What are some creative ways you have come up with to help your family get by....
@barrettsbabygirl (20)
United States
December 29, 2008 2:50pm CST
I know that many of us are facing really tough times right now with all of the economic crises in our country and the threat of recession or depression looming over our heads. My family is struggling. There are months when only three bills are getting paid-the house, the car, and the car insurance. We have to scramble to take care of things that are past due when we inevitably receive a cut off notice. We had to get food stamps and medicaid for the kids because I lost my job and with it our health insurance. After my husband pays his child support his check is not nearly enough to get us through the month, so my mother moved in to try and help us out. I am still looking for work, and I just don't know what to do! We have cut back on everything we possibly could;no eating out or going to the movies, bars, etc., no trips to anywhere that we don't absolutely have to go to, no cell phones,no long distance on the home phone, no satelite TV, no luxuies at all. I have even cut back on what we eat (no steak or seafood, lots more hambuger and chicken! lol), and I use coupons to make it less expensive. We grow our own vegetables and fruits in a huge garden, and I freeze, can and/or preserve what we don't eat fresh to help cut grocery costs. My kids are wearing hand-me-downs, and my husband and I haven't bought new clothes in over a year. We saved about $600 for Christmas and used it wisely enough to get all four of our sons a couple of things that they really wanted and all of the clothes, shoes and coats they really needed for Christmas. I started doing these pay-per-post things along with surveys online and childcare in my home to make some money, and I sell home made salsa, jelly and soup. I do ironing and laundry and housekeeping for people around town to try and earn a few bucks. None of this comes close to what I was making at work, though, and it has been so hard! It is so hard to cut corners and still not make it through the month. It's frustratig and heart breaking to see all that we've worked for start to slip away.
So, what are some of the creative ways you all have come up with to help your family get by in these hard times? I'm open to all suggestions! There must be some hope out there!
2 responses
@ichandel (47)
29 Dec 08
God it must be so hard 4 u .we are nearly in the same position..we try to do as much as possible at home and the kids love growing veggis at home they also enjoy the fact that we dont do cinema cause we play more together ball games and things plus we do a lot of recycling my daughter made her pencilcase out of a used fairy liquid tube...but we have kept our chin up..theres always a silver lining dont forget that...good luck with everything
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
29 Dec 08
We go out a little less. We find ways to entertain each other at home.You know, rent movies instead of going to a theatre. We clip coupons, and shop at thrift stores. I work from home, so I am able to save on daycare and gas.