If you have organ donor listed on your license....

@brokentia (10389)
United States
November 8, 2006 5:24pm CST
do you think the doctors would fight just as hard to save your life as opposed to someone not having that on one's license?
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11 responses
@gotOBX (764)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Whoa, I've never thought about that, but ya know they took an oath that they would do everything they could, and their would be witnesses to their actions. So say another doctor or nurse were to see something fishy, it could ruin them. Plus I think most doctors have egos. They would rather say I saved this man's life than to have to face a family and feel like they failed. I an organ donor.
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@gotOBX (764)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Let's hope you and I don't ever donate an organ. I hope to use mine till they are all worn out. To be honest with you knowing what I've done to my body so far in this lifetime....I probably wouldn't want my stuff anyway!
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@gotOBX (764)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Let's hope you and I don't ever donate an organ. I hope to use mine till they are all worn out. To be honest with you knowing what I've done to my body so far in this lifetime....I probably wouldn't want my stuff anyway!
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I never thought it about that way. "Plus I think most doctors have egos. They would rather say I saved this man's life than to have to face a family and feel like they failed." Good point!!! I am a donor too.
@ilse72 (1450)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Of course, they do! In fact, if you come into the E.R. in extreme circumstances, we are so focused on trying to help/save you than we are on what your driver's license says. We don't even ask about organ donation unless we know you can't be saved. It is asked at that point as certain procedures need to be done to keep the organs alive until they are harvested. The goal in the E.R. is to save lives...not to just let them extinguish or to hasten them. (I'm an R.N. and worked E.R. for years.)
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Thanks for responding! I understand and completely believe what you say. I asked this question because my husband's mother believes the opposite. It was really great to hear from someone that worked in the ER!!!!
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@ilse72 (1450)
• United States
10 Nov 06
Thanks for the best response!
• United States
18 Jan 07
I'm not sure. I have often wondered about that. I have also wondered if maybe they would let the person die, for their organ. I would like to think that they would act the same for both, but honestly, in an imperfect world, one never really knows.
@budsr03 (2350)
• Canada
9 Nov 06
Geez, I would hope they could save my life before looking at my licence.
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
9 Nov 06
LOL You and me both. LOL
@emisle (3822)
• Ireland
18 Jan 07
I think doctors will still put 100% effort into saving your life as that's their priority. I know if I was a doctor I wouldn't put any less effort into trying to save someone, they still have a family etc and I know myself, having an organ donor card is something i have in case anything should happen and if i can help someone than great, but I don't want to die anymore than a non-donor.
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Jan 07
I actually don't have it listed. I use to hear that all the time so I didn't do it. Now I just haven't added it - and I know it's just craziness people was spreading around. My family knows though that I want to be an organ donor.
@gotOBX (764)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Whoa, I've never thought about that, but ya know they took an oath that they would do everything they could, and their would be witnesses to their actions. So say another doctor or nurse were to see something fishy, it could ruin them. Plus I think most doctors have egos. They would rather say I saved this man's life than to have to face a family and feel like they failed. I an organ donor.
@jray721 (1969)
• United States
9 Nov 06
yes, i have organ donor on my lisence. i think if its my time to go, its my time to go.
• Singapore
18 Jan 07
i think they will not have any preferences on this issue...they are professional and trained to value life...every patient have their utmost care and attention..
• United States
9 Nov 06
I'd be curious to hear this answer from an ER physician and would be surprised if the made any different effort given the same condition on a patient
• United States
9 Nov 06
I'd be curious to hear this answer from an ER physician and would be surprised if the made any different effort given the same condition on a patient