It's Not a War til the Wrong People Shoot Back.
By ParaTed2k
@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
January 5, 2009 3:00pm CST
I've wondered why it isn't a war until the US shoots back, but now apparently it's time to add to the list. When Hamas bombed Israel it went all but unnoticed by most of the world. However, when Israel fired back, it was "threatening to become a war". The UN, governments and people started complaining and protesting that Israel shouldn't be killing Palistinians... but didn't Hamas start the killing in the first place?
The UN stated that the response by Israel was disproportionate, but what is "disportionate" to an unprovoked attack by people who want to blow Israel off the face of the earth?
Why do we think like that? We talk as if terrorism is the scourge of all that is good in the world, but heaven help the people who actually stand up to terrorists or fight back. We should be rallying around those who fight back, but instead we seem to respect and honor those who call for cowardice and laying back and taking it.
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9 responses
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
5 Jan 09
For some reason people really want to like the terrorists no matter what they do. Over the last 20 years both Clinton and Bush worked their a$$es off trying to get peace between Israel and Palestine. Both of them managed to get Israel agree to giving the Palestinians land and half the capital but the terrorists wouldn't allow it. They've violated every cease-fire and yet Israel gets blamed for retaliating after Hamas attacks them. I still hear people say how horrible the US was for using nukes on Japan in WWII. They don't want to admit that Japan started that fight or that they refused to surrender and kept attacking after the first bomb. Then you get morons like Ted Turner and Deepak Chopra who think that if we sent doctors over to help terrorists that they'd suddenly be our friends.
You just can't win with people who actively want to hate America and will criticize ousting a dictator in one place, while simultaneously criticizing us for not ousting a dictator somewhere else.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
6 Jan 09
Yup, "Palistinians" have been handed 80% of their demands, only to refuse them because they demand 100% or nothing. Whining children.
The historic irony of it all is, the term "Palistinian" used to be used to refer to Jews. :~D
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@shewolf52002 (1214)
• United States
6 Jan 09
Because too many people think we should all hold hands with the devil and sing kumbaya and get along, after all these terrorists are people too. We should try to understand and allow them their beliefs, too bad that means letting them wipe Israel off the planet. I for one am sick of political correctness and all the bull.
Go Israel!!
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
6 Jan 09
What's one more holocaust among friends, right?
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@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
6 Jan 09
A man from Israel was interviewed on the news.
He said that "during the so called cease fire"
between Israel and Hamas - Hamas fired 100 rockets."
They don't keep thier word, because they are
determined to utterly destroy Israel.
And too - when you are listening to the news, take
notice as to how much time they spend on showing
what {poor Hamas} is going through, and the people who
are innocent that they have bought this war upon, and
the small snips of news on Israel's losses and sorrows.
Hamas and Hezbola have a mandate from their god and the
Koran to KILL all Israelies and any others who are the
infidels, or non-believers in their god - allah.
I am glad that one day, Hamas, Hezbola and allah - will all
bow their knee and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Won't that just choke them up?
But first, a lot of other things must take place.
One is the great war of the nations that go against
Israel to destroy her. That's when the whole world will
be amazed at what happens.
'Nuff said.'
C. C.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
5 Jan 09
Once again Para you fail to see the big picture. Hamas is the poor little guy and Israel is the bully. Israel is a free country and has taken a worthless peice of land and made it productive and the average citizen can live in comfort, while the Palistinians are forced to pay homage to the PLO or Hamas leaders who are getting rich. How dare the Israelis think that they can take poor people and make a rich nation out of nothing. They should be like the other Arab states and stomp on the people, keep them in povierty and see that only the few select families get rich and enjoy the fruits of the peoples labor.
At least President Bush unstood that we, the US, loses if Israel is defeated. You need to be tough with Hamas and either they follow the establishe agreements of they need to be forced to follow the rules. There will be real peace in the Middle East when Israel has peace talks in Iran after they capture it.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
6 Jan 09
Have you ever noticed that when Arabs and Israelis come to an agreement, it always ends up benefitting the Arabs and hurting Israel? I guess that's not supposed to be noticed.
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@CarlKnittel (692)
• United States
9 Jan 09
Lasting peace has never come from anything less than decisive victory.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
9 Jan 09
The trouble is that the UN no longer has the western nations in its majority, it has the enemies of Israel and the western world. So really they do not care for Israel to survive. That is why I no longer trust the United Nations as an example of nations working together as I used to in the 50s and 60s. Maybe you should ask those who complain about Israel shooting back,
"do you regret that Israel became a nation in 1948?" Because that is the crux of the problem, if Hamas is allowed to go unrestrained and just gets a shake no no while Israel gets blasted verbally to he!! then something is wrong.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
9 Jan 09
I suppose they do not trust the international community or the majority in the international community. I do think that everything should be reported fairly and I doubt that it is. So I think someone who is not pro Arab or pro Israel should go in and do the reporting and that is not the United Nations. And if Hamas did not start the attacks, then Israel is to blame, but if Hamas made sneaky terrorist attacks then Israel is right and if the media failed to report them honestly but if a Hamas group attacked a village and killed five people and it was shrugged over, but when the Israelites attacked a village in Palestine and killed five people and it was reported, then the media reported the news wrong.
So get someone in who has no axe to grind and no favortism.
@CarlKnittel (692)
• United States
9 Jan 09
Hezbollah is an Iranian organization acting as an occupying force in Lebanon which was majority Christian before they arrived. Anyone protecting that occupying force from attack by Israel or native Lebanese deserves to be shot and anyone blue helmet riding through my neighborhood would be shot as an invader. Hezbollah takes great pride in housing their armories and military bases under Hospitals, nursing homes and elementary schools. The fact that innocents get hurt when Hezbollah is attacked is precisely their goal. Human shields are their stock and trade which is why sane people don't blink very hard at civilian deaths when fighting them. Collateral damage is unavoidable.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
5 Jan 09
Yep that is what I am seeing to. For some reason it is not Hamas fault for shotting off the rockets and killing innocent people in Israel....but somehow it is Israel's fault for taking up for herself. And who the heck cares about "disproportionate" in a war? If someone attacks you fight to protect yourself with everything you have.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
5 Jan 09
Didn't Hamas also kill a few Palestinian school girls recently as well? Oh well, I'm sure that's Israel's fault for not being where the rockets landed. I don't really get the disproportionate crap. If I have ten rockets and you have 2, does that mean I'm only allowed to fire two of my ten rockets?
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
6 Jan 09
I guess they use the same logic that is used in Arab nations when a girl caused a man to rape her.
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@CarlKnittel (692)
• United States
9 Jan 09
George HW Bush didn't care about disproportionate in desert storm so the war was swift and decisive. George W Bush allowed congress to dictate a politically correct military doctrine and we're still fighting. Bush 41 - Iraqi soldiers surrendered to CNN camara crews. Bush 43 - Iraqi insurgents, many of them former members of Saddam's elite forces, capture and behead our news crews. I prefer disproportionate any day.
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@Troublegum (641)
• United States
6 Jan 09
The issue is that war is a word that Israel and the USA care to use. Hamas doesn't bother declaring war because they are an organization larger than any one countries government, so declaring war with only part of their organization is not worth the effort.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
6 Jan 09
They don't use the word "war" because they prefer to use more peaceful terms like, "wipe off the face of the earth".
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@Troublegum (641)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Yes that does sound more like they are tidying up. Kind of like how I just wiped oatmeal off the face of my 2year old rather than going to war with him
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@CarlKnittel (692)
• United States
8 Jan 09
It took western values coupled with the boredom of privilege to come up with the idea that self defense is evil.
No doubt there are many vets of WWII who wanted to hide their children from the horrors of war but, the result of the peace at all cost attitudes is that our youth are taught to hate their country for defending itself. All you military hating peaceniks that accuse the US of atrocities can hang your "I'm a patriot" garbage somewhere it might be believed. If you feel the country is wrong to protect it's interests you are, by definition, not a patriot. You hate your country and what it's doing. Patriotism is love of country.
I know, western civilization is oppressing the world and we have no right to exist. I think the previous comments regarding this being the only civilization that makes an attempt to recognize the rights of minorities, women and other cultures and religions puts the lie to that idea.
Israel has been attacked more times than I can remember. They have never initiated any war. They have never lost a war and they have consistently started every war out manned, out equipped, out gunned, and out maneuvered. Most of those wars were surprise attacks against them. Stand against God's people at your peril.
@CarlKnittel (692)
• United States
9 Jan 09
Military doctrine dictates that overwhelming force is the surest way to ensure minimum casualties on both sides. Disproportionate is a term that cannot be found in any military doctrine except as a positive thing.
I know where God stands and I stand with him. You are welcome to oppose us but I suggest you duck.
@CarlKnittel (692)
• United States
9 Jan 09
Ethnic cleansing seeks to wipe an ethnic or religious group from existence. This is the stated goal of Hamas. Israel only seeks to end the attacks against it's own. As I have stated, Israel has never fought a war in which they had the military advantage and yet they have never lost. Show me where Allah has given such a victory over Israel.
Like it says on my e-mail signature. My God has been kicking your butts for over 6000 years. I truly have NO FEAR.
BTW Hitler made public statements about bing on God's side but the entire Aryan movement was a satanist ideal of restoring the nephilim race born from Satan's minions joining with human women. His goal was the conquest of anything said to belong to Jehovah. The destruction of his life, his ideas and the infamy of his name were his reward. Most of his relatives and their descendants have gone to great lengths to disassociate themselves from that dishonor. They change names, countries, professions and lifestyles to keep from being known by him. The people your defending are carrying on his work.
@CarlKnittel (692)
• United States
9 Jan 09
Allah or Al-Ilah, represented by a big black meteor in Mecca and corresponding to the Babylonian Bel has absolutely nothing to do with the triune God. Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob sees our needs, protects our lands and calls us his friends and his children. Allah is precisely the opposite and false.
I repeat, name one victory Allah has granted over Israel. You cannot because he has not and never will. Everyone foolish enough to attack Israel has been destroyed by the Hand of God while the Israelis were collecting their wits.
The united forces of islamic enemies of Israel will attempt to destroy Israel and they will be wiped out in hours without the Israelis firing a shot. This has been prophesied more than 600 years before Muhammad dreamed up your faith.
Your question "if arabs decide to obliterate Israel... and manage to do so - where would you say your god was hiding?" is pointless. My God will not be hiding and Arabs will never defeat Israel. They have had Israel on the ropes in every attack. they have had Israel out manned, out gunned and outmaneuvered. Within hours they have taken control of large portions of Israels territory. In every case, within days, Israel has regained their territory and capture up to one half of the territory of those countries who attacker it, even when multiple nations were involved. My God has proven himself. Where's yours?
@sunil_008 (1269)
• India
6 Jan 09
hamas is a group which is involving themselves for the freedom of palistinin's area which they claim that under israels occupation. it is one of the worlds most volatile are i think where there is always blood shed battle between these two groups. in retaliation when israeli army fights back the world see the the entire nation is after it. though i am going to take a funny note about the whole situation. why not israel forms a group to retaliate to hama rather than sending their army. things wont come to that lime light.but in the end i would say that disputes about everything whould be settled with dialouges no war can resolve it. take all the wars that you know from the history what they have gained . i think absolutely nothing. loss is the only synonyms of a war.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
6 Jan 09
Hamas is a group of whining babies whose only goal is to finish what Hitler failed to do.
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@Undertheoath (365)
• United States
6 Jan 09
Ask Iran, Israel is definitely the terrorists in this situation... and every other one... and the fact that they exist..
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
6 Jan 09
Thanks for input from pro-concentration camp peanut gallery
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