not everyone is on the same page in life. be respectful will ya?
By dloveli
@dloveli (4366)
United States
January 11, 2009 6:46am CST
I totally realize that my values and rules may not be the same as someone elses. However its not rocket science to figure out when you are offending someone. For example,Cell Phones. Not everyone is on the same page as far as music, jokes etc. Its very offensive when I bring my grandmother into a restaurant and someones phone is blasting "PICK UP THE PHONE A**HO*E" Or if you have a direct connect or nextel and you have your phone on speaker and the person is shouting obsenities. Come on I am not that old and I know enough that when I am out in public its best to assume that everyone will be offended against somethings. I am not saying that we dont have the right to our own opinions. I am just saying that its not fair to push it on someone either. Public transportation is another. If you are sitting and an elderly person, pregnant women, elder, etc is standing, be kind offer them your seat. Its not going to kill you! Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot and it was your mother or grandmother who was being offended. I bet the story would change then. dl
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11 responses
@I_am_yours_06 (185)
• Philippines
12 Jan 09
Ya,we're unique, we could not please everybody..Its very annoyed that there are people who tend to show themselves in public too obvious,yes especially in using mobile phone unless they're ears are not functioning well.. And its so sad to know some Men (not saying all)now a days dont know how to be a gentleman especially in public transportation mostly.. as to my experience if I saw an old people or having a lot of kids in public transportation, I volunteer myself to offer a space or let one of her/his kids on my lap..
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
12 Jan 09
My point exactly. We as parents have to try to teach our children from day one the way it should be. That way there arent any incidents like these. I have been on the bus so many times and see people sitting in the front. THen an elderly person or someone who's pregant, any one who needs the seat for that matter comes on and they dont offer the seats. Where I live there is a sign stating that all forward facing seats should be offered to handicaped, elderly, or anyone else who may need them. Its a shame that people dont put others in need before themselves. thanks for you input. I fully agree. dl
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I am with you on that one! Especially the phone! Cell phones have become a pain in the behinder....the last time I went to get my oil changed I had to listen to the girl next to me do about five calls and I found out way more about her and her family then I wanted to know. She talked so loud that I was trying to read a magazine and couldn't even concentrate on reading above her voice. And you are right...treat others the way you would like to be treated...or your own mom would like to be treated!
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
12 Jan 09
LOL. I am totally with you on that one. I sometimes listen to these cell phone conversations(as if I had a choice) and say to myself " See we're not so bad".lol I see some children with those $400 phones and say to myself "why". There should be an earning agreement for something like that. If they are this insesitive now, imagine them later in life. I shutter to think. dl

@dloveli (4366)
• United States
12 Jan 09
Its good to know that some people are respectful to others. Its a shame that more dont follow suit. It gives other countries the impression that were rude. Im sorry I try very hard to be good to everyone. Im so lucky in my life that I have had to deal with more devastating issues. I am thankful and wish to show my appreciation by exhibiting proper etiquette. thanks dl

@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
14 Jan 09
its amazing how stupid people are and how they dont think about anyone but themselves..
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
14 Jan 09
reminds me of my post about those people breaking into a song in the middle of a restaurant!
@winieann (234)
• Philippines
11 Jan 09
I believe to that dloveli dear, not everyone is on the same page in life. That is because every one else is different and unique in certain ways. And yes people should respect to what other people's ideas are there are just opinions and it is up to you to respond or not. Happy lotting. And that a good opener, well done my dear.
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I am not saying that everyone should live or believe the same things. I am speaking on the common sense issues. Such as when you're in church, meeting,or a concert and someones phone keeps ringing. Or when you call someone and go to leave a message and you get a song thats plays for the entire song then you leave a message. People have been brought up differently. Some people may find it offensive. I tell my daughter that imagine if someone is calling to offer her a job and when they call, they hear a song with tons of profanity or she leaves a message with bad language. They are going to get a bad first impression if they dont like that kind of music or language. People have to realize there's more to life than just them. Lets hope someday they will. Thank you very much. dl
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I agree. We can all agree or disagree but it really does not mean one person is right and the other perzon is wrong.
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
12 Jan 09
One person is wrong if they are in perfect physical condition and dont offer to help someone who isnt so lucky. We must all take into consideration the fact that not everyone sees the world as we do. We can share our likes/dislikes. Within reason. Im sorry but it all starts at home. thanks for responding. dl
@powermannx (450)
• United States
11 Jan 09
Mainly, it is more-so about how you are raised, if there is no formal discipline in the home - most young people will not know how to conduct themselves in public and private life. Even though today's times are much more different for young adolescents and teens, this makes it even more of a challenge when they grow up in a household where no supervision exist.
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
12 Jan 09
You are so right. As parents we have allowed the school and other sources to negatively portray punishment as a no no. When I was younger and in school, we were taught about strangers and how not to get punished. Now they have allowed the school to interfere and have introduced 911 if you get a bad feeling. What kid gets a good feeling from getting caught doing something wrong? Noone! We need to stop being afraid of child services and parent our children correctly. Children services has become a house hold word. When I was young you never even heard of them. We need to raise our children to be productive,positive members of society. BOttom Line! dl
@suzzy3 (8341)
12 Jan 09
You are quite right to put this discussion out and it is very interesting one as well.There are plenty of people out there feel the same way as you.Some people just have no idea of knowing how to behave in public.Some of it is bravdo infront of their friends.Part of an interview I went on was for a cook in an oph the residents were really sweet if not a bit mad,Some of them were ill so you had to understand and not to shout or tell them off.The question was how would you deal with an awkward resident? My reply was "I would treat them how I would want my gran,mother,father,aunt ect to be treated with respect concern and love." I carry that everywhere I go and it pays off.If you give respect you will receive it back as I see it.Some people just do not think they are so wrapped up in them selves and cannot see beyond there own noses,like you say I hope no one upsets or offends their relative.
@conbill (369)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I wholeheartedly agree with you. I find it very offensive to especially when I am out with my family. For one thing I never understood why people have their phone on speaker when they are out in public. I don't want to hear any ones conversation even if it is not vulgar.
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
12 Jan 09
You know what? That is a very good point. I dont know why people find it necessary to pull out the cell phone in the middle of a store or while boarding planes, buses, etc. You know what really annoys me? I hate it when you're waiting on a customer who's using his/her cellphone. They are totally ignoring the fact that you have others to serve. They just keep on with the conversation as if we should feel blessed they're even gracing us with their presence. thanks dl
@rebecca1986bb (17)
• China
12 Jan 09
It annoyed me like some else is speaking on the phone loudly in a book store. However, I don't know why I daren't to stop him. But to myselt , I would always consider my behavior to others' feelings. However, I often keep silence when someone is not so polite.