Alaska State Troopers Unions Say Drug Case Delayed By Politics
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
January 6, 2009 1:27pm CST
Kyle Young, a troopers drug investigator who was involved in the case of Sherry Johnston, mother of Bristol Palin's boyfriend Levi, wrote this in an e-mail last week to all members of the Public Safety Employees Association, the union that represents troopers and other law enforcement officers around the state:
Young wrote that after it became clear who Johnston is, "this case became anything but normal. It was not allowed to progress in a normal fashion, the search warrant service WAS delayed because of the pending election and the Mat Su Drug Unit and the case officer were not the ones calling the shots."
John Cyr, executive director of the union, said it's clear to him that the investigation was handled differently because of who Johnston is. "This really does smack of political favoritism. And if that be the case, it's another example of the Palin administration's direct influence on the public safety unit," Cyr said.
Also from the above article:
Alaska Public Safety Commissioner Joe Masters and troopers director Col. Audie Holloway vigorously dispute that there was anything irregular in how this case was handled. "We worked very hard to make sure we conducted it just as fairly and as normally as any other investigation," Holloway said.
So there it is: a trooper involved in the investigation and the executive director of the troopers union see things one way and the Alaska Public Safety Commission and troopers director see it another way. I know this is going to be seen by many myLotters as yet another smear against Palin but if you were honest you'd have to admit if this were anyone else you'd also be raising questions about it.
What do you think - was the warrant and drug arrest delayed regarding Sherry Johnston due to the November 4 election and if so, how do you feel about it? My personal opinion is if I were planning on voting for McCain/Palin this wouldn't have changed my mind one bit. After all, she's certainly not responsible for what her daughter's boyfriend's mother does, now is she? However, if I had voted for them and they had won the election and then I saw this allegation I'd be a bit disturbed about the possible cover-up and delay. It raises lots of familiar questions like who knew what and when did they know it? Who was really behind this "delay" in handling the warrant, if it existed?
OK, I'm ready for the spanking I know is! What do you think?
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10 responses
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
6 Jan 09
I agree that Sarah Palin is not responsible for what Johnson did however she is responsible if she used her Governor status to interfere in how the situation was handled. IMO she would not choose to interfere with the whole country watching for her to make a mistake but I could be wrong. I guess time will tell what really happened.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
6 Jan 09
Kennyrose it was on December 18th which was after the election but I remember that during the election there was a lot of controversy regarding Sarah Palin, her ex brother-in-law and the Alaska State Troopers. She was accused of interference in that situation so it is not to far a stretch for some people to speculate she was getting involved. Although I still think she is too clever to get her self involved in any potential trouble.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Jan 09
"I know the article said Dec 18 TH but seems like some one is trying to say it was before the election and some how Gov Palin may had something to do with a cover up."
The investigation was going on well before the election, Rose, which you'd have seen if you read the article. The question is if the handling of the warrant was delayed because of the election. Nobody has said Palin had anything to do with a cover-up. Do you disagree that IF there's evidence that SOMEBODY - ANYBODY - had delayed the warrant due to the election that it should be looked into? Nobody that I'm aware of has outright accused Palin of anything but wouldn't you like to know who "somewhere other than locally" had been in charge of this delay, if it indeed occurred?
"I think Gov Palin was found innocent of the charges in the state trooper case,and that has been put to rest by her peers."
I think the first finding was that she may have abused her power.
"I just read a Chicago Sun Times article in regard to Gov Richardson of New Mexico and Barack Obama having the same money connections,I find it interesting there is more interest at Mylots in Gov Sarah Palin,the birth of her first grandchild to her soon to be son in laws mother then the corruption taking place as we speak in our government,with FBI investigations reaching from Washington D,C. to Illinois and to New Mexico."
Rose, this discussion has nothing, zero, zip, NADA to do with Obama, Richardson or Chicago! However, since I doubt you're aware of this, Richardson was not accused of any personal wrongdoing. He simply felt it in the best interest of the new Administration and the nation if he withdrew from his cabinet appointment since there's an ongoing investigation.
"Just goes to show ya Gov Sarah Palin is very popular and people follow everything and any thing they can find on her and her family every move...LOL."
I doesn't seem that there's any shortage of things to find on them, does it...LOL!
In regard to Gov Sarah Palin I find it interesting in two year as the popular governor of Alaska having a approval in the 80% range after two years in office she had no smears and none of this crap until the liberals and democrats begin their endless smear of herSAD
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Jan 09
I agree with you that it's hard to believe she'd have personally interfered in something like this with the whole country watching and thank you for being respectful and recognizing that I didn't accuse Palin of anything. You're right, time will tell what really happened and I sincerely hope there was nothing illegal or unethical done in this case but even if it was it doesn't mean it was done by Palin. The fact that this allegation was made at all does raise questions, however, and I don't think simply ignoring it is the way to handle it.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
6 Jan 09
It's easy to see how this could have been shelved for a bit to spare Sarah Palin embarassment. I guess the issue is probably whether or not she knew it was being delayed. I think she probably was not even in her home state for most of the investigation and lets face it, national candidates usually delegate most of their responsiblities when they are running for high office. I think it's good enough that the charges were made and not covered up and I would be inclined to give Sarah a pass on this one.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Jan 09
I doubt she was directly involved either and I think it's a pretty sure thing she was out of Alaska when this was all going on. However...(Please note, I HAVE to say this to get Taskr all riled!), if it was delayed for political reasons I hope they get to the bottom of it, no matter WHO was to blame.
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@MntlWard (878)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Staff members of the McCain campaign had virtually taken over the office of the Alaska governor once Palin hit the campaign trail, so it might not have been Palin who made the decision to delay that investigation, if in fact the investigation was delayed at all. I won't be surprised at all if it turns out to be true, though.
I'll also echo the sentiment that Sarah Palin isn't responsible for Johnston's actions.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Thank you for the update, Taskr. I didn't DIG for anything, it was right there for the reading and watching for anyone who didn't choose to turn a blind eye to anything that could possibly be anything remotely against Saint Sarah. So the union's backed off, fine, it probably is the end of the story. Unions "back off" for many different reasons, by the way. Maybe there was nothing there to begin with but if you weren't so blindly enamored of Sarah Palin you'd have been able to see that an objective observer would be interested in knowing the whole story.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
6 Jan 09
I saw nothing in the article linking the governor to any impropriety. IF.....IF this is true, than someone needs to answer for it. so far, there is only an email of unsubstanitated claims that aren't even specific as to who was delaying warrents or dolling out the "special treatement" Too early to call it yet. we'll see what develops.
you were doing so well too annie
I'm signing you up for a Palin Anonomous meeting tonight. be there. the first step in getting help is admitting you need it.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Jan 09
I didn't say there was anything linking the governor to any impropriety, did I? I happen to agree it's too early to call it yet but as you just said IF it's true, someone needs to answer for it. It would be my guess that the e-mails were sent in the hopes someone would look into it.
Thank you so much for signing me up for that meeting, X, but I really don't need it. I would be just as happy if the whole family just went away quietly into the Alaskan sunset or non-sunset, whatever it is there this time of year. I'm sorry but politically interested person that I am as long as there continue to be newsworthy items about the Palin gang that may be interesting to debate or discuss I'll probably continue to post about them or respond to them if someone beats me to it or I miss something. I am trying to be as respectful as possible so as not to offend anyone and not to be repetitious, as some here have been regarding the Illinois governor.
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@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
6 Jan 09
No doubt they were a lot more careful in the handling of this for the simple reason of who it involved. They had to be sure they were correct before they said anything. This could have easily been seen as a delay. Special attention in a case like this can take longer, or there may have been digging a lot deeper to see if they could come up with any dirt that would hurt Palin. According to Palin's record she put the hurt on some very important people up there and they are not used to anyone standing up to them that way. Some of these same people now have a reason to want to see her out of office. I say more power to her. She is the first real person to get on the soap box in Washington in a long time.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Jan 09
Gee, it looks like you're taking this a bit differently than I was. You think they were investigating Johnston to begin with to hurt Palin and took longer to make sure they had all their i's dotted and t's crossed? What I gathered from the e-mail sent by the trooper involved with the investigation is that the warrant process was delayed and it came from above the local authorities.
To continue this discussion a bit further, would you mind if I asked you in what way you feel "She is the first real person to get on the soap box in Washington in a long time"? "Real" in what way, specifically?
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@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Hi Annie, It seems to me some people are out to hurt Palin about any way they can. She just may be a serious contender in 2012 and that wouldn't sit too well with some people.
What I meant by her being the first real person is this; She presented herself for exactly what she is. She did not try to put up a front trying to make her look better and she didn't make a bunch of promises she knew she would never be able to keep and she did not lie every time she opened her mouth. She simply said here I am, look me over and what you see is what you get. Anyone that was trying to be half way fair with her had to admire her for that. If you think these jerks are done with her you just watch and see what happens. They have already took several stabs at her and they ain't done yet.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Art, I thank you for your responses here and I've got to say I respect your opinion totally even though I also respectfully disagree with you. I think she HAS lied just about every time she opened her mouth but if anyone questioned anything about her they were attacked by her supporters for attacking HER! She refused to give any interviews for weeks after being introduced and when she finally did the interviewers got trashed for giving her "gotcha" questions. I thought every time she spoke it sounded totally scripted and put-on and I, for one, wasn't impressed by her folksy, down-home act and I thought her winking during the V.P. debate was insulting to all female politicians. I really don't think anyone's been out to get her, not really. I mean, sure, everyone is politics has someone out to get them but I don't think she's had it any worse than anyone else and she's had it a lot easier than Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, in my opinion. Hillary's never had anyone "protecting" her from the big bad media.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
6 Jan 09
Wow Annie, she lost over two months ago and you're still spreading this crap. What would you have done if she'd won, a daily address on potential smears? See where you seek out and print smears against Palin, others like myself want proof. There is none. There is not one tiny shred of proof that she caused any form of delay. As for that union, I see no reason to trust anything they might say. This is the same union that helped Wooten get only a 6 day suspension after tasering his 11 year old stepson and drinking and driving in a squad car.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Jan 09
Taskr, give me a break! I'm not "spreading" ANY "crap" and I'm not seeking out smears against Palin. I did NOT say she caused any form of delay. I copied word for word what the e-mail said and what the different people involved in this issue had to say about it, giving both sides. Do you think something like this should simply be ignored and not even addressed? Would you think that way if it were one of the Democratic candidates' family members or future in-laws or whatever? I know the answer to the latter and SO DO YOU!
You say "As for that union, I see no reason to trust anything they might say."
Do you have something personally against the man who wrote the e-mail and just happens to have been part of the investigation and a MEMBER of that union? I don't know anything about him one way or another so I have no reason to call him a liar.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Jan 09
"Annie, when the original story about this woman's arrest was printed it ONLY made headlines because of her son's engagement to Sarah Palin's daughter. It was reported to keep directing a negative light on Sarah Palin. By posting and spreading this crap here, you are subscribing to the same agenda. It was clear from the start that the whole mess had nothing to do with Palin, but many of us KNEW the media wouldn't stop until they dug up some way to say Sarah Palin was involved in some sort of wrongdoing."
Taskr, it made headlines originally because it involved someone related to, or "nearly" related to, someone who had been in the news 24/7 for several months. In this case it was the recent GOP V.P. candidate. Nobody said it had anything to do with Palin.
"Eventually they found some jerk willing to say that there was some hint of possible wrongdoing that somehow Palin MIGHT have something to do with. Naturally you, as Ms Anti-Palin, were COMPELLED to spread this crap here."
WHO found "some jerk"? Are you saying someone went looking for someone like this trooper to say what he said, which he did NOT accuse Palin of anything. I don't care if you don't like that I was "compelled to spread this here"! Please, if we can't agree to disagree about things like this why can't you just not read them?
"Reposting a smear, word for word or otherwise, is still smearing Sarah Palin. I know you want to act as though you're some innocent reporter of news, but that's a load of crap."
If anything that has anything remotely to do with Sarah Palin or her brood is a "smear", perhaps you'd better lock yourself away for a few years because it doesn't look like she's going to go away and as long as she's around making news it and anything else that involves her will be reported.
"That is, unless I missed the part where you reposted articles on Biden's daughter."
I'm afraid you'll have to refresh my memory on that.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
6 Jan 09
Annie, when the original story about this woman's arrest was printed it ONLY made headlines because of her son's engagement to Sarah Palin's daughter. It was reported to keep directing a negative light on Sarah Palin. By posting and spreading this crap here, you are subscribing to the same agenda. It was clear from the start that the whole mess had nothing to do with Palin, but many of us KNEW the media wouldn't stop until they dug up some way to say Sarah Palin was involved in some sort of wrongdoing.
Eventually they found some jerk willing to say that there was some hint of possible wrongdoing that somehow Palin MIGHT have something to do with. Naturally you, as Ms Anti-Palin, were COMPELLED to spread this crap here.
Reposting a smear, word for word or otherwise, is still smearing Sarah Palin. I know you want to act as though you're some innocent reporter of news, but that's a load of crap. That is, unless I missed the part where you reposted articles on Biden's daughter.

@collieluv28 (388)
• United States
8 Jan 09
Politics had something to do with delaying the case? You betcha! Whether Palin was involved or not is the real question. I'm sure that the political campaign "handlers" had something to do with the delay. Palin may or may not have been informed but who knows. We will probably never know. This must be kept quiet so that Palin can burst onto the stage once again in 2012. We have not heard the last of Sarah Palin! Darnit all!
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
8 Jan 09
This didn't surprise me one bit, what do you expect from Alaska politics. I hope that this is investagated by the federal government, if the govenor or her appointees abused their power, we know that the Palin government will say a word about it. This also speaks volumes about the vetting process of John McCain. I really wonder if they told the McCain people about this? Think this is the offical end of Palin's political career, it seams like she is a corrupt, if not more than the people that she called corrupt.
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@actualfactual (57)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Of course politics was involved. Politics is involved in cases like this all of the time. Prominent Democrats and their families also get special treatment. I just feel bad for Sarah, because now she is going to have to raise her grandchild because her skanki daughter and loser boyfriend are a train wreck waiting to happen. I'm just sayin'.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Jan 09
X, I'm with you here. Actual, actually that was uncalled for. Calling two young kids names isn't going to solve anything and if having a baby at a young age makes someone "skanki" and a loser then my husband and I once fit that description I'm afraid. Our parents didn't raise our daughter, by the way, not at all. They were wonderful, supportive grandparents but we did the parenting ourselves.
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