"Just This Side Of The Rainbow Bridge There Is A Land ..."

January 6, 2009 5:21pm CST
Our beloved kitty 'Anna Belle' pictured in my avatar, has now entered that land. Many of my friends 'here' know that she hasn't been well for quite some time. When my daughter and I returned from our Christmas visit to my sister's, it was quite evident to me that her health was failing. My daughter's best friend had been caring for her while we were gone, and Anna Belle had been 'pretty good' before we left. She was great on Christmas Day, and had lots of fun playing with the wrapping paper and ribbons. Quite awhile back, she'd developed a wheezy cough. When we came home Sunday night, she didn't greet us at the door, as she always would. She clearly wasn't herself, and by Monday morning her condition had worsened. I placed a call to one of my best friends, but didn't actually speak with her until this morning. I then called our vet, and they told us to bring her in. When the vet saw her, she said there was no hope, and felt she'd developed a heart condition. Her breathing was laboured, and she'd stopped eating and drinking. I was forced to make a choice I didn't want to make. My daughter and I had discussed this, before we left for the vet. My daughter, myself, and our dear friend, were all there with her at the end. I wanted to remember her while she was still living, so didn't choose to watch her go. I said my goodbye, and slipped out of the room. My daughter and my friend were with her. The vet was a wonderful, compassionate woman, and she explained to us that her brain would shut down first, then her heart would stop. She wouldn't know who was there with her. I did go back in to see her afterward, and was able to stroke her, and talk to her. She looked very peaceful. They gave us all of the time we wanted, to say goodbye. They even took a paw print for each of the three of us, which we can have framed with a photo. We have a small piece of her hair, that they gave us too. This has not been a good day for me, or my daughter. Our friend is also heartbroken. I can barely type this through my tears, but I want to share this with all of my 'special friends' here. You mean the world to me, and I so appreciate all of your love and support. If I'm offline more than usual, you'll know the reason for this. This is my daughter's first 'real experience' with grief. A beloved pet is such an important part of a family, and my daughter (now seventeen,) was just six when we brought Anna Belle into our lives. Thanks so much for reading this, and for being there. Love and Hugs to all of you. Have any of you lost a beloved pet, either recently, or in the past? Please feel free to offer tributes to 'your special family members' here.
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15 responses
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
6 Jan 09
Awww....hon...I'm so sorry about Anna Belle. That is so sad. I was hoping she was doing better too. At least she's not suffering anymore. And that was so good that you had a kind hearted and compassionate vet. Some of them are so lousy at the whole bedside manner thing. I don't know if you remember my post a couple of years ago (in March) about my beloved Meg passing away or not. I can't believe it's been that long already. It sure doesn't feel like it. The pain will ease in time....I promise. I'm sending lots of hugs to you and your daughter. Again...I'm so sorry for your loss. I just lit a candle for her and you and your daughter. Here's the link if you want to see it: http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/message.cfm?l=eng&cid=7512830
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
6 Jan 09
I can't believe it has been 2 years either Kat I remember that Day so well Love you
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Love you too my dearest Gabs.
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@proudnana (192)
• Canada
24 Jan 09
hi someonesmom, I had no idea Anna Belle had gone to this side of rainbow bridge until that friendly "little birdie" friend of ours told me the news the other day. I'm so sorry to hear this and I know how painful it must have been for you and your daughter. It is very heartbreaking losing your beloved pet. We had to put our cat Lucky down after a lengthy illness as well in July 2007, just four weeks after my mom had passed away, so it was doubly painful for me. She was 18 yrs old when we lost her. I'm sure both Anna Belle and Lucky are running around and playing together now. Take care, ~proudnana~
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@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
6 Jan 09
I'm so sorry to hear you have lost your beautiful companion. I lost The Doctor in 1995, and I still miss him. Most recently, I lost Mitten, my 16 yr old semi-feral outside cat. She was very sick and in pain. I always say that if I hadn't rescued her as a baby, she would have never have made it to 16, she'd've been lucky to make it to 6 months. And, because she was spayed, she never added to the population of unwanted kittens. You know that you have provided the best home for Anna Belle, and now you have eased her out of this life of pain that her life had developed into. She loved you and she'll be there for you. I have lit a candle for her at: http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/candles.cfm?l=eng it is under AnnaB.
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@OURDEW (4809)
• United States
7 Jan 09
I am so sorry someonesmom. I know you will miss Anna Belle very much. Please try and remember all the funny and crazy times you had with her and she will always be there with you, in your heart. I lost my dog Pepsi to cancer. It was many years ago and I still miss her. I keep her in my heart and I still tell stories about her. Hugs to you and your daughter
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jan 09
It is years since we had any pets Mom. However, I can easily appreciate how devastating the loss of an old friend can be. Someone that you loved and regarded as a mainstay of the family. Whose mere presence made you smile, even when they were naughty, and who kept you warm at night. Who never condemned you or answered back and whose one wish was to make you happy. She has gone to a better place, but in this imperfect world, I have no doubt that Anna Belle could not have lived with a more loving and devoted family. Sweet dreams dear friend.
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@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
15 Jan 09
..kinda brings back memories of my cat. I lost him too but he sort of ran away when we moved. He was the living thing that kept me company during that time in my childhood. You see my Mom was working 8-5 and my Dad wouldnt come home for months at a time. So I was left all alone in the house watching tv and keeping myself from being bored silly. Then my Mom finally gave in. I just woke up to soft mewing. He was with me for about 4 years and we had a special understanding. I mean he knows my personality and I know his. To top it off he actually literally understands me when I invite him to "come" and go to the other room. Fast forward to the day that we moved, I held him on my lap on the ride to the new house. I knew he was very agitated by the sudden change and he wasnt used to car rides. I wouldnt get out of the car when we got there because I know that he'll run wild. My Mom was too excited to notice me screaming for her to get a basket or even a sack or something. Then she was getting angry why I wasnt going out of the car. She just opened the car door and I was able to manage to hold my cat in my arms kicking and scratching at me until I got inside the house to release him. My efforts turned out to be futile though cause the moment I let go of him he ran as fast as he could looking for an exit. Much to my chagrin, there were 2 other open doors aside from the one I got in and so, he ran as wild as the wind and I never saw him again..
@weemam (13372)
8 Jan 09
I feel so sad for you and your family pal , I know how I felt when our rough collie Shep had to be put down too , It broke our hearts , people who don't have pets sometimes can't get how fond we are of them , I am sending you big hugs Wee xx
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
6 Jan 09
Sweetheart this has brought Tears to my eyes, I know what Pain you are going through right now, but she will be or should I say she is at the other Side of Rainbow Bridge, she is there with our Max and all my Pets that I have loved and lost so much, she will always be with you and close to you She will always love you Sweet I wish I could be there and hold you as the Pain I do know it Remember I am here when you need me and when you are ready You did the right thing I know it is hard but it was the right way she is not suffering any more now she is at Peace, Big Hugs to you Sweetie, I wish I could say something to make you feel better, but I know there is nothing that will right now my Heart and thoughts are with you right now
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
7 Jan 09
((((((hugs))))))) I know how you guys feel we had to put our kitty to sleep not long ago its hard. Many hugs to youand your family.
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• United States
7 Jan 09
I am so sorry that you and your family have lost your beloved Anna Belle, may her memory of times of joy, fun and friendship live long in your hearts. The most compassionate and loving thing for you to have done, is exactly what you did for her. Although it doesn't make it any easier, I know for I have also had to make this decision for some of my pets and their memories are with me still. I am so pleased to hear that you have found a warm and compassionate vet to help you through this trying time. We have a small pet cemetary in our backlot where we buried our precious animal friends and planted flowers and placed markers for each and every spring when the flowers bloom brightly my husband and I remember our little furry friends, share memories, etc. -- again I am sorry for your loss. - oohcute2340
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
6 Jan 09
Oh, I truly don't know what to say someonesmom...I'm just as heartbroken as I got to know AnnaBelle so much through you. I've had so many furbabies in my life but some stick out more than others and even after many years still miss them, such as Tommy, Twinkie, Bobbity, Tippy, Friskey. I think the worse in some ways was my very first kitty, Babette...I got her when I was only five years old..she was with me all through my elementary school years, junior and high school and even college...a long time. It would be nice to think that your AnnaBelle is now running around and playing with my former kitties in Rainbow Bridge.
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
12 Jan 09
Oh, my dear someonesmom, my heart aches for you. Sending you and your daughter a huge ((((((((((hug)))))))))). I now that Anna Belle was very, very special to both of you and that you miss her dearly. It has been a week since you wrote this message. I know from experience that you are still hurting with grief. Please know that you have caring friends around here who will love and support you through this. Wiping away tears as I submit this response.
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• United States
28 Jan 09
It is with mixed feelings that I am glad that I happened upon your discussion. I am glad that I am able to offer you my sincerest condolences for the passing of your friend, Anna Belle, but I am also saddened by her demise. It sounds like you offered her all the love and support that she needed during her last moments, and I'm certain that she loved you right back as best as she could. She was blessed to be a part of your family. I have lost pets who are dear to me over the years and it is always a painful experience, but I am glad that I had the times with them that I had.
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• United States
7 Jan 09
I am so sorry for your Loss. I have been through this many times. I rescued cas for 25 years and have had several for pets through out the years. Now that I have lost my home, I am searching for a home for me and my cats and dog. It sounds like Anna Belle had a long and happy life with you. It was a very good thing of you to let her go nd not suffer. I know it wasn't easy. We have to remember when it comes to that point it isn't about us. It is about the best thing for our beloved pets. It's hard to let them go, sometimes that what we need to do for them. In time maybe you will give your love to another cat or dog. There are so many out there that need a good home. With the housing crisis so many pets have been given up, and they need homes so badly.
• Canada
7 Jan 09
Oh Mom, I am so sorry that this happened today but it does explain your daughter's Face Book! I was just home for new years and I must say that my "Grandpa's" dog who is thirteen is likely not far from Joining Anna Belle in that land! He sleep about three quarters of the time and the rest of the time he paces:( When he is laying around you really have to watch closely to see if he is breathing or not and he is so thin and frail now but still eating good... I've lost two dogs in my life time and one of my Grandfather's before this one also as well as a cat my Mom had! Love and Hugs to you and your daughter! ~Heavens~
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