Dose your cat do anything that you think is amazing?
By apples99
@apples99 (6556)
United States
January 5, 2009 3:48pm CST
Iv had 4 cats over the years, and I loved each one they all had there own personalty's, and they all could do amazing things (no really) my first kitty was a male manx cat and he was really smart, he would hug me around my neck with his paws like a human, and he could meow the words nummy when he was hungry. and my second cat was a female white and black siamese with crossed blue eyes, and she would stand on her hind legs and put one front paw in the air and wave at people passing by.
and my third cat was also a female she didnt do a lot, but she would fallow me around like a dog, in fact she would not leave my side and if I just thought about her she would come running around the corner, even if the thought just popped in my head for 2 seconds, and, finally the smartest of all the cats Iv had in the past, is my current cat the crazy insane one a male tabby he's been in my life for 2 and half years, he can be really sweet and really affectionate, but he's crazy, lol, and existing and ridiculously smart he can fetch just like a dog, and he loves to play bubbles he can even meow the word bubbles and he cuts the lights on when he's angry its true and I didnt teach him any of the stuff he can do honest.
So tell me can your cat do anything interesting or amazing I would love to read it.

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4 responses
@tinkerick (1257)
• United States
5 Jan 09
Wow those are some amazing cats indeed!
Our outdoor cat is smart. When we moved and brought her with us, she stayed where we were. When she hears the dog being let outside she runs to the door and meows for food and water. As long as the dog is outside she'll sit and stare at the door waiting patiently. Once the dog is let inside she'll go back to whatever she was doing beforehand.
She has also been known to ring the doorbell. One year when she had kittens we brought them into the porch to stay warm and protected (there's alot of tomcats in our neihborhood). We still let her outside for a few hours at a time to get a break and enjoy the air and freedom. She knew exactly where her kittens were and would jump onto the stair railing that leads up to the door. The doorbell was right there and she'd rub her body against it. (The first time I think was by accident, but I think she realized when we all came running - what it did.
One time we weren't quick enough for her and the window right by the stairs was open. She pushed her way through the screen and let herself in.
The indoor cat happens to be one of the outdoor cat's babies. She doesn't do any amazing tricks but does have quite a personality. If her favorite person (my middle daughter) goes into the kitchen or if everyone downstairs is in the kitchen she will amble on over to the kitchen too. However if anyone acknowledges her presence she nonchalantly acts like she's not there. She evidently prefers to be incognito.
When her water dish is empty she's been spotted drinking out of the dog's dish which is in the kitchen. (Hers is in the living room.)
They certainly are fun!

@apples99 (6556)
• United States
7 Jan 09
WOW! your cat can ring the door bell thats is amazing to me, Aww your cats sound sweet one of the cats I had years ago would fallow me every where and if I even thought about her for a second she would come running around the corner and if I was up stairs she wanted to fallow me and after she passed I dreamed about her for a week straight, now I have another cat and Iv had him for over 2 years and he dose all sorts of interesting things he fetches when I toss his toy he brings it right back so I can throw it again but hes exhausting too, lol.

@camomom (7535)
• United States
6 Jan 09
My cat has his own unique personality. He doesn't do anything amazing, except that he knows when I'm upset or sick and he won't leave my side until I feel better.
@Rachel1919 (81)
• United States
6 Jan 09
I have 2 cats one belongs to my 5 year old son and the other is mine. My cat Hayley is the coolest cat I have ever had and I have had cats all my life. She is mean especially to kids but she'd never hurt me in anyway and I could do just about anything to her. At night she sleeps on me perched on my hip which I think is cool. She is very verbal and "talks to me constantly" Some strange things she does is jump inside the refrigerator every time I open it and when I make the bed she loves to get under the sheets and be tucked in I think she has a thing for tight spaces. She is really affectionate towards me and gives me kisses and paws at my hand if I am near her and not petting her.
One thing that I am very proud of my cats for is this.... I have a paralyzing fear of roaches and if I ever see one which is rare, all I have to do is yell in a high pitched voice "Aaaah bug!" to my cats and they come running to kill the bug for me instantly. It is cool to have on-call exterminators.