Do your parents know all your sorrows?

United States
January 3, 2009 7:48pm CST
Well,they probably do or they guess if they know you well enough. My question is-do you tell them about your problems or you prefer to keep it to yourself? I might tell mine about some pet peeves and minor stuff but I'd keep quiet if I was in big trouble unless the big talk was inevitable. I'm too old to be afraid of being punished but I don't see a point in making them unhappy with no specific help for me. However,not telling them certain things leads to certain misunderstandings and sometimes we all have to explain that not everything is that perfect and money doesn't grow on the trees...
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11 responses
• New Zealand
4 Jan 09
Hey there no they do not know most the thinks there are to know about me to be able to know me well anove. Arohnui Love loveyoohbaby xoxo
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• United States
4 Jan 09
You do seem to be full of love!
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• New Zealand
5 Jan 09
Hey there thank you for your responds no I am not really it is just the way I put it a Arohnui Love loveyoohbaby xoxo
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
My parents doesn't know about what went wrong with my previous relationships. My mom, especially, thought (..still thinking) that it's all my fault. She thinks i'm the one initiating a fight but the truth is, i was fooled and cheated. I didn't tell her about it not because of my pride or ego but i don't want to give her an impression that the girls she has met are the girls she must hate.
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• United States
6 Jan 09
Great attitude,I think like that sometimes
@JashleyB (1441)
• United States
5 Jan 09
Well I try and tell my mom about most of the things that bothers me but I kinda keep to myself anyway so it's hard. My mom is really cool though and usually helps me through whatever bothers me, I just have to get the courage to tell her about whatever it is first.
@JashleyB (1441)
• United States
5 Jan 09
That's true. Never enjoy hearing that.;)
• United States
5 Jan 09
Yes,most parents are great when it comes to handling our problems. However,there is that little annoying inevitable part called I Told You So lol
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@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
5 Jan 09
Well my mother is basically my only parent and I try not to tell her all my problems especially the seriuos ones because she is a compulsive worrier and I dont want her to worry.In addition I think I am an adult now and I should be tackling my own problems ,she has sacrficed enough and now should be just taking it easy without having to carry my burdens. You have made a good point though about how it may lead to misunderstandings .I suppose there are some things that you have to tell them.The truth be told my mother already knows my financial problems ,its teh more personal stuff that I tend to avoid telling her. Good discussion
• United States
6 Jan 09
My mom is a worrier as well,I remember her worrying that the bus I was on would crash after I got off 3 different flights,including on international and it was snowing all the way
• United States
6 Jan 09
I don't feel confident enough in my relationship with my parents to talk to them about stuff. If they find out or hear something and ask me about it, i'll tell them what i think they need to know. other than that, i talk to my little sister. she's the one i got to talk to about everything
• United States
6 Jan 09
I talk to my sister,too, which is funny because you'd never thought so 10 years ago. We used to hate each other but eventually we grew up
• United States
6 Jan 09
lol. whats funny about me and my sister, I'm 19, she's only 12. But she's my best friend. I wouldn't have anything if i lost her
• United States
6 Jan 09
i do drink occasionaly but only when i'm staying over with a friend. i could never let her see me drunk. not ever even with a drink in my hand. I couldn't do that t oher. hwne we talk, it's just me being me and her being her. no hidden anything
@kerri1981 (133)
• United States
6 Jan 09
Hi, I keep quiet about my problems cause well my dad past away I could always talk to him, but my mother I cant all she does is start a fight it just upsets me so i would say go tot he person your closer to hope this helped
• United States
6 Jan 09
Thank you
• United States
5 Jan 09
You know honesty is always the best policy and if you are going to hear, "I told you so," that means that your parents aren't really into caring for your emotional needs. That is such an emotional blow to your psyche and I feel bad that your parents would actually say such a thing. It is a form of abuse, but you can't sell your parents short either, talking and communicating is very important and you do a very good job of communicating with the rest of us here... I'd say give your parents a try and test the waters, but for sure don't get your self hurt. You can always turn to friends in times of need. Know where to find good answers and seek good advice with people that you can confide in. You are right that money does not grow on trees. This is a bad economy and there are other things that you should also know, check out my posts... Maybe you have something else to talk to your parents about?
• United States
6 Jan 09
My parents are not bad at all,I think it's hard for average folks to avoid the infamous phrase if they actually told somebody so I deliberately don't tell them because I don't want them to worry about me,I'm a big girl
@jesbellaine (4139)
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
Hello There… I have a very tight relationship with my Mother. I can tell her almost everything even if it is issue from the office, personal stuff or with my friends but I have to admit that there are certain things that I keep from myself, that I am the only one who knows. I guess all of us have something that they don’t want to share or that is considered private in their life. With other stuff like if it is going to be a big discussion or if I am in trouble, I can tell her that… and yes, it could mean a big fight or argument between parent and his kid but that is how it is… they are just concern and for me, I need to tell her what happened in case I am in big trouble just so she know incase whatever happens. Thanks for the discussion! Happy Mylotting and have a great day ahead! Cheers!
• United States
6 Jan 09
Thank you for your response,same to you!
@regal_aeros (2605)
• Singapore
5 Jan 09
well no. unfortunately they aren't as sensitive as i want them to be. But i'm also glad. i won't want them to over worry. but in any case, like you've mentioned not telling them certain things do help avoid certain misunderstandings. And given that my mum jumps to conclusions REALLY fast and has ideas in her little mind of hers, i usually keep things to myself.
• United States
5 Jan 09
I don't think your mom would be very happy knowing her mind was called little lol
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@chel2004 (63)
• Philippines
12 Jan 09
In my younger years I share my sorrows with my parents. for as a growing kid, those sorrows are not that great deal as not as you grow older,for as we grow our lifes are more complex as we struggle in a world with so diverse situations. As I grow old I had learn to handle problems and sorrows along my way without having to involve my parents. At times even if I am that much hurt I go along solving my own grief for reasons that I just don't want to bother my parents with my own doings. But I thank GOD for he is good to me. I learn to understand the people around me and the situations I am into, so that by understanding them I became more tougher and a firm person in my decisions in life. And now that I am a mother of four kids I had learn to handle them in a way that I try to penetrate their world so as to be aware of their feelings and doings to be more understanding to them so that they will open up their lifes to me. Not to totally interfere with their decisions in life, but just to be there to give my support and love for them so that they will find themselves in the world they want to live and enjoy.I find myself fulfilled when I see them happy and contended.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
17 Aug 10
Well my parents does not know all my sorrows becoz i dont want to make them feel sad sharing my sorrows