What is wrong with the world today with it's views
By asgtswife04
@asgtswife04 (2475)
United States
January 12, 2009 8:14am CST
Okay, so I had to start this discussion due to a discussion I just responded to that absolutely made me sick. I am a Christian and yes I know that there are different religions out there and that they all believe something different and blah blah blah. Christianity is NOT a religion, it's a faith and it's in our hearts and it's knowing more than ever that God sent His Son to die for our sins and that He loves us so much that He would do that to save us from this horrible place we are in now and will be when we die unless we accept Him. I said all that to say this, how dare someone mock my faith and my God. Christians are taught to pray for those that don't believe, but not once were we ever taught to condemn or judge or mock other people just because they believe something differently than we do. I am so frustrated right now and so mad at this other discussion and people actually responding to this person and agging it on. I don't make fun or judge anyone for what they do or don't believe in and I would love it if Christians could get the same respect. However, I do know that we are living in the end times and that this is prophesied in the Bible, so I guess all there is left to say is that God is an awesome God and as for me and my house WE WILL serve the LORD! God bless
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9 responses
@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
12 Jan 09
I would not normally respond to such a discussion but I found your statements so hypocritical and nonsensical that it actually made me laugh.
"I know that there are different religions out there and that they all believe something different and blah blah blah." ... "but not once were we ever taught to condemn or judge or mock other people just because they believe something differently than we do." Ok, so everybody else's beliefs illicit a blah blah blah but blah blah blah isn't mocking or judging. Rrrrright. You may not have been taught to condemn, mock or judge but you picked it up on your own very nicely.
"Christianity is NOT a religion".. frankly that is just a nonsensical statement. When someone asks you what religion you are, do you deny your Christianity and say "I have no religion" or do you say "I am a Christian"? If you had stated you believed in a higher power or have a spiritual philosophy then you could say you did not belong to a religion. Christianity by definition is a religion. You believe in a creator deity and have full faith that your chosen deity exists. You believe in the prophet/son of your deity named Christ. You believe in a doctorine about that deity and that prophet. You go to a church which teaches an interpretation of the doctrine. That IS a religion and Christianity is the name of that religion. If all else fails, look up the definition in the dictionary.
I read the discussion you are talking about. It did not mention Christianity by name. Not once. It alluded to several religions actually and yet you chose to take it as a personal attack on you and yours. Perhaps you should save yourself some aggravation in the future and not take things so personally.
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
12 Jan 09
Actually craft, I have not picked up anything hypocritical from myself or anyone else. The blah blah blah was intended for everyone, including myself. I sometimes get so tired of trying to explain myself to everyone. I am not singling anyone out. That is not my right to do so. So what, I don't believe what others believe. Big deal. I believe that God is who is says He is and that is all that matters to me. When people ask me what religion I am, I can honestly say that my faith is not a religion but a loving God who sent His Son to die for me. Make me a fanatic? Maybe so, but like i stated above, I would rather be a fanatic and hear "well done my good and faithful servant", than to hide behind anything and never make my opinion known. You don't win souls by keeping your mouth shut and you don't get into Heaven by denying who Christ is. Anyways, if i offended you by this discussion i do apologize. it wasnt meant to down anyone or anything or anyone's beliefs. it was a frustrated person just trying to get some things off their chest. God bless
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@tusharlfc (1)
• India
13 Jan 09
Hi all,religon,philosophy or faith are primarilly focussed on the happiness of the individual ,which would further result in the world becoming happy.I am a buddhist,a practioner of NICHIREN DAISHONIN's BUDDHISM. Nichiren daishonin's buddhism is a way of life not exactly a religion.There are no. of philosophies and religions preached in accord with the way people wish to percieve them, which is not always the best thing to do. I believe that judging another religon or faith is a grave mistake.The reason why i say this is because without complete knowledge about that particular faith we have no right to comment, mock or degrade any other religon/faith.The people who do so are clearly reflecting the frailtiy of their own religious practice.I am a Hindu by birth and later converted to buddhism because i found the compassionate practice of nichiren daishonin's buddhism , which believes in happiness for oneself and others through self reform, applicabe and practical in todays times.It is percisely because of such ignorant people wh mck faith/ religon that wars are being fought on the name of allah or ram .These ignorant people are in a way the very people who corrupt the think of the world. As an Indian i am no stranger to violence on innocent people based on religion.I have seen people being killed becasue tehy are muslm or hindu.I strongy feel that the world today needs a combination of all religons because the very focus of religions is the individual and his happiness.But when people like this pop up to degrade various faith s, i feel deeply hurt as these acts on a macro level are resulting the lives of innocent people.Buddhism believes in the harmonious unity of all religions.So please dont be upset because of such baseless people .They will also need to be saved one day.
pls take care
@Harisankar (59)
• India
12 Jan 09
asgtswife and to all christians like asgtswife,
i am sorry if u feel bad aftr reading my post,
if u read my discussion fully u will understand tht it not only make fun or mock a particular religion,it is the key points of the famous religions which exists today.
and i must say to u tht a real christian or anyother person frm any religion never feels bad when someone mocks their religion,they try to help them out to study the good points of religion
and i must say tht bible is a book containing numerous errors,so many good things,so many bad things,so many evils,so many inner meanings etc
i had read many religious books including bible and i saw so many similarities and so many points which make them grow in this world,i just made a post to show tht points to the mylotters and i am sorry if it hurt someones feelings
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
12 Jan 09
I don't feel bad about Jesus being my Savior and about me being a Christian. I do feel bad that, even though other religions are mocked as well, it's becoming more of the Christians that they are mocking. Doesn't effect me, but it effects the people that are doing it. I am just leaving it at you have a right to your opinion and I have a right to mine. I really didn't wanna argue about this. Mylot is a wonderful place to meet interesting people from all over the world and to hear their views. just a bad day to read about religion I reckon. My world revolves around the Lord and when I feel that my God is being mocked, it's almost like mocking me as well for he is my Father, my Redeemer, my Eternal Savior. God bless and good luck!
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Mechanic, I can honestly as a Christian say that it takes more faith to believe that the Bible is inerrant than to believe that it was written by humans inspired by God but with some error. There are obvious errors in the scientific realm of the Bible and even some scriptures that give different accounts of the same thing (how many angels were there when Mary went to Jesus' grave?). But as a Christian I have to believe that in the spiritual realm there are absolutely no errors in the Bible. In that sense the Bible in inerrant - for it's not meant for the scientific realm, is it?
@Harisankar (59)
• India
13 Jan 09
hi mechanic,
the words i used may be also contains errors :)
but the truth is there are so manyreligios beliefs which promots evil{evil means violence}
there are so many contradictions{which may be because of the interpreteation of peoples to the gods words}
there are so many places where the true meaning is hidden{means we hav to find the innermeanings like myth stories}
@angelgirl3868 (39)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Alot of what is going on they took pray out school, out of our court houses there isn't anywhere anymore that you can go and find God there on the walls and I don't understand why they can have ball games at school they can have all kinds of clubs dances you name it and that's fine but you name God and everyone goes nuts I think it's a crime to not let God in our schools if you don't belive than fine but let thoses that do belive and have it thier way we can't smoke where we want we cant talk about God where we want but they can do everything esle I don't understand this if all the christians would stand up and take a stand maybe we can get something done for the good I put on all of my christmas cards this year in God we trust I thought it was my right someone send me one like that so I just did the same...
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
13 Jan 09
I definitely agree with you. I think that more Christians should stand up for what they believe in. It saddens me to know that you can't pray in school anymore and that you can't do a lot of things when it comes to God. The awesome part about it though, is that they can't take God away from us no matter what. God is real, more real than ever and He's gonna make Himself known like nothing our generation has ever seen and I believe that it's gonna be soon. Thank you for your response and God bless
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Unfortunately, asgtswife, there will always be people who lack religious tolerance, there will always be people who speak ill words against others religions and spiritual beliefs, and there will always be people who hate people for their religion or hate that religion itself.
Even among Christians there have been much persecution and intolerance. I admire your speaking out against it but I also encourage you to speak out against all religious intolerance, especially among Christians. Until Christians can stop doing exactly what you said that Christians should not do - "condemn or judge or mock other people just because they believe something differently than we do" - we cannot expect others to stop judging, mocking, and condemning us!
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
13 Jan 09
I totally agree and by no means was i trying to mock or judge other people. I guess I just have had enough condemning of myself that it just gets old after a while, but I in no way meant to judge anyone. If I came across that way, I do apologize. I'm just at a point right now that I am so on fire for God and His will and to reach people that need Him that maybe I did come across as something that it should have never been. Everyone makes mistakes though and no one is perfect. thanks for responding and God bless
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
13 Jan 09
I wasn't implying that you were mocking others beliefs, no worries :) I understand your frustration in people speaking out against the one who saved us from eternal sin. But as I said we as Christians have to look at what the Christian community is doing before criticizing those without Christ in their lives.
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@thanxiang (126)
• Philippines
13 Jan 09
I got your point and i liked it.Some people are really like that,some would question our faith as a christian.The reason why they act like that because they dont know the truth.They just love to say things which are not true.We Christians need respect also even if others have different beliefs.Just humble yourself to the Lord even if others would put you down coz even God experienced false accusations and yet He is still humble even if He's hurt.
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
13 Jan 09
I do respect other people and their opinions. Like I stated, it's not my job to judge anyone. My job is to try and reach the lost and to pray for those that are lost. This is very true the last statement you made as well. I know that Christ had to have such an awful time most of the time...after all He did suffer on the cross. I just thank Him every day that my heart is His and that it is not cold or hard. thanks for responding and God bless
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@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
12 Jan 09
I think you need to broaden your spectrum a bit and recognize the fact that you have a broad spectrum of members here. Not only are they from different parts of the world, culture, customs, race, race, traditions and most of all religions. You may also find that the most discussed topic here is religion and as such you cannot stop some of the most wayward prerogatives and views here.
Just let them be, if you have a point just state your case. Most of all, don't let their views or comments spoil your day for you. Once you have done what you should and can do, then it is really left to them to comprehend and let God grant them the wisdom to have the same foresight. If not, we will just have to carry on with our lives and move on. It is not our battle here.
I totally agree with you that Christianity is never a religion, however, just don't be surprise that the majority here may not see it that way. Sometimes, I just cannot understand them too. Anyway, I like to leave you these words from Isaac Bashevis Singer - “Doubt is part of all religion. All the religious thinkers were doubters.”
Have a nice day.
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
12 Jan 09
This is true. thank you for responding and maybe I shouldn't have started this discussion, just frustrated at the time. I probably should have just said my peace and been done with it. Sometimes my mouth overshoots my brain though. God bless
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@ellie333 (21016)
12 Jan 09
Hi Asgtswife, Aah God bless you. Well put, I don't know the discussion you are referring to but it has obviously got you going. As a Christian myself I have acceptance and understanding of others also, what was it Jesus said, 'they know not what they do' I will leave you with that. Try not to let it get to you. God bless and Huggles. Ellie :D
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
12 Jan 09
I know, I was just a little frustrated earlier. I guess I just don't understand how people cannot see that they have a loving God out there with arms open waiting for them to run to Him so that He can take care of them the rest of their days here on earth and spend eternity with Him after this life is over. You are right though, "They know not what they do". That is why it's so important to get the Word out. I'm over it now though, but thank you for your encouraging words and God bless you
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@momtrying2makeit (3270)
• United States
12 Jan 09
I understand what you mean. People have hard hearts nowadays. I feel we need to pray for these people. The lord loves everyone and wants everyone to be saved. I realize that some people only care about the next movie or gadet that is coming out. I pray and I will no matter what anyone says. This country was based on Christian vaules but it seems it has strayed away. Keep praying and hoping for the best. Great discussion and happy myoltting to you, and have a great day!
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
12 Jan 09
Thank you! It just really saddens me to no end to see how people are towards one another and it's not just about beliefs or religion. People are just mean and hateful and, like you said, so cold hearted. It's insane to me. I try and look at the good in everyone, but sometimes it's really hard to do at times. This country was based on Christianity, but somehow people have made it out to be almost like sinning to be a Christian. Just goes to show that the end is near and soon our precious Savior will return for His bride and oh what a wonderful day that would be. God bless you
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