Becoming A Mother

United States
December 30, 2008 5:37pm CST
I am about to become a mother for the first time and im extremly excited besides being placed on bed rest for the next few weeks till the baby is born. What i was wondering is I always hear all the stories of contractions starting at 3 in the morning. What time did yours start and how long where you in labor. I would like as much info and advise as possible before my little one is to be born. Anything is appreciated!!!!
6 responses
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
31 Dec 08
My first labor began at 10pm at night and my first baby son was born at 6 in the morning. my second labor began at 3 in the morning and my second son was born at 5 in the morning. It was such a quick labor. I think relaxing techniques and breathing exercises could help you. You could have an active birth if you like. A water pool and gas an air was my pain relief that first time and I didn't have any pain relief the second time. Good luck with your birthing experience and it will be a magical experience when you see your dear little baby for the first time.
1 person likes this
• United States
31 Dec 08
Thank you for your support and advise
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
31 Dec 08
You are welcome. I wasn't sure I was in labor the second time and rang the midwife and said I wasn't sure. Relaxing music might help you and I imagined each contraction as a wave. Good luck.
1 person likes this
• United States
1 Jan 09
ive never been good at imagining things lol. I'm just hoping that i wont get a head ache while going through the labor i couldn't deal with that on top of labor pain. I'm just praying that i wont be the screaming type i dont' think i will be as they annoy me
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
2 Jan 09
I never went into labor. I went in to be induced and I still didn't officially go into labor after being on pitocin all day long. The baby just wasn't coming out naturally, so I had a c-section. Now that I look back, I should have expected it because my mom had the same problem and was induced and I ended up being a c-section baby too. You should ask your mom or other relatives about how your mom's labor(s) went with her babies and you might know what to expect.
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
2 Jan 09
The way your mother had her children isn't always a guaranteed glimpse of what you'll have in store since genetics can be tricky. It's sad that you probably won't be able to get your belly cast, but I think you'll be happier to have a healthy baby and healthy you than to have the belly cast. I would have never considered doing that when I was pregnant, though, because my cast would have been huge!
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Jan 09
thanks for your advise, when my mom was pregnant with me she was induced i was her first child and same with my sisters first child she was induced as well but they were all late and didn't have to deal with high blood pressure we are still about a week and a half away from the due date how ever that really doesn't matter since full term is 37 weeks and im almost 39 =) but i really wanted to do the belly casting thing before the baby comes but being on bed rest is making that an issue my husband wont let me get up for nothing but to use the bathroom
@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
31 Dec 08
i had braxton hicks for a wk straight with my first. but i never went into active labor with any of my kids, i was always induced. with my second i had contractions at midnight and they continued on throughout the night, when my hubby woke up at 4 am to get ready for work i told him i think i'm in labor, so we rushed to the hospital and they said i was 4 centimeters, but not in active labor, but since i was 5 days overdue, they induced me anyway! my first i was in labor for 15 hrs. my second was 12 hrs. and my third was 5 hrs. those r all from the start time that they induced me.
1 person likes this
• United States
31 Dec 08
Congratulations! First let me say - EVERY birth is different. So what I experienced or anyone else experienced may or may not happen to you. As for me, I've had 3 little ones. My first two were induced and born natural, plus I had an epidural each time(and loved it!). I was given petocin(?) at 8 and gave birth 12 hours later. My third I started with contractions and was given a c-section. My little one was transverse (side ways). I have to say, based on my personal experience the induced contractions were way worse than the natural contractions. However, I didn't have natural contractions for too long (6 hours or so). My contractions actually started in the evening around 5 p.m. - I thought it was because of what I ate for dinner. I'm sure you will hear that alot. It's good to know what could happen, but there really is no way to predict how long or difficult your labor will be. Hope for the best and plan for the worst. That's what I always do. Best of luck & again Congratulations!
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
31 Dec 08
I just became a mom for the second time 2 weeks ago. Congrats! This time around, had a scheduled c-section. Last time went full on labor 10 cm dialated and emergency c-section. Hopefully this won't be the case for you. For my daughter contractions were not at 3 am. But at 11pm in the evening.My water broke around 9pm. From my recollection, contractions started as something like mild period cramps. And escalated from there. I wouldn't worry too much. You don't remember them. All you will concentrate on is the bundle of joy!
1 person likes this
• United States
31 Dec 08
thank you i hope this is case!!!!
• United States
3 Jan 09
my labor was induced. i did have an epidural and will do it again if i have anymore children! i was in labor for about 6 hours pushed 32 min and my son was here. i hope you have a smooth and easy delivery. just be calm and dont freak out. i heard horror stories before i gave birth and was scared at first but when it got time to have him i just stayed calm and didnt freak out because i knew no matter what the baby was commin. it is not that bad as soon as it starts its over it seems. all i can say is just be calm as you can and dont worry it is not that bad. good luck and congrats on your new little one. everything will be just fine!!
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Jan 09
thank you for your support and advice