The magic of christmas works in mysterious ways

December 29, 2008 3:48pm CST
At least for one mother in a small town. Who got the best christmas present in the world--her 21 year old son back. You might think this sounds strange. However for ine and a half months this mother and her son lived the worst nightmare in the world. Call it St. Nick, the hand of god, or just pure luck if you want. However it truly was a christmas miracle. Nine and a half months ago, her son had been sitting at home having a few drinks and playing video games. When Some men barged into his home wearing masks, and carrying guns. He had been in the back room, with a female at the time. His friends hd been ordered to get down on the floor and shots had been fired. When he went out to see what was going on, he was struck in the head a few times and thrown on the floor. He heard shots being fired, his friends were upset. He also had reason to believe that at least one of them, had been killed from the gunfire. Having had quite enough, while the robbers were still inside the home, he jumped t his feet and grabbed a Samurai Sword off the mantel. Three of them had gotten away, but the fourth was strugglng to the door. He chased after him and tried to stop him, the strggled and fell down the stairs. The young man dropped his sword, in which the robber had picked it up and swung it at his head. The young man threw his hand up to stop the blade, his hand suffering a very bad cut. The robber dropped the sword and continued to run. Picking the sword back up the young man chased him into the street. After the robbers attempt at a locked gate, failed he ran back toward the young men who met him in the middle of the street. Raising a sawed off .22 calibre rifle in the young mans face. The young man lifted the sword and swung it down on the mans hand the rifle flying into the middle of the street. He then threw the sword across the road, and turned to head back to the house. He saw a youth who had also been in the house that night, standing behind him with two more swords in his hand. Worrying about his hand, he ran back into his house. Not long after that, the city's police found the robber a few doors down, laying at the bottom of a driveway. He had a severe gash to the head and back, stabd wounds to the knees and legs as well as three fingers that had been nearly amputated off. Bith the youth and the young man were arrested, and were charged with second degree Murder. The youths trial was first he chose just a judge, he was found guilty of a lesser charge, Manslaughter. The young man went a different way, chosing judge and jury. His trial lasted 11 days. Defense had only one witness, the young man himself, whos story went up against 32 for the crown. ON December 23 2008, the young man was acquitted of all charges in the sword slaying. As he was declared a free man, one of the officers shouted MERRY CHRISTMAS! What makes this story, even more is the fact a lot of the public had things to say from the start, however if this man did nothing. They should think If this man hadn't had stopped him, would my door be the next to barg open like that?
1 response
• United States
29 Dec 08
hi indianD...what a gutwrenching trauma to go thru. so glad that it worked out for him in the end. thank God for that.
• United States
30 Dec 08
you know things are bad enough when you have to deal with the truth. why do people lie to only make things worse? i don't get it. i know the press just wants to make a story. and people like to talk when it doesn't affect them. but still. the world would be a better place with the golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you.