want to know more about DM?

January 4, 2009 10:47am CST
Good day! I am a nurse and I just want to share a brief discussion about DM if you are interested feel free to go on my blog http://sandy-amazingnurse.blogspot.com Thanks!
1 response
@edujccz (929)
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
Hi thank you for posting about DM , actually I have experienced the symptoms you mentioned about frequent urinating, lowering of vison, numbness and so on. But I did not consult a doctor, I just regulate my rice intake and take in a diabet everyday and it works for me. Can you discuss more on prevention. Happy new year.
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
prevention includes lifestyle changes for those who are high-risk by eating a healthy diet and regular exercise leading to weight loss. Controlling blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, and weight are vital components for successful treatment. Exercise is a major contributor to lowering blood sugar levels and is highly recommended as one pf the most important things to do in controlling diabetes. Avoid over-eating, reduce excess body weight, ensure your nutrition at each meal is well- balanced especially avoid fatty foods and consume more vegetables, seaweed, mushrooms and keep to a regular eating time.
@edujccz (929)
• Philippines
5 Jan 09
thank you for the information it will be big help for me and others who suffers this disease.