So much for private family matters - Palin Daughter sells baby pictures

@lvaldean (1612)
United States
January 3, 2009 9:40am CST
It has been reported that People Magazine will be paying $300,000 for the rights to publish the first pictures of Sarah Palin's new Grandson. Only $300K? Wow, I guess pictures of the illegitimate grandchild of the failed Vice Presidential candidate aren't worth as much as the Pitt-Jolie brood. But, so much for private family matter and for that matter Class.
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19 responses
• United States
4 Jan 09
There is no way the baby being born would ever be a "private matter". If I was 17 with no job and a baby and someone offered me 300k for a photo of my baby that is already going to be in the media, I would take it.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
4 Jan 09
The question is why? For what purpose? You don't really need the money. You have sponsorship and the ability to keep your child protected. You have a mother who will provide for you until such time as you are able to provide for yourself. You don't need to exploit your child. So why?
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• United States
4 Jan 09
Her mom has money, not her. Bristol has nothing. She will turn 18 and her mom will no longer be responsible for her. Palin might be encouraging her daughter to take responsibility and letting her know she is not going to support them (money wise) once she is an adult.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
4 Jan 09
I thought about posting a discussion about this but chickened out since I figured I'd get slammed by the Palin fans for "attacking" her. I agree, so much for "private family matters" once they agreed to accept money for the baby pictures! Sorry, to those of you who may be offended by this, but I also agree totally that this shows a total lack of class. I already responded to someone here who said they "need" the money but the more I think about it the more it bugs me! I mean, I'm not complaining about the free market being at work here, members of the media such as People Magazine apparently felt there was a market for these photos so they made their offers and Bristol and Levi were certainly well within their rights to accept one of their offers. However, please don't tell me they "need" the money anywhere near as much as millions of other new teen parents who don't have a mother or a mother-in-law in a high position or someone to help them land a good paying job despite not yet having a high school diploma. The average 18 year old dad would be fortunate to find a parttime job at McDonald's or Walmart earning minimum wage or slightly above. Annie
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
11 Jan 09
Thanks for the BR! I was going to post somewhere about Levi quitting his job since it was brought up that he didn't have a high school diploma but I figured I'd get slammed for that. You know, I'm tired of being accused of attacking the Palin's, especially the kids, because I don't think I've done that. It's just that there's such a double standard when it comes to anything concerning her. She's being made out to be a victim of just about everyone; everything negative that's happened with her is somebody else's fault, even her own campaign's or the guy who's making a documentary praising and defending her. Annie
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
4 Jan 09
I do not worry about the slam factor. I am thick skinned and enjoy poking the bear, have you guessed that? I am not attacking simply pointing out the inconsistency between statements and behavior. This seems to be the hallmark of Gov Palin and her family. Hard to miss really. You are right that it is a free market and there does seem to be a market for the pictures. On one hand, why not sell the pictures, why not make money for what is already going to happen anyway? But the truth is it is exploitation for all the wrong reasons. It is exploitation of a personal event and one that sends all the wrong messages to an already "at risk" group. The pictures will be well lighted. Bristol and Levi will be air-brushed. The setting will be a nice family home, maybe even the Governors Mansion who knows. There the young unmarried parents will be with their new child. No worries in the world. No jobs, no education, but no worries either. They will have food, they will have clothing, they will have heat, they will have medical insurance, their child will be fat and happy without a care in the world. What message does this send to other teens? This is not a moral issue for me. This is an issue of "fair" and "right". Is it fair to continually perpetrate a lie? The answer is NO, it is not. These young people and their child are not the norm they are the anomaly.
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• United States
4 Jan 09
You make a good point. I wonder if the pictures would be worth more or less if the baby was legitimate? BTW: Would it not be Palin's daughter and son-in-law selling the pics? I don't see how it matters if they have Class or not.
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• United States
4 Jan 09
"She is not going to do anything or allow her family members to do anything that upsets her apple cart, not while she still has some control over their behavior and actions." So, you don't know very many teenagers? I seriously doubt if Palin's daughter had permission to get pregnant. Yet, somehow she ended up that way. I don't consider Sarah Palin to have any control over her daughter. She has only had very little control for some time. Now, it is likely none.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
4 Jan 09
If someone had offered me money for my oldest daughter's picture I would have jumped at the chance. It isn't easy being singe and having a new baby. But you know, even the people who hated my guts didn't call my child names or make sure to point out her being illegitimate. They at least had some class. You are assuming the choice of the matter was Sarah Palin's. Is there proof that she is making Bristol take the money? Can you say for certain that she isn't wanting to keep it private? This is Bristol's decision to make not her mother's. Do you point out every illegitimate child or just the people you don't like? Let me guess, mylot wouldn't let you use the other word for illegitimate. That must have really ticked you off.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Honestly I have to say our choices were rather poor this election year. Too many questionable issues about all of the candidates. I found it hard to jump on any bandwagon. Daughter and I were talking about the baby's name. She said it sounded like one of those jock varsity names and could imagine his future escapades at the frat parties in college. I can't say much, my son's middle name is Storm. LOL
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
4 Jan 09
That should be single.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Unfortunately I think Sarah gave all the proof anyone needs in many of her speeches. Nothing to do with overheard comments. It underscored much of what she said throughout her campaigning = Not Like Us I dislike her and all she stands for. I liked and respected McCain. Had it been between Hilary and McCain I would have leaned toward him. Even between McCain and Obama I was still in the middle until Palin was brought forward. Her, I neither trusted or liked. Her, I intensely disliked. Her I intensely mistrusted. I wouldn't let her babysit my children let alone run my country.
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
3 Jan 09
Yes, Pitt-Jolie sold the exclusive baby picture rights for a couple of millions. Not much class in that either. Quite frankly, I can't blame Palin's daughter for trying to make some money. They'll need it. Naturally she'll have less people interested in the baby pictures compared to Jolie-Pitt, lol. Less selling power translates in less money. As far as private family matter... they had reporters camped out to snap those pics as soon as the baby is born. I guess they managed to miss the birth, lol. You'd think the world wouldn't be interested anymore, but seems there is still money in it for the MSM. There is no privacy in that case. As for class... since they have not been left alone by the media in that matter, why shouldn't the media pay fort he privilege of exploiting the baby pictures? Just like with all those pics from the stars and starlets, who manage to get millions for their little one's first pictures. IMO, the only people not showing class is the media and those people demanding the right to see the baby/ baby pictures.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
3 Jan 09
"They'll need it"? I would guess if we took all the unmarried teenagers who have had babies in the past week, month or even YEAR these two would probably need that money far less than the vast majority of the others! I'm not saying this to pass judgment on them but just to state a fact. Most 18 year old parents don't have a Governor for a mother or mother-in-law to make sure they get a decent job while they work toward their high school diploma. As others have already pointed out, Brad and Angelina as well as other celebrity couples who have gotten money for rights to their babies' pictures have donated that money to charity along with the many other things they've given of their time and money for worthy causes. It's known as "giving back" and by giving someone exclusive rights to their baby pictures they helped protect their children from media exploitation as well as helping the charity of their choice. Annie
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
3 Jan 09
They indeed declared it a private family matter but the media kept pushing and haunting them. This is a way to provide privacy from exploitation. Why shouldn't they take that route? Why should that be exclusive only to the big stars? Just because they are teenagers and not as high profile? Looks like the media is thinking differently. BTW, not all stars donated the proceeds to charitable causes, if they did, often not all of it, including the Pitt-Jolie family. Yes, they need the money, and yes, so do other teenage parents. It's their life. It amazes me that it's classy when stars do it, but no class when this family does it. Personally I find it lack of class by those who still exploit this topic, the media, people demanding to see the pictures etc. There are in fact still people who don't believe that the pregnancy was real and that Palin's youngest child is in fact Bristols. But hey, so many people fully think this is such a redneck family. It fits right in, doesn't it?
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Actually I personally think it shows a distinct lack of class when anyone does it. Probably the one exception to the rule I will give is the "ruling" heads of state. This means monarchy rather than elected heads of state. In the cases of monarchy there is a legitimate reason for pictures, in all other cases it is simply exploitation and without class. Just my opinion mind you.
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@singlemommy (2955)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Wow! This is the first I've heard of this. Yes, I started a discussion about how Palin's office said that this was a private family matter and I was impressed with that. I found it very respectful for her to want privacy for her family. I can't believe they are going to sell a picture of her grandchild. That is just crazy. I realize these stars, etc sell these pictures and "claim" they give the money to charity, etc, but really, who cares? I mean, come on, they say they want privacy, well if they want privacy and want people to respect them for that then don't go selling pictures of your children. I would want more privacy for my child then I would for myself. I realize the media is going to hound them until they finally get pictures, but still, they should be used to being hounded by the media to begin with, so what really would be the difference for them?
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
4 Jan 09
My respect for Sarah Palin went up a notch when I thought that she was protecting her family and new grandchild from public scrutiny. I also believed that this should have remained a very private family matter and agreed with you that it was great that it was being kept as such. I also realized that the media would be on their doorstep for a bit. But honestly, the interest would have faded within a few weeks. It is really not all that interesting as a long-term story. Sarah Palin has a publicist to keep her in the news, this is part of her long-term planning for 2012. This is just one more exploitation.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
3 Jan 09
I'm just very, ry grateful that those pictures aren't being taken in Blair House. Can you imagine that clan in Washington?
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
3 Jan 09
Indeed, that is something to be truly grateful for.
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• United States
4 Jan 09
I do not think "class" comes into the picture at all. Sarah Palin's daughter is just that...her daughter. Bristol Palin does not earn big money the $300K will be a nice beginning to the young family starting there life together. I would much prefer the family gets the money from nice photos than some scummy paparazzi getting paid for taking unauthorized photos.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Well that is one way to look at it I suppose. I just happen to think it is exploitation of infamy. I also happen to think that it is engineering by Sarah.
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@iriscot (1289)
• United States
3 Jan 09
What in the world are those people thinking about? It seems that all of the Palin family cares only about themselves and how much money they can make. I think this is rediculous and shows what they are all about. Money and power seems to dominate their lives. I wonder what the "religious right" thinks about this, surely they can't go along with the Palin family on this! Oh well, we should have known something like this was coming down the pipe.
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
3 Jan 09
That is indeed what it seems like isn't it. Anything for a buck, anything for one more minute in the limelight, anything for one more grasp at that brass ring. Geesh, this is a family that is sad and truly dysfunctional in their public behavior. One can only wonder what their home life is really like behind all those plastered on smiles.
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@lala766 (239)
• United States
4 Jan 09
If I remember correctly the Jolie-Pitts gave the money to charity. I do not know what I would do in this kind of situation. Should you sell the photos so you have less risk of being hounded??? I just have a hard time with all this money being thrown around when there are so many familes who are starving. And when people ask for privacy and then sell their photos are they throwing their privacy out the door. Maybe Bristol will give the money to a charity that helps young teen moms! But i doubt it.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
4 Jan 09
It's a lot of money offered for a "nobody", and I guess private family matter is just left for one's own personal inturpatation. Sorta like that "I put that jet on eBay" thing. I could see if the money was offered from a company such as Trojan, maybe then it would send the right message? lol
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Now that is what I needed, a good laugh with my morning coffee! I guess that is my problem at the end of the day, what is the real interest story here after all. Two nobody teenagers have a child out of wedlock. Happens all the time, everyday of the week. The only interesting thing is that one of these teenagers happens to be the child of a controversial failed VP candidate. Ah Well.
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@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Hey, why not? Britney Spears's sister did-I guess that's the kind of society we live in now, unfortunately. People will always be curious about other people, whether they're famous or just main stream famous.
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
4 Jan 09
She certainly did and she is just as without class. I find the entire issue of babies having babies and then exploitation to be horrific.
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
3 Jan 09
Well, isn't she a lucky one.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
3 Jan 09
Depends upon your point of view I imagine. I am sure that my son and daughter-in-law would be grateful for an extra $300K right about now. They just had their first child in October and are facing all the hospital bills, baby costs, daycare costs .... but on the other hand, well; I expect that being young parents isn't a bowl of cheerios. Especially when you consider who grandmama is.
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• United States
4 Jan 09
I think it is sad to sell baby pics to the higest bidder... you are explotating your baby or in this case your grand baby.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Where's the proof that Sarah Palin is selling the pictures?
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
4 Jan 09
I think Bristol and Levi are doing the selling. I strongly believe they are doing so with the consent and agreement of Sarah Palin. My bet? Sarah will be in at least one of the pictures.
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@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
4 Jan 09
Ivaldean, I suppose people will just do anything with money and for money. I do agree with you that this is actually going to send out wrong messages which the media has ever done so since the beginning, if the pictures do get out eventually. So, yes you have my exact sentiments and votes here just how out of class this whole episode can be. I think in real life we always have this false front issues and I am just not surprised here. However, much have been said I do not think we can ever really know who is behind the change of decision to make the child's identity public and I do not think anyone here can actually point the finger at Sarah. Every family just have their own problems and just because someone in the family here has made and/or accepted an offer does not literally make her culpable. Besides, even if the "son-in-law" (I am assuming here) had done and accepted the offer, I think it will be just be normal and too easy for all of us to point the finger at Sarah. After all, she is a reputed public figure but there is always a black sheep in the family. Anyway, I prefer to sit back and see how this is going to turn out and yes, I would be finding her culpable if the pictures and deal is eventually materialized. But for now, I will just believe that she will be trying with all her might and conviction to let this from happening and stand true to her words and beliefs. I am just for the idea that no one is guilty till proven otherwise. Cheers and have a nice day ahead.
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Actually at this point, Levi can't accept the offer independently. He doesn't have custody of the child and is not married to the mother. I am not making Sarah Palin culpable. My issue is that I believe she is responsible, ultimately. She could stop it with one word, but she will not. I believe strongly that she is likely supporting it and will even likely be in the pictures. I feel sorry for these children, all three of them really.
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@Annie2 (594)
• United States
4 Jan 09
I just don't see what all the excitement is in the first place. I have no interest in seeing the Palin grandbaby. Big Whoop. Brad and Angelina -- no interest in theirs either. I have my own grandchildren and their pictures are what I want to see! I don't think they'll sell for $300,000 or millions, though. I think the exploitation of all the illegitimate star-babies is ridiculous. I don't buy magazines and don't want my 8-yr-old exposed to all the hoopla. I don't want her to learn from all this frenzy that it is okay to have babies while an unmarried baby. Unfortunately, she still is exposed to it on television. She sees the commercials and the news and sometimes ET or Insider. I have considered removing the tv from the house but we do enjoy the educational shows. Are we (the people in our country) that interested in all that, or is it just a media hype?
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Well clearly there is a market or it wouldn't sell. I have never gotten it either, I couldn't care less about other peoples babies. Ok, let me rephrase that I care about other peoples babies if I know those people and have relationships with them. I am with you though, my son can't send me enough pictures of my new grandson. The coolest gift I got this year was one of those portable picture dohickies that you can upload jpg pics to. It holds 170 pictures and I just keep adding pics as my son sends them to me. It is on a keychain and it is the most awesome toy. Sorry to my hubby who went overboard and bought me really lovely jewelry this year but the pictures out do the jewelry. I think as a nation we are simply over the top for some reason in our curiosity about the daily doings of the rich and famous. I am with you, I am not interested in the on-going support for the bad behavior of the celebs and the famous simply for being famous. Really in this case what have these two done but be related to the failed VP candidate and had a child out of wedlock?
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@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
4 Jan 09
I am so sick of this family and their brief time in the spotlight. They have no values that I'd like to pass on to my granddaughters. I'm so glad they are not in Washington. Too close to me in VA.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Couldn't agree with you more. I just wish our sick fascination with that woman would fade quickly so she can return to the tundra.
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• United States
5 Jan 09
I was thinking the same thing about this. I was also amazed that they haven't been married yet, like Sarah was saying before the election. But, what do you expect from Sarah Palin? I wonder if they used any of that money to bail out her future mother-in-law?
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
5 Jan 09
Who knows, maybe that is what the money is actually for a legal defense fund.
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• United States
6 Jan 09
Does it bother you that she's being paid that money? You know full well that the paparizzi (not sure about the spelling) will make her life miserable trying to get pictures. Why not make some money from it? She and her soon to be husband may need it to set up housekeeping.
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
8 Jan 09
And since Sarah Palin is a public person who has made her self available for others to judge I am well within my right to make a judgment based upon her actions, behavior, and statements. Based upon those things - my judgment based upon my standards remain what they are.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
7 Jan 09
The hypocrisy bothers me, nothing more or less. I have said it about 10 times now.
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• United States
7 Jan 09
In reading through this discussion, you used the following words to describe Sarah Palin and/or her daughter and future son-in-law: Classless infamous irresponsible her brood bigot racist ignorant hypocrite There may have been more derogatory terms used but I got tired of reading the hatefulness you've spewed throughout this discussion. The thing I found amusing was your asking KennyRose if he was "without sin" because he was "casting stones with abandon." What is your definition of hypocrisy? Even if parents teach their child right from wrong, sometimes the child ignores the parent's teachings and makes mistakes. Is there no room for mercy in your heart for this young couple? We don't know all the factors involved in why they made the decision to sell pictures of their baby to People magazine and until we do it's none of our business.