does it happen with you too?

@akangirl (2436)
January 11, 2009 8:37pm CST
i am experiencing very confused feeling these days. I do have long distance relationship with guy and we both break and patch up by arguing. I am confused about whether i love him or not. Sometimes i blame myself that my feelings have just died and i have become numb. Now days i have this strong feeling of getting married. I am bad at relationship i know because i don't trust, nor nag. My heart is continuously saying like oh god get married and start a new life with someone get away far away from here and on the other hand my head says focus on earning and marriage is not meant for you , who will take care of your family if you get married? and last of all i want to marry but don't know whom? i am very confused. maybe its just my hormone mixing up my feelings. I can't talk with anyone else this as i don't have friends.
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7 responses
• Romania
12 Jan 09
You do have a friend in me sweetie. Your choice is very difficult but You are still at a very young age. This is a problem with online relations, they tend not to last, unfortunately.
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@akangirl (2436)
• India
12 Jan 09
My real age is 23. i was born on 21 st may 1985
• Romania
12 Jan 09
A Taurus ha? :) So what? You are still Young, and have a loong future ahead.
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• India
14 Jan 09
hey i thnk u r very right bcozz dats d human nature wat r u feeling is d feelin of most of d persons...
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@akangirl (2436)
• India
14 Jan 09
Yes feeling overpowers the common sense sometimes. Lol
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
12 Jan 09
I think you still have lots of time to find someone to settle down with. I think you are right though. Take care of yourself and your own family first.
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@akangirl (2436)
• India
14 Jan 09
yes you are right.i am still young. i should enjoy my singlehood but the bad thing is that i don't have friend with whom i can enjoy, go out. Being alone is hard. My friends are married and also my best friend also became mother now so they are very busy with their family to come and meet me. They stay far now
@aisaellis22 (6445)
• United States
14 Jan 09
Hello akangirl! Long distance relationship is quiet confusing. Unless you meet the person, you were really not sure about your feelings. I went through that too but now, I am happily married to the man whom I just chatted online. Now, you're torn between family, career and love. You really have to think about it and what important is think about your happiness, girl.
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• India
18 Jan 09
if your long distance relation is causing that much confusion in your mind, then simply put a full stop to that relation !!!!!!!!!!!
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• India
12 Jan 09
Hi Akan, According to your feeling i think you have to share your feeling with friends or Any other so that you will be get relaxed of your self. About your family matter choose in such way where i can work and share some responsibility after marriage. Choose good guy where u can forget past and start new life and new responsibility. Don't look past life and past boys when confusion is started it always kill the life. Think positive that's the best solution.
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@akangirl (2436)
• India
14 Jan 09
thanks a lot for your advice.Yes positive thinking is always good
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
14 Jan 09
I think part of life is getting lonely, and getting confuse, and it comes once in while, when you ask your self what you really want. Hey just keep on moving, let time answer your question and what you want. Everything has a reason. Just do things what is best for you. What I see is you wanna escape problems by getting married, it's not a solution to a problem. Life is journey! Everything will come your way, and it just happens. You don't have to look for it. If it's really for you it will just happen. Take your time being single first and just smile so the world will smile at you akangirl. Have a nice day!
@akangirl (2436)
• India
14 Jan 09
Yeah you are right.I think loneliness is getting into me.I should try going out of home .Its been three months since i last went even one step outside my door