I'm Fighting the Urge to Kill My Cat!!!

My 2 Babies.... - These 2 guys are my Romeo & Kip. Romeo is the short hair & the bad boy. Kip is the medium hair & usually my good boy. It's Romeo who might die today!!!
@LadyMarissa (12148)
United States
January 1, 2009 10:19am CST
As I've said maybe a thousand times in the last 6 months, I adopted 2 precious pound kittens in July. They are now about 9 months old. Every morning they wake up WILD!!! They are soooo cute to watch as they determine who will be the Alpha Male for that day. They tumble, wrestle, bite, hiss, run like wild animals through my house until I scream STOP!!! Normally that is ALL it takes to make them calm down & become docile as they know that Momma is the Alpha Female!!! Well, this morning STOP didn't work I normally have one good boy & one bad boy. However, today the bad boy became the cat from Hell!!! He ran between the desk & the wall hitting the main power source for my surge protector. I screamed & he ran & hid. Just as I got everything back up & running, he tore through the room again. Before I could stop him, he had run the same path once more. Again he hit the power switch to my surge protector. Now my printer is on the fritz. My email proggy is downloading 3,700 emails from my server. I know I was NOT that popular during the 3 hours that I slept. I'm telling you ALL this so I can say, my computer & email are ALL SCREWED UP!!! So, if I'm not around as much today as I usually am, I'm cleaning up the mess from killing the freaking cat!!! If I don't join in on your discussion, it's because I've not found it yet. If I've not commented to your response, it's probably because I've not seen it yet!!! I will keep patiently working on my problems here & hope each & EVERYONE of you are having a WONDERFUL day!!! Hope to be back SOON!!!
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19 responses
@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
1 Jan 09
If he messed up the surge protector twice already then you need to block that area so the little bugger can't get near it again. I don't know what to tell you, I am not a cat person, I am a dog person. Good luck!
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@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
1 Jan 09
How adorable! He is so cute. Did he bend that bucket himself?
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
2 Jan 09
Of course he bent the bucket himself...can't you tell by that sweet look on his face??? Precious baby Irish!!! I had covered the surge protector back when my brat was a little kitten. The surge protector is in a spot that is hard for me to see & get to. It had been a long time since he turned it off so I had assumed my cover was working & he would finally get BIG enough to not make it through that area. Once I got in there to straighten out the mess, I found that as a BIG kitty he had gotten big enough to move my cover. So, I brought a couple of items home from Dad's yesterday. Sometime today I'm going to get down there to try & reinforce my cover so hopefully he won't be able to move it.In the last 6 months he has gone from 3 pounds to 12 pounds & he has become quite muscular. I sat him down & gave him a good talking to yesterday explaining that I would become the Mommy from Hell if I didn't have myLot to entertain & de-stress me. He calmed down & spent the rest of our time together loving on me & trying to look sweet!!! He almost succeeded. Well, this is a new day & it's morning again. My 2 boys are back to wrestling, biting & hissing at each other. My brat just came running through the room jumping onto my monitor as he headed for the top of the back of the desk. I grabbed him by the nape of the neck & put him in his bad boy seat & proceeded to lecture him again. He kept looking over at my good baby as to say it's ALL his fault. I didn't let him off the hook though. I just kept explaining to him that he had to calm down some because I was NOT going to put up with his antics today. After an hour or so he gave in. Now he is walking around like a perfect little gentleman. Now to see how long that lasts!!! I AM ALPHA FEMALE ONCE AGAIN!!!
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18 Jan 09
yo! obviously they have lots of energy. yelling and screaming doesn't solve anything. give them cat nip, play with them, and they will calm down. also, move the surge protector out of their reach. cats are cats and i don't believe they care about your yelling and screaming. YOU are their servant! have fun and enjoy them.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
18 Jan 09
Yo! Obviously you don't know me. I'm NOT a servant to anybody or anything!!! They don't care for cat nip so I don't keep any on hand & I do play with them. They were just particularly wild that morning. Normally they play with each other & seldom run through the house. When I give my loud, firm STOP, they do immediately. So, that morning was a little out of the ordinary. My little boy from hell just seemed to be on a roll that morning. If there had been a safer place for the protector, it would have already been there. I now have the protector protected...thank you for your thoughts.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Jan 09
OMG--what a way to start the New Year with your little darlings...NOT. I think you should take both Howard's and ElicBxn's advice though and somehow "cat proof" the surge protector. My computer desk is a behemoth of a desk, and yet my two kitties can still manage to get behind it even though it's smack up against the wall, but where the surge protector is, is completely safe and the one spot they can't get to. It might be a different story when I start hooking up things for the TV...I have one of those converter boxes as I don't have cable but rabbit ears...I never needed a surge protector to hook everything up before, but now with this extra "gadget" I do..so this should be "fun"--NOT
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
2 Jan 09
Well, pye, I thought I had it covered. But he had managed to either move it or knocked it off on purpose. So, I picked up a couple of items from my Dad's yesterday & just as soon as my back will allow me to get in the floor (& hopefully back up), I plan on reinforcing my protection for my protector!!! I thought I had it in an area where he would get too big to fit it. Guess I was wrong. He's gone from 3 to 12 pounds, but still made it through that tiny space between the desk & the wall. Since your make it in between with the desk flush against the wall, I best rethink my plan. So. I'm thinking of making him a running ramp that slants up over the switch. If he moves it, I will be able to see it from my computer!!!
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• United States
2 Jan 09
I have to laugh because I use to have kittens who have done things like that. Are they old enough to neuter? That might calm them down. I hope by now you found all your "real" emails and got the ghosted ones gone and you got your printer up and running if not when you find me good luck with picking up all the cat fur. I hope you do not choke on a fur ball. heehee
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
2 Jan 09
I've got the emails finally straightened out. The computer seems to be OK. The printer still needs help. I don't print that much anyway so I have time to work on that as I can. I'm bracing up my cover for my switch on the surge protector some time today. Just as soon as my back will allow me to get on the floor!!! (Owwieee) I don't havta worry about hocking up a hairball. I'm just NOT looking forward to finding the shoe I jammed up his azz!!!
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@CharRay7 (1549)
• United States
2 Jan 09
kitten - photo of Kitten playing with Christmas bauble on tree
Hi Marissa I hope everything got back in working order after the kitten problem... poor kittys!!! They are just babies... someday they will grow up and just lay around and you'll wonder why they don't get up and do something. lol Happy MyLotting! Char
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
2 Jan 09
Yeah, you're right. Now that I've got everything fixed (except the printer) I'm enjoying their company once again!!! They are playing with each other this morning & avoiding me like the plague. Actually the brat is avoiding me. My good boy has been laying on my feet most of the morning. The brat walks down every now & then & smacks him on the head & runs down to the end of the hall (where he knows I won't bother him) to wait on the fight. They are tumbling & rolling all over the hall. NO computer equipment there!!!
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
3 Jan 09
I have two babies just like yours and a crazy dog who is ten and acts as she did when she was a puppy. One of my cats was crazy up until around 6 months to a year. He used to bolt everywhere at an amazing speed and he took all the buttons off my favourite robe once, not to mention biting and scratching. He is a lot better now because he is nearly 13! A friend of mine had a beautiful doll she kept on her bed and that got destroyed by a cat. My dog has done her share of damage over the years. My husband gets really cross but what can you do? You've got to love them.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
3 Jan 09
Having NO human children of my own, my fur babies are my children. I have ALWAYS talked to my babies just like they are children. I grabbed him by the nape of his neck & sat him down next to me & began to lecture him. This went on for a couple of hours. His little eyes were rolling back in his head before I stopped!!! Today, he is walking around like a little gentleman. He & his buddy played with each other most of the morning, but there was NO running through the house like a wild man!!! So, there is peace in the valley once again!!!
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@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
1 Jan 09
That's the way Rygel would've been if we hadn't gotten all the surge protectors protected from him. We got a plastic box, cut a few holes and put all the roomie's surge protectors in it to protect them from the cats stepping (and other rude things) to them. Mine are in a normally cat free zone so less of a problem. And since the roomie has about 4 surge protectors running the stuff in her room off of, you see it is a big deal. Not just her computer, but lights and other stuff. Mustta been a different age when they thought 4 plugs were all you needed in a bed room (that's 8 outlets.) Lets see, bedside light, clock, electric blanket... She's got her water bed heater, cpap, clock, fridge, computer, lights on desk, mystery stuff....
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
2 Jan 09
Well I had covered mine with a temporary cover. It has been months since he had done this so I thought my cover was working. He has gone from 3 pounds to 12 pounds since I placed the cover over it. Either he has gotten BIG enough to move the cover or he has hit it often enough to move it. I picked up a few items from my Dad's yesterday & plan on reinforcing my cover until I can find something more suited for my problem. Times like this is when I really miss my 21 year old cat!!! I had forgotten how wild & crazy teenage kittens can be. Of course, with 2 of them I get twice the love. However, I also get twice the mischievousness. Instead of strangling him, I gave him a good old fashion lecture. By the time I hushed, his eyes were rolling back in his head!!! Long story short. My brat is behaving better. I will be protecting the surge protector better. I might let him live to see his first birthday!!!
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@snowy22315 (186350)
• United States
1 Jan 09
Cats are crazy when they are young. Fortunately mine is a subdued middle aged gentleman. He does not go in for such foolishness. I would simply get a squirt bottle and squirt the little devils when they are tearing around that might take the winds out of their sails a bit.and say no of course. I used to work with a lady who got really mad at her cat once for knocking over her plants and spilling dirt, she put it in the shower. Poor thing!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
2 Jan 09
I bought the squirt bottle the same day I brought them home. They were little gentlemen then!!! I've ALWAYS been proud of how well behaved they were for cats. I swear my good boy has always thought he was a dog...except he never barked!!! It's only been since they turned into teenagers that they've gotten pretty crazy. Up until this morning, telling them to STOP always worked, but this morning they were as deaf as most teenagers!!! I think the bad boy was reading over my shoulder because he began to calm down just as soon as I said I was going to kill him!!! Once I got my computer & email proggy straightened out, I took several slow, deep breaths & calmed down. I still have 2 cats & 2 dogs....so ALL is happy in MarissaLand this afternoon!!!
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1 Jan 09
Hi LadyMarissa, They are certainley having a good new year day fun running around having a mad time, I know what you are saying because my Tom has broken so many things I had in my front room that I had to put some away like my crystal rose and a little crystal teddy, at the moment they are very quiet and one of them is asleep and the other one is here sitting on my coffee table. Tamara
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
2 Jan 09
Thinking back, I've decided it was the fireworks the night before that got them all wound up!!! My brat has calmed back down since I jerked a knot in his tail!!! My good boy is lying around like he should. This morning they are staying at the far end of the hall wrestling, growling & hissing at each other. They are safe in the hall. The good one comes down & lays next to my feet to nap. The brat is now walking around like a gentleman. Then he walks over & smacks the good one on the head & runs to the end of the hall....waiting for the fight. As long as my brat remembers that my area is MY AREA, I'm happy. It is so cute to watch them playing with each other!!!
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
1 Jan 09
I hope you get to be the ALPHA Person in the house once more, LadyM. Happy New Year!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
2 Jan 09
I AM ALPHA ONCE AGAIN!!! Of course I had NO problem with my sweet baby regaining my position. However, my brat proved a little more challenging. I think they were still a little freaked out from the fireworks from the night before. Atleast I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. I so enjoy watching them interact with each other that I tend to ignore the bratty side until it becomes a "real" problem!!! I've got to start correcting their behavior immediately. Like children, they can only get away with what I allow then to get away with!!! I HAVE REGAINED CONTROL!!!
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@camomom (7535)
• United States
1 Jan 09
Didn't they read your discussion about this being a BETTER year...shame on the kitties Hope you get things back in order soon.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
2 Jan 09
I regained my position shortly after ranting in my discussion. I never lost sight of my happier & brighter New Year!!! Today ALL 3 of us are living in harmony. YES, they are playing. NO, my brat isn't running wild!!! We are enjoying each other this morning!!!
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@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
1 Jan 09
Wow what a way to spend the new year.I dont know much about cats but it seems like good cat has had too much to eat and drink and is just burning off a few extra calories.Alternatively he probably realises its a new year and he is happy to celebrate his new home by explorong his home and playing with the Alpha Female. Anyway all the best for the new year
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
2 Jan 09
The good cat already knows who is boss. The brat just has to test me every so often!!! In the end they BOTH know I'm the Alpha Female!!!
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• China
2 Jan 09
I'm sorry to hear that.I have also raised the pet. It was a anywhere feces and urine puppy. I used a lot of methods to stop this behavior,but failed.It wasn't good thing to raise a dog.Every morning I have to clean the house.Later, I thought of using violence to punish the dog.It worked.I must to say that i do not have the violence tendency and i liked the dog.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
2 Jan 09
Poor puppy. I treat my fur babies like they are children. I've NEVER had one that I couldn't just talk to without resorting to violence. The worst my brat has ever had was a thump on the snout to get his attention.
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• India
2 Jan 09
Cat is a good pet. i love cat verymuch.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
2 Jan 09
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
2 Jan 09
Oh dear I hope you dont actually do it. I guess you have to find other ways and means how to make them stop fighting. I wish you luck.
• Philippines
2 Jan 09
Naughty little critters eh?The cats we've adopted are not naughty.They just stay outside and are very obedient even if they were stray cats.Now,one of them was given away and the other one got lost and was never found.I miss him.He's such a darling.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
2 Jan 09
I am sorry to hear about the kittens messing up your computer and printer. One little hint I learned from my "monsters" is when the printer is screwed up, unplug it for a few hours and let it reset itself. I went to the lumber yard and got a couple of boards cut to put between my computer desk and the wall. The first time they hit the board they get a head ache!! It keeps them from racing through though. I have had to use that trick on several areas including my sewing machine. Even if it is just a piece of masonite it will slow them down. I have the same thing with Willy and Khuay, my flame point Siamese. It's funny because they come racing down the hall from my bedroom into the kitchen and have to leap over a 26 inch masonite board that blocks my mini Dachshunds from going into my work room and tear things up in there. Every once in a while you hear a thud, and it's one of the cats missing the jump and running into the board. They don't get hurt, but they are a bit more careful about calculating the jump. It sounds like your spam blocker may have been affected from the power down. You might go into your tools and check it out... I wish you tons of luck getting your computer back to normal. Happy New Year???
• United States
2 Jan 09
LOL!! Cute story there Marissa: Sorry but I had to laugh at the antic's of your furbabies LOL!! They can be little "beasts" can't they? I have the two here in my place right now as I'm keeping Minx here through the winter months seeing as how she got sick last month and got pneumonia and I have a huge vet bill now anyway my two cats here get a burst of energy after suppertime, I don't know why but they get to chasing each other around here til I think they are going to slide into my Christmas tree and knock it over, the floors here are nothing but tile on concrete so they are really slick and they sure do slide on their "peel outs" they do..LOL!! OMG! we gotta love em right??
@uditpanda (1023)
• India
2 Jan 09
tell u what ,i read your adventure like some mystery novel. But cats will be cats afterall. I think u need to be more careful with things u want to protect from them. Hide them,dump them,cover them...do whatever u feel right but don't get them in their way. Its gonna get destroyed. & u care for your cats ,i can see that. I hate pets & if its been me in ur place,i would definitely have had them cremated. Sorry if i am rude,but i just don't tolerate it.... have a good day.