Middle East: A Misnomer?

January 9, 2009 7:03am CST
The Middle East... How full of irony is the name! Many say that Eastern thought has some fundamental concepts among which are the avoiding of conflict, the non-use of coercive tactics, and - always - the seeking of consensus. Yet, can we say this of the Middle East and of the peoples and their methods of settling conflicts? As a private citizen, do you have any suggestion/s on how to bring peace to this troubled land?
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5 responses
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
10 Jan 09
I think that war and conflicts become part and parcel of their lives and they have their minds filled with hatred and jealousy. It is like a vicious circle and keeps growing day by day.As a private person i think the people should have their brain washed and they should understand clearly that war will not bring them peacee.It will only add insult to injury.
@penny64 (1106)
• Australia
10 Jan 09
That is a very interesting observation. War in the Middle East is a continous cycle. I don't know how you would break it without changing the entire culture of people, and what man has the right to do that?
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
10 Jan 09
Hi bantilesroger! I really am not sure what is going in the inside of their hearts and minds for I am just someone who is on the outside trying to look in. As a private person who only knew a short part of their history and from what I have read in the news, I hope that they will try to let go of hatred and revenge. Easier said than done, but if they wish for peace and harmony in their land..I think that they should learn from the past. war and conflicts will not solve anything except in destroying other people's lives and eventually destroying oneself in the process. Life is too short to spend it in hating one another. They say that we should all give peace a chance but I could see that it is only written in words and not in the hearts of men. Sad, isn't it? Love and forgiveness is sometimes too hard to give especially when one of your family members have been caught in the war but will one wait for more deaths before finding love and forgiveness in their hearts. Again, I am just a person who is on the outside looking in. Maybe it is far more deeper than what i think and far more difficult but it will be more difficult to live a life with a troubled heart. Just my thoughts and I do hope and pray for their peace and ours too. Take care dear bantilesroger! May peace reign in all men's hearts! lovelots..faith210
• Malaysia
9 Jan 09
middle east map - Middle East: A Misnomer?
bantilesroger (181)	6 hours ago

The Middle East... How full of irony is the name!Many say that Eastern thought has some fundamental concepts among which are the avoiding of conflict, the non-use of coercive tactics, and - always - the seeking of consensus. Yet, can we say this of the Middle East and of the peoples and their methods of settling conflicts?As a private citizen, do you have any suggestion/s on how to bring peace to this troubled land?
Middle East component countries should settled down among themselves, having said, the Arabic people must sit down together in one open table to resolute one agreement. I think that is only the way to begin a new Arabic World and starts the peace value. List of Middle East Countries (19); Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Egypt, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, & Yemen. V V V
• United States
9 Jan 09
until they learn to get along among themselves they'll never have peace. i don't see that happening.