Detect and Define the Beast we have to confront...
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
United States
January 7, 2009 7:24am CST
Hello Everyone,
Do we have to face the beast?
Many of us do, the thing is that we do not recognize the beast...
First off many of us have a distorted view of what the beast is, this is where many of our psychological problems originate, we are not instructed properly to know how to identify (the trouble maker, or trouble makers) and how to deal with their impact on our life.
I'm looking for the best and brightest to really step up to the plate and nail this issue down for us...
Please contribute even if you aren't sure, because I am holding onto the tail of a whopper. More like a whale of a character. Have you ever gone fishing and heard the call of, "fish on?"... Well, I'm requesting some help as I play this fish before even trying to reel it in. I know I have the right line, and the hook is set properly, the only thing I really need is to make sure that my seat belt is properly attached so that the struggling monster doesn't pull me overboard.
Enjoy MyLot :)
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3 responses
@Carolyn63 (1403)
• United States
4 Mar 09
The beast? Just one? That would be wonderful. The beast is inner conflict, fear, anger, confusion, etc. on just one level. The beast is within, the one we use to lash out at others. The beast could even be thought of as our shadow self.
In a book I am reading, the shadow self is compared to a compost heap of emotional issues and past situations that we don't want to deal with or know how to deal with. Like the compost pile, if we don't turn it, it becomes stagnant and affects our lives on all levels. Yes, this means work people. If we properly tend the compost pile it becomes useful and helpful. If we face our shadow self and sort through all the negativity, we are able to release our pain and move forward making something terrible into something productive and enhancing to our life.
Whereas I understand and somewhat agree with this analogy, I think that our shadow self also encompasses our fears, nightmares as well as our secret desires. These too are things we don't know how to handle and are afraid to look at. The shadow is not Jack the Ripper, or the monster under our bed. It is our own creative mind numbing irrational beast of burden.
What are your thoughts?
There are other beasts. The beast that murders, mulilates, ravages, and abuses others. The beast that enjoys harming others. Some we have met. Some we have only read about.
But there are yet other beasts. Not just the proverbial monster under the bed or residing in the closet.
Which beasts are you referring to?
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Having had a terrorist in my own backyard, I can name several beasts.
One was a protector on and of the streets,
One was in my head,
One was in my bed,
One stayed home,
One was at work,
There certainly are more,
I could name a judge two or three,
I wonder if you can see,
The ones that have set out to hurt,
The like of us and me...
As for under the bed or in the closet, there are none that can be found.
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
6 Mar 09
Some patterns are at work, some revelation is at work, what moves beyond is the ones that know how to control the curse and preventing the curses from hurting others.
What we have before us is the lies the liars that spread hatred and the task is to expose and stop the hatred from spreading.
I have a tough challenge before me, I'm still waiting on some documentation, as soon as that documentation is in my hands I will be sharing more.
Hang in there...
@Carolyn63 (1403)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Oh, so you refer to the human beasts. The ones that suffer and hunger and hurt and bleed like the rest of us. The beasts are troubleseome, yes, but not as troublesome as the ones that endured the Hitler's of the world. Yes, I have suffered, but I also became strong, made my own choices, the main one being that I would not be one of them. Do I harm people, I have no doubt that I have. I am not perfect. Do I intentionally cause harm to others, absolutely not. But I have, and so have you. Does that make us beasts? I could be one and so could you.
All of us has breaking points.
I repeat, I am whom I am because of and in spite of the beasts.
Would you prefer the beasts that come in jagged armor with razor teeth? The ones that sit and grin at you as froth and mucous drips from their maw? Some built of hate and anger, some in truth just lost and needing the same love and light that we seek?
Would I be strong without the mundane beasts? Would I be compassionate or patient or loving? I have known some, sheltered and spoiled. They are lost now.
You hold the power over what you do from here. Not the past. Not the beasts you have battled. Until you master you and accept what has been and grow from it, the same type beasts will keep feeding. It's known by some as patterns. We repeat this pattern until we learn from it and move forward.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
8 Jan 09
the only thing that comes to mind right now is the number in the Revelation 666. but even that number has been said a mistake, it should be 616. quite a few people in the history have been accused as 666 and so they were brought down. But I feel this beast is yet to come, maybe not even in my lifetime.
It's been a long time since I read the bible so don't remember much aside that it did say it is among Christians. so the beast can't be a moslem or a follower of other religions, since they are never followers of Christ, they are never among Christians. 666 is a traitor. it claims itself a Christian but its very action denies Christ in every way.
Someone told me about Maleachi or similar name prophecies. We will know that the time is close when the whole word becomes Christians, the second Pope after John Paul II will be murdered, the world will use one currency. there are 7 prophecies, I only remember 3.
I could be wrong though. Like I said it's been some time. But to think that the world will have one currency and one religion, well that sounds way too far ahead of my time. It does make sense though, if you want to control the lives of billions of people, you need to make them believe what you believe and fight your enemy (why fight them yourself if you can get others to do it?). and to control people's lives, means to control their hearts and minds, the next step is their bread and butter.
anyway just my 2 cents. hope you catch something.
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
9 Jan 09
Very interesting, you might want to put together some thoughts in my latest...
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Well I will define the term beast in a little while...
The purpose of this discussion is to see what or how you or others would describe 'the beast' and this 'beast' could be defined in any way you wish. Your analogy with sharks was very good, there are many other analogies and I am anxious to see how other people respond to this discussion before I am willing to elaborate upon my own thoughts.
Have you any more ideas?
Go for it make a list of beasts...
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