Eat up your greens or the police will get you

@p1kef1sh (45681)
January 11, 2009 5:45am CST
The UK has become the home of real crackpot Government ideas recently. The latest thing to spend our taxes on is "Food Police". Apparently every British household throws away something in the region of £600 of food each year. The Government is proposing to recruit a small army of "advisors" to come round to our houses and advise us what to do with our leftover food! Now I know that we could all probably do a little better. But do we all need advisors nosing about in our fridges after lunch to check that we re-use our food. If they want us to return to war time austerity then perhaps they should ration our food. Would you welcome in the "Food Police" or should the Government save OUR money for something more useful?
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65 responses
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
11 Jan 09
Food police? OMG, they will be kick out of the house in USA.... I would not let anyone into my house to put there nose into my privacy. If they want to store my food leftovers and give it to wild animals, I would be more than happy to place it in separate containers for someone to pick it up. In fact, I store bread leftovers, make it dry and I feed birds during the winter. Advisors can work with corporations to make food fresh enough, so I can store it little longer.
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
11 Jan 09
Do they really think that people are wasteful? They better check with rich, celebrities and businesses. Restaurants are wasting tons of food everyday and it is against the law to give the rest for homeless. They have to start with restaurants and grocery store.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jan 09
We feed the birds too. But this idea is to encourage people not to be so wasteful.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jan 09
I do so agree. My sister works for a major supermarket chain here and they are not allowed to give perfectly good food away in case someone gets sick and sues them!
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• United States
11 Jan 09
*Rolls her eyes* That is totally ridiculous! I don't know if you read it or not, but beaddoodler made a discussion about the government coming in and raiding a families organic food farm, not long ago. It was their food source, but it was organic, and the government just can't have people trying to eat things that MIGHT be good for them. We have to be pumped full of chemicals from foods that come from the BIG BOYS. I know that is a totally different subject but, Food Police is just as stupid as this.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jan 09
You don't want all that dangerous chemical free food getting into the system Bo. It might do you some good. What would the pharmaceutical companies do then?!!
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• United States
11 Jan 09
I know. We're supposed to let the government tell us what is good for us and what's not, huh? Pfffffftttttt!
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@dorypanda (1601)
11 Jan 09
For goodness sake, can't they think of anythign better to do with our money?! I'd be very cross if someone came round my house to tell me how to use left over food, as I don't usually have any left over, when your budget's tight you really do HAVE to eat everything, as I think you discovered when you tried to eat on a tight budget recently. I'd probably send them away with a flea in their ear, but not because we don't wash or anything. :) What they could do with the money instead is help people and business who are in some financial difficulty, instead of letting them go bankrupt, but of course, I could never work for the government, I'm far too sensible and I'm a talking fish!
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@dorypanda (1601)
11 Jan 09
Ah, but you don't work for them any more, see, you were far too clever for them. :) I really need to read words properly, I mis-read the last part of your sentence, what you actually put is much more polite than what I thought I read. Sorry about that. I'll stop my Mum from eating you, she's not a dangerous crocodile really, she's ok on a good day, but remember.......'never smile at a crocodile' :)
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jan 09
Well you're talking to another fish who did work for the Government. No wonder we are all potty! Words fail me though. If they come here I shall give them short shift.
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@riyasam (16556)
• India
11 Jan 09
oh,for this reason ,i would love to migrate to the fear of food police may make my kids to have their veggies!!i am little muddled up now but the saying seems to be LET THE FOOLS BEHAVE MORE FOOLISHLY.........
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@riyasam (16556)
• India
11 Jan 09
and i thought,we partners had some share in running
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jan 09
The inmates run the asylum. I'm sure of that!
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• Canada
11 Jan 09
O.K I live in Canada but I think that this is absolutely ridiculous and what a waste of tax payers dollars!!! I guess if the food supply is getting low then perhaps food stamps and rationing are in order...Policing is not in my opinion that is just too much invasion into our lives I think! ~Heavens~
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jan 09
The Government is concerned about over consumption and obesity. They say that they don't like waste but they pay lip service really to environmental issues. It is a waste of money I think and an unnecessary intrusion.
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• Canada
11 Jan 09
Definitely p1ke! ~Heavens~
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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I'm sure the government could find a more useful method of wasting your tax money - like LOWERING TAXES!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jan 09
This Government came to power in 1997 promising now increase in Income Tax. That's about the only promise they kept. Instead though, they increased every other tax.
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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
11 Jan 09
Tax is tax, I think I have BETTER ways to spend my money then they have!
@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
16 Jan 09
Sometimes when it comes to the inane ways that our elected officials deciding how to spend OUR money, I am not sure whether to laugh or cry butt hink the first would be preferable or I would cause a flood with the tears I shed. This has not been suggested as something that should happen here in Australia yet and probably will not either, because our current Government is more republican in their thinking. Generally that means what is suggested for the UK is not on the agenda but as we have similar governments in their political outlook, they might consider it a good idea. If they do bring to fruition here, then many people, including my partner and I, will turn their heads. You see we have a small organic farmlet and no doubt they would consider the fruit and vegetables that we plough back into the ground would be a waste. I am sure it wouldn't matter to them that we do not consider that what we actually plough back in is not of a good enough quality to sell. If governments are so concerned about the waste of food, then they should provide places where people can dispose of it and the disposal should be in such a way that it can be of benefit. The other alternative is that they bring back food rationing if it is of such concern. If they are concerned about obesity, then make sports/PE compulsory for everyone, adults as well as children. Make those who are obese partly responsible for their medical care, i.e Doctors, medications and hospital if applicable. It is strange that they want to do something like this now when it appears that we are in the worst global economic conditions that most of us have ever seen. That fact alone will ensure that most people are more careful with their money and are buying only what is necessary. If fact there is a strong possibility that most people will only be able to afford the necessities of life and perhaps many people will not even be able to afford even them. Seems to me that the current UK government has some problems understanding the words "democracy" and "freedom of choice". Maybe when the next election comes around they will realise what they tried to take away from the population.
@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
18 Jan 09
It is interesting how we change our habits, depending on our financial situation at any one time and I sspect that with the current global economic climate, there will be many more people who will grow some of their own vegetables in the coming few years. Yes there are people in our district as well who are also growing their own vegetables but not all of the ones that they use. However more people buy them from us as we have a fairly large variety of products and our prices are much cheaper that anywhere else. There are some vegetables which are grown for our own consumption and also for the local people, i.e. none of these particular ones are grown for contracts. With regard to the politicians, it is the same here. I know we should not complain because at least we do live in a democracy and so can hopefully vote the losers out next election and some people do not have a chance to do that EVER. So I put up with politicians in the knowledge that at least we had a chance to have our say in who leads our country and the maximum we will have them will be 4 years although in most instances it is 3 years max.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Jan 09
More and more people here are going back to the land. I have a large garden and a vegetable patch that, depending on how I am feeling gets cultivated or not. Depends on income. Now that I have retired from the rat race and money is not so abundant; I shall be digging and sowing. When they come to poke in my house they will get a caterpillar ravaged cauli flung at them! LOL. Democracy? Not a word that this Government understands. They spout it often enough, but it's lip service really. What frightens me is that the opposition don't seem much better. I have never seen politics in the UK in such a parlous and corrupt state.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I think the government should find something better to do than to do that to people. I do not know how much good that is going to do for the economy. They like to point the finger at the citizens.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jan 09
It is just another excuse to snoop into our homes Steph.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
11 Jan 09
If they are already aware that so much food is being thrown out in the garbage, then instead of sending out "food police", they would do much better to use that money to start a composting recycling program in communities. Many major centres have "Green Boxes" for perishable food items. The contents are similar to what people would use to make their own compost piles for gardens, only they also include meat products and paper (like tissues and paper towels). We don't have it in our city yet, because city council claims it would cost too much to initiate.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jan 09
We have a compost pick up facility, but it doesn't include food items yet. This initiative (!) is more about nannying us and snooping in our houses I think.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Jan 09
Good Lord, people in your neck of the 'government' have too much time on their hands! LOL No I would not welcome the Food Police........unless they agreed to eat my two week old leftovers!
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Jan 09
Like a fifty some odd year old fish? ROFL
@p1kef1sh (45681)
12 Jan 09
Let me swim in your P1kef1sh bowl Sparky, if I can visit Aunty Rosie from time to time.
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
12 Jan 09
LOL..they can have mine too but then they might find something else in my fridge that i don't want them to find..
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@liquorice (3887)
14 Jan 09
How ridiculous. This is a rare occasion where I agree with a Tory ! Like Peter Ainsworth says in this article, the government is short enough of money as it is, and don't need to put taxpayers under this extra pressure; and when times are hard most people know to be more careful anyway. So they're ploughing lots of money (potentially "tens of millions of pounds" if the scheme goes nationwide) into telling us things that we already know. I agree that it's very important to be more environmentally aware and less wasteful, and that tips on how to do this are always good, but there are cheaper ways of getting this message across - surely we don't need such a "personal service"!. And I can think of so many better ways to spend this money. (Also, do we have to let them in?? )
@p1kef1sh (45681)
14 Jan 09
I always had you down as twin set and pearls! Tea with Maggie before a light supper with David and Samantha. So long as you aren't a fan of Gordon the gorgon or the war criminal Blair then we'll get on just fine! LOL. I agree with you and Peter Ainsworth. This seems totally wasteful of our money. Blimey, one advert from Marguerite Patten should see us all straight!
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
11 Jan 09
Of course come on in...while they are at it perhaps they could clean as well? Seems only reasonable to me that if they wish to be this intrusive they could at least offer services that I actually need, right? Food reuse advice and cleaning, now this might work for me. My tax dollars at work. What is next? As if governments everywhere are not already intrusive enough.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jan 09
That's a good idea. Give the the vacuum and set them to work! The British Government won't be happy until each and every one of us has a camera in our houses and a chip implanted in our brains to watch our every movement and fire politically correct messages at us.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
12 Jan 09
No i would not like these guys coming around my noise. Not for any reason. Thats crazy if they really do that. Yes i think they can be doing other things more worthwhile. We have the food channel and sometimes very informative articles on the local channels. That help with advise on how to use leftovers and such. But food police. Oh no.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
12 Jan 09
You would think that people would know what to do with their left overs. An educational programme would be better, but not much frankly!
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
13 Jan 09
I know i do. I usually just cook what im going to eat or make enogh to make 2 meals out of it.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
12 Jan 09
Besides anyone that knows their way around the kitchen should know how to make the most out of the leftovers.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
17 Jan 09
I think it's nuts for them to even be thinking of this. I'm glad I don't live in the UK. It sounds like the government already controls too much.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
17 Jan 09
The Government is working hard to outlaw us all in some way or another. They don't seem to have any real notion of what democracy is about. I just pray that they don't get a third term. That said; the opposition parties don't offer much either other than they aren't Gordon Brown or that criminal Blair. He's almost permanently in the US now. Please keep him and don't send him back!
@camomom (7535)
• United States
17 Jan 09
Can't we find somewhere else to send him so neither of us has him around?
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
12 Jan 09
I am always open to new ideas but that is taking it a bit far for them to come to your house. I feel that maybe they should offer online classes or even classes close to where the people live but to come in their houses like you suggested is just beyond the call of duty of saving food and leftovers. I feel that maybe we should think twice about throwing out some leftovers so they can be maybe a snack later but I think the people should be asked if they want the advice and help before they can come to your home and tell what to do with your food.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
13 Jan 09
That is why I said..for them to have the choice if they want to pursue it or not. It is a invasion of ones privacy and home so they should have that choice. I think classes would work fine and faster since they could show alot more at once.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
12 Jan 09
I am not against education Becky. But this is snooping and quite unnecessary.
@derek_a (10873)
12 Jan 09
Living in the UK I heard this myself. How many more crazy rules and regulations are they going to enforce upon us. Do they really think people cannot think for themselves! I have been self-employed all my working life and the laws that are coming in for business business people are just as crazy. They keep wanting to fix things that aint broke!.. Derek
@derek_a (10873)
13 Jan 09
The trouble is, you might have to eat your greens over there too. :-)Derek
@p1kef1sh (45681)
12 Jan 09
I am starting to think that after 50 years here, it's time to move somewhere more sane. Iraq perhaps!!
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
12 Jan 09
I think this is ridiculous. Education is the only way to teach people who to care for themselves not police. I concede that we need some Government intervention in the for of financial support for those too ill to work etc and in the health system so that people have access to decent medical care even if they are poor. But this sort of protection from themselves is ridiculous. For all the education I have had and my knowledge of health eating I still am not fond of my greens and taht is not about to change. Still I eat reasonably healthy. If they really want to force people to eat healthy then they should put an end to all forms of unhealthy fast food. Make all fast food healthy instead as that is what most people eat when they do not cook for themselves.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
13 Jan 09
That is true we do not buy a lot and we do not like to waste food so what we do buy usually gets eaten. I object to anyone telling me they know better than I do about my life and how to look after myself. Maybe when I get so sick that I am unable to take care of myself but I have not got that far yet and then I will be reliant on a qualified health profession not a politician. When has a politician ever know what is good for anyone?
@p1kef1sh (45681)
12 Jan 09
But if you don't like greens, presumably you don't buy too many and there's no wastage Sharra. What makes me cross is the idea that we are all somehow incompetents and that the Government knows best.
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@littleowl (7157)
12 Jan 09
What? Oh my what on earth is the UK coming to do..this is the first I have heard of it!! Any waste food I have normally goes to the dogs! What will the government think of next...this is a hairbrain scheme, are they going to throw us in prison for getting rid of our left over foods if we don't do as they say? NO I dont want anyone coming and looking in my fridge, they probably wouldn't find much anyway...the so called Government could use the Tax Payers money more on Hospitals THEY are the things we are in more DESPERATE need of....hugs littleowl
@littleowl (7157)
12 Jan 09
As long as it's safe too then count me in!! hugs
@p1kef1sh (45681)
12 Jan 09
Sunday Telegraph LoLo. I couldn't agree more. I'm thinking of starting a commune somewhere warm and far away. Want to come?
12 Jan 09
I'm wondering what newspaper you read, p1kef1sh? You see I'm also from the UK! I've heard something like this story, but it does sound very much like a "Daily Mail" or "Daily Express" journalist have run away with themselves in embroidering on the story! Still it might help us get out of the credit crunch as the Government seem intent on spending billions of pounds to get us out of recession! Seriously, if people didn't waste so much food, it would help the environment no end. With money getting tighter, I think we will all start to naturally do this anyway! Apart from selling newspapers, I don't really think that the government will ever recruit a small army of "advisors". Have a great day anyway!
14 Jan 09
My god, now that is an intellectual paper, though I notice that even the broadsheets have quite populist front pages. What with so many of us going on the internet so much, though poor ole papers are having quite a struggle to survive! It is quite interesting to see the different work cultures when working in government, small business and big business - they can be so different! The bureaucratic as against the entrepreneurial mindset! (got how would I manage without spell checker!!!) Good on yer, p1kef1sh!
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
14 Jan 09
Why don't you tell the food police that you're letting your leftovers rot so you can use it for methane fuel?
@p1kef1sh (45681)
14 Jan 09
Good idea. However, methane is bring a hole in the ozone layer so that's probably environmentally anti-social too.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
14 Jan 09
Look at it this way, it's going to become methane whether you (or anyone else) eats it or not. And if you use it for fuel, you won't have those nasty landfills. I don't know, maybe as fuel it's not quite so hard on the ozone as it is just sitting there rotting away.