What's In Your Bucket?

United States
December 30, 2008 2:06pm CST
A few days before Christmas, as I stood in a long line with other Christmas shopping procrastinators, I heard the words of a grandmother using the time for a teachable moment. Her pre-teen grandaughter was obviously disappointed that some product was not available. The grandmother said, "Dear, what's in your bucket? We all have two buckets we can carry around with us. One has all the blessings we've received. The other has all the balogna that life throws at us." (Actually she said b.s., but I changed it to balogna.) "If you continue to dwell on the balogna, you completely forget that you also have a bucket of blessings. And usually that bucket is full to overflowing." I thought those were intriguing thoughts, and the grandma was wise to talk with her grandaughter while she had a captive audience. She also spoke loud enough for those around her to hear, so the message was one offered to others who would listen. I did. As I stood there, I realized how right that grandmother was with her assessment of life. We do usually have more blessings than balogna. The year 2008 has had both blessings and balogna in it for me. I lost my brother and an aunt this year. My health has not gotten any better, and once again I was denied disability and my attorney has to prepare another appeal. But my hubby's work was in the midst of changing retirement plans when the financial mess started happening around us, so the money was socked away during the change and no money was lost in the transition. The change made us realize how much money was in the account, and we were able to withdraw some to pay off bills. For the first time in many years - probably since my hubby was a young man - he has no car payment. My hubby received the usual raise this year again - nothing fantastic, mind you, but a raise nevertheless. We are blessed that he has a good job and that his company has never laid off anyone in it's long history. We have close and extended family members who love us. We belong to a church that we and hubby's 12 year old daughter love. We live in a neighborhood with very little crime. Yes, the value of our home went down like others around the country. But it also went back up a bit by the end of the year. All in all, we do have more blessings than balogna. I think I'll start carrying my blessing bucket with me, so that I can see the blessings we've already received and so that I can be ready to catch new ones. So how about you? Are you carrying around your balogna bucket? Or your blessing bucket? Has 2008 been mostly bad for you, or more good than bad?
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5 responses
@joerhonda (476)
• United States
31 Dec 08
Kenzie...What a cool story! This year has been tough on so many people, me and my husband included. When things get tough for us, we usually sit together and talk about all the good things that God has blessed us with. After doing this, we realize that we have way more blessing in our lives than bologna. Sometimes when you are in the midst of something tough, it is hard to see all the good. We try to carry our blessing bucket not only to receive, but to also give out and be a blessing to those we can. We always try to remember that "this too shall pass" and that God will NEVER forsake us or leave us! I truly believe that this year is going to be a very good one for us and I pray that it is for everyone else too! Rhonda
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• United States
1 Jan 09
Excellent point. Carrying the blessing bucket around so we can share the blessings is so important. The more we give, the more we'll receive.
• United States
1 Jan 09
Thanks for the best response Kenzie! Yes it is very important. You've got to give it away to keep it...this applies to works as well as money. Carry that bucket around with you always...you never know when you could be a blessing to someone else! Happy New Year! ;) Rhonda
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@littleone3 (2063)
30 Dec 08
For me and my partner we have had more bad than good this year due to my partner having a few mental health problems due to his depression and some health problems due to his disability. But the good that has come out of this is that it has shown what a strong relationship we have as we have fought these problems together and are slowly coming out the other side. But our children have made this a good year as they have been very successful in their school and home life this year. But i am blessed as i have a roof over my head, a wonderful partner who loves me for me and five lovely children who have their health.
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• United States
31 Dec 08
We are blessed when problems help us discover the depth of a relationship.
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@angela38 (122)
• United States
31 Dec 08
I thnink it is the problems in our life that make things become clearer about other thing that are going on because I think that when more than one problem crops up like a domino effect it makes our minds become clearer and sharper on what immportaint in our lives most and we get a greater appreciation of life.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
2 Jan 09
Excellent thoughts we can all learn from. If you have ever seen the movie "THE BUCKET LIST", you will learn a great deal of things such as these as well. But this is some Great teachings and words of wisdom for anyone no matter who they are, and Thanks for bringing it to light in here as well.
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@angela38 (122)
• United States
30 Dec 08
I think for me yes I have a lot of things that have happened to me this year but my neice getting married and her brother getting a baby has made even that revolving dor feeling on having to go to the doctors for my illnesses this year it some how numbs me to all the bad and makes me have a sence of peace about me for the first time in a long time.
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• United States
31 Dec 08
I'm glad you've had good mixed with the bad, Angela.
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@angela38 (122)
• United States
31 Dec 08
I think the truth of the matter is if we did not have a bit of a mix in our lives we would not appreciate the good that is gave to us because if we never had bad mixed in we might not recongnize the good for what it really is when it is gave to us and comes our way.
• United States
31 Dec 08
Wow Kenzie! Thank you so much for sharing this experience & story with all of us...i.e., whoever will care to reda an dimbibe in life. Its so real and practical..yes I have more Blessings in my Life than Balogna and I will confess that I tend to focus more on the Balogna and in the meantime miss out on cherishing and nurturing my blessings. My life changed drastically this year...Got married, left my secure-well paying job back in India, came to US..struggling now for a decent job and to regain my financial indpeendence...It all bogged m edown quite a bit...especially being away from my family-frineds-loved ones ...away from my country ...my colleagues and having to start a new life - career - relationship in a new country.. It was not easy but things are taking shape now...they are moving..and I Hope to achieve more stability in 2009 . But yes, I did spend more time stressing myself on these changes rather than enjoying them which I feel I should have done. But its never to late to do the right thing, Right? So I wills tart cherihsing my blessings...Thanks a Ton for sharing !! :o) God Bless You & Your Family ! Have a Great New Year! :)
• United States
1 Jan 09
You've had quite a year, haven't you? The new year ahead gives us each a brand new blank canvas upon which to paint. We can use water colors or oil paints, we can paint with thick brush strokes, or dots on the page. And while we're doing that, we can rejoice or grumble. The choices are ours.