The Israelis are bombing the Palestinians....Will this Ever End?
By Pitgull
@Pitgull (1522)
United States
December 30, 2008 3:38pm CST
It appears because a cease-fire expired, the Israelis decided to bomb the Palesitinians again. Is it because they want the world destroyed? I find it interesting how war-stricken "God's Land/Country" has become....
I will not begin to claim I can understand, because I am neither Palestinian or Israeli (nor Islamic, Muslim, Jewish, etc.). But I cannot fathom the rationale of the Israelis in bombing the Islamic University of Gaza. Education and the ability to reason, our only true hope for survival. When you destroy the very foundation of that which betters a society, it is a reflection of abhorrent disregard for human life.
Where is America on this issue? Why hasn't this hit the news? Palin's daughter gives birth, and FOX covers that, but when an Educational Institution is bombed we must dig for the truth ourselves?
We need to stop closing our eyes. The world that has been created around us is going to swallow us up inside of it, unless we make the changes today to end the destruction of tomorrow.
If we can never learn to live together, then we have no hopes of survival.
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12 responses
@grandpa_lash (5225)
• Australia
30 Dec 08
Two wrongs just make a bigger wrong, and violence rarely achieves anything but more violence.
That said, your opening line is a little misleading: the Israelis didn't start bombing because the ceasefire had expired, but because Hamas began firing rockets into Israel when the ceasefire expired. The reaction seems a little overdone, however.
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@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
31 Dec 08
Sporadic rocket firing, of which I do not condone, but when Universities, Hospitals, Pharmacies, are the targets, I do have an issue.
I also would like to say that although I am an American, you cannot hold me responsible for 9/11 or Iraq or Afghanistan....etc.
I voted, and not for the government in place. I've been speaking out against the Iraqi war since it began.
I said "it appears" because I was looking to initiate conversation, I know that is not where it all started, but we can go back and forth for centuries. Someday, someone will need to say enough is enough, instead of pushing blame back and forth.
I think it is ridiculous that both Israel and Hamas let the cease-fire expire...they had one implemented, isn't there were negotiations could have continued?
I am interested to hear how you really feel about this, but your attacks on me for being an American citizen are uncalled for. I love my country, if it weren't for this country, I probably would not have the very liberty that allows me to complain and address all the injustices that I see exist.
You attack me for being a citizen of a country who made a bad mistake, while I was criticizing my country for not addressing and publicizing this issue enough....
Only in America could I do and say what I do....
But you cannot blame me for atrocities in the Middle East.
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
2 Jan 09
The wording of the statement is what illicited my response. "Your own country" is personal (at least to an American), especially when I am trying to explain that it is not about is about people. If you think I am overreacting, good. I think too many people try to block that which really matters, and avoid discussing or trying to discover resolution because it is easier to ignore...
"A War on Terrorism" sounds like an Oxymoron to me.
I am disturbed by the bias of American media, even though many Americans believe it is the "Left-wing, Liberal media that has control"....if it did, we would probably have a better understanding and have accurate, credible, reliable information.
I am not choosing sides; however, it appears America is dealing with some morale image from WW2 and has decided that funding Israel will heal the past.
Our money, our weapons, etc. should not be involved in a conflict of this magnitude. If Israel did not have their American connection, they would not be able to create the devestation that is and has occurred.
I do not agree with the rocket fire over Gaza, asking Israel to attack...but it is not the people, it is Hamas...when Israel recognizes most of the people do not support Hamas but they decide killing is still the only solution...Killing people who did not ask for or start your issue, and recognizing that they are pawns, but still decide to kill.....
Although in Iraq and Afghanistan America has made huge mistakes, they also tried to help establish a government of the people. That is what made things quite difficult for America, trying to determine what lifestyle and what goals the people truly had, when trying to determine where the attack came from.
Maybe this is why we were attacked by the Middle East. Maybe it had to do with our involvement in an issue, that showed our position was very much one-sided.
What I am saying is that with every action, there is an equal consequence. Although we may not realize the connection today, everything adds up in the end.
Too many people want to shut themselves off to the outside world, when our entire lives are affected by the actions of other people.
Our funding and action reflect the principles and the beliefs of our country, and America does not believe in what is presently occurring. Not the America I come from.
@grandpa_lash (5225)
• Australia
1 Jan 09
I think that is what one calls an overreaction. I was not attacking you at all, nor blaming you for anything. I was merely pointing out that your country has created far greater damage in its own fight against terrorism, and it is the fight against terrorism in Gaza that Israel is attacking.
As it happens, I probably agree with your stance 95%, and was merely correcting a slight inaccuracy in your opening post.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
1 Jan 09
Incorrect. The Israelis were bombing the Hesbalah because they launched rockets into Israel. You make it sound like it was unprovoked. Israel says it is bombing the places where the rockets were fired from.
If they bombed the university then it was either a place where rockets were being fired from or near a place like that.
I find this one sided attitude to be really annoying. I do not support either side but this is a 2 sided war and you have not even mentioned the Israelis being hit by rockets.
I have no idea about American news but it is in Australian news and they told the truth about the bombing being in retaliation for rocket attacks. It was maybe an overkill but what would you do if someone fired rockets at you? Would you just sit there and do nothing?
As a matter of interest it is only the Hesbalah doing this. The other Palestinian groups do not support them and they are not being bombed.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
3 Jan 09
War is always bad that is why it should be avoided at all cost and women and children are always the victims.
However, if your enemy starts shooting at you from a uni or hospital then what do you do just sit there and let them kill you just because they are using a hospital as cover?
It is a very difficult situation. The rules of war by western standards are that you never use hospitals or schools as cover but not everybody plays by these rules. Even the other palestinians are refusing to support the hamas groups.
If one side refuses to follow the rules of war then you have to deal with that or they will kill you. If I was living in Israel and suffering daily rocket attacks I would want to fight back as well. After all the rockets are attacking Israeli women and children. They are not being fired at soldiers but civilians. The Hamas palestinians do not care who they kill as long as they kill someone.
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
2 Jan 09
I am sorry you are "annoyed" by this conversation but if you look at my comments, you will realize that I have addressed Israel being attacked. I have also explained why the conversation was worded as such (Issues with the biased American media and to illicit a true, emotional response from people with ideas)
I apologize if I offended you, but please do not assume I believe one thing, if you have not read the rest of my comments. I have kept up on this conversation because it is important, and I want to learn more. Read my comments, and you will understand my true goal.
It was a matter of overkill, that is the issue. The numbers of casualities are never equal, and Israel basically said "We know these people we are killing did not cause this issue, but who cares, watch this!"
That is wrong. A University? A hospital? Pharmacies? Women and children? That will protect Israel?

@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
31 Dec 08
What saddens me most is the fact that the holiest land on earth is soaked in blood for so long and there seems no end to it. If Abraham would have alike today, he would have sacrificed himself willingly if only to invoke God to save his progeny from killing each other.
What I feel is that the very basis of carving out this piece of land was in the sense of wrong justice. Jews, Arabs and Christians all have equal stake to this land and so does the entire world because of its historical significance. Instead of giving an independence nation to the Jews, I think the entire land should have been under neutral UN mandate with equal rights and opportunities to both the Jews and the Arabs. After all the land belongs equally to all the three religious groups and one cannot deny one to appease the other. And yes, I do wonder if USA stops supporting Israel, how long can it continue with its aggression!

@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
31 Dec 08
Was this land given to them before or after they killed Jesus?
Maybe the negotiations were off the table, considering what Jesus appeared to preach seemed to be the issue in the first place.
Truth and brotherhood is what I heard the Carpenter spoke of.
If only it were followed.
And who said it was their land in the first place?
I can better accept that it was won in war, than people claiming "God" gave it to them. You have no way to prove what you say is the truth, it's like reaching up in mid-air....
It's just a grasp. And weak.
This blatant disregard should be enough for America to withdraw all funding and whatever agreements we have. I don't care about the money, I do not believe in what is being done. We should have either no part or play an active role, not just stand and watch innocent people being used as pawns in a political/religious mess.
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
31 Dec 08
I fogot to mention that this conflict
began way back in history. It goes
through Abraham's two sons, Isaac and
Israel is "God's" nation for those
particular people. He is the one who
gave the directions as to what land was
to go to whom, and as long as mankind
violates God's directions, there'll be
wars and trouble.
The end of this will come, but not for some
time, and not without a lot more blood shed.
As I said previously, it is God's land for
his particular group of people - not that they
are any better than anyone else, but this is
"HIS" mandate, and who has ever come up against
God and won?
Just pray for peace. That's all one can do, because
it's all in "His" hands.

@1corner (744)
• Canada
31 Dec 08
With regard to this particular conflict, Israel's current action is a LONG-DELAYED response to Hamas' persistent mortar attacks on civilians in southern Israel. There was supposedly a truce (recently expired), which Hamas never honored. The latter's attacks have been ongoing for 8 years, uncontested by Israel until recently. The info I got from the news yesterday about Israel's targeting the university was because it was being used as a recruiting/training place by Hamas.
Frankly, I don't understand why other people (than Israeli and Palestinian) take sides on the matter. Not only is it a complex and unique issue, but many seem to get easily hooked into believing propaganda. Each side believes it owns the land. Bringing more opinions into it just makes it more muddled.

@1corner (744)
• Canada
1 Jan 09
Quite so. I've noticed the same thing myself. I don't know if the media's to be blamed for this, as they didn't give the same amount of coverage to the Hamas mortar attacks long before Israel retaliated. One thing for sure, the Palestinian side has been winning the propaganda war on the issue for a long time. Very few people realize that for Hamas to be happy, Israel would have to be wiped off the face of the earth, and especially in that region, which they (Palestinians) claim to be theirs. Israel has had a very long history in that land, before they came back in 1948. It's just too bad the Palestinian question wasn't settled when Israel was recognized as a state. Now, there are Arabs in Israel, and they co-exist peacefully with the Jews. Some are even elected into the Israeli cabinet! I don't understand why Palestinians have to have it differently. Those who've left that region have flourished in other parts of the world, according to a news show I watched a few years back. Ironically, Arab countries have refused to be of more help to them. So, the world instead turns to Israel for the solution.
It's terrible for both peoples to go through such a long war, and in my opinion, unnecessarily. It's even more troubling that other nations/groups have to get involved in it, making the whole thing worse.
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
2 Jan 09
It seems that things are muddled enough because both sides believe they own the land. Much like in court. One side thinks they have been slighted, the other believes they have. A judge is brought in to be non-biased and to sort through the facts.
Having someone on the outside look at the information, from both sides, could help alleviate some of the disagreements, especially when the information did not come from either conflicting group.
If Nuclear bombs are ever used, then you will understand why I have an opinion on this issue.
The Balkan Powder Keg.....that is something historians and people alike have feared, and evaluated, watching to see what would happen....same thing....
It is dangerous, and brings rational fear to many who are aware.
No point to believe propaganda.
I recognize that it is not just Israel, they were responding to repeated attacks; however, their choice in resolving and retaliating, is not anything I want my country to be aligned with. The machinery used is enough for me....
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
30 Dec 08
I think the entire situation is so sad. My heart truly goes out to the Palestinians. Hammas, however, does not have my support WHATSOEVER. They knew what they were doing. They continued to send little rockets over the border, and even when Israel closed of the Gaza border and refused all but maybe one shipment of humanitarian aid to go into Gaza. So as people were starving and dying from a lack of food and improper medical attention they just aimlessly continued to fire their rockets. They had to have known that Israel wasn't going to continue to take it. They knew that Israel would hit them hard. So my theory is that Hammas wanted Israel to hit them hard so they could get sympathy from their neighbors and get them to join with them and start yet another war. There is no hope for Palestine as long as Hammas has anything to do with it - they don't even care about the lives of their own people. They just care about land.

@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
2 Jan 09
Thank you for your views! I absolutely agree, it is one thing to be at war, it is another thing to attack hospitals and universities. Sick people are in hospitals, students go to universities.
People trying to better their lives go to hospitals and universities, and because Hamas wants war, it is okay for Israel to attack these institutions? I do not understand, nor will I ever condone the attacking of these institutions.
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
31 Dec 08
The innocent civilians are the ones who I truly care about, and so often they're cast aside as terrorists alongside Hammas. But the truth is that most of the civilians in Palestine are just doing what they can to fight for survival! They all have their own stories, but many of them have been kicked out of their homes and have been oppressed by Israel, often times as a direct result of militant groups like Hammas. And even the ones who do support Hammas are so desperate for a better life for their people that they don't know where else to turn to. Slowly but surely I think the civilians are truly seeing the true colors of Hammas and I really do hope that Hammas doesn't gain enough sympathy globally to become even larger.

@raulmetalhead (281)
• India
31 Dec 08
you cant actually blame the Israelis....imagine you are surrounded by your enemies who are attacking you. and if you are not careful for one second.. you will no longer exist..
it is the same case with Israel.. all their neighbors try to attack them always.. and it did not start suddenly.. it is going on for decades... it is a compoulsory rule in israel that all men should join the military.. otherwise their country cant survive.. atleast we have the right to do anything we want in many of countries..
it sounds great to talk and discuss about al these issues..
but when in situations like that.. only one thing matters.. survival...
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
1 Jan 09
I know I started the conversation out slighted, but I felt it was important to find out how people really felt about this, and I felt this would spark the most controversy.
I am not blaming either side; however, the Israelis have pushed it on what is deemed necessary for self-preservation.
The Palestinians and the Israelis are people with families. Both are being attacked, and some do not want involvement, but their governments drag them into it....
We must discuss these issues if we are to have hopes of survival. For as long as people kill other people, no one is safe.
@healer (1779)
• India
31 Dec 08
Its a very cruel world as far as i see the Gaza have been under Israel illegally for decades and the world seems to be taking the issues for granted. Watching the news makes me cry seeing all those innocent people killed for some are killed when still in the mothers womb. Killing women and children is very painful to see and sometimes i think is this one of Gods plan for the people people to suffer this way. The world is a stage and i am sure God will suppress those masters who are responsible for this. Hope and pray that the year 2009 be a better year and wishing you too a very happy new year.
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
2 Jan 09
I cannot believe that the killing of women and children is "Gods plan." It happens because of what people do.
Plain and simple.
It is a sick atrocity that should not be occurring in 2009, and yet, it remains.
I do appreciate your views, and it rings of compassion. I just have a problem subscribing to this "God's plan" when all it seems to entail is people killing people. It is almost as if it is the excuse for murder, and it does not hold water.
Doesn't God say "Thou shalt not kill" ??????????
All these people are going to be surprised when they realize they were acting out of their own mission.....not Gods, or anyone elses for that matter....
God's word=The Bible, The Bible=A book written by man
Interesting how the book upholds even the negative actions of the past. Slavery was supposed to happen, according to the bible....maybe the predictions and the acceptance of different things would not exist, if we could forget about this book.
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
1 Jan 09
Thank you for your presence, and your wise words. Life is not fair, I am proud to say my mother has educated me well in that...
That is why I stand up and say, things are tough enough, why make them worse?
You are absolutely right, and I believe that I why I still have the fear that there is no resolution, because if the desire existed, so would the solution.
For as long as someone wants the fight, there will be a fight.
For as long as the idiots are allowed to remain, the innocents will suffer the consequences.
Idiots are a threat to our survival, and when innocent lives are being claimed at the hands or actions of others, something has got to change....
Thank you for your insight...
@Aingealicia (1905)
• United States
22 Jan 09
I know what you are saying, sorry for the delay in writing, been a bit busy here. There will never be peace over there until the time comes that there is to be peace. That is up to them, not us. We have wars and battles on this homefront that we should be taking care of.
Unfortunatly, we can only work on us. Remember we never truly know the whole story unless we are there and witness it.
@freethinkingagent (2501)
30 Dec 08
I wish all the world would grow up and act like adults. It is a shame what is happening in the middle east but I am not going to place blame on ether side as the media is not as un-bios as we would like to think they are, I don't know who started it but it should stop now.
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
30 Dec 08
I do not want to place blame.
Honestly, I do not care.
I think it is horrific and disgusting what continues to happen. It is almost 2009 and yet people still think there is hope if entire countries keep attacking others?
But I agree....the media is biased...although many would like to believe we get the much seems to be swept under the rug when they decide to refer to it...and never ask the right questions or address the vital information...
I guess that is my other concern.....
Thank you for your comments...
@jiang12345 (114)
• China
31 Dec 08
sometimes in my opinion ,you need not necessary to tell other so much what you konw .because the people you did not kown him so many.\
i have the experience ,why i am aparting from my girlfriend is about this .now i hate the man so much .
we were still studying in the same class.what is your thinking .my friends
@magnifico19 (46)
• Indonesia
31 Dec 08
stop war!!! many civil victim there!!! why get diplomatic way, war is not the only thing to resolve problem. just keep this world peace