Killing women and children is
By Astro30
@Astro30 (90)
10 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
3 Jan 09
Of course I believe that killing women and children is wrong but why do you not have any concern about the people who are being killed and injured in Israel? Hamas was bombing Israel before Israel started firing back yet no comment about that? Hamas hides among their own people, putting them at risk while they launch rockets from the rooftops of schools and public buildings. Where is the outrage about that?
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
3 Jan 09
Maybe you should do some research. Under the British Mandate The land named Palenstine (no history of a Palenstine People) by the Romans, and refered to by the Egyptians and Greeks was set aside after WWI when the Ottaman Empire was broken up and strong ethnic and religious groups were divided between different countries. For Example the Kurdish tribal lands were divided among Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria. This was done to prevent them from becoming too powerful. Suni and Shiets were divided to prevent one group from becoming too influencial in the region. The League of Nations gave whole countries to loyal Arab families, Saudia Arabia was given to the Saudia Family, Jordan was given to The Hashemite Emir Abdullah, elder son of Britain's wartime Arab ally Sharif Hussein of Mecca. There were no such people as Palinsteins. The people in Trans Jordan were displaced people for other arab countries and were for the most part refused admission to their home countries. Many of the people who lived in the Territory of Palenstine did not consder themselves as Palenstines. When the United Nations divided the terrioity after WWII The Jews were given the rights to specific land and the Palenstine were granted specific terrority. The agrement was that they were to respect each others borders. As soon as the UN Resolution went into effect the Arabs declaired a Holy War and most joined in attacks on Isreal. During the war Isreal captured 26% of the land given to the Palestinian State, Jordan took 21% and Egypt took the Gaza Strip. It too later wars for Isreal to recapture the West Bank and the Gaza Strip for the Palenstine People.
Many of the Palestinian leaders are from other countries. Yarsir Arafatt was from Egypt. Many of the people who liven in the Terrority of Palestine are displaced Arabs of Children of displaced Arabs from WWI and WWII.
When Isreal opens the border they get suscide Bombers, Includidng Women and Children who often do not have a choice but are forced to do it or do not understand what they are doing. Hamas and the old PLO thought nothing of killing Isreali women and children and the world never said a thing about it. They target schools and hospitals, and fire rockets from schools and hospitals and then yell foul when Isreal shoots back and kills children. In many engagements with Arabs and Muslimus there are men hiding behind women and children shooting at Soldiers who are reluctant to shoot back but do because their buddies are being killed.
IF the Palestian poeple want this to end then they need to start killing the terriorist.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
3 Jan 09
So when Hammas send rockets into Isreal killing women and chi8ldren and the rockets are fired from schools and Hospitals what should Isreal do?? When the land was divided What is now Jordan was to be part of the Palenstine along with most of the terrorty they now have. During the War of Independance the Arabs took musch of the Palenstine land and never gave it back. Isreal won back the land and was forced to return it to the Palenstines and now they have rocket launcers in their back yard shooting at them.
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
4 Jan 09
By the way, the Israeli Deputy Defense Minister proudly called Gaza a holocaust even back in February 08....
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
3 Jan 09
Why would you assume that just because someone is condemning war that they don't know the history of that region? And you failed to mention the fact that Britain didn't consult the people of Palestine before allowing massive Jewish immigration after WWI, and you failed to mention the fact that the Jews were buying up the Palestinians land from their land lords at extremely high prices in order to oppress them and gain more land, you failed to mention how even the UK saw that immigration needed to stop and tried to slow it with their white paper, but the US and zionists plea for refugee after WWII was too strong for the UN to ignore. Despite the fact that the Jews had already been oppressive to the natives and showed no sympathy for the fact that they were moving there without the natives permission, the UN tried to resolve the issue with their ridiculous resolution, which gave more land to the Jews even though they were a minority - which is why the Arabs revolted.
Hamas has done some terrible things and I am not condoning them, but that doesn't make Israel any more right in using collective punishment for the actions of a few angry militants that are doing very little damage. And it doesn't make Israel right in their bloody warfare that is only going to recruit more people for Hamas.
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@livewyre (2450)
4 Jan 09
Seems odd to me that a well equipped army and air-force attacks a community and then is able to call any retaliation 'terrorism'. I can't reconcile that at all. I have sympathies with both sides and realise that there is a long protracted history - it's a pity that so many lives will be lost before there is any hope of reconciliation.
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
3 Jan 09
It needs to stop now. Israel's attacks on Hamas and innocent civilians in the process is only going to help to recruit more Hamas fighters and result in even more rocket fire. This attack is disproportionate to Hamas rocket fire and Israel is in violation of the Geneva convention. They are the ones who pushed for democracy in Gaza... that resulted in Hamas. What do they expect? Israel made Hamas a legitimate government and now refuses to accept it's legitimacy. Hamas isn't allowed a military and they aren't even allowed to control their own border... it doesn't justify them putting their land above their own people... and I don't think Hamas cares about the Palestinian people at all or they would have stopped the rocket fire. But I would just like to put things in perspective for some people.
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Thanks for the BR Astro, and thank you for standing up for the innocent victims of this siege...
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@Isabellas2007 (192)
• United States
3 Jan 09
Killing in general is wrong and the Bible teaches us this. However, the war between Israel and the other people that they are warring with has been occurring for eons. Who are we to say what is right or wrong about them? I believe that they have both killed numerous children and women of each others society. Granted they should not be killing women or children, but at the same time in a terrorist eyes a child could become your next bomber, or in the eyes of Israel you hvae to be on guard for anyone to attack you at anytime woman or child. Because of this Israel is trying to defend themselves to the best of there ability, they probably do not intend to hurt women or children, but it is part of the casualities of battle.
@Isabellas2007 (192)
• United States
4 Jan 09
If you had taken the time to read my response fully you would have seen that I said that they probably do not intend to hurt women or children. However, as was the case in every war civilian casualities do happen. They are not done on purpose typically. So shoud they be killing the children and such no, but they are a causualty that occurs. Is it right of course not, remember Herod did the same thing to the children in the area where our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was born. However his was intentional. Was that right no. Did he do his on purpose yes. So do they harm them on purpose no, but they can become a casualty because of misfires and such or being near a high profile target.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Jan 09
I can't understand all the killing that goes on in that part of the world to begin with and I doubt I ever will. I understand that Israel has been under attack for years from these people and that now that Hamas is in charge of Gaza it won't get any better but I don't know how it's justified to kill hundreds in retaliation for a few. Every single one of those lives means something, don't get me wrong, but a child is a child whether it's an Israeli or a Palestinian child. I wish so much they'd call an end to the bombing and fighting and call some kind of a truce. They don't have to love each other or even "tolerate" each other. They can stay out of each other's way and live and let live! Then if we could find a way to bring the little ones together away from all the violence and let them get to know each other they'd find out they're not so different and eventually the killing will die out. I know that's a dream but it sure would be nice if it could come true, wouldn't it?
@chineseairhead (756)
• China
3 Jan 09
It is a bad deed for Israel. But I don't think the international communities will act to stop them. There are a lot of factors to take into consideration other than morality.
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
4 Jan 09
War is never right. Unfortunately, in this case it goes both ways with Hamas having send rockets into Israel at mostly civilian targets as soon as the latest truce agreement ended. Israel does have a right to put an end to that any way they can. After all they are under attack. Looks like they are the stronger ones and finally want to finish the job. If you want to point fingers you need to point them both ways as neither side has learned to live in peace with the other. Both want unreasonable concessions in order for that to happen.
Civilian casualties have always been a part of war. It's exaggerated when military supplies etc are stored where civilians are, especially children. Saddam Hussein was famous for doing that. It makes the other side look bad because one can always claim they are so bloodthirsty they'll even take the lives of innocent children.
Would be nice if they just would put the battle ground in the middle of the desert. The country with the last man standing wins. No spoilers to the winner. The aftermath of war can cause more casualties than the actual war. The winner can take over the losing country but there will be no taking away of assets, no killings of soldiers or others who simply didn't make it to the battle site or are considered undesirable and a thread, no rapes etc. Would be nice but won't happen.
War is ugly for all parties involved. If only we all could learn to get along in a peaceful manner...
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@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
4 Jan 09
First of all, Israel is not attacking the Palestians in Gaza. And congratulations for at least calling them Palestianians, and not 'gazans' like the other dim bulb on other post called them. And it's Israel, not israel. The terrorist group Hamas attacked Israel by firing rockets at their cities. You know, Israelis have women and children, too. They're not these sci-fi creatures that just suddenly decided to attack an area. I suppose if Canada decided to lob some rockets into North Dakota, for example, you'd think, "Oh well. Those darn North Dakotans were just asking for it." Lol.....
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
5 Jan 09
Ah yes and I suppose Israel did absolutely nothing and gave them no reason to fire rockets... read my article