Which game is better, Soldier Front or Combat Arms?

@W3YL1N (117)
January 11, 2009 5:22pm CST
I really like playing soldier front, however I want to try combat arms but I have heard that it has a lot of hackers. Which do you think is better?
2 responses
• United States
15 Apr 10
i have never played either of those games before. so it is hard for me to choose which one i like more. but both of those games seem like they are pretty cool games. so i might try out those games sometime and see what they are like.
@Edweazy (14)
• United States
12 Jan 09
I have never played combat arms but i play soldier front and its a fun game. just alot of hackers and makes the game boring cuz they always kill you.Im gonna have to look into playing combat arms.