Why don't they make vet visit affordable for low income people

United States
January 12, 2009 1:45pm CST
alot of dogs could be saved from being at the humane society if they could make vet visits affordable alot of low income people get rid of their pets cause they can not afford to care for them they should have afforable vets for low income people and a food bank for pets too. What do you think ????
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4 responses
@luvandpower (2048)
• United States
12 Jan 09
I have three different responses to this so bare with me... cynical answer: doctors are morons they don't want business. partial real truthful answer: a low income person should not have a dog if they can't even afford to take care of themselves/children/family first second half partial real truthful answer: Business is Business
• United States
12 Jan 09
why should low income families be denyed a pet if there is help for them it would help alot of homeless animals have a home and these families can love and care for them if there is help for them but thanks for your response I want opinions
• United States
12 Jan 09
I was going to say something about " wait until you have children" but your 57 so I won't start on that rant... but the way I see it family is first then pets. It may just be how I was brought up in life, but pets were like a " after you finish your chores" thing.
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
12 Jan 09
The short answer is because it's a business. I would like to think that all vets are genuine animal lovers but they are still running a business, and businesses are run to make money. I think it's unfortunate that many of them seem to take advantage of peoples' love for their animals by charging exorbitant fees for things. The idea of a low income or not for profit vet it great but I don't think it's something we will see very often. The reality is that having a pet is a privilege and a bit of a luxury and not everyone can afford it whether is seems right or fair or not.
@nowment (1757)
• United States
12 Jan 09
Well if things are so bad that people need a food bank for pets, then they likely really can't afford to have a pet, and first must see to the needs of their children. However I agree on medical for pets, and I even agree somewhat on the food bank for pets idea, I mean there are so many animals being put down for want of a home, well there are people who would take in a cat or dog but don't because they know they can't afford them. Ok the rabies shots are free in most communities now, thankfully but even getting a license for a dog, is getting more and more expensive, and for some families that may consider taking in a stray so it is not killed, they may not be able to afford the 18 dollars in some areas that it cost to get a dog license especially in Jan when it is right after the drain of the holidays. Or for the elderly on fixed incomes, that may consider taking a dog or cat in, and in fact if the older person was alone would be great idea because it provides companionship, but with the higher cost of care for the elderly how do they then find the extra money for high vet costs? Find say some one who is living alone and older who maybe would consider taking in a dog or cat if they didn't have the expense of food for animal to add to an already strained budge. For those who can get out, they then can get more exercise and perhaps get to know those around them by walking a smaller dog, that would not pull them, or for those who can't maybe be able to walk a dog as well besides food bank get them supply of cat litter as well for litter box. I knew of one story where the daughter paid the expenses of the animal and got a small to medium small dog for her parents who then got to know people in the new adult community they retired to, since the dog was friendly etc, the dog became an introduction and even a highlight in the day of others when the dog would stop and get pets from everyone as part of the daily routine of so many in the community. Since the daughter was able to, she took care of vet visits, and purchasing dog food and supplies. But that is not how is in many cases. I knew of a situation when I was younger, where there was an older couple, they didn't get around as well any longer, but they knew and were friends with most of the kids in the neighborhood, different kids would help by taking the dog for walks, and when the old man fell down and help was needed it was the dogs barking which alerted neighbors to get him help right away. So yes you have a great idea why can't there be affordable vet care and help so those with lower incomes can have help save the life of an animal who is going to be other wise be killed for want of a home?
@tsledd (154)
• United States
12 Jan 09
I agree with you.. If the prices could be lower many more pets would still have good homes.. Where I live we do have a vets office that is very cheap,like the half the costs of other vets. It is called Hermosa in Colorado.. If you check around in your home town you might find one cheaper also.. I was one to always take in strays, I took care of these cats/dogs until I could find homes for them. So I hooked up with a vet close to my home at this time it was Ohio. I would take all my homeless animals to her for care at half the cost but I would also bring her alot of bussiness...and for a food bank for pets, this would be alot harder I can see where this could be taken advantage of..We should just donate pet foods to the animal pounds....To be begin with if you really cant afford shots or food then you dont need to have a pet. You can enjoy the neighbors instead for free !!!