do we really need an indo-pak war?

January 2, 2009 3:58am CST
hi friends.after the terror attacks in mumbai,the one thing thats catching everyone's attention is the war cry from both india and pakistan.the last thing anyone want is a war at this time.but if any of you heard pranab mukherji's speech,you could have noticed that each and every word he uses are intended to make pakistan submit to pressure by threatening war (not directly).all it happened is 10 brain washed terrorist from pakistan nativity were sent to india to kill as many people as they want and to blame entire pakistan for this thing is not fair .the pakistan government is not that powerfull to combat the terrorist activity in their own country but surely,they dont want a war at this any views?
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16 responses
@rmehta (32)
• India
2 Jan 09
Hey there, india should have a war against pak because pak is hiding some of the know criminal even America's F.B.I is also saying that pak permot's non-legal activities. by me pakistan should given a lesson though war for his terror activities
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• Pakistan
2 Jan 09
Is that so? Read my post and see if you are willing to disagree with it.
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• Pakistan
5 Jan 09
Really and how many people do you know who have personally suffered? I know many and believe me that is the reason they want a change, they want peace so that others do not suffer the way they have. Escalation of tensions create more problems which in the end of the day effect both sides.
• India
2 Jan 09
yeah sure and kill millions and millions of innocent pakistan people ,not forgetting the number of people we r going to lose from india.we are not made bullet proof dear friend.
• India
2 Jan 09
We needed an Indo-Pak war long time back and after the victory of 1971, India should not have let Pakistan continue with Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir. We should have got the entire Kashmir long time back. Our govt has been soft on Pakistan since long and this is the consequence we are suffering now. India is shy to take a firm stand, we always try to please everybody every time but that is just not possible. In the long run, we lose our self-respect. Look at China, can anybody say anything to China on the Tibet issue? War is not the solution but its only because of India’s dilly-dallying attitude that the international community does not take us seriously and we are forever seeking their approval on how to deal with Pakistan. India should have no deals with this nation, no bus, no train, no trade, no dialogue, no sports.
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• Pakistan
2 Jan 09
I beg to differ here, its because of people like your mental capabilities that both the nations are facing intense problems on the road to peace.
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• India
2 Jan 09
u got some valid points which is worth debating but if these 2 countries do fight,the one who is going to win is the terrorist.they wanted the 2 nations to fight and seemed to have succeeded in setting up the sparks.hope that this spark wont turn into a massive fire.
• India
2 Jan 09
To be precise i dont entertain anybody to go for a war at this nuclear age.
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• India
2 Jan 09
yeah..that war against iraq is more than enough for the next 2 decades.
• Pakistan
2 Jan 09
I have been following a lot of the events unfolding very clearly and believe me the media in both the countries make me sick to the core! The media is like the voice to millions of people on both the sides and instead of looking for a proper dialogue for the purpose of peace, I see army personnel's from both the side attending talk shows and discussing how much nukes it would take to wipe out the neighbor and as well as each one proclaiming to have better militarily strength, sadly large amount of people are following this everyday. But does anyone stop to think about the outcome of the war? It's been 61 years since independence and three wars have been fought and you and I both now that if another war erupts, it will be the people from both the sides suffering and not those power hungry politicians. The damage dealt to both the sides will be enough to kill millions in each country as well as throw them back 60 years ago. No one wants to talk about the consequences. Pakistan is too a victim of terrorism and in this war we have lost more soldiers than the whole NATO combined, no one wants to talk about that. Instead people would rather talk about the time it will take for the rivaling countries to nuke each other, if any one deserves nuking its those politicians on both the sides.
• India
2 Jan 09
i have watched all those news and it was disgusting.during last year,the most sickening 2 words i heard/seen is BREAKING NEWS.i dont know y it is called a breaking news.may be we should ban people from watching news channel during this stage.both the countries news channel did a great job of showing their people wat a great neighbours we have.funny to believe that both these nations were once a single country
@ammie07 (322)
• India
2 Jan 09
war, war war i don't think its a solution.we won't gain anything neither will we loose anything so watever b the situation this has become a legacy now that the innocent ones have 2 face. after war neither bomb blasts, nor hatred amongst each other is going 2 stop.
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• India
2 Jan 09
not only those things are going to stop,they may increase 3 folds after the war .
• India
2 Jan 09
we dont need indo -pak war........ all we need is a war against the terrorism.............
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• India
2 Jan 09
true but i have no idea from where they are going to start eleminating terrorism.from south to north,we have too many terror organistions and some more in our neighbour countries ,its very hard .
@comfort55 (1574)
• India
3 Jan 09
Well, no doubt, war can be disastrous, if started. The point is that every other day there is ghastly attack taking place in one or other part of the country. There is a little hue and cry during that period, but again everybody forgets it. People, who lost their innocent beloveds in these attacke, only they can understand it's intensity. In my opinion, some strong step has to be taken by the government to combat it once for all. Though it cannot be fully crushed, but still we can create fear in their minds. We have shown enough of lineancy.
@dropofrain (1167)
• India
2 Jan 09
It is a real tough one. War is necessary as the conditions are getting worse and worse day by day. The way they are damaging the poor people is terrible. They are leaving no scope for humanity and thus the sincere plea for war is coming from the heart.
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@srik11 (482)
• India
2 Jan 09
hey,if bothof them cooperate and if there is nothing like back stabbing involved.. then there would be no war ... hve a peaceful year
• India
2 Jan 09
wish it would happen
@sonusd (1545)
• India
2 Jan 09
no body wants a war because it will waste of money and this war will create anger ness of the younger generation in future so they should not fight they should compormise by sitting together in presence of athird party ,,i do not whether it is possible or not
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• India
2 Jan 09
as for the third party,officials from US and some other countries are visiting india and giving the impresion of solving the matter peacefully but by applying pressure on pakistan and trapping them ,u leave them no choice but fight back.people first should learn to negotiate issues and stop giving interviews the moment they come out.
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
2 Jan 09
There's really no need for war. Both will suffer in the end and there's always a way like diplomacy. Everthing can be done and solved through a good conversation. Though the terror attack in Mumbai is totally unacceptable, we just let justice to run it's course. War can be done but not India vs Pakistan but India-Pakistan vs Terrorists.
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• India
2 Jan 09
i agree with u.but the one thing that both the side lacking is a GOOD conversation.
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@sunil_008 (1269)
• India
3 Jan 09
terrorism should be stopped. it not the way you can threat people to let them follow you or listen to you. but since they have been doing it in the name of jihad so when there is religion there is also people's sentiments init. according to me there should be a proper dialogue to stop all these kind of activities. and terroism is no solution. they mend the young brains and make them rebel to the humankind. in the end these young kids kill themselves after killing a few and sometimes a large number of innocent people. after mumbai attack we all feel that enough is enough, there must be an end to it. and i think approach should be there to end these terror shows. either deal with them with dialogues or if necessary war aganist them. but as we all know what happened to the war of america aganist terrorism? is there no terrorists in the world?well let us all behave in a very positive way to this alarming situation.
@myskina (182)
• China
2 Jan 09
we need not any wars.we love peace.we love our big family.we both live in the earth.why!?why we bear the hurt caused by the war!?we do not need it.we hope united
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• India
2 Jan 09
well, at present a war on pakistan would be disastrous to india. Main reason is because the Taliban have already suggested that Pakistan is the only Islam country which has nuclear power and to protect that it is willing to offer aid to Pakistan to fight againt India. With Taliban would come all the Islam countries with their "weapons of mass destruction"(if it exists) and we are really doomed. And we do not have any guarantee that US or any other country would come to our aid. Your reason is valid as well. We cannot blame pakistan just because few of their brainwashed citizens decided to attack us. But how long are we going to let them do this to us? I think we should first concentrate in strengthenin our national security..
• India
2 Jan 09
and add to that there was a bomb blast in assam on the first day of 2009.great start.
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• China
2 Jan 09
i hope no war from now on,everyone can life happily and equaly.
@noniefam (284)
• Indonesia
2 Jan 09
hello..... merry xmas n happy new year for all of u my opinion about this wars is...........why they dont think about their citizen, the citizen want have happy life, not war all the times n make the citizen lost evrerything....their family n their life n their house. all of us is same n want have free live