Rudest thing anyone has said to you.

January 1, 2009 11:36pm CST
Some people are just plain rude. Dont you think? They just speak out their minds with no regard to whether what they say might hurt the other person or not. I always had a very protected childhood and never had such problems but now i am away from home, working and most of my colleagues are downright rude! They just dont care whether i feel bad. Me, on the other hand,condition my words so carefully that even when i am angry,people do not get hurt... The rudest thing anybody ever told me was "Go get a life!! You are the most ignorant person i have ever known!!" i guess its not that bad, but during my circumstances, i felt very bad
2 responses
• United States
2 Jan 09
Nisha.. I'm sorry someone said that to you. I hope you know that it's a reflection on their heart and not yours. I have encountered MANY rude people in my life but I try to tell myself that they must be really miserable if they feel the need to express themselves like that. I've had two things said to me that have stayed in my head - although, I try to forget them. First, let me say that I'm not a skinny woman. I need to lose some weight. When I gave birth to my son, I had a c-section because he was very overdue and was in fetal distress. Before I had him, I had 3 miscarriages and I almost lost him as well so his birth was a very happy moment for me. After I had him, they had to take me to the recovery room for 2 hours to get my vitals back in order and keep an eye on me. While I was in there, the nurse said some very rude things to me about being overweight and needing to lose weight etc. All I could do was lay there with tears streaming down my cheeks while she continued to say the meanest things to me on what should have been the happiest day of my life. Then several years later, after trying to have another baby for a long time and never being able to - I had a hysterectomy (when I was 30 years old) and it was one of the hardest things to go through. I wanted another baby so bad. I had just had surgery on my stomach and was a little more swollen than normal and we went to the store. Some old lady was near me and she looked at my stomach and very rudely said "you must be pregnant to be that fat". I was in shock. I could not believe that someone would say something so mean - even if I was pregnant that was a rude thing to say and she said it with her face all twisted like she was disgusted. I wanted to say something back to her but I just kept my mouth shut. I wanted to cry. Some people need to learn to just keep their mouth shut. My mom always told me that if I didn't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all. I wish more people were taught that lesson.
@margaux08 (1094)
• Philippines
2 Jan 09
That is soooo uncalled for!!! If I was in your position I could have said worse things to that rude lady! the nerve!!! But it was a good thing you held your temper. And you mom is right. Our tongue is like a two-edged blade sometimes, it cuts deeper than the literal wound.
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• India
2 Jan 09
Man that was rude!! I guess some people have such think skin that they think other people can stand what they say! Only being rude back to them would be the right way to handle them. Dont u think?
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Jan 09
I don't know Nisha.. I do not want to drop myself to their level by being rude back. That makes me no better than them so it's easy for me to just turn my cheek and tell myself that they do not know what they are saying. People like that are very unhappy so they feel like they have to make everyone else unhappy to. I do not want to give them the pleasure of ruining my life or my day. I'm trying to be better about letting things roll off my back when people are rude. It's a reflection on them, in my opnion, and it makes them look like evil, foolish, mean people. I do not want to look like that too. I believe in God and one day those people will have to answer for how they have treated their neighbors here on earth.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
2 Jan 09
I couldn't answer this because as soon as someone becomes rude I just tune out and if I can I walk away. I've had people say How can you just let that person call you that, and I just say I don't I didn't hear anything they said as soon as they started being rude. What else can you do and not just cause more problems?
• India
5 Jan 09
well i guess so.. you are right... but sometimes i feel like walkign away would only make them feel nice..