Horde or Alliance? why?
By kafrosGR
@kafrosGR (138)
11 responses
@Preston911 (8)
• United States
16 Jan 09
man i would have to go with alliance i have many high level charecters on alliance, But Alliance suck real bad at pvp so as pvp server hordei s probably better, really just depends on what relm your on, but on my realm is a pve realm and alliance suck real bad in pvp and personnally i think alliance is better at PvE. =D
@FLampard (394)
• Malaysia
25 Jul 09
yeah, in most cases alliance are better at raiding while hordes want to pvp. Blizzard wanted to balance things out, but it was never balance, they miscalculated many factors that came into play.
If anyone knows the history of Wow, the alliance( that time only wif human, dwarf and gnome, nightelf was on their own) was the fraction that plays a major role in the story of Wow, they fought the burning legion, now they are fighting the scourage. The alliance has more role to play in the storyline. The nightelf defeated the first burning legion on their own, defeated the second with humans and orcs. If anyone plays Warcraft3: the frozen throne, you might know that the hordes don't even have a proper campaign on their own. But blizzard certainly wants to balance this out so their created a bonus campaign, if not the horde fans might not play it and blizzard will lose a lot of income.
On the other hand, the hordes were toys of the burning legion, they were corrupted by demon lord Kil'jaedon and had been used as a tool for the invasion. The orcs turned their beloved outland into a wretched place. Throughout the invasion, they gain many victories but finally failed. Azeroth was safe and the order of the Silver hand ( lead by Uther the lightbringer ) drove them back. Sum up the betrayer of Ner'Zul, the hordes were greatly weaken and considered as a failure by Kil'jaedan. Not until Thrall freed his people from the curse, the orcs finally regain their belief in shamanism. However, outland is not suitable for them to build their capital. Therefore the hordes decided to settle down at Azeroth (often in conflict with the nightelves over lumbers).
And see, the hordes basically had no enemy to fight, thats why they would point out the alliance as one of their enemies (PVP). And also, influenced the players decision in choosing their fraction. But the alliance is different, the alliance was in war with the scourage, (thats how warcraft 3: the frozen throne ended). And you had noticed, the scourage engaged more battles with the alliance than the hordes, that shows that the alliance is the scourage's priority. Basically Arthas doesnt even care about the hordes. And therefore, most PVE players will go after alliance, and choose to play with the story line.
@soulist (2985)
• United States
25 May 11
I was alliance. I didn't like the way some of the characters and lands looked for horde. Silly I know, but one day I decided to play 1 horde and enjoyed playing certain characters. I like both, but have to go with Alliance, I love my night elf.
@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
28 Feb 09
I chose the Horde because of their story. They are the faction that's bad and yet they wanna do good. They're like the ugly, badass protagonist.. like Shrek.. LOL. Also, they look cool and they have this "you-dont-wanna-mess-with-me" aura that makes them far more interesting than the alliance.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
11 May 09
not sure why but my hordes have never met as many rude people as my ally toons
it's strange because it shouldn't happen I mean there are allies that play hordes too so it should be the same
but it doesn't matter I guess because I plan to quit this game next month and in the process of selling my stuffs etc
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
10 Feb 09
I was alliance and I would still play alliance. I think the alliance girls are prettier and I don't want to play an ugly character LOL. I also like the look of the towns for the alliance, the horde towns are so brab and boring.
@tooincome (345)
• United States
13 Jan 09
i started with alliance when i used my 10-day trial for wow. after it was over, i finally bought the game and lvled my warrior to 60 (prebc). i then created a horde toon, and i was lazy to find all the towns, FPs, trainers, and all the other npcs. so ill just stick with alliance and unleash my rage in arena!
@bbentley5990 (17)
• United States
10 Feb 09
I play alliance simply because the horde are too ugly. I would much rather spend my time looking at something that doesn't scrather there butts constantly, or does the Hammer time dance. Although I do love me some trolls.
@Vonhooverhiggen1 (10)
• United States
11 Feb 09
WEll i started out playing alliance but switched to horde. horde is just more fun. Alliance was alot easier though.