How About A Little Snack???

yummmmy!!! - how do you like yours
@sconibear (8016)
United States
January 9, 2009 9:27pm CST
when you were a kid, did you ever eat dirt, plants, or any other thing not normally considered food? when i was growing up in Southern California, and all us neighborhood kids would be in the middle of a rowdy session of "cops and robbers" or "stuntman"......don't ask.......we would all have a stalk of "sour grass" sticking out of our mouths. it was just a long stalk of grass that you would have to hunt for, but when you chewed on it, it was sour.......kinda like sour candy tastes. there was also a certain type of bush that i think the leaves were made out of the same thing as the sour grass. so did you have any strange playing outside, culinary treats when you were a kid??? do tell. oh brother ate a grasshopper once.
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22 responses
• United States
10 Jan 09
I used to do the whole stalks of grass thing when I was a kid. I avoided chewing on it as much as possible. I never ate anything random that I can think about. I mean, as a toddler and baby you stick things in your mouth but that is how you learn by tasting and touching things. However, I never ate anything that I shouldn't have.
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@sconibear (8016)
• United States
10 Jan 09
yeah, i think it's more a boy thing. i don't remember any girls being in our circle of "grass chewers"
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Jan 09
When I was a kid we ate sour grass too! and even chewed on a birch twig... it's amazing what a kid will eat! so, did you chew yer toenails too????
• United States
10 Jan 09
yeah! *spits out toenail*
@sconibear (8016)
• United States
10 Jan 09
wudda you mean DID I???
@sconibear (8016)
• United States
10 Jan 09
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
10 Jan 09
I went to Primary School with a kid that used to eat ant heads! Freaky little bugger he was too and he'd painstakingly twist 'em off and create a little pile to scoff down for maximum effect! As for me, I'd eat many different types of grasses as well and I recall something similar to that sour grass you mentioned actually. I also used to pull up tufts of grass while sitting on the playing field and chew on all the juicy green bits! Ooooh and I once ate a dung beetle larvae! (I thought it was a witchetty grub!) And yes, it DID taste like crap!
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
10 Jan 09
All I was doin' was livin' the dream sconi..... Just livin' the dream!
@sconibear (8016)
• United States
10 Jan 09 guys were so lucky.
@sconibear (8016)
• United States
10 Jan 09
ant heads??? dung beetle larvae??? boy you kids had it good down under.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
10 Jan 09
god no, but its suprising cause all the kids in my neighbour hood where boys growing up, and older boys at that.. geez. that does explain alot about me. haha. I spent my time catching frogs and setting leeches on fire.. salamanders and spiders.. oh god. i hate those things now, but as a kid thats what my friends did. My mom said i once got a hold of some comet (cleaner) and she had to call poison control.
@sconibear (8016)
• United States
10 Jan 09
must be more of a boy thing. but nothing brings children all over the country together like burning insects. putting salt on slugs is cool too.
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@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
11 Jan 09
If we did those awful things to other creatures, my parents would beat us to with in an inch of our lives! We were raised not to hurt ANYTHING, especially on purpose!
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
10 Jan 09
lol am i really that shocking ? I guess some stuff i say isn't very girly huh ? i carried on that trend of all boys friends up till i had my first daughter i guess.. now i like women as friends much better then men.. funny how things all change once you have kids. .
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
10 Jan 09
SuperSconi - yay! When my friend and I had just started high school, we bought a packet of those dog biscuits which are different colours and shapes. There were yellow bones, red hearts, green thingies, etc. - and we thought it was pretty cool to eat them at recess time. Couldn't see any reason why not - until my mother told us they were made with ground up bones and blood and crud and stuff - yuck! Must have been barking mad ...
@sconibear (8016)
• United States
10 Jan 09
well between that and myklj eating a live snake, you guys are definitely in the running for originality. did they make your hair shiny???
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
10 Jan 09
They did - and they made my nose wet, too!
@sconibear (8016)
• United States
10 Jan 09
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
10 Jan 09
Hey sconi! Nice outfit! You look way cool in that Superbear suit! I do remember that sour grass! And it was sour! I always lived in New York and we had sour icky grass too! And we also would have it hanging out of our mouths! I don't know what the hell we were thinking either! But, I never ate any bugs! Nope! Never on purpose anyway! I preferred my "grass" to be baked into my desserts actually!
@sconibear (8016)
• United States
10 Jan 09
yeah.....sour grass seems to have been a popular treat. got any brownies Opal???
@sconibear (8016)
• United States
10 Jan 09
yeah, i think i took a bite outta her last night.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
10 Jan 09
Nope! But Rosekitty does!
@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
11 Jan 09
Hell yeah I ate odd things! They say I have a high IQ but I must have been an idiot as a kid because my two most favorite things to eat, (non-food) was freshly layed TAR in the roads and big globs of CRISCO sprinkled with sugar! Hay, I just had a thought, maybe it was the tar and crisco that made my IQ so high as an adult! Well, it's an idea isn't it???
@sconibear (8016)
• United States
11 Jan 09
oh yeah......i forgot about the fresh tar........YUMMMMM!!!
@riyasam (16556)
• India
10 Jan 09
mmmmmm,i used to love snacks when i was a kid..i used to scrape the paint off the walls and eat mom used to put chilli powder on the walls,cut my nails very short but that never used to deter me from following my favourite sport.
@riyasam (16556)
• India
10 Jan 09
i did try was better
@sconibear (8016)
• United States
10 Jan 09
mmmmmmm...........lead based paint chips.......yummy! i liked the blue paint.
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• United States
10 Jan 09
Hi sconibear, my big non-food snack growing up was SNOW, loved that, not yellow snow mind you LOL! you learned early that yellow snow was a huge no-no. I did the long grass thing too, along with a sweet grass similiar to clover. From what I understand "Dirt" eating is often triggered by a lack of some type of mineral and when lead paint was prevalent in this country has a sweet taste to it, so many children were prone to eating the chips they found. Of course in girl scouts, and other courses we attended as kids, we learned about eating chocolate cover ants and beetles, you know how to survive in the wilderness stuff. But by far my favorite is Snow-eating, we would even pour maple syrup over it for an extra special treat. Happy posting! be happy, be joyful, be safe, be strong! oohcute2340
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
10 Jan 09
We did the "sour grass" along with clover, wild mint leaves and those little purple flower like things, I don't know what they are now but they were sweet. Ohhh and yes we were sick enough to lick the salt block in the fields a couple of times! LOL! My granddaughter that is now a year old ate a ant last summer, she seemed to think it was pretty good as she went after another until we saw what she was really doing! lol
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
10 Jan 09
Now the question is, do you ever still do the sour grass? LOL!
@sconibear (8016)
• United States
10 Jan 09
seems sour grass was the treat of choice.......i wonder who the first kid was that tried it..........he should have a page in a history book somewhere.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
10 Jan 09
I do remember chewing on grass at times but mostly, I sold my earthly treats. I used to make mudpies. Sometimes I added grass and other ingredients and I sold them to the guys that worked on the fields near our home. My mother was very upset when she caught on to what my brother and I were doing. I was the quiet kid that came up with the idea and he was the one that pushed it. We were getting 10 cents per mudpie which back in the 60's was a lot. we also got water from the river right by where they worked and sold it for 5 cents per cup. We were little kids and didn't realize how easily taken in adults could be for that sort of stuff. We genuinly thought we had a good little business going on. We were only like 5 & 6.
@sconibear (8016)
• United States
10 Jan 09
ha ha, sounds like you and your brother were little entrepreneurs before entrepreneur was even a word.
@ammie07 (322)
• India
10 Jan 09
when i was a kid i once ate dirt.......eukk ........thank god i never ate an insects.........have a good day
@sconibear (8016)
• United States
10 Jan 09
yeah, i never did the dirt thing........or insects.
• United States
10 Jan 09
my cousins and i out of 8 of us there were only 2 girls. i was the oldest and amber the youngest she was just a baby. we used to make mud pies and use dry cat food. yea we ate the dry cat food. makes me sick to think i ate that!! we also chewed on the grass stems and ate wild honey suckle i dont think we ate dirt. the last time i ate something from outside was when me and my cousin were outside we were making pies and were using these green berry looking things. i started to swell up my mouth and eyes swelling shut i had actually ate poison oak that we found out i was deathly allergic to. so that cut out my 'eating out' adventures.
• United States
10 Jan 09
Hmm.. lets see I have ate my fair share of odd things when i was a kid but this isnt the most oddest thing ive aten but the thing that makes it interesting is that I didnt meant to actually eat it. Me and my friends when i was about 8 were in my backyard just playing around and we were poking worms in the dirt and one of my friends picked up an ant and through it at me. So we picked up the ants and started throwing them at eachother (dont ask) And i nailed my friend and started to laugh and as soon as my mouth opened BOOM! an ant lands right in my mouth and it bit my tounge which startled me to jerk my mouth and GULP! down went the ant. So thats pretty much my story!
@shonali (1286)
• India
10 Jan 09
Well as a kid I never had habit of eating mud or chalk as i have heard from lots of parents and kids ....... And I never heard of any one eating grass as such ...... But I have got very funny story of mine to tell you..... When i was around 8 to 10 years i use to like sweets a lot (now i do not like sweets any more )....... my favourite was HALWA (its an Indian sweet which is famous all over India - its a sweet made from refined flour and sugar which is red in colour) when it is cut into pieces it exactly looks like soap cake we make sweets at home ……. One day my elder brother gave me a piece of soap which was red in colour which I thought was the sweet which is the exact same colour as the soap …… so I took a bite of it and as I was too young to understand what was happening until my mouth started bubbling ………….. that’s when I realized that it was not a sweet but it was a soap p….. from that day I have stopped eating HALWA
• India
10 Jan 09
No I never had a habit like that. But yes I played a lot in the dirt, and mud. I made a puddle of sand and mud, and then dived into it, and played till I was taken away from it. But no strange food was ever taken by me, as far as I remember.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
10 Jan 09
There was one flower that tasted sweet. And crayons... Until somebody put tabasco sauce inside one. That broke me of eating crayons.
@dropofrain (1167)
• India
10 Jan 09
I have never tried eating anything like this when I was a kid. It is always good to try and avoid these things things to eat but when you are a kid you can never have the right knowledge of these things and you love to do all these stupid things.
• China
10 Jan 09
i am an student come from china .in the old days i wa afraid the snack so much.because .i fell the snack have the poisioce . i do not like it. about 7 years ago one of my friend was beat by the snack and hurt badly.from that on ,i can play with in.what about you .
@noniefam (284)
• Indonesia
10 Jan 09
when i was kid , i love eat little snack, ice cream , n chocolate. its nice. i love my life when i was still little.