Why muslim is ill-treated everywhere?
By khan2abdul
@khan2abdul (416)
December 31, 2008 7:45pm CST
I want to ask a question to all people why muslim is always being ill-treated everywhere?even in the mylot I have read many discussion criticising muslim calling them as a not a lover of peace,monster etc etc. I think that all people are deaf and dumb those who think that muslim are bad and not a lover of peace, u are not suppose to criticise any religion. If u have any question than post here, I will explain to u and post ur religion name also so I can also ask u many question. And one thing also because of some little terrorist don't blame the whole religion as a non-peace lover. Otherwise when I will start naa than than u will not get little cloth to hide ur face in shame. Muslim are a true peace lover and are rank first in discipline and respect other than any religion.
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14 responses
@mepaurav (201)
• United States
1 Jan 09
I am sorry my friend some people dont display the love of God.Muslims are loving and caring people.I lived with muslim roomate.I have lots of friends who are muslims and they are loving and caring.But there are some muslims that have messed with the muslim society for their purpose.Muslims are also humans and they have same desire of peace as other humans do.If terrorist are bad people then every bad people are terrorsist.And then every religion has terrorist.I am a christian and i think muslims are our brothers and sisters.If we all peace loving people live together and help each other none of the extremist can bring up religion discrimination.
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@khan2abdul (416)
• India
1 Jan 09
Good point and advice, we have to think of every religion not only muslim and all people want peace except some people who doesn't know the meaning of brotherhood.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
2 Jan 09
When Muslims stop trying to kill me I will stop my ill-treatment of them.
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@khan2abdul (416)
• India
2 Jan 09
Why muslim are trying to kill u? Are they are mad to kill u or u have made them mad.

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
1 Jan 09
Happy New Year khan!
I am a foreigner living in a predominantly Muslim country and I do have my own perspectives on the collective attitudes of the non-Islamic world. First and foremost it comes down to a lack of understanding in many instances. Media has a field day with the negative aspects of the actions of certain Muslim groups in society and not enough is done in parallel to offset these tales of negativity, aggression and woe with news of positive actions and events within the Muslim community. Secondly, (And please do not take this the wrong way!) I rarely come across many people that are able to effectively argue their pro-Islam point without becoming angry or borderline aggressive.
Maybe it is language barriers? I am not sure. But reacting badly to questions about certain actions and practices doesn't really help anything. I have had many a debate with Muslims here in Egypt about Islam versus other faiths, Sharia Law practices, Terrorism cells and the like. Somne of the people I talk with are very articulate and are prepared to consider many other opinions. Unfortunately many others are not this open at all!
I agree wholeheartedly that an absolute majority of Muslims are nothing like the media negatively portrays them, but there does need to be a stronger effort made collectively by Muslims to educate the Western world in a far more positive manner. A stronger stance also needs to be taken by the majority of Muslims to criticize and condemn the acts of those around them that are tarnishing the faith's reputation. More Muslim people need to stand WITH non-Muslims against injustices by radical groups rather than ignore the wrongdoing persay and focus purely on defending Islam.
I hope my viewpoints are recognized as valid and not jumped on as I am someone who has lived in a Muslim country for over a year now and I do believe my perspective is of considerable value because of it.

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@hellcord (673)
• Romania
18 Jan 09
Of course the vast majority of Muslim people may be very good and caring.
The question is: does teh Quran contain enough loopholes, does the Prophet Muhammad act violently and intolerant enough, is there enough violence in the Quran itself, so that an uneducated, intolerant person, when looking for such things, can actually FIND them and proceed towards violence ?
These things may be in the Bible as well, but we must take ALL texts and compare, would an angry bitter intolerant person find the same 'support' and validation of their nasty tendencies in Buddhism or Hinduism for example, as they find in Islam ?
I don't even know the specifics but I find the numbers speak for themselves. I'm not sure which verse tehy refer to when they scream Allah and then hurt people, but given the frequency with which this happens, empirically we know there HAS to be a verse, or perhaps many, that make it possible.

@urbandekay (18278)
1 Jan 09
One thing is clear, all members of a religion should not be blamed for the actions of a few. But those peace loving Muslims should take some responsibility and condemn those Muslims that do condone violence.
All to often the Muslim world is too slow or too unwilling to condemn the terrorists, the hate mongers and war makers.
all the best urban
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@khan2abdul (416)
• India
1 Jan 09
Thanks for ur comment and u have said good advice that it is responsiblity of some peace loving muslim to take some strict action against those terrorist.
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@hellcord (673)
• Romania
18 Jan 09
Hi Urban, I agree that members should not be blamed / persecuted for the actions of extremists, but the religion itself should.
I study and play poker a lot so I learned a thing or 2 about odds and probabilities.
If 99% of religious violence is done by Muslims that says something about Islam.
If there are for example,
0,005% violent intolerant people in Islam, on average, and
0,000001 violent intolerant people in any (all?) other religion at random,
then this is very meaningfull information. that 0.005 % tells us that Islam may be 500, 5000 or 50,000 times more violent than other religions, and that's a HUGE amount of info IMHO.
Of course I don't have the actual numbers and percentages, but I honestly believe that at least today, for the past 50 years at least, that has been the general dynamic.
I invite ANY and ALL Muslims to enlighten me as to HOW Islam is not violent, given those numbers.
@wifeofharvey (1156)
• United States
1 Jan 09
I very much agree that your whole religion should not be judged by the actions of some extreemests. Almost all religions have some of those. They give a bad name to whatever religion they claim to represent.
I do not know understand what you meant by: "Otherwise when I will start naa than than u will not get little cloth to hide ur face in shame." What does that mean please?
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@khan2abdul (416)
• India
1 Jan 09
This word is to the racist who always create war between two religion,by blaming and criticising other religion. I mean to say to all racist that if u have any question against muslim or any doubt than ask any head of muslim and clear your doubt first rather than criticising by ur own way. Don't tell that this religion is bad or good, we the people are made from one god and we have created the religion than why we are fighting with each other.
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@numberonechick (139)
• Singapore
2 Jan 09
Muslims are ill-treated almost everywhere because people have the wrong impression due to the terrorists that are mostly muslims.
But of course if a person is smart enough, doesn't mean a group of terrorists are muslims they find all muslims the same its wrong. Imagine a case of a murderer who is a Christian? Can I say all christians are murderers then? Of course not.
I think, people should learn more about Islam first before saying anything. Also, they should know that those terrorists who claimed to be muslims are doing it all wrong. It's hard to convince people but seriously, if they are smart enough, they would not assume and start judging without doing some proper research.
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
4 Jan 09
Ok well since I did not get an answer to my earlier question how about this one? How do you justify honor killing? Would you kill a female relative for being raped? Since your a man you "should" be able to answer this although I doubt I will get an honest answer with this one either....
I am not saying this is only done in your country but because the majority of honor killings I have heard of are by muslims I would like to hear your answer.
@arkansos (545)
• India
1 Jan 09
I don't follow any religion though was born a hindu. I love everyone equally as much, regardless of religion. Though to answer your question, it so happens that Islam is one of the newer religions. In fact, I doubt you know, but the catholic church ran wars to eliminate Islam (they were called Crusades). When they failed, Church tried to spoil the religion by word of mouth. As a result, westerners have come to believe that Muslims are evil. Of course the crusades were hundreds of years ago, such things have been passed down by word of mouth.
I've been acquainted well enough with a Muslim friend to know Islam is a beautiful religon. Islam ipso facto is one of the only religions that empower women over men.
But the Jihad As-Sayf law has been misused by people to a great extent, I feel.
Since you can't fight muslims lets fight non-muslims..That's the way those terrorists think and give the whole religon a bad name.
@janjee (160)
• Philippines
1 Jan 09
it's sad that some people think that all muslims are like that. even here in our country, some if not most people believe that all muslims are terrorists.
i don't believe that all muslims are terrorists as i have many Muslim friends. I even have a very close Muslim friend. They are actually nice people, peace-loving and considerate.
Here in our city, i believe that muslims and christians live in harmony. it's just now that we are shaken by terrorist attacks (bombings) that revive the conflict that started long before our republic was even established.
Bottom line: What is true to some is NOT true to all.
However, i think it's human nature to generalize. We are always eager to make conclusions.
And that's sad.
@hellcord (673)
• Romania
18 Jan 09
No no, it's not that Muslims are terrorists, far from it
It's the other way around: most terrorists are Muslim
that is over 99% of them.
Now when people bomb each other in your city, just WHO is doing the bombing, which side ?
If there are 2 sides, what's the % between them ? 50% / 50% ?

@bournecaindelta (2477)
• India
1 Jan 09
In the View of an Atheist. Nothing is perfect in this world. A theist cannot explain why some actions are not in control of god, and as an atheist we cannot explain some happenings. Same is the case with religion (don't say what will I know, I know enough to comment), I feel that it's just imperfect. There have been many customs and practices, just followed on. Without any change, although Renaissance was supposed to bring about a change.
This is the foremost reason why people don't like other religions. They do not see the wrongs in their owns, but find mistakes in others. That's one of the reasons why Muslims are ill-treated. The other reason is the geography. No idea why, but terrorists chose the Middle East, a Muslim majority area to do their shite. So the blame goes there too. I wonder what would have been the case if the terrorists groups had had their base in the US or the UK. Thirdly, resistance.I have noticed that Muslim/Christian/any other people, no offence, always try to find people of their religion in a group to mingle with. Even if it's a TEAM, they tend to work alone with THEIR people. Even if someone else comes up and wishes them well, they react negatively, which further causes tension.

@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
3 Jan 09
I think whole the world media is pouring poison against the Muslims b/c Islam is the only religion which has challenged all the religions of the world.No doubt,Islam is a religion of peace,that's why it is spreading all over the world.I am sorry to say that people donot see the big IRRITANTS for the Muslims ,created by the old imperialistic powers i.e Palestine,Kashmir,Algeria,Chechnia etc.And there is no justice for them.Just imagine the recent Israeli atrocities in Ghaza.Even than big powers are protecting rather encouraging Israel by using veto power in UNO.Where then Muslims should go in search of peace and Justice?I agree with you Muslims are being ill-treated every where........
@dorothyDauphinee (534)
• United States
1 Jan 09
your answer is terrorism!!! and just as you may say all Muslims are not terrorist it remains true most terrorists are Muslim they DO NOT respect peace nor do they want peace! they want control of the earth .I for one thank my God (not your Allah)that i was not born a Muslim !I reject all it stands for!
@dorothyDauphinee (534)
• United States
1 Jan 09
stilesp1985 (26)please read your quoran Allah Has no son!My God Yahweh does, have one his name is Jesus so they cannot be one and the same!FYI this so called dumb a= has a degree in theology!
@dorothyDauphinee (534)
• United States
6 Jan 09
then they comit a great sin yaweh is not allah never was never can be also in the Christian bible we are told to have no other God before Yaweh and much as you have been decieved they are not nrvrt were and never can be one and the same I am a christian and i firmly reject your ALLAH
@dorothyDauphinee (534)
• United States
6 Jan 09
ALL I can say is Allah is not now nor never will be the God I worship no matter who says what !
@kanishfathima (62)
• India
1 Jan 09
Muslim is ill-treated everywhere. Because they are main part of population.
@khan2abdul (416)
• India
2 Jan 09
What do u mean by this, muslim is only been treated bad because of population?
@GAGAN187 (287)
• India
1 Jan 09
yes i agree that muslims are ill treated everywhere
just because of some terrorist attacks and muslims being involved in that
everyone thinks that all muslims are terrorist ,specially in india.
but its totally wrong, it should not be done .
but in my opion they really are so loving and friendly and trustworthy.
even i also have muslim friend though i am a sikh.
but i love them , and also when i tols someone that i have muslims friends , all says to me that they not gud ,stay away from them ,which i not like at all.
well its just a misbelief in people,s mind that they not gud
they must understand that whole situation , if everyone tries to focus and think
everything will be alrite
at last i must say we should love each other irrespective of any caste or religion