Do Your Pets Love YOU??

@pyewacket (43903)
United States
January 10, 2009 9:02pm CST
I guess I'm in one of those reflective moods. Many of here at MyLot land who have pets love them and think of them as our "children" We would do just about anything and everything for them, to make sure they are happy and content...feed them well, even if our budget is tight, we make sure they are fed. We buy them toys and treats. We cuddle up to them, pet them, talk to them, and yes, maybe spoil them rotten. But have you ever your pets love you? What things do they do they indicate that they love you? I think perhaps one of the greatest things about pets in general, is that they can love unconditionally. They don't play mind games like people might, they don't expect extravagant gifts or have a gimme, gimme, gimme attitude. They just "are" At one time I used to have a lot of I'm only down to two, and they really are the only "family" I have since I'm now on my own, and both my grandmother and mother are gone. I've noticed a change in my one kitty, see prior to 2006, he wasn't exactly a very cuddly kitty. He would only take so much of my attention, like kissing him on the top of his black furry head, and then it was like he had enough and hiss at if to say, "Oh, gosh, mom enough already." LOL. But I would say in the past half a year, I've noticed a change..he doesn't mind my attention to fact, he's gotten to be a jealous kitty and absolutely hates when I pay any attention to my other cat, Kissy. If I DARE talk to her, no matter where he is, he has to come running over to me, and practically knocks Kissy out of the way. He's also gotten so much more affectionate in other ways. Now I don't exactly leap out of bed when it's time for me to get up...I kind of linger for a good long while. When I wake up, Kissy is usually at the foot of my bed, while Pyewacket is usually right smack dab near me. And, as soon as he notices his "Mom" is stirring, waking up...he comes closer to me, often coming right to my face, and places one of his velvety paws gently right on my face. He then snuggles up closer, so close to my face I can hardly breathe...LOL. I bring this up since he never did this before, at least not while my mother was still alive, and there were a lot more cats to contend with. I can't help wondering is it cause he now knows I'm alone, and my mother's gone? Late at night, when I finally put the TV on just to watch a bit before going to bed, Pyewacket will also cuddle up alongside of me while I watch the TV--he never used to do that either. Oh, yes, Kissy tries to get her bit of time with me as well, but Pyewacket seems to intimidate her a bit and she backs away. Okay, maybe I'm just rattling here...but I'm and in what way do you think your pet or pets show their affection for you? Do you think they love you??
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46 responses
@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I think my kittygirl Maya does love me. She comes running to the door when I get home. My husband says she sits by the picture window and watches for me after I call him to say I am on my way home from work. She likes to lay on my chest with her head in the crook of my neck. She also looks at me lovingly lots of the time. She will lift her head up for a kiss when I am on the computer and she is on my lap. She likes to share my pillow at night too. Although, sometimes she tries to push me off and take the whole thing for herself. Her most favorite thing to do is to "hide" by the rocking recliner and ambush our legs as we come back from the bathroom or kitchen.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
11 Jan 09
Aww--sounds like Maya has taken over your bed as well. I used to have a cat, Bobbity who loved literally sleeping on my head...then when I'd be waking up, she come near my face and gently bite my cheeck..uh, sometimes though it WASN'T so gentle...LOL. My one kitty now, Kissy, she likes attention when I'm on the computer too, almost as if she's saying, "Okay, enough time there, pay attention to me"--so she sits up and grabs my thigh. That must be cute how Maya waits for you to come home from work. My mother when she was alive used to tell me that up to an hour before I came home the cats we had at the time used to sit in front of the door....waiting for me to come home.
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• United States
11 Jan 09
Hehehe... I thought I was the only one who had cats who gazed at me so lovingly! I also have a kitty that sits on my lap sometimes while I am on the computer and lifts her face up to me for kisses! I have had to lay down the law though as far as the bed goes... no sleeping on top of me, or anywhere near my pillow! They have been very obedient about it and settle for snuggling up all around me. And I also have a kitty who quickly jumps up on the dresser when he sees I am ready to leave the room so that he can grab my hair as I walk by. Gawd I love kitties!!!! That's a handsome bunch you are buried in there!!!!
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• United States
11 Jan 09
I now have two cates, a malel and female, and I've had them since they were born. The male is older than the female. When he was young, he used to walk like he was a proud lion prowling in the jungle. He still does, and when he was little, he rejected my attention. I continued to push myself on him, and as he grew, he became the most living, needy cat I ever met. He wasn't afraid of anyone, and would approach everyone constantly for attention. People simply love him. The female, is so cute, and sweet. Both of them look at me in a questioning way, and they even appear to be talking to me when they address me. They actually stand there, look right in my eyes, and open their little mouths. What comes out sound like mom, and hello! You may think I'm touched, but I can assure you, others have witnessed their exchanges, and agree. Both cats follow us around the house, and are very obedient. If we call them, the come running. If we tell them no, they stop what they are doing immediately. They lay next to use when we are watching TV, and even sit in our laps and try to share our plate of food. Heck, they even thing they are people! They have grown with us, and we with them. They are part of the family, and show their love for us in very simple, yet overwhelming ways. A lot of people say they don't like cats, because they have a mind of their own. But, since I've had cats for so long, I learned that they can learn a lot of things from us. They can learn to hate, and to love. It all depends on us, their family and owner. Raising cats isn't any different than raising children. The investment you make into them will determine the outcome one gets, and it the relationship is a loving, nurturing one, or a harmful hateful one. Cats, dogs, kids. Pretty much the same. Teach them to love, and they will love in return. Teach them to hate, and they will run from you at every turn.
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@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
11 Jan 09
That's me in there under the cats - yes, there are 12 cats in that picture!
My cats like to lay on or next to me, they vie to lay on me, and its not unknown to have 2 on my side when I'm trying to go to sleep. Then, if one moves off, another moves on, some nights this can keep me awake! Also, when I come out of the cat-free zone I tend to get mobbed by the cats, when I come home from being gone, I also get mobbed. The roomie says that while I was in the hospital, certain cats would walk around the house making their "worried" noise and crying for me.
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@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I think its because they can relax all their muscles and let themselves become more than the gravity says they weigh. And then, because they don't want us to move, they psyically "pin" us down too. Just a theory....
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
11 Jan 09
Aww--that's so sweet how they missed there "mom" while you were at the hospital...took a look at that picture...that was me about four years ago when we had more cats, but even though I only have the two now that cuddle up to me, I swear it feels like I have elephants on my bed with can cats feel like they weigh so much???
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
11 Jan 09
My pets love me. They are very affectionate. My older dog Misia thinks that she is the boss for all of us.....(alfa dog).She likes to put her head on my chest, like a little baby. She cries if I don't keep her on my laps when I am at home. She is very jealous over my younger dog. Only cat can be forgiven. My younger dog, Maja walks after me inch after inch. She likes to put her head on my head during the night if I sleep on my stomach. She is family guard. Strong and and very sweet, but would attack if needed to protect me. My cat Munia is very affectionate. She also fallows me from room to room. She is cuddling on my chest when I am working on my laptop in my bed, or sits next to me when I am on my desk.I have to hold her on my hands first thing in the morning for few minutes, or she can cry. Petting has to be first before breakfast. I love them very much.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jan 09
My cat Pyewacket likes to sleep on my back..I often sleep on my stomach too, so you just know I don't dare move..LOL...sounds that both you and I sleep a bit like pretzels...LOL. Since it's been so cold and chilly in the apt I'm glad to have my "fur" blankets keeping me warm..speaking of which...I hear your area is REAL cold lately
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
17 Jan 09
after 10 layers of clothes I was able to survive...
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jan 09
I actually went out was 16-degrees when I went out with wind chill to make it feel like 2-degrees. Tomorrow it's supposed to be a "balmy" 26..LOL....Thank goodness I have all my Icelandic weather gear
@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
11 Jan 09
Hi pye, First of all, what a beautiful and touching topic. I love your description of the way your kitties show their love for you, especially Pyewacket. Our pets definitely love us, and their love is unconditional as you've mentioned. Our beloved Anna Belle certainly loved my daughter and myself. I know this without question. Even when we 'took her in' last Tuesday, and she was in such bad shape, she was still purring loudly while laying on the vet's table. Her purring could be heard through her laboured breathing, because we were there with her. In fact, I believe she'll always love us from beyond Rainbow Bridge. I won't go into the ways she showed her love over the years, because it's too hard for me right now. Anyway, I see you as one of the ultimate pet lovers, and especially cats of course. Any kitty (or pet) is truly blessed to have you for 'their mom.' Take care, and Big Hugs to you.
• Canada
22 Jan 09
It does feel like she's still here, but that doesn't make it any less sad for me. I know 'this' will all take time, but I still just really miss her.
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@BarBaraPrz (48796)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
17 Jan 09
I swear there's a ghost cat in the house... sometimes when I'm lying in bed I feel a cat come up onto the bed and curl up beside me, but when I look, there's no one there...
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jan 09
Aww--thank you someonesmom. Who knows maybe AnnaBelle's spirit is still with you. I sometimes swear out of my peripheral vision I see a "shape" like a cat..but then when I look directly at the area expecting to see a cat, either my pye or Kissy, there's nothing there. I like to think maybe it might be the spirits of some of my former kitties coming to visit me.
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• Australia
11 Jan 09
I'm not sure love is an adequate description. Worship, adore, obsess over lol, that would be more to the point with my dog. Despite the fact that he tried to kill me once. (That was a joke in case anybody decides to take me seriously, again.) I sit at the table reading, feel a heavy weight on my knee, look down, and find two pools of brown adoration looking up at me. Thank the Gods it's only his head he puts on my knee. I wake up in the morning, and as soon as I stir I hear a thump, thump, thump from the passageway where he sleeps. He also has a heavy tail lol. His greatest pleasure, I think, is to lean his head against my knee while I rub his head, with his hindquarters leaning on his other human as she scratches his posterior. Lash
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
12 Jan 09
Yes I would say that worship, adore and obsess are probably more accurate. He is a dog of extremes. He will either make the biggest fuss of us or he will give us the cold shoulder. It all depends on whether he got his walk or not and if it was a really good one or just a make walk. I feel quite put out when he does his ignore act and the only thing that seems to work is give him a good walk or ignore him back. He does not like being ignored.
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@wkl0442 (46)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I had owned cats in the past that only wanted attention when they wanted it. I recently married and my wife has 2 cats. These cats show their love through the constant attention that they show. You enter the house and they come running to see you. Tey follow us around like you expect a dog to do. They just want to be close to you. I love those cats Marco and Zero also.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jan 09
I've had kitties ever since I was five years old...LOL..and it's been amazing the different personalities each has had LuckyLadyD---your Russell was sure lucky to find a good home and wow, for that woman to offer you $100 for him--and yes pets are very intuitive to our moods and know when we need extra love, like when we're depressed
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• United States
11 Jan 09
I've had cats for most of my adult life. One I can remember was an orange and white striped tabby. Because of his color, I named him Russell. I used to take that cat everywhere I went, and I showered him with attention. Of course, I would have to leave him home when I had to work. But, each day as I walked in the house from work, he would jump off the steps right into my arms. At first, this startled me, but I quickly got used to, and prepared myself for it. Russell was stickly a 'house cat', and one day he got out. So, I hit the pavement, knocking on the neighbors doors, but no Russell. Two months had passed, and I was given a brand new kitty. He was exactly like Russell in color. So, I named him Russell, Jr. About a month after that, the door bell rang. I opened it to a woman who said he heard I was looking for a cat. She explained how she lived a few blocks away, and how this cat just showed up one day. She described him to me, and although this cat sounded like mine, I explained that I had gotten a new one, and really couldn't keep two cats. She insisted I go home with her so that I would be comfortable with the knowledge my cat had a good home. So, I oblidged her, and went. We talked about Russell, and she commented about how she had never met such an affectionate cat. I explained my life with Russell, which I hoped gave her some insight as to why he was so lovable. After a while, it was time to go, but the woman insisted on paying me for the priviledge of keeping Russell. Of course I insisted it wasn't necessary, but she pushed, and pushed. I finally gave in, and she wrote me a check for $100.00. Wow!!!! I couldn't believe it. I protested that it was way too much to pay for such a plain cat, but she insisted so that I wouldn't later return to claim him. So, although cats at first may seem to be bothered by the attention you want to give them, they are truly taught to love you, and not only do they care about you, but they instinctively know when you need special attention, and love.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
11 Jan 09
all kinds of kisses and waiting at the door and setting on your feet or getting as close as they can!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
17 Jan 09
yup them too .
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jan 09
My Kissy has a habit of giving me kitty love nips..LOL
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
14 Jan 09
First of all dogs are not human. So we cannot compare them to humans since you have to compare like with like. There is a joke about a man who wanted to know who love him most whether his wife or his do. So h beat his wife and his dog. After a week he reconcilated with his wife after buying her an expensive diamond ring while his dog after a few minutes came greeting him wagging his tail. Pets especially dogs are capable to give us their undivided attention and affection. But I would not call it love because they are animals not humans. However I do like and enjoy their affection. c) ronaldinu 2009 - the more people I meet-the more I love my dog
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
26 Jan 09
Let me give you an example. I homed a six year old rough collie and when her previous master visited us a year later she wagged her tail when she saw him. However she stayed in her place when she saw him leaving. It seemed tha she was happy with us. Dogs are loyal to their masters who take good care of them. They shower them with affection. I am not saying that they are not sensitive like human beings. I visited the monument of a dog in Edinburgh who visited his masters grave daily. However I would prefer to call it affection loyality rather than love. I am a staunch animal lover as you might already know. Sometimes I do give dogs "human" qualities. However as I have said one has to compare like with like. Well you have a right to keep to your opinion.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
26 Jan 09
bobby statue - Greyfriars Bobby
I have a photo beside that statue in Edinburgh You can read the story here
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Jan 09
OMG--I know EXACTLY that story you're talking was known as Greyfrier's Bobby and was made into a Disney movie many, many years ago --I actually made a movie review of that movie at Ciao and did some research into it..they even have a statue of that dog in that's probably one of the most famous stories around about the devotion of a pet to it's owner. Every time I see that movie I get all teary eyed...
@Aurone (4755)
• United States
11 Jan 09
ah, aren't they wonderful. I think my cats watch over me more now that they know that Matthew (my soon to be ex-husband) is gone. They spend more time with me and are now more likely to sleep on the bed with me. They also come and check on me during the day more now.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
11 Jan 09
Yes our babies are fantastic...I think that's why my Pyewacket is so much more affectionate with me now, since I am alone now.
@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Josie is always in my lap. If I need to get up for something necessary and ask her to leave, she always comes back. She sleeps with me most nights and touches noses and rubs on my chin. She wakes me in the morning so I don't for get to feed her (not happening) and tells me when she wants to go up to bed, knocking the telephone and mouse down and meowing. She's my girl. Peaches has issues with affection. She rubs on everything except a person, prefers not to be touched, but comes running when called. She knows where she eats, as when I ask, she goes right to her feeding station. She is getting better about loving, but she had been abused, so it will take a great deal of time to ease her fears. I do know she loves me.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Jan 09
Aww--I saw your profile just now and saw the two photos you have of your cats..As far as Peaches, was she a rescued cat that had been abused? I've often heard pets that had been abused earlier take a long time to trust again
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Jan 09
Then Peaches was one lucky kitty to find a new home with you
@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
26 Jan 09
Peaches was abandoned by her heartless humans and spent 7 months in a cage at a vet's office and was about to be put down. So I'd say she was abused, poor baby. I love her to pieces.
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@BLaineK (17)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I have a cat, Mozart, that acts the same way. He wouldn't have anything to do with me for the longest, then all of a sudden he started giving me kisses, cuddling up to me when I watch tv, etc. I also have dogs. I know they love me because anytime I move they follow me-room-to-room. If I leave, they are all piled at the door as soon as they hear my key in the lock.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jan 09
Aww--isn't it nice to be greeted at the door by your "children"???
• United States
17 Jan 09
Sure is! I wouldn't want it any other way! Of course, I probably miss them as much as they miss me. lol
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11 Jan 09
Hi pye, That sound so sweet and yes they really does love you, as for my two cats Baby and Thomas, they are like calk and cheese, Baby just normally sleeps on the chair and he would go to on my hushand's lap but she doesen't come on my but then she would suddenley comes over to me so I can kiss her and give a little cuddle then she jumps off and go back to te chair, now my Tom he sleeps upstaire and wne he hears me in the kitchen he is right nerxt to me and when I go into the bathroom he follows me in there and let pick up and cuddle and kiss him then he goes back to sleep but when I got to bed he snuggles up next to for about ten miutes then goes back to his bed where ever he makes it, at the moment it on top of the wardrobe and Baby just stays in the living room, yes they do show their love for you and they are my babies. Bright Blessings. Tamara
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
11 Jan 09 Kissy has a habit of following me during the night when I have to go to the "loo"---kind of tricky at that...since it's dark then and she has a habit of intertwining in my legs...just hope I don't trip one of these nights...
@frygirl (382)
• United States
18 Jan 09
yeah my little dog does like french fries we just dont usually get them for him he'd much rather have the cheeseburger.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Jan 09
Some of my former cats used to like french fries
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@murugezh (273)
• India
11 Jan 09
My day starts with my pet my son and my best pet ever i had before. His name is joy ever he make me joy full out of my world that ever i had pressure and problems to handle my jobs in my office. When ever I come back from my work he will be ready to invite me everyday he will look up my bags what i have bought today special for him he always look for something new and extra ordinary gift to eat and play. He'll be spending more time at night in playing with me. He always loving me a lot. I am spenting much time while I am at home.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
23 Jan 09
Sounds like your pet dog really does love you and brings you a lot of joy and happiness in your life
• United States
15 Jan 09
considering the yowling drama my family tells me goes on when i go out for 10 minutes to the store,i'm sure they do.they want their mommy.and they're right there at the door when i come back. if one's on my lap,jealousy breaks the point of one glaring at the other and attempting to push him off my lap.they always curl up next to me at night too-with the big contented purrs.sounds like a beehive in here
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• United States
14 Feb 09
oh yes.all bags must pass inspector #13 (blackums) upon entry. sheesh. he should work for port authority
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Jan 09
Aww--sounds like they really do miss their "mom" when you go out. When I come back from grocery shopping Pyewacket in particular has to check what I've bought..he seems to have a disappointed expression if I didn't get MORE cat food for him
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• United States
12 Jan 09
Funny, Kash was very similar to Pyewacket in her younger days. Now she is much more affectionate although not a lovey dovey kinda cat. She's not the type to be hugged and kissed all over the place, although I do and she puts up with me, haha. When coming home from a day out she nuzzles my hand and sort of gives me her own hug that way. Also lays by me watching tv but not for long, only to come up and nuzzle, get a few hugs, and then I help her down because of her arthritis. So her way of showing affection I guess is in the nuzzles, and I'm happy with that.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Jan 09
aww--that's sweet how Kash nuzzles you. My Kissy has a habit of giving me nips on my arm which I have to admit hurt ...OUCH...but I know she doesn't mean it in a mean way and I always have to laugh how Pyewacket "demands" his attention. How old is Kash anyway? My Pyewacket is going to be eight this June and Kissy is going to be ten in October
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• United States
26 Jan 09
My little Kash is going to be 17 years young, haha, in March this year. Wow, where the heck did all those years go? My birthday's in March so we sort of celebrate getting young together. When I think back I was only 45 when I brought her and her sister home with me. Oh to go back again.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
12 Jan 09
Oh yes our dog loves us and he gets very jealous of every other animal I talk to even our chickens. He wants to be the centre of attention. The first thing I hear when we get up is the heavy tail thumping to say good morning. Then we see his smiling face and he is so pleased to see us. I think his favourite is to be patted by both of us at once. He rests his head on his masters knees and I get the rump or if his master is busy then I will get the head and he will rub it against me and push my hand up so I pat him. I have no doubt that he adores us in his own doggy way.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Jan 09
Your dog definitely sounds like my Pyewacket as he hogs all the attention. Gee, even if I talk on the phone to someone, he has to come running over as if to say, "How dare you talk to someone else and not me." LOL
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
18 Jan 09
Oh I am sure they are very similar in temperament. He is very possessive of us when we talk to other people and animals. He gets jealous of everyone except girl dogs for some reason. He even gets upset because I watch a tv show about a German shepherd police dog. It is so funny. When he realises I am watching it he comes up to me and tries to get my attention or lies around looking betrayed.
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@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I know that our dog loves us, she is very affectionate and always ready with a "sugar" for her daddy.. I don't like for her to try to kiss me in the mouth or around my face that much but she tries and I have to dodge quite a few kisses.. I will rub her ears instead.. She likes to sleep any time any one of us are asleep, she likes to curl up as close behind our knees as she can, preferably under the covers.. I do take her out from under the cover as I am afraid she will smother in her sleep.. She also sits and begs when we are eating, but she does it gently, until we are on the last bite and then she will hit us with her paw, like she is saying "Hey, don't forget me, I am down here".. She loves to come up behind us while we are sitting on the sofa and lay on the back of the sofa with her head leaning downwards on our shoulders.. She will growl and bark and let us know that it is time to play, she will growl like a mad dog trying to bite our toes but she will never bite hard enough to hurt.. She knows not too bite too hard.. She will also look at us when we are talking to her and telling her that we love her, right now it is just the two of us so we have to give her all of our love.. She gets jealous whenever we are acting like we are kissing or loving, she has to get in the middle of us, like she is waiting for her sugar or for her hug.. She has a bad habit of laying in one spot in the middle of the floor and I accidentally stepped on her one night on my way to the bathroom, I really didn't see her, she ran for a minute and then came back to me, like she was petting me because I had hurt her.. I think that my dog loves me, or I am a crazy lady for letting my dog run this much of my life.. She is a very good dog and I wouldn't take a million dollars for her..
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
11 Jan 09
Aww- your dog sounds like a real cuddle bear..what kind of dog is she? It sounds like you probably are sleeping like a pretzel which is how I have to sleep...LOL..its like heaven forbid I move cause if I do, I get sort of an annoyed look from my one cat in particular, Pyewacket...he sure has me "trained" You're right..I don't think any of us would take a million dollars for our "babies"--they're priceless, right?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
12 Jan 09
Aww-she so sweet. I'm just betting you have more pictures of your pets (past and present) then Human family members, right? Since I've been involved with photography practically my whole life I even have photos of my very first cat Babette that my mother had gotten for me as a Christmas present...I was only five years old too
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• United States
11 Jan 09
My Baby - My BFF, Baby
We bought and paid for a Shih-Tzu, when we brought her home at 6 weeks old, we couldn't tell much of what she was going to look like... She was the last one in the litter and she didn't look much like a Shih-Tzu, but we waited to see how she would look as she grew a little.. She never got to looking like one and we have never figured out what happened because we know the lady we bought her from and we knew Baby's mother, but our Baby was no Shih-Tzu.. By the time we realized that she wasn't going to change and we had gotten took somwhow, we loved her too much to take her back.. I have a pic of you, said just like a proud parent, huh?
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@frygirl (382)
• United States
15 Jan 09
my pets are my children because i dont have any real kids even after 16 years of marriage. we hvae 4 dogs 1 cat and we have really downsized one of the dogs goes to town almost everytime we do and alot of the time he gets a cheeseburger off of the dollar menu at mcdonalds our local mcdonalds remodeled last year and now have the 2 windows this little dog has been going to the drivethru so much that hwe noticed the difference the first time we went i placed his order went to the first window to pay and he didnt get his cheeseburger he actually growled at the cashier in the window because when she handed my change there was no bag with a cb in it thats what we call them then we got to the second window and he was okay he got his cb then now he is used to the double windows but it was touch and go there for about a week. and that is the only place that he will eat a cb from. my car is in the shop right now so i caught a ride to town the other day and surprised him with a cb when i got home youe cant even say the word around him he knows what it means he has been there so much.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Jan 09
I don't have any children either..least not the human sort...LOL. I definitely think of my two kitties as my children and family members. That's funny how your one dog loves his cheeseburgers. No fries? heehee. My two kitties really don't care for people food though my Pyewacket does love hamburger meat too
@frygirl (382)
• United States
26 Jan 09
yeah he likes french fries too but he seldom gets them because thats mommys favorite food.
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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
11 Jan 09
Awww....Pye sounds like such a love dove. I hope he learns to share with Kissy a little more. Maybe Kissy can sneak a little time in when Pye is on the Before I was married, when it was just Tukay (chihuahua) and DC (my cat, no longer here) and me, they used to compete for my attentions. After a while they settled it amongst themselves, and maintained their 'designated sides'. DC was always on the right, Tukay got the left. Didn't matter if I was sitting, standing or sleeping. They each stayed on their own side. When I took a vacation once, they both spent the week sitting on the back of the couch waiting for me to come home. After I got married, DC got a little crowded out of 'her' side. She figured out a solution by sleeping wrapped around my head on the pillow. She also made sure to flick her tail under my hubby's Talk about a chaparone!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I'm beginning to wonder if my two cats will ever be cuddle-bugs with one another, although sometimes I catch them sleeping close together in their bed I have for them. LOL sounds like DC really is your "chaparone" and its funny how you're telling me she flicks her tail under your hubby's nose..sounds like she's protective of you
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
12 Jan 09
I miss my Bobbity (she was of a trio named Bibbity, Bobbity, in that Cinderella song...LOL) She used to love to sleep on my head. When I'd be waking up, she'd bite me on the cheek...sure miss her too
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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
11 Jan 09
LOL...she just didn't like to share! She also used to wait by the front door for me to get home from work. She liked to jump up on my shoulders (I used to have to bend over for her when she got older) so that she could rub her head against mine. I miss her a lot now that she's gone.
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