danger of Caesarian Sections

@winterose (39887)
January 7, 2009 11:32pm CST
I just saw on the news tonight that a large study was done where over 13,000 women were studied who had c-sections at 37 weeks or less, a full term birth is 39 weeks. It seems to be a growing trend to have c-sections, the actresses like britney spears have done it. They don't want to go through a regular childbirth because they are afraid of the pain or they feel they pelvic area might get damaged. But it is the babies who suffer http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/07/AR2009010702919.html?hpid=moreheadlines Do you think that women should be allowed to elect for a c-section just because they want one and there is no medical reason for it? Should it be legal to do that? I had a c- section but my son could have died because I could not deliver and he and his heart was getting weak so it was a medical reason, did you have a c-section? Would you elect for one if you thought you could?
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21 responses
@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
8 Jan 09
I had one but would never had elected to do it on my own and not for such silly reasons.. Natural childbirth can't be as painful as a C-section.. Natural may be more painful for a little while, but I was in the hospital for 2 weeks after mine and it took another 2 months before I was really able to get up and move around.. If I had a choice, I would have went for the natural childbirth..
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• United States
8 Jan 09
I did have a few other complications and also lost a lot of blood.. I don't remember what it was called but I had a tube running up my nose, down my throat and in my stomach for about 10 days.. I also had an epidural and I couldn't have walked if my life had depended on it, I couldn't even feel my legs for quite awhile.. I am so very thankful that I only had the one child, two or more may have killed me.. You did very well getting into the bed for yourself, it took 4 people to move me, there was no feeling in my legs at all..
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• United States
8 Jan 09
I had an epidural too, and trust me once I got into my bed I was lucky I could even lift my head. But I HATED the board they use to move you. So I just did it. It took everything I had that night. I got into bed and they finally let me eat and I couldn't even lift my arm I was so worn out.
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• United States
8 Jan 09
Did you have other complications? I had a c-section and I left the hospital after two days and I went to the mall and went shopping after four days. My mom (who is a nurse) told me to just get up and walk, c-section or not, otherwise I'd risk getting sick. So they wheeled my up on the gurney from triage and they were about to put the wheel board under me to transfer me to my bed and I was like NO WAY! They told me I wouldn't be able to get over and I just willed myself to feel my legs and I crawled off the gurney onto the bed in my room. They were amazed as was my mother and husband.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
12 Jan 09
One of my sister in laws had Caesarian (C-section) with all three of her pregnancies. My niece who is going to be having a baby in early March might be having one the doctor said the baby may be to big to have normal birth since it still have growing time and it is bigger then her first baby and she ripped badly with her first. I didn't know that Britany Spears had a C-section her body is almost flawless now, I guess due to trainers. But she shows he stomach off all the time and I have never seen any scars her doctor did a great job. My sister in law has scars and you an see them quite well. Maybe Britney had plastic surgery to remove the scar?
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Oh, well I hadn't thought of that. My sister in laws is different. She also had a emergency one her last one who's heart stopped and they didn't take their time and she was as another doctor put it "butchered" So she has scars. I know all aren't that bad but as I said hadn't thought of it being the other way.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
13 Jan 09
the scar is just along the pelvic bone not on the stomach, it is called the bikini cut so women can still wear bikinis
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
8 Jan 09
Really silly for them to elect to do this as then they have atummy scar! I never had it done but maybe on last one as he had teh cord wrapped around his neck 2 times when born. But hen I had him in an hour after gettin gto the hospital and they didnt maybe have time for it but also they didnt know it as the way the Doc reacted and me telling him to get it off. My daughter like you had to have one as the baby got stressed and when they finally did it the cord was wrapped around her neck too.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
11 Jan 09
I wonder what causing the chord to get wrapped around like that
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
11 Jan 09
DOnt know why on her but I had a fall where I twisted arounbd to land on back.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
16 Jan 09
No, I don't think a woman should be able to have a c-section just because she wants one. It should be for women that can have a baby the natural way because of problems, or the baby has a big head. My sister in law was in labor for 36 hours, strained so hard that her lips turned blue. Finally a nurse was like his head is to big, . He's 7 now and finally his head matches up with the rest of his body. I have never had a c-section with both of my children, I did come close to having one with my youngest. Both of our heart rates where dropping, and while the nurses was trying to get everything ready for me to have it, my daughter finally decided to come. No, I would have never elect to have one for the heck of it. I have heard horror stories of the pain women endure after it's all said and done. I rather have my two days of discomfort and than maybe 1-2 wks of pain.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
17 Jan 09
thanks for your post hon, I had the c section because my son's was in distress, I can't remember but I think it was close to two months before I was no longer in pain from the operation.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
9 Jan 09
My first one was C-Section like you to try and save the baby, since then I had 3 more, they said that I had to have the rest that way, once you have one then all the rest was done that way. I think that unless there is some medical emergency then you have it the regular way. I guess movie stars with lots of money can buy what they want. There is pain in all we do I wish I could buy my wayout of it. And yes there was pain with the C-Section maybe not that hours of labor but pain afterwards. I never had a child the regular way, so I don't know what they go through, but I am told that you forget the pain soon after you see the baby.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
11 Jan 09
I only had one child so I never experienced it normally either.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
9 Jan 09
If women want to do it after knowing all the risk factors and they are fine with it then let them do it. I could never do it. I am pregnant (almost 26 weeks now) and this is my second baby. First was born 2 weeks overdue and I had nothing for the pain and I survived. This one I am hoping it will be the same. As I am scared and grossed out by medical interventions I could never have c-section by choice. I have told my medical team that c-section should be performed on me only if the baby is at risk or my self and only with general anastetic.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
11 Jan 09
yep that is how it is done, a c section is a major operation you have to be sedated.
• Australia
11 Jan 09
No c-section now days are done with local anastetic (the one that they give in the spine) so the mother is awake. I dont want that.
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
8 Jan 09
I don't know why anyone would choose major surgery! That is what it is major surgery, women have had babies for centuries and most normally. Unless it is an emergency I don't think they should be done. They are so much harder to get over then a normal delivery. Yes I have had both. Actually I have had 5 normal and 1 C-section. I can honestly say I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. The comeback isn't even half as easy as a normal delivery. I had 3 kids and then the C-section, it was an emergency as both twins were breech and to big to try and get to move. I then went on to have 2 more normal delivers. I can say that after a C-section a normal one is lots more painful but still way better. I did go home 3 days later and did things that I thought couldn't wait but it wasn't fun! C-sections along with inducements in my opinion should all be emergency only. I think that at times the doctors schedule things like this so that it doesn't interfere with their personal time.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
11 Jan 09
it could be that doctors do but it is less likely here in quebec as they are understaffed
• United States
9 Jan 09
I've had a c-section when I had my son, but it was for the same reason's you had one winterose, for medical reasons because my son's heart rate was dropping, he was too big for me to have the old fashion way, So I had no other choice then to have a c-section, But I think it's very unnecessary and dumb to elect to have a c-section for non-medical reasons and I would never elect to have it for non-medical reasons. This coming week, on the 15th I might have to have a c-section again, depending if my micro surgery is a success or not. Ovarian cyst removal time on both sides. I'm not looking forward to it I've never been put totally under before and that scares me more then the actual surgery because of all of the horror stories of people kicking over because of anasthesia being too much or not enough and waking up while they are under and not being able to do anything about it-Yikes!
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
11 Jan 09
if you have a good doctor everything should go all rights, thousands of women have to have c sections and we all come through it.
• United States
9 Jan 09
I had to have a "C" section with my son. His and my vital signs both began to drop. So he had to come out right away for both of our sakes. I later found out when I start going to a new gyn that there is no way for me to have natural child birth, that it is impossible, My doctors exact words were "you just were not built to have babies. They say my insides do not align and that it could even be dangerous for me to become pregnant again. It's crazy for people to want "C" sections because personally i thought it was H*ll. Having to stay in the hospital for over a week, and who can forget the stiffness and pain you get when trying to get up after falling asleep. I felt like I couldn't even take care of my son when I came home, I needed so much help. Why anyone would opt for a "c" section I think is just crazy, it should not be aloud for a person to have a "c" section just because they want one.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
11 Jan 09
I certainly agree with you
@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
9 Jan 09
I think I would have one if it was medically necessary. Several of my cousins prepared themselves for natural childbirth-I think only one had her child without a c-section!
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
11 Jan 09
sounds like it runs in your family
@Nhey16 (2518)
• Philippines
9 Jan 09
i had delivered my 2 kids through c-section. my first is my daughter, and just like you, her heartbeat was getting weaker, the doctor let me hear her heartbeat through the stethoscope. and after 2 years i gave birth to my son, the doctor required that i should deliver it through caesarian... but if i was the one to choose, i would prefer natural childbirth... coz it's also cheaper than c-section :)
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
11 Jan 09
here in Canada we do not have to pay for it as we have universal free medical care
• India
9 Jan 09
dear according to me there some rules and regulation in our nature, even if we live in highly developed world their are some nature laws that cannot be changed.being a mother is something great ,so we must know the pain of delivery because it makes more and more attachment towards the baby.scientifically it is proven that giving normal birth has no future problems but c-section has future problems.if we are afraid of having pain then we should avoid c-section because after doing this itgives us more pain on our back stomach etc we cannot be cured ,only pain killers can be taken to avoid pain which has its own side effect.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
11 Jan 09
sometimes you have to have them for medical reasons though.
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
9 Jan 09
i also had a c-section and it was done because i was not getting enough pains to deliever the child.It was wrong on the part of doctor also because she did not wait for long and rushed me to the operation theatre saying that the head of the baby was not in proper position to deliever.At that time you are so nervous and afraid of the situation that you cannot think properly and do whatever your doctor says. I also experienced a lot of mental anguish and physical discomfort during the period of my pregnency.I was advised complete bed rest for full 7 months and all my indoor activities as well as outdoor activities came to a halt.I was depressed,cursing myself and others for my such position,going on medication which was very costly and had some hormonal effects which proved very dangerous for me.I lost a good quantity of my hair,my face became dark and full of rashes. But now i have forgotten everything .Seeing your baby smiling at you,playing with you,doing naughty things make you forget all those horrible moments.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
11 Jan 09
it sounds like she had to do it, or you may have lost the baby, if he wasn't in a position where she could turn him around in time for delivery.
• United States
8 Jan 09
I have had three children of my own, and have done both a c-section and natural. They knew there was a possibility of a c-section in my 8th month when they couldn't turn my son. My water broke on my due date and they said that since he hadn't turned and was stuck in my ribs so they didn't have a choice. I was in the hospital for a week and wasn't back to normal for almost 2 weeks. With my other 2, they were natural and I was back in action within a week. My oldest son has ADD, but my other 2 are fine. He also has severe asthma and allergies.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
11 Jan 09
thank you so much for your story.
@k1tten (2318)
• United States
8 Jan 09
Frell that! C-sections are only supposed to be used in emergencies because they can cause harm to the baby. I would rather suffer through an all natural birth than make my child suffer like that. I just feel women are opting for c-sections because they want to relieve themselves of the pain of child birth. I know there is an emergency medical need for them and that's how it should stay.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
8 Jan 09
yes I agree
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
8 Jan 09
I'm not really sure. I would have to say yes though. I think they should have the right to choose if it will work best for them and the baby. I didn't have a c-section but they thought I was going to have to go that way. I would elect for one it I thought it would be best.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
8 Jan 09
okay hon, I had the c-section and it is an operation so and you are not over it fast like having the baby.
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
8 Jan 09
Yes, I had a C-section, after 19 hours of 7 on the Apgar...and the blood gases from my son's head (as he was in birth canal) showed that he was running a very high fever & under critical stress! Knowing now, what I didn't know then, I would have elected for a C-section, as opting for natural childbirth did neither of us any good! I don't see any difference in this, when it is term, than any other elective surgery!
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
11 Jan 09
they are not supposed to be elective surgery they are supposed to be emergency surgery
@gemini_rose (16264)
8 Jan 09
It really annoys me to read of people, more so stars who are having c sections to preserve their selves, that is the whole flippin point of having kids to experience it all not just lie back and have the baby plucked out. I never asked for a c section, it was never offered now I SHOULD have had them because my womb when I was pregnant with my third and fourth child was seriously damaged and no one picked up on it. Now I am suffering and will probably suffer and have problems for the rest of my life, Im only 35. C sections should only be for emergencies or those who really need to have them not just for vainess.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
11 Jan 09
that is true
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
8 Jan 09
I saw this too. Even "regular" moms are choosing C-sections, and selecting a day that is most convenient. If they're thinking that just giving birth is inconvenient, these moms shouldn't be having babies. I wonder what they're going to think when the kid wakes up at 2 a.m. and needs fed?
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
11 Jan 09
totally terrible in my books, you are so right
@celticeagle (171913)
• Boise, Idaho
8 Jan 09
I think it is up to them. Sadly the child pays in the end but what can you do? A women who cares and has the motherly instinct wouldn't do that if their were other options. No, I didn't have a c-section and my daughter had one only out of medical necessity. To each his own. Not much can be done. I hope it is a low percentage that continues along these lines.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
8 Jan 09
sure stuff can be done it can be rendered illegal except for medical reasons,