i am not able to study now? help

January 12, 2009 8:21am CST
hello friends... I am doing B.Tech... and i have a problem to remember topics what i read or learn.. and when i put some stress to my mind to learn i gets headace. i want to countinue me B.Tech...but don't know what to do for it? can any one helps me on this.. thanks..
3 responses
• United States
12 Jan 09
Whenever I get stressed I either drink hot tea or do yoga. It centers your mind and allows you to focus. I also make recordings of all my information for my classes and put it on my ipod so when I walk around I can study without having my face buried in a piece of paper. Just relax and take a break. Forcing it isn't going to make it better.
• India
12 Jan 09
thanks for this advice of recording.. it will help me.. and what kind of yoga i need to do friend..
• United States
12 Jan 09
Any type of yoga will help relieve stress. look into the cow/cat position, and sun salutation, shivasina is also a good one to do.
• India
12 Jan 09
dude... you dont need to study much to pass the exams in btech... i cleared my subject even by not studying much... there are many people like me.. so the first thing is take out the tension out of your mind... your headache might be due to other reasons like eyesight problem.. i advice you to contact an eye doctor.. make small notes like highlights and then elaborate them in your exam.. that is more than enough... you dont need to think this much for your exam... take it lite.. your headache is psychological.. you are mising it with stress and headache...
• India
12 Jan 09
hello friend.. thanks... ya i am thinking ur point of eyes.. and i think i have some problems in my eyes. thanks
@twinklee (894)
• India
12 Jan 09
Hi,When ever i feel disturbed when i am preparing for my examination, i used to have continuos gulps of cold water, because drinking water provides you the necessary oxygen and refreshes you :) . Also, i will wash my face , watch TV for 5 min, when i turn to be normal i resume reading. You can take these points, and if you still feel stressed, have a walk,peaceful walk in your terrace or have a nap.*Prepare a chart of your GOAL. *plan things. *Don't hurry up in covering the topics. *Prepare indices of the answers, i mean prepare hints or sub topics. *In morning, start with fresh topics, you have peaceful atmosphere, so you can remember easily. *Relate each and every topics, imagine the situation and facts without memorizing blindly *Don't read continously for two hours, have a tea or snacks in between. Hope it helps.. ALL THE BEST