't know. I say the opposite, and would rather know what's wrong with me so I can fix it.
He also wants a quick fix and not have to do the work or put any effort into getting better. Do you know how upsetting that is to hear? I feel it and I see it and that is what frustrates me the most. I know my communication skills are not that great so it usually comes out in a grumpy tone or I can't be bothered with you attitude, which he takes as me not caring for him.
Eventually I persuaded him to go to the ER and we did around 2.30pm. 5 hours later he had the pain killers and anti inflammatory pills he needed to take control of his gout - which I must say has done wonders in 1 hour. Tommorrow he wants to see his own doctor for further medication, but wants me to make the call (go figure). They did more tests incase he had an infection or blood clot and we both were happy to hear that he had neither - he was relieved, teary eyed and thankful that my son and I were with him.
I wouldn't of gone to work anyways. I just wanted him to take that first step and get help/treatment for his gout. I didn;t want to be the one pushing and pulling him along, you know what I mean? I hope that doesn't come across as being selfish because sometimes I feel I'm more his mother than his wife. I hate feeling like that.
Anyway I cried myself to sleep last night and did hear the phone ring. Thanks for calling and sorry I didn't pick up - I didn't know what to think after he said those things to me. I feel better now though and very tired.
Hugs my friend!
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@tjades (3590)
• Jamaica
31 Dec 08
Hi Maddysmommy..Sounds like the pain got to him at that hour of the night/morning and he needed to lash out at someone. Maybe he was angry he wasnt being babied as men just love that sort of attention.
Whatever the cause I do think it was mean of him to resort to such a below the belt blow but I am happy you were able to sort it out.
All the best to you and family

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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
1 Jan 09
Hi tjades, long time no hear from you. How are you?
I think it was cruel what he said to me, making me feel guilty for his pain. I know I don't think like that when he doesn't pay me any attention when I'm sick. I just don't get him sometimes.
I'm glad its sorted but still, it really hurt me bigtime.
Happy New YEar for tommorrow!
@SViswan (12051)
• India
31 Dec 08
I know how you feel....but this will all pass after a good cry (and husband gets his sense back). I've been through similar situations (so many times that now I know how to ignore it when it long as it doesn't happen when the kids are around).
Hang on in there, (especially husbands) can be such idiots sometimes! They just don't think before speaking and are trying to get their frustrations out. They feel their wives should be at their beck and call....don't a couple of days, he will be back to normal ....after his pain subsides. Men are babies when they are in pain!
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
1 Jan 09
They sure are babies SViswan -big babies. It's so frustrating and then when they say stupid things like this I just want to thump him and tell him to grow up. I just couldn't believe he would say such a stupid thing.
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Dec 08
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww sweets, don't you just want to bang him repeatedly over the head with a New Year's champagne bottle? I would.
Talk to him. Sounds to me like he's 'acting out' as men are wont to do when they are in pain and down in the dumps. They're worse than children sometimes. To ask for divorce over something so silly sounds to me more like a cry for attention and relief of his own discomfort more than anything else. You're the wife, so of course it's YOUR fault! Silly man!
If talking to him doesn't help, feel free to join my very special group of wives
'waiting for widowhood'! LOL Good luck.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
1 Jan 09
I hear ya. I haven't met a man yet that didn't still need a 'mother'! LOL
Happy New Year to you too sweets. Let's hope our men grow up a bit in 2009 - or make us rich widows................ROFL
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@oyenkai (4394)
• Philippines
30 Dec 08
Could it be that his irrational actions came from the pain he's going through? You babies throwing tantrums? I think that's a huge possibility. But I also think that you should assess your situation - if the two of your are still growing in love in your marriage and all that :) But then...I can't even imagine him alone since it sounds like you're taking care of him because he's sick...
Thanks for the comment on my discussion!
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
1 Jan 09
Your right, it is because he's in so much pain and I was too tired to pay him any attention. I have been working crazy hours during the christmas period and haven't had time for him. He's had ample time to get himself seen by a doctor but preferred I hold his hand and call the doctor and take him there. If he had gone in the second day it got worse, he could of gotten rid of the pain quickly.
Thanks for you comment oyenkai, i really appreciate it. Happy New Year for tommorrow!
@Paula1966 (1102)
• United States
30 Dec 08
This sounds just like me and my husband!!! He just got out of the hospital with congestive heart failure, is kind of doing what he is supposed to, but blames everything on me or doctors or meds. Then he will be nice for a day or two, or go off on something else. You have my complete sympathy.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
30 Dec 08
And you have mine. I just don't understand it. When I'm sick I find out what's wrong and do everything I can to get well again not only for myself but for my son and husband. No one is to blame but myself.
The other problem too is that he is so much in denial and thinks he isn't sick.
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@Paula1966 (1102)
• United States
31 Dec 08
Too some degree, I think it is because they get scared and men aren't supposed to get scared, so they try to supress it. Then it builds up and festers, and unfortunately we are there when it all spills out as nastiness. Today, I am helping him deal with his mother being admitted to the hospital. But he is not very nasty right now, maybe because I am coordinating communications among all the upset family members. Sometimes it is easy to be a rock, sometimes it isn't. Best of luck.
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@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
30 Dec 08
I'm sorry your husband said that to you. I'm sure he doesn't really want a divorce. He's just angry because he had to go to the doctor's alone. People get overemotional and say things they don't mean all the time. I, myself, am guilty of this as I'm sure you are as well (I don't know anyone who isn't). I hope you both manage to work this out.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
1 Jan 09
We did thanks cripfemme and I apologise for my swearing. I just lost it because I couldnt' believe he would say that to me. THanks for your comment and Happy New Year :0)
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
30 Dec 08
well if he hasn't been taking his medications what is the point of going to doctor again anyway? you need the job even if it's part time it's good to have a job in times like this. I think he is just trying to hurt you and deep inside jealous because you are not in pain and can work without pain. but then again he should've been dilligent taking his medication then, shouldn't he?
this is some kind of emotional blackmail and very unfair
goodness if I were you I would be swearing up and down LOL more than you did here
probably I even grant him that divorce and make sure he doesn't get a dime because he didn't take his medication as he supposed to and whatever it was difficulties he caused you while you were still working
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
1 Jan 09
LOL I usually don't swear like that but after what he said to me I just lost it.I couldn't believe he even said it you know?
I so hear you on the medication and following what the doctor says for him to do. He is blaming everyone else but himself for his health and I need to get it through his thick head that I can't do it for him, but only he can. Making me feel guilty really ticked me off and I have just about had enough.
After our very long discussion he knows he has to take control of his health.
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
30 Dec 08
I am so very sorry for what you are going through..
Do you think he is putting a guilt trip on you and trying to make you wait on him..and if you don't then he wants a divorce?
The reason he gives doesn't even make sense...He is a grown man and a father and he needs to step up and take care of his health..There is only so much you can do to help him..He has to help himself first..
I haven't read any other responses so not sure what has been said yet...
I'm right here if you need me....HUGS
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
30 Dec 08
That is EXACTLY what he was doing Terry and I couldn't have put it any better. I'm tired of having to be the one to help him, I want him to help himself, to get off his butt and do it for himself for a change. Of course I'll be there with him every step of the way, but not when he doesn't care about himself and his health. If he doesn't care, then why should I? why should anyone? and that's not to say that I don't care, because I really do. I'm tired of him relying on me to give him the answers, to make the appointments, to do this and that for him, I'm tired of it and when I don't want to because I'm tired myself from working the crazy hours, from taking care of maddy, from taking care of the household, he lays the guilt trip on me and says stupid stuff like that. It really hurts and it makes me go off like I did in my discussion. I apologise for swearing.
I hate feeling guilty for something that isn't even my fault. Aargh!
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
30 Dec 08
You have nothing to be sorry for...You are only 1 person and you have a lot on your shoulders and he should be helping..He can't just go off on you whenever it suits him...
I know you love him and will stay with him every step of the way and all but just maybe you need to quit waiting on him...You need to take care of yourself because if you don't then Maddy won't have anyone to take care of him....
Maddy should be the main focus in all this not your husband...and I don't mean to sound rude..but he is not setting a good example for Maddy...Maddy may only be 7 but he is a smart boy and with your husband doing this it will affect Maddy...
You do enough and if he wants something done then he needs to do it himself...He can't quit just because he can't get his way...
As a family you all have to work together...You should not have to do everything all by yourself......
Remember, you don't need to apologize for anything...HUGS
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
30 Dec 08
Thats what I told him today, that he can't always rely on me to fix things especially when it comes to his health. He has to step up and take control too. I told him it's a huge weight on my shoulders when I'm left to do everything and that isn't fair. It's like I'm talking to a brick wall most times which is so frustrating and exhausting.
He told me tonight he now realises what he has to do and that he needs to help himself. I told him I will be with him every step of the way but he has to want this whole heartedly.
Hugs, thanks for you support and friendship Terre xxx

@gemini_rose (16264)
29 Dec 08
OMG I am so sorry to hear this and just do not have the right words to say to you. I guess you need to try and talk to him and see if this can be sorted in anyway. It must be something to do with being married for 7 years cos that is how long I have been married and its not all rosy in my garden either. I dont know ah, I hope things can be sorted and I wish I could give you a hug xx
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
30 Dec 08
It was a very long and tiring day for the both of us and after talking for hours, apologies and tears, I managed to get him to the ER for proper diagnosis and medication for his gout. He could of done this last week but waited on me to attend to it. I stopped fussing over him when he refused to get help, and he thought I had stopped caring, hence the I feel sorry for myself attitude and guilt trips. I just wanted him to help himself without me having to push and pull him along. I'm tired of it and need him to step up and want to get well again.
Thanks for your support gemini_rose, hugs right back at ya!
PS I apologise for swearing - I just lost it!

@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
30 Dec 08
it is sad you are going through this with the new year coming, i hope you will get through this and maybe your husband is just wanting more attention and maybe is scared of what lies ahead because of his health, so give him more time and care and pray to that you will both get through this without resorting to divorce.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
1 Jan 09
Thankws jazel, I apologise for my swearing too as he made me so angry and upset. We have managed to sort it out but the fact that he resorted to this really really upset me. He needs to take control of his health and not rely on me to do it for him. I can only support him but he has to want to do it.
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
29 Dec 08
Yes, happy New Year.
I do not know what to say. I would certainly find out if he was serious. Maybe you should double his life insurance policy and start feeding him chocolate bars.
On a more serious not if you do not have a bank account in your name open one and put in some emergency cash. I would also make plans on getting that driver's license if possible as you might need it if you end up on your own. With his declining health you might need it sooner or later anyways if he gets really sick or passes away.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
30 Dec 08
LOL Things are a lot better than they were this morning - long day of talking and waiting in the ER to treat his gout.
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
29 Dec 08
I should have added you both might benefit from marriage councelling even if you do not divorce, but it might work to save the marriage if you both want it.
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@agrim94 (3805)
• India
31 Jan 09
Maddysmommy let me assure it that it was said in anger rather than any meaning to it and I am so sorry that you had to go through these harsh and hurting words. It is never proper for anyone to say these words. Now let me tell you something, type 2 diabetes is a disease which wont go away ever and you might be knowing everything about it only thing which i think you might not know is that persons with type 2 diabetes get angry very easily . I mean to say if he didn't have this debilitating disease he wont get angry on things which he gets now.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
31 Jan 09
I just couldn't believe he would even think of saying such a thing you know? we had a long talk the next day and I learned from him that he was still in denial that he had the disease. I told him he has to take ownership of it and do his hardest to get through this. I will be by his side all the way but he has to want to do this as I can't do it for him.
We got to the stage where from what I saw, he didn't care about his health and he wasn't doing anything about it to get better. He expected his doctor and me to fix it all - well I'm sorry but he's the one that has to do it. I can be there by his side but he has to do the work. I think he woke up after our long talk the next day. You see he relies on me heavily to do a lot of things and because I didn't see him making an effort to even try, I gave up and just let him do whatever. He saw that as me not caring when in fact I just had enough of reminding him about his pills, organising his doctors appointments in which he would not turn up, he diabetes education classes etc. Even his doctor was getting fed up. He wasn't even testing himself 3x a day.
Anyway things are better and he is working a lot harder to get through this. On top of that he gets gout so for years I have been encouraging him to change his diet but he is stubborn as hell. This time round his gout attack was very severe and he couldn't walk for three weeks - he was on cruches the whole time. I had to force him to go to the ER at the hospital to get treatment for the inflammation and pain. 5 hours my son and I sat with him while they tested him and all - now does that show I don't care?!? it really was a wake up call for him.
thanks for your support agrim and sorry for babbling on.
@agrim94 (3805)
• India
31 Jan 09
We males always look upon females to take care of us and without them our home and life is on disarray. And though we dont realize it but we do and when suddenly she had enough of our dependence on her and she says enough is enough only then we realize how heavily we depend on her..may be same was with your husband... he too didn't realize how much he needed you and when he found you have said enough he took it as you dont love him and only tried to accept his responsibility when forced to. That's normal for us males so don't feel bad about it.
Now that he has taken to work out and things like that it should help his DM and let me assure what ever doctors in west may say you dont need to test ur blood sugar levels 3 times a day all the life ... when you start to get it under control once a week testing is good enough.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
29 Dec 08
Sweetie I am so sorry to read this I really am
And I have to say he picks his timing
I do hope you can get this sorted out but you need to tell him that he can not do this every time he does not get his way
I really hope you can get this sorted do keep me up to Date Sweetie
Big Hugs and Love to you
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
30 Dec 08
It was a very long and tiring day for the both of us and after talking for hours, I managed to get him to the ER for proper diagnosis and medication for his gout. He could of done this last week but waited on me to attend to it. I stopped fussing over him when he refused to get help, and he thought I had stopped caring, hence the I feel sorry for myself attitude and guilt trips. I just wanted him to help himself without me having to push and pull him along. I'm tired of it and need him to step up and want to get well again.
Hugs gabs, I really needed that.
PS I apologise for swearing - I just couldn't believe he would even mention the word divorce!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
30 Dec 08
Sweetheart you do not have to apologize to me
And he needs to keep on top of it and get help
I have more Problems and I used to be like him and brush it aside thinking it is nothing and it will go
But I have learned that is not the case any more when I was first diagnosed with my Lungs which of course I have to get seen to straight away then the Gall bladder and now other things are been tested I hate it as I have always been a Healthy Person but I know I have to have it seen to
I am glad that it is all sorted but tell him he has to help himself as you can only do so much
Love to you Sweetie and of course big Hugs and have a Happy New Year
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
29 Dec 08
First of all... breathe.
A couple of years ago my husband and I got into a row on Christmas Day at my mother's house. I was upset that he wouldn't stop drinking when we had "agreed" on the way there (1 hour drive) that he would be driving home. He denied having that conversation. I got no back up from family members. It was our first Christmas without my father and everyone refused to get caught up in conflict because they wanted it to be a happy occasion. I KNOW none of it would have happened if my father had been there. DH would have stopped drinking.
To make a long story short, he insisted the marriage was over. He had just given me a lovely trinket box for Christmas declaring me as his loving wife and that very same day he was talking about divorce. It was devestating. I spent the next few days trying to get him out of his quiet mode of "thinking" by drawing him into games with the kids. It took a while, and some soul searching on my part. I admit I was partly to blame (I was drinking and then took my medication and it didn't mix well at all). My point is that this is a moment in time and if you both just sit back and breathe, take some time, talk about it and see if there is more to this than the topic at hand. Usually there are underlying issues and one incident, totally unrelated, will cause a knee-jerk reaction. Timing sucks, it always does. This is why I hate the holidays of any sort because it's always an excuse to drink.
I hope and pray that you can work this out. Hang in there!
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
30 Dec 08
After a very long day today and 5 hours at the ER for his gout medication and anti inflammatory pills, things are a lot better than they were earlier this morning. He thought I had stopped caring when I stopped fussing over him everytime he fell ill. I didn't stop caring, I just stopped doing things for him and wanted him to do it for himself for a change. I had been working crazy hours over the past two weeks and was exhausted by the time I got home each night and when he fell ill, I was too tired to help. He saw it differently and gave me the I feel sorry for myself guilt trip and then those stupid words of divorce. I couldn't believe my ears when he said it.
I am exhausted after todays talk and ER visit - The pain in his left leg has subsided and he is sound asleep. I'm going to take a hot bath and sleep in tommorrow. take care Pat, HUGS!
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
5 Jan 09
oh dear
I am so sorry that this happened. your husband must feel out of control of his life (health issues) and is lashing out at you. He is so broken down, who does he think will tend to his every need if you do leave each other?
If my husband and I were in this situation and he asked me what I want - I would probably reply with a sniffle.... "only your love" if we were to seperate I would long for his love and companionship.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
31 Jan 09
I hear you Modestah. The fact he was in still in denial after 3-4 months of being diagnosed with diabetes and then this severe attack of gout, it just was too much for him to bear.
Things are getting better and he is working on getting himself well. I'll be by his side helping him but he has to do the work to get better. Thanks for your support and sorry this reply was late. I didn't get a notification.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
29 Dec 08
Hi dear
Really sorry to hear this
but i am sure he must not meant it in real as i know that u were really working hard for him and i still recall ur discussions about his diabeties and precautions u were taking
i am sure he will realize and apologize in morning and hope u will have nice and lovely New Year
wish u all the BEST
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
30 Dec 08
Thanks cupid. He realised after our long discussion today how silly it was to say that. Because I wasn't feeling sorry for him nor giving him any attention, he thought I didn't care, but I do. I just want him to want to help himself and not rely on me to push and pull him along. Today was a very long day for us and I am happy to say we finally went to the ER and received the right medication and diagnosis for his pain in his left foot and knee. I just wanted him to want this as much as I've wanted him to for years. thanks for your support and I apologise for swearing.
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
29 Dec 08
Dearest Maddy..
I'm so sorry you had to go through this at this time of year and sorry your husband is being selfish thinking you don't care for him enough to cater to his every whim...
Since this is something he's had for years it sounds like he's taking his pain out on you instead of the illness, so if you really care for him and want to save the marriage then go with him to the Doctor if he gets the appointment. What i would do is tell him what you wrote here that you are upset that he wants to give up on 7 yrs and that you both need to talk this over..
Good Luck and huggs
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
30 Dec 08
Hugs, Thanks Rosekitty. After a long day of talking and waiting in the ER to treat his gout, things are better. I just hope he means what he says and will make an effort to work on his health, not only for himself but for us too.
@vikeyshuy (284)
• China
15 Jan 09
i am sorry to hear that.but i think your hubby didn't meant it.he is suffering from gout and type 2 a patient,he must feel very sad and anxious.i rembered when i got ill,i had sait that kind of words to my husband.i wanted them to leave me alone and even want to give up.i am sure he said he wants to divorce,that because he love you,he don't want you to share his pains.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
31 Jan 09
I can understand that about not wanting me to share his pains, but I do when I see that he isn't doing anything to help himself. I worry that it might resort to him having a serious attack or something happening and then it's too late, you know? I don't want it to come to that and I even told him. He has to WANT to get better now!! no more being in denial, no more relying on his doctor or I to fix it -
Anyway he is doing much better thanks and is working towards getting healthy again. Thanks vikey.