Does your cat talk to you?

United States
January 6, 2009 10:05am CST
I have 2 cats one that never meows and the other that never shuts up. When I walk into the house he meows at me feet until I talk to him and tell him hi. When I say his name he meows. This cat never shuts up. He always has something to say.I will stalk to him and he will meow in response. I have had this cat since he was born I used to have his momma to till she died. So tell me does any ones cat talk to them the way mine talks to me?
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39 responses
@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Not constantly like yours, but I do have some that have a lot to say. I can't say I always know WHAT they are talking about, but they talk anyway. Tuti and Kit both talk a good bit but I don't know what they want. Oliver and Rygel talk, but you can generally tell if they are talking because they want food, or are worried about something. Rygel worries if he can't find one of his friends or the kittens. He and Oliver were making worried noises when the girls were getting spayed on Friday last.
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@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
7 Jan 09
he may also be missing his friend, your brother's cat
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• United States
7 Jan 09
oh no we got him a new friend and he still talks lol. He is just a talker.
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• United States
7 Jan 09
Its funny but I have to say that when my brother moved out and took his cat my cat really developed this bond with me. I always tell him I dont like you lol. He still climbs up in my lap and head buts my chest. He knows who runs the house. LOL.
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@jarnold51 (124)
• United States
7 Jan 09
I have had cats that talk to me and others that never make a sound. Right now I have one that talks. But I am a breeder of show cats and the worst thing is what we're going through now: 3 of our females are in heat and we are not planning to breed any right now. They howl and make awful sounds and then go outside the rooms where our males are kept and just lay there crying softly. I am ready to KILL them (not really). I'd take an affectionate, talkative cat anytime!!
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• United States
7 Jan 09
Rocky's momma used to do that to me lol. I would not let her out cause I wanted her to be a little bit older before she had kittens, but until that time came she would drive me nuts with her howling at the door to get out knowing there was a male out there waiting and howling back lol. Finally we let her with a huge Siamese,Himalayan and had some beautiful kittens. One is my boy Rocky lookslike a Siamese/himalayan, then there is Clair she is solid black with a very exotic look to her. She looked like a black himalayan. Then there was Spuds she was a little black and white tuxedo cat looked just like her momma. Rocky was the only boy and we have had him fixed lol. No more kittens for us they were a hand full.
• United States
7 Jan 09
Did you know that each kitten in a litter can have a different father? It sounds like there were more males out there you didn't know about! lol
@tessah (6617)
• United States
7 Jan 09
i have five total.. and they ALL chatter at me! they all have a different mew, meow, yEOWl for whatever it is they are trying to convey at any given time. my food dish is empty.. i want some lovins.. im sorry i woke you up chewing on yer hair.. i want a treat.. i cant reach the catnip mouse i batted underneath the fridge! much like when my children were newborns, over time.. ive learned to distinguish tween the sounds as to what they want and can have a semi conversation with them.
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• United States
7 Jan 09
I have become fluent in cat as well. LOL. Funny how they know just how to make us do what they want.
7 Jan 09
I have several cats....I love every one of them so much...I just love cats! :) They are very interesting creatures and have some wonderful traits that I can laugh at and smile at...they can keep me amused for hours. I do have a couple of cats who are very talkative. They both love to Miaow when you call their name or tell them that their dinner is ready. One of them, Elsa, sometimes seems to actually be answering me back like a real conversation...its sooooo cute at times! :-)) More so though, I talk to my cats non stop lol. I am not crazy...honestly! lol
• United States
7 Jan 09
I talk to my cats to. LOL. Its so lonely here with the kids in school and me home alone all day they dont seem to mind Rocky talks back lol.
@conbill (369)
• United States
7 Jan 09
I also have two cats and both of them talk to me. In fact bootsy is talking to me right now. I think she wants me to take a break and play with her. They both have different meows and I can usually tell what they want. When they are prancing back and forth meowing, they want to play. If they are hungry, they meow loudly and look at the kitchen. When perfectly content, they lay in my lap and purr. They also meow to each other. I swear they carry on their own conversations which each other.
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• United States
7 Jan 09
And people say cats dont talk lol.
• China
7 Jan 09
Your cat good lovable,I also am like the cat,in my family also has the cat,sometimes I also will speak with it, but it will only treat me to call several.
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• United States
7 Jan 09
This cat talks to me all the time. If I look at him he meows at me. If I think of him he meows its really funny.
• India
7 Jan 09 can't talk to anyone......:)
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• United States
7 Jan 09
Then you must have never been around my cat. LOL One day is all it would take and you would be screaming at him to shut up lol. Meow or talking its all noise to me lol.
• United States
6 Jan 09
My cats talk to me. I love when they talk to me. It is so sweet.
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• Brazil
7 Jan 09
I have 9 cats and all of them talk to the members of the family. One of them named Zeus doesn´t even ask me for permission then jumps onto my legs or comes to sleep with me. I really love cats.
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• United States
7 Jan 09
9 cats they must be a hand full. I know with my 2 that I spoil its hard to keep up with them sometimes lol. especially when they want to play and I dont.
@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
6 Jan 09
I have one cat that meows constantly-He's a himalayan mix, which means he has some siamese in him. I've been told asian cats meow a lot. The other cat only meows when she wants something, like treats. I had a purebred siamese cat once, and he would sit on my lap and meow at me, like he was talking, lol. I guess the main reason some of them do it is they like the attention. My sister in law has a russian blue that will sit on her lap when she's on the phone and start meowing. It's funny. She calls him her phone cat.
• United States
6 Jan 09
Thats how my cat is sitting on my lap being petted and meowing. LOL. He is so funny but he is Siamese as well. He is a huge boy. I will get some pics of him taken some day I promise.
@Kool121 (292)
• India
7 Jan 09
Hi Autumnrose 2008, I have a cat. She is very talkative and responsive. She sleeps on my rooftop sometimes during the day and when i come back to home, she talks to me from rooftop. Though i can not always comprehend what she is talking about but most of the time. My cat is very affectionate and loves me. She'll wake me up every morning by talking loud near my head. This is winter time and she'll come under my blanket and sleep there whole night. During the daytime she plays and makes noise with different emotions. If i don't notice her she'll slap my feet.
• United States
7 Jan 09
That is so funny about the roof top I used to have a cat that did that. She now lives with my sister in law as she does not like kids and is about 19 years old and when I had my daughter I just could not be so cruel as to keep her in my home with kids knowing how much she hates kids. Not to mention I was rather worried for my newborn being attacked by my cat lol.
@netmom27 (51)
• United States
7 Jan 09
My cat is an indoor/outdoor cat. It was not my choice but I moved in with my sister and her family (they have 5 cats) and I brought mine with me. My cat decided that since most of my sister's cats go out that he should too. He will stand at the door and climb up & tap on the door & YELL till someone lets him out. When he wants to come back in he will do the same from the outside. He actually taps his paws on the door. Sometimes, he thinks he's funny and places ding dong ditch. He will come to the door and tap & yell for someone to open it... then he crouches down like he's going to attack and then just runs away. He will do this maybe 4 or 5 times before he actually comes back in.
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• United States
7 Jan 09
My cat has never been out side other than on a leash with me when I took him out side and he hated it was all freaked out to get back inside. He sits at the door and meows if I go out side. I used to smoke and when I would go out to smoke he would sit at the door and meow till I came back in. LOL.
• Ecuador
6 Jan 09
Both my cats talk to me, and I insanely usually know what they mean. One cat mips and mews if she wants attention or through a shut door. The other cat yowls when she wants the dog to find her and play with her, and follows me around meowing if I ever forget to feed her. The yowler is also awesome in that she SNORES very loudly with a kind of wheeze and has since she was a kitten. Aside from my cats, my chihuahua actually SINGS.
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• United States
6 Jan 09
That is truly funny a dog that sings. LOL. You must be lucky maybe you could make a video of that and put it on youtube. Just an idea.
@fairydew (180)
• United States
7 Jan 09
That is funny. I have three persian cats. My male talks to me the most. None of them are really all that talkative to me, but they say things to me in body language. Just recently I was very upset with Fairy because she would not let me groom her and so after a bit, she comes over to me and jumps in my lap as if to try and make up. I told her I was sorry for being so upset with her, but that it is very important she gets groomed. She took her paw and patted my hand. I took this to mean: "I forgive you, I am not mad at you, just forget about it." I had to get a sedative from my vet to groom her. I got this done last night and all is well with us again.
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• United States
7 Jan 09
Cats are so funny. I have seen them grin evily as the foil my plans lol. I love my cats dearly and would be so lost with out them.
• United States
25 Jan 09
LOL.....we have the same thing going on at our home...our blue Persian male cat, Harley Dink, barely make a sound when he meows....our new kitten Aramis,solid black, is meowing all the time....At times I just want to scream...only because i can not figure out why he is is usually that he wants to be picked up and/or wants a treat...he is constantly making some type of noise...loves to play in the extra bathroom tub with the shower curtain....drives me nuts at times but i think its because he is still under a year old....we had him fixed and i thought that would calm him down...LOL But, still has his out breaks.....Harley Dink is the total opposite and i have to go look to find him he has always been very quiet..have been told it is the breed of Persian cats that is why he is the way he is...Hopefully when Aramis gets older he will calm down and not be so vocal....although sometimes i think its cool when he does seem to be talking to me when I call his name and he answers...
@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
6 Jan 09
Perhaps my cat is a sibling of your cat? Itty Bitz always talks to the point until I also have to say hi or hello when I get home from work. It's nice that he's always there to greet me when I walk in the door. I sure wished I could understand what he's trying to tell me sometimes but I have a feeling he's mostly talking about his food. Another funny thing about my cat is that when I'm cleaning it's like he's supervising me and watching to make sure I"m doing it correctly. When I say his name he also meows too. Have a nice day
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• United States
6 Jan 09
That is funny. My other cat has a funny thing with water. So I guess that it all evens out in the long run lol.
@neededhope (1085)
• United States
6 Jan 09
My cat talks to me too. But not as much. He tells me when he wants to play and when he wants to eat. And even if I ask him questions you can tell if he is saying yes or no. It's pretty amazing but overall he's a very content cat. Until I leave the house. Basically I stay at home all the time because my husband and I have only one vehicle. And when I leave to go somewhere. I have to make sure I tell him bye and that I"ll be back in a little while. If I don't and just leave he starts to meow non stop. And it actually annoys my husband quite a bit. Because usually when I leave it's at night when he's sleeping. But as long as I tell him that I"m leaving and tell him I'll be back he doesn't meow he goes and lays down. Well until I get home that is.
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• United States
6 Jan 09
My cat will sit and meow at the door for about 30 min after I have left for work. He is sitting at the door when I get home as well. He is such a silly cat.
18 Jan 09
yep. my cats talk to me. one in particular -- "homer," and he is a 15-lb. cat. when he is in my bed, he has to see my face. if i turn over, he walks over me. when i touch his fur and slowly run my fingers down his back, he makes so many different meows. sometimes (and i guess it feels so good) he doesn't make a sound, he just opens his mouth. if he were human, i guess he'd be the equivalent of a husband! i just talk back and have no clue what they're saying. just enjoy it!
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@sammy009 (259)
• United States
23 Jan 09
My cat named Tigger, i would call her name and she would meow, or sit by her and talk to her and if she understood what i was saying she meows back. I would call her name and say tigger come here and her she would come. She would be sitting on the top of the window sill and i would say Tigger, that is your spot tigger, she would look at me and meow. Its so interesting, and so cute for her to respond to me.
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• United States
24 Jan 09
yes, my cat Julieann talks to me all the time. She also sleeps on the same pillow with me. She loves her mama. I did teach my other cat to say mama, by holding a can of tuna in the air and repeating mama untill he said it then he got the tuna.He's gone now.
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