Question for Christians

United States
November 8, 2006 8:33pm CST
I am Pagan and I haven't found anybody that can answer this question. please some one give me a real answer. I realy want an educated answer from someone who realy cares about there religion not just Pagan bashing and fear based hate . Question is: Why did your God that knows the future so knows that I wont be a christian create me just to send me to hell?
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43 responses
• United States
9 Nov 06
I don't have an account on here yet so I'm posting on my friends account cause she thought I could probably answer this... I'm a Christian and I think a good example of a Christian cause I'm not going to bash any of you nor do I have any resentments towards any of you what so ever and that's how all Christians should be (even tho majority of them arent) and I believe God is also the same way... I don't care what Christian leaders say... I've read the bible and my belief is that God is an all loving God and he loves you no matter what you do and is forgiving of all things as long as you're truely sorry... yes, this includes killers and rapists... God doesnt hate Pagans, Atheists, gays, rapists.. none of them... He hates NO ONE... He loves EVERYONE... He just doesn't like what we do sometimes... I'm not gonna preach to you and say I'm better than any of you cause, like I said, I think I'm a good example of what a Christian is supposed to be and even tho I'm a believer I could be much worse than any of you with sin... I'm a sinner in my own religion as are all Christians... Not a single person is pure that's alive today... if they say they aren't thier lying... oh wait, that's a sin too. Go figure... Any who... to answer the question (sorry... I ran off there... I'm guessing this is why my friend wanted me to try to answer this) Bare with me now people... even the believers out there... you guys might get mad at me now but that's your choice... All of you disbelievers can maybe relate to me on this theroy... Some of you might see the bible as a contruction to a good values book... a work of fiction to show example of morals... Making sense? I haven't done any debating in awhile and I usually don't do this internet stuff so if I'm confusing yall I'm real sorry... I'm supposedly good at this in person... But the creation of hell came from the New Testament... and the devil... and is also where Jesus came about... and the Jewish people don't believe in the New so they don't believe Jesus is the Messiah and so they also don't believe in the devil or hell... Now if you read the bible Jesus told many o stories as examples... just examples... not true stories... just story of example to explain his teachings... Hell could just be another example to help us along in the teachings... I don't see why such a loving God would condem us to such a place if we don't forgive and love and follow the laws enough... where is the score chart that says if we're going to hell or not? What's the mighty number of sinning that give us that 1 way ticket to hell? I do believe in the devil and I do believe in hell but I believe its a holding area for the devil... it says so in the bible he was condemed there... its not his kingdom... he's in prision down there... he's not no king of the underworld... when you think of what it might be like for yourself in hell... that's what's going on to the devil... he ain't no happy camper. But yeah... you might not go to hell to me. I love ya no matter what :D (unless you're very rude :p) and God does too! And to FINALLY answer your question!!!... He loves you so much he wants you to make your own choices... Why make you do what he wants to do? That's like force feeding a child veggies and making them watch your movies and making them do whatever the hell you say.... so then the kid turns into a serial killer when they grow up or when they become a teen they get over emotional and kill themselves... that didn't work out too well now did it? Oh, and you gain no trust or love by forcing people to do what you want. God wants you to make mistakes... God WANTS you to rebel and fight him (its true! its in the bible! if you dont beleive me i'll show you!!) He wants the relation you give to the ones you love and the ones we love or family and friends, right? and don't we fight and argue w/ our family and friends? dont lie... its a sin :p hehe... But yeah... sorry if that was hard to read :/ I run off on tangents and I can't keep a clear head when talking ever... I might get back on here later to elaborate to anyone that has questions or comments or to fix my confusingness... ...Did any of that make sense??? -- "R2X"
3 people like this
• United States
9 Nov 06
R2X I love your comment although I'll never chose the Christian path I just wish other Christians would fallow the teachings of Crist like it sounds like you do. Yes I am Pagan But befor I found the path for me I fallowed many paths Christian being one of the longest. I do know the Bible and I just dont agree with it. I thank you for your partisapation in this descution. Blue Dragon Feather
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• Philippines
9 Nov 06
Dont Call him A God If you dont Believe in him. God said that any one Who Believes him Will Have A ENTERNAL. But God Doenst Said That if Your not A ChriSTIAN yOU gO tO hELL oNly God Still know what the next will Happend. just do always do Good , God SAID iF YOU lOve me Love First Your Fellowmen Because Im with them . its not matter of relIGION but its a Faith that will Lead to you salvation.. Godbless. Just Trust God Always. although im a Christian But I still do believe THat God Will Lead me to my Faith And That FAITH will lead me to him.
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• United States
9 Nov 06
Well first of all he asked for an EDUCATED reply to his question and secondly I would have to agree with the first 2 replies if god is so great and kind and wonderfull and loving and all the other crap the church tries to shove down ones throat then why all the rape and murder and all the other terrible things that are out there. And I would like everyone to remember that all the rapists and murderers and child molesters and all the sordid rest are all "Created in His image." So guess what that could leave a person to think......
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• United States
9 Nov 06
But there again that is all the church has ever done. Look at how the " men of god" have treated pagans throughout history the burning times speak for them selves. Look at how pagans are still treated today, always being bombarded by the bible thumpers out there and yes you know who you are, saying that we are going to hell if we do not change our ways and so on and so forth with the sermons and such, If all the world wanted a sermon then we would go to church. But you do not see us in your pews on Sunday so you can draw your own conclusion as to what we want and don't.......
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• United States
9 Nov 06
Yes but the Christians that have suffered were not killed for being christian and the witches were killed for just that what was their crime ......
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@SarahJaya (410)
• India
9 Nov 06
I am telling what I think. God is father to all. That means we are all his children. He doesn't like his children to go to hell. He will definitely give chance to his children to change. Are you already on the steps of hell? no. So, there is a lot of time to make you change for God. Remember one thing. To what ever religion you belong to, though you don't believe in any god, if you do good, and a nice person you will definitely go to heaven. Every religion says do good and be good to your fellowmen. Some times I feel these religions are created to keep human beings in a right track, like some customs are there to do good. Now the ball is in your court. Think over.
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• United States
9 Nov 06
I like what you have to say and I agree what you think is more closer to the truth than what is writen in the Bible
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• United States
9 Nov 06
Actually you are correct in one aspect as to what we believe we do not believe in one god we believe in many....
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
9 Nov 06
If doing good was good enough to get to heaven, then God would not have needed a plan of redemption that included the sacrifice of the perfect lamb (Jesus Christ) on the cross. Every man in the line of Adam (and that is every person who ever has or will live on earth) is of a sinful nature. No exceptions. Then everyman does well to find a Savior, and there is only one - Jesus Christ. God is not tolerant of false beliefs. Since He revealed Himself and His truth in His word, He expects us to embrace His truth.
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• Brazil
9 Nov 06
Hehehehe! I´m an atheist lol but i think god used to be a rather sadistical entity...but after some time he realised he was a loving he did what any loving god would do...he set his own son up to be tortured and killed for all sins of mankind so even us sinners can go to heaven! (besides most likely god was a bit jealous because hell was a lot more fun then heaven in those days... ;D )
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• United States
9 Nov 06
Love your comment ROFL
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Actually, God has not changed. The plan of redemption born in the heart of a loving God has never changed. How do you know he intends for you to go to hell? How do you know that there is not a day still to come when is mercy will come your way and your wrong conclusions about Him will be replaced with light? We don't know, but He does. Yes God is sovereign and He is definitely going to send a lot of sinners to hell. He always keeps His Word. However, as long as you have breath, He may have different plans for you.
• Australia
9 Nov 06
Well He also gave us free will to choose. He cannot make us do anything we don't want to do. You have to make the choice to either follow the One True God - or you choose, as you have done, to follow Paganism. Simple. He knows all etc - if you want to look at it this way, He knows all outcomes of all possible scenarios. In one scenario, you become a Christian young. In another - you stay a pagan right up to the last 10 minutes of your life. In yet another - you stay a pagan for good. But He gives you the free will, the right to choose.
@rosey3223 (1566)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Well, I am going to start by saying that I am not about to quote scripture or tell you what a horrible person you and your wife are because of what you believe in. What I am going to say is that God does love you. You have asked a very difficult question in which I find funny because by reading all that has been posted, the answer was never given, not even by my standards. But, my mother is gonna kill me for what I am about to say. I do believe in Heaven and Hell, and I myself have had a lot of questions that deal with the bible. But I do have a relationship with God that only I can understand. The only answer that came to my mind is that because he loves you, he WANTS you to live, no matter how you live your life. And to be honest, how do you know that you will go to Hell? I honestly don't think so. I understand that you have your beliefs right now, but you are still never know what will happen to you by the time you are let's say 80. So I guess what I am trying to say is how do you know what will happen in the future, only God does...unless you have seen things in your future. But when I saw your question, the image that came to my mind is that you are going to talk to him. Not to change your mind, but to talk. It may sound weird, but that is what I saw. I really don't think that this is going to answer your question, all I can say is that I hope it does. But in the end, it will end with you and him...and only you and him, no one else.
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@rosey3223 (1566)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Thank you, I greatly appreciate it.
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• United States
9 Nov 06
Great reply to a verry dificult question... and i for one hopes that your mother would not kill you for being an insightfull person.....
2 people like this
• United States
9 Nov 06
a verry good response to a verry dificult question... and i for one would hope that your mother would not kill you for being so insightfull.....
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@skeemy (138)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I've always struggled with this as a Christian, but then again I'm really not like any other Christian. I have a very huge problem with the concept of hell and why someone would go to hell just based upon ignorance of God or disbelief. I believe if we're good people and do good in our life despite whether or not we're Christians then we should all have a shot at heaven. Also, I tend to struggle understanding why people in say, the Amazon who have no clue what the concept of God is will be going to hell just because they don't know about him. However; based on Christian belief...we were given the right to decide how we feel and what we believe. God can't force us all to believe and you always get a chance to change your mind when you die anyway, so don't worry about it too much. Even though "god knows all", I really don't think he does. Which is another reason I struggle with my religion. I can either decide to do something, or not to do something. Because he has given us the freedom of choice, I really don't think he knows exactly what we're going to do.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Skeemy - If you are going to find solid answers in Christianity, you will have to take God at His word. The Bible is absolutely true. Believe in God the Father and the love He has demonstrated in Jesus Christ. Then continue in the Word, with prayer, and the other answers will come as well. When a person decides that the Bible is only partially true, or that it is just a man-made book then they have no anchor. The lies of Satan, the philosophies of the world and the confusions of our own mind will all blend together and we will develop our own, flawed belief system. God's Word is all true, and all truth will line up with God's word. I would encourage you to check out the Bible's teaching on righteousness. No matter how good we are or how many good things we do, we will never be good enough to merit God's salvation. By ourselves we can only be in the judgment line. That is the whole point of Jesus dying on the cross. He paid the penalty for our sin. He takes our sins and give us His righteousness. We can now stand before the Father pure and clean. Hope these thoughts are a blessing to you.
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• United States
9 Nov 06
Dj I like your comments you seem to be a devout Christian. You say the Bible is the word of God and true word for word. I would like to understand the book of Job It seams to me that just to prove a point to Satin that God (the giver of free will and all merciful to his most loyal subjects) did somthing most awful to this man. I ask you to read this over again and think about how merciful and loving as well as non puppetmaster like he is. I would love to know what you think
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• United States
9 Nov 06
I like where you went with this thank you
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@chifeo4y (271)
• Nigeria
9 Nov 06
God did not not create you to send you to Hell because He loves you.It is left for us to search for God with all our John3:16,For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son and whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting Life.Jesus is God`s gift to humanity and if you believe in Him you are going to be save.No man can make Heaven without Jesus.He is the expressway to Heaven.Even some so-called xtians are denying Him through their livestyles like lying,commiting adultery and fornication.murder etc.Some people from other religious groups are even given their lives to Jesus after hearing the word of God about Jesus Christ and his purpose of coming into the world 2,000 years ago which is mainly understood in the book of John in the Holy Bible.So my friend you can see that God loves you.
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@OneShot (188)
• United States
29 Nov 06
hmmmm.... I would have more respect for the person who chooses NOT to have another pay for their sins. It seems to me an act of utter cowardice to have an innocent pay for the crimes of the guilty.
• United States
9 Nov 06
ok so where do all the people go that chose not to believe Jesus is the only way to heaven? and why did god create them knowing that they would not fallow blindly
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• United States
11 Nov 06
If It was blindly God Would not have gave us the bible!!!!! we CHOOSE to not follow him but since he is A Loving God He Sent His Only Begotten Son To Die For Us, But He Is Also A Just God And If We Dont Accept The Payment, however amount he hates to do it, he will have to send us to hell because he is a just god!!!!, Ok here Is A Simpler Example: If You Are Captured by The Police, And have Commited every crime possible in the world, and u were put to a VERY Just God And Had All Evedance Needed To Prove U Did It All, Then The Judge's Son Would COme Out Of nowhere And Asks The Judge To Pay The Price For Your Crimes So That You May Go Free!!! The JUdge Asks If You Would Accept That, If You Say No Then He WIll Have To Give You Your Punishment, if You Say Yes Then You Will Be Free But Since He is A Just God His Son Would Have To Pay The Price instide of You Because "Without the shedding of Blood, there is no forgiveness" (Hebrews 9:22) ! ``For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.'' John 3:16-18
@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
9 Nov 06
The Christian answer is that God created mankind with freedom to choose, so it is your choice whether you follow His way or not. The concept of destiny doesn't really figure large in Christian theology. In reality, though, you have misunderstood Christianity or have been misled (unless you are simply trying to throw a stick on the fire). If you are Pagan and don't accept the 'Christian' God and, depending on which rule you follow, also don't believe in Hell, what is your problem? People believe all sorts of things. If you are sincere in your beliefs, that is enough. No useful purpose is served by baiting others about theirs.
@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
9 Nov 06
Well all the best to you, gypsiewitch and bluefeather. I would be interested to know what your religion teaches about the All-Father/God/God & Goddess. If one is sincere and listens for guidance and that guidance does not conflict with some very basic rules, you know that, whatever we call that Being and however we see them, they are (incomplete) views of the same Being, and the Way is essentially the same, however it may have been wrapped up and overlaid with beliefs and ways of understanding. True Religions are a path to the Truth, devised by man. In their early stages they were always a help to enlightenment but many have become corrupted and their showing of the way beset by brambles and fallen rocks. They are, nevertheless, roadmaps and, as such, better than no map at all. Ask for the Truth and you will find it! Blessings be to you!
@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
9 Nov 06
My own answer is that God does not 'know the future'. Although He is outside of time in the way that we perceive it, that doesn't mean that everything is pre-ordained nor does it mean that creation happened and then there was history. Creation is with us all the time - it is the life-force the energy that sustains and renews not just this world but the universe. Humans are here to help or to hinder it, to go with the flow or against it - again, it is our choice.
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• United States
9 Nov 06
First of all speaking as bluedragonfeather's WIFE i can assure you good sir that he has no problem just a question or two and thus in your reply to his comment you have reassured me that I too have chosen the right path in life in my choice to be a witch. ( not that the reassurance was needed)
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@sjdelcuo (60)
• United States
9 Nov 06
That's a great question. Personally, as a strong Christian and also someone struggling with my sexuality, I have often questioned the same thing. In your choice, I believe it is such that. Your choice to be a Pagan was a personal decision, you weren't born a Pagan and you weren't born a Christian. In life we are given choices, and I believe that life is somewhat like a "choose your own ending" to a story. God sees all the choices and dillemmas we are faced with and He also sees the options and ultimate outcomes to these things. While you were younger or even now, you could have chosen to accept the Christian faith, regardless of your belief structure now. But you CHOSE not to, and God knew that was one direction your life could go. He didn't set you out to fail, nor am I saying you will fail by any means (please do not mistake what I am saying), all I am saying is that He gave us all a choice and knew what each outcome could entail. It's not as if your life will go one way and one way only, that you are predestined in life, because if that was the case, then there would be no free will. I am not someone to judge and I dig that you asked this question.
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• United States
10 Nov 06
Nicely said and I agree!
• United States
11 Nov 06
Great WOrk, i Agree
@MercyGurL (112)
• United States
9 Nov 06
he gave us all free will..which mean he created you and gave you the choice...what you do with that is your choice.
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• United States
9 Nov 06
Yes every one seas he gave free will what I want to know is eaven with giving free will God knowing the future of each and every person. Why did he create people knowing they would not choose his way just to send them to hell
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• United States
10 Nov 06
Isn't it funny how know one can answer your question. I think the real answer may be, He doesn't know all. I would like someone to tell me where in the Bible that statement is made, because I really don't know. It if is made in the Bible, then maybe man "added" it, which would not make the Bible accurate.
• United States
11 Nov 06
he knows The WHOLE Future, but in each second we could have a different future, so he knows it all but we could have this future or this future etc... its our choice! but he WANTS AND WISHES we would go back to him so we can have eternal life in our Lord And SAviour Jesus Christ
@shoreboy31 (1433)
• United States
11 Nov 06
God created you with one will....he gave you the free will to choose your own way in life, and the bible as a guide to go by. He then sits back and waits to see if you choose the path to him or not. Although he loves all that he created he only is willing to reward those who trust and believe in him and ask for his help to make it through life. He can't really change your decisions, or see them in advance. He did however know since the beginning of time that you were a part of his plan. If I had the time right now to look it up I could probably quote a few bible verses and give you an exact commentary on them, but it would take some time to research it.
• United States
11 Nov 06
and created u with his image too!
• United States
11 Nov 06
love - love is in the air
This is what I believe. We were all created to serve a purpose on this earth. We are here to learn how to be better human beings. We are on the earth to do work which is right through God's eyes. It might be helping someone cross the street, taking care of children, a simple smile to a stranger, or supporting your spouse through hard times. Everything we do and everything we go through is only to prepare us for eternal life in heaven. By the way, God did not put you on this earth for you not to believe. He put you on this earth knowing that someday you would believe.
@Amanda_NZ (125)
• Lexington, North Carolina
11 Nov 06
Hi there, "Question is: Why did your God that knows the future so knows that I wont be a christian create me just to send me to hell?" You have and every human being has Free choice to make your own decisions. You have the choice to change your life.
• United States
11 Nov 06
Indeed, every second we r at crossroads, and god knows the outcome of each and every path, but its our choice to choose which to go to!
@emarie (5442)
• United States
27 Nov 06
he didn't create you to send you to hell. unless you have done true wrongs in your like (IE: murder, rape, steel....) you will end up in a peacful and happy place, no matter where that may be. I feel God created us with one special quality...the right to choose, to choose who we want to be, and what we want to believe in. without any consiquences.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
9 Nov 06
God/Goddess doesn't know the future nor controls the future. We have free will to choose as we please. Also, who is to say their is just one god or goddes? A loving God or Goddess would approve of any who lead a good, positive life and would allow those to live amoungst her.
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@karwan (232)
• United Arab Emirates
11 Nov 06
God created man in paradise, they disobeyed God, but God had taught them how to repent, how to turn back to him and seek his forgiveness, then he would forgive them. Having done that, they were forgiven, Adam became the first prophet, and mankind was absolved of that sin. The story of Adam and Eve is the story of human existence. Human beings are given a consciousness of God. When God created all human beings, as he states in the Qur'an, he took from Adam (Adam) all of his descendents, and made them all bear witness that God is their Lord. So we are all born with that consciousness. He has also given us a consciousness of what is right and what is wrong. "We have inspired each and every soul to an awareness of corruption and righteousness." God gave revelation through his commandments, not to eat of the tree. However, human beings forget. And when they forget God then they fall into sin. We can absolve ourselves of that sin by means of repentance, and God forgives us when we repent sincerely. The Prophet said; "The one who repents is like the one without sin." "If you did not commit sins and turn to God seeking his forgiveness, then he would replace you with another people who would sin, ask God’s forgiveness and he would forgive them." So in our sinning and asking God’s forgiveness, the attribute of God’s mercy and forgiveness becomes manifest. God knew what we were going to do before he created us, he knew that he was creating a species who would sin. If he didn’t wan t them to sin, if it was not his intention to permit them to sin, then he could have created angels, more angels. But the had already created angels, so he chose to create a being, that would disobey his commandments through forgetfulness or just simple disobedience, but would turn back to him in repentance, and his attribute of forgiveness would become manifest. Similarly, his mercy; The Prophet is quoted as saying that when God created the universe, He made an obligation on Himself, recorded in a document, kept by Him, that "My mercy precedes my wrath." He also was reported as saying; "God created mercy with a hundred parts. One of which was sent down upon the jinn and human beings and other living creatures. It is out of this one part that they love each other, show kindness to one another, and even the animals treat their offspring with affection. God has reserved the remaining ninety-nine parts for his true worshippers on the Day of Judgment." This is the mercy of God manifest in his creation. What is also manifest in creation, in the act of creation, the creation of man, is his attribute of justice, fairness, which comes out as the judgment at the end of this world. I am sure we have all read the ahadith in which the Prophet said: "God created some people for hell and some people for paradise." For allot of people, this is something very heavy. And the companions, they asked the prophet sallGodu 'alayhi wa sallam then what is the point in doing good deeds? If God created some for heaven and some for hell then what is the pin in doing anything? It has already been decided. The Prophet said: "Each one of you will find it easy to do what he was created for." So if you choose the evil way, you find it easy and you carry on in that way, then that was what you were created for. But ultimately it is your choice. You choose hell. The fact hat God has recorded, before anything was created, who would be in hell and who would be in heaven does not change the fact that it is we who choose. The judgment is only to manifest to those who go to hell, that they deserve to be in hell. It is only for them basically. Because if God created you, and put you in paradise, with all that is in paradise, and you see those people in hell suffering, are you going to ask God, why did you put me in paradise? No. your going to say "all praise be to God!" you don’t want to question or to wonder, all you will be is ecstatic that you are of those in paradise. So the judgment is not for you, it is for those who are going to hell. If you happen to be amongst those who were created for and put in hell, you would say, why me? Why did you put me in hell? And God would say; because you would have done so and so in your life. But you would say; no, no I wouldn’t. If you give me a chance I would do good deeds. You would not give up arguing. So God has allowed us to live out our lives. So when we stand before him, our book of deeds is spread before us, we know without a shadow of a doubt, that we chose hell. That God’s judgment is just. There is no injustice in it, in any way shape or form. God says he oppresses no one. We will know that we chose hell.
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@wewally (16)
11 Nov 06
Just read the first couple of chapters of the bible. God is a God of choices. Adam and Eve chose to sin. they and there children suffered for it. It's just like my kids. Tell them no it's not good for you and just about always they will go ahead and try it. If the result won't hurt them I will let them go ahead and find out the consequences. If it could be serious I try to train them not to. When my son was about a year old I took him out the the wood stove and put his hand on the stove where it was very warm, not so it would burn and told him Hot. He never ever burnt himself on the stove. God has warned of the consequences of living pagan, wrote a book about what will happen. Whose fault is it if you don't listen. Some folks are like my son and listen, some don't. Life is not really fair if there is not a reward for doing good and a punishment for doing bad. The old testament is full of references to God changing his mind because of Men changing theirs. to answer your question, who decides if God is fair,are you and me that smart can we see all the consequences of our actions for the rest of time? No so we are faced with trusting one who can see, God. And yes he may have needed a bad example for someone and you fit the bill.
• United States
28 Nov 06
then why create me knowing that I wouldnt be turned into a believer
• Australia
1 Jan 07
Bluedragonfeather, you CANNOT know that you won't become a believer! I would have made the same statement as you 48 years ago. Many confirmed atheists have made that statement, only to become believers later. You are still alive. You still have a choice.
• United States
9 Nov 06
A lot of good answers below. However, God created man to have a free mind, a free choice. He created us all the same, in His image. So my dear, the choice is yours, not His. I pray that you make the right choice.
• United States
9 Nov 06
Sweet but the answer Im looking for is to why did he create people he knows arnt going to choose him just to condem them to hell?
• United States
11 Nov 06
no, u dont know that u wont ever choose him! he is giving everyone a CHANCE!
• Australia
1 Jan 07
God does not want anyone to perish. He loves everyone and wants everyone to know, love and serve Him. It is up to each individual to CHOOSE. I think the main problem with much thinking expressed here is the surmise that EVERYONE is a child of God. This is not so. Only those who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour have the right to be called the children of God.
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Real answer. We are in hell. Christian religion teaches this because they are taught their regilion is the only religion. This was taught from the begining of the Christian Revolution. When the preacher was the only person allowed to read from the scriptures. Because they were not done making all of them! They taught that the Pagans were really worshiping Satan and thus going to Hell. What is the best way to ensure people follow the law? This being the law of the church. Put the fear in them. the fear of God and the fear of eternal damnation.
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@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
28 Nov 06
Question is: Why did your God that knows the future so knows that I wont be a christian create me just to send me to hell? To answer to your question. My God did not create you to send you to hell. Everyone was born with free will. You have the free will to beleive what you want. It is up to you to believe what you need to get into Heaven. If you choose not to believe by free will. You are sending yourself to hell. Not God.
@starr4all (2863)
28 Nov 06
Actually not. You say he gives you free will to choose. But how is that a decision? Believe in me or you go to hell? That's not a real decision. That's using threats to try to get someone to do what you want. That is not free will.
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• Defiance, Ohio
29 Nov 06
There is no threat theart there. He gives you a choice. Belive in me or go to hell. Your choice. Your decision. If it wasn't. He wouldn't go out of way to have his people tell you about him and the ways to get to heaven.