Drunken Texting

United States
January 8, 2009 9:41pm CST
Have you have done it? What have you said? Do you frequently do it? Have you ever been approached about it later and not remembered? -Just the other day I got drunk and texted a mutual friend of one of my friends from her cell phone. The message read, I like gumdrops. Lemon ONES! She was thoroughly confused. Anyone else do this?
2 responses
17 Mar 09
I almost always send random texts to people when I'm drunk (and sometimes when I'm bored). I think the most popular one I refer to as "spy code" and goes a little something like this. "The octopus will be watching from behind its glass cage. To release the package from his grasp, tell him your the oracle and cross his palm with silver. Once received, head back to base for tea and cupcakes". Most of the time I get a stupid reply along the same lines, or a simple "WTF?"
@Edweazy (14)
• United States
9 Jan 09
I do it alot when i drink. I start texting people i have not talked to in a long time.And then i go thru my phone in the morning and i hold the dumbest conversations with them lol.