By tsledd
@tsledd (154)
United States
January 12, 2009 3:15pm CST
My son and girlfriend had a beautiful baby boy.The parents now live in seperate homes..They have court ordered joint custody..Meaning my son gets baby 3 days then 4 days then 3 days and so on... The mother to baby dont work,is on medicaid/medicare and gets wic ( free formula ) for the baby... My son has a managers job and makes good money for a 20 year old..
When its our time with the baby, we get baby,car seat, and a diaper bag..
My problem is this--- in the diaper bag is 2 diapers,no change of clothes,and no formula...This really upsets me. We do have our own formula and eveythimg else we need to provide properly for the now 5 month old boy. But I would think that a mother would (I would ) have plenty of diapers,formula, clothes,wet wipes etc packed in that diaper bag any time that child left the house, no matter who or where he was going for how many hours or days. I keep telling myself she is a young mother and dont think... This has been going on for 3 months, she has had plenty of time to grow up and take full responsibility of her son.. I think she thinks she is punishing the father for making her pregnant..she has even accused the father of stealing his sons clothes.. When returning son to mother he was accused of stealing his clothes because they was dirty and he wanted to wash them fist before he gave them back.. how should I feel about this ? how would any of you feel ?
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6 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Be glad ya get the baby.
I got my grand son any time I asked for the kids had joint custady too.
But he couldnt get im when he asked ( my son that is)
We always bought him clothes an such for we wanted too.
But when grandson was a baby they lived with us.
SO alot of times we bought the diapers and formula specially when they couldnt afford it.

@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
18 Jan 09
How did your son get out of paying Child support!?
My son still does back child support for he paid her instead of the court.
and sometimes he did nt have a job so was hard to pay her anything we had even paid the court $500.
and that was to have paid it up! and then he got work and was paying.
but she still wouldnt let him have the baby when he wanted.
most times only wehn we were around she never failed to let us have him. Even had him a whole school year.
and of course we bught every thing for him.
and son is still paying her child support. but soon will have it all paid off yeah!.
and this grandson now have me a great grand daughter whom I have only got to see once.
as we live so far awaay.
Also Igot a call from another state saying he owed them back child support for the same exact amount as the state we lived in.
Looks to me like she drew money from this state too.
Plus what he was paying thru the court in our state.
@tsledd (154)
• United States
18 Jan 09
oh yes we are very grateful that we get the baby. Its sad to send him back to his mom we miss him so son has packs of diapers wet wipes and plenty of clothes we have everything the baby needs and more waiting to grow into.. My son has always provided these things to the mom also, he pays his medical bills. and to answer some ones question above NO he does not have to pay child support...the mom wanted child support but the judge said no he dont have to pay..thanks for your post

@KatieDidit (989)
• United States
13 Jan 09
I'm going to play the devils advocate
(not that she's the devil!)
But there seems to be quite a bit of the story you left out. I don't think you left it out intentionally, just that for me it raises a lot of questions.
Your son obviously has your support. What kind of support does she have? You said she doesn't work but that she's on medicaid/medicare and wic (free formula) Is she on Welfare as well? In other words does she get a state TANF assistance check each month?
The medicaid/medicare covers the medical bills of course but thats all. The WIC provides some free items but I guarantee you that it does not cover all the formula, all the baby food nor diapers and clothes. (here it doesn't cover diapers and clothes at all)
Even if she is getting a TANF check and getting housing assistance such as section 8 and winter energy assistance such as LEAP), that doesn't mean she's on easy street. I went from having a very good paying job, to living on insurance, to welfare because of a disabling injury. I can tell you that it is VERY tough to live on what they give you.
The Federal Poverty Level for a family of three is $1,467 a month. The Washington D.C. based Center on Budget and Policy Priorities put out a report in Nov of 2008 listing the TANF benefits (Cash payments) for each state for a family of three comparing it to previous years.
For your state a single parent family of three would receive only $356 per month cash assistance. That has to pay all the bills. Rent (rental assistance only pays a portion) electricity (LEAP only assists with winter heating and the amount is capped) water, garbage, transportation, clothing, toilet paper, diapers, you name it. Ask yourself, how easily could you live on $356 per month and raise a child even if you had none of the usual monthly bills?
The amount of cash assistance hasn't changed for your state since 1996. But inflation over that period has by 26.4% For every dollar she would have gotten in 1996 you'd have to take away more than a quarter for what she gets now. or in other words...if she has $300 a month to spend now it would have had the purchasing power of more than $400 then.
I can understand why she would be extremely careful not to let herself run out of diapers and formula for the baby. In other words if she were taking the baby to a sitter while she went to say a doctors appointment for herself more than likely that diaper bag does have more diapers, formula and a change of clothes just as it should, just in case.
However given that your son has the baby half time it is perfectly reasonable for her to expect him to provide the formula, diapers, wet wipes and clothing while he has the baby even if he didn't have such a good job.
As for her accusing your son of stealing the baby's clothes because they weren't sent back immediately so he could wash them, yeah she over reacted. But when you're really struggling just to scrape by then the little things really matter and over reacting is easy to do.
So far I've only mentioned the money aspects. Does the girl have any emotional support, any help from her family?
So far as I know you're the only one with a wealth of parental experience in this situation. The absolute best thing for this child is a loving relationship with both his parents (& you!) and a peaceful relationship between all of you. This girl no matter what is an always will be the mother of your grandchild. He needs the best of his parents and of you. If there is anyway possible that you can assist this girl, give her a hand up (not a hand out) that's what you need to do for your grandsons sake if not hers.
You also need to be smart about it. For all I know the girl isn't and never will be a fit parent. Keep a calender. Keep a journal. Document, document, document. Good, bad and indifferent. Don't tell her you're keeping it, it would only undermine the positive relationship you're trying to establish and build with her for your grandsons sake. But if it ever becomes a situation where your son needs to go back to court to get full custody of the baby, that calendar and journal can be admissible and help your case.
Sorry if this is a little long winded, but this is a very important subject and I really would like to see this work out well for you. I wish you all the best.

@tsledd (154)
• United States
13 Jan 09
the mom is not on welfare, no assistance at all except wic. And I know that wic dont supply diapers and clothes.
My son bought the formula, diapers,etc. and delievered them to her matter how often she needed them, all she had to do was call him.. she never was without. wic is helping now, and so is the father.
the baby is on health insurance thru my sons job.
I like this girl. I always did i even let her move in with me 2 different times.
She does take good care of the baby.he is fat, clean, and healthy.
she has help at home she lives with family has no bills to pay no rent to pay and a free car to drive. So I cant agree with all that your saying here, but you were reading between the lines. She has plenty of family support.
but ever since my son took her to court for joint custody she holds a grudge. He only took her to court to begin with because she would not let him spend any time with his . he could only see him briefly when he would drop off diapers etc.
Yes your probley right about her packing the diaper bag for other people, i would sure hope so.. And yes the father can buy his own formula,diapers,clothes etc as he always has.
your not packing diaper bag for the father its for the baby..
what if an accident happened and that baby has no supplies in diaper bag. this is my issue.. and even if the diaper bag was packed when father picked up baby he would not use the stuff because he has his own.
thanks for your reply it was a nice read.
@KatieDidit (989)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Thanks for replying and filling in those details. I'm glad that she does have family support and that you have been supportive of her as well. But with so much support and such seeming little effort on her part (Is she even looking for a job or trying to go to school?) It really does sound like she needs to grow up which requires time and experience in the school of hard knocks.
Which is why I gave that last piece of advice about document, document, document. If your son does go back to court to get full custody for any reason those documents detailing who, what, why, when etc will be immensely helpful to his attorney. It was essential to winning our case.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Hey tsledd! I think the mother is being mean and immature!
I think she is purposely not putting anything in the diaper
bag because she doesn't want to! She wants the father to buy
everything for the baby! She doesn't want to give him anything!
She wants to make it as difficult for him as it is for her to
show him how angry she is! I guess she is upset that the baby's
father doesn't want to be with her too and just wants to be
with the baby! She is doing all this stuff out of spite and
that is obvious! There isn't anything that you can do! The only
person that can do anything is your son! They have to work
things out between them and if they can't then the courts can
get involved. If she wants to make things difficult for your
son it is up to him to deal with her.
@prinzess1515 (1341)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Also, why wouldn't she let your son see the baby? I have a feeling there is more to the story. Why did they break up?
@tsledd (154)
• United States
18 Jan 09
I guess just another one of her ways of controlling.. she is very demanding.. we will think up all kinds of excuses to keep our children away from family/friends if this is choice..she has a hard time of sharing, now she is doing real good about sharing the baby. they broke up several times. the reason is because of rumors. But the more they disscussed the rumors the more they son would get phone calls from other friends about things she was doing..just to many twisted stories..they got back together during the pregnany, they went to child bearing claasses together and all that, still broke up again.. My son was in delievery room and he got to cut the cord he was so happy to have a son. I do hope that one day they may get back together the baby needs a family together.. He is deeply loved by both sides of family but we should all be together as one..And as always I will be available for anything at anytime..thanks for your post
@prinzess1515 (1341)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Well here is the deal... with the joint custody... sounds like a terrible idea in my own opinion for an infant to be taken from his/her mother for days at a time... I am guessing he doesn't have to be child support? When the Mom runs out of formula, she has to go buy more. Unless your son is giving her money, she will be the only one paying for the formula and diapers. If I am wrong, correct me.
Like you, I naturally would make sure my baby had everything it needs, regardless who is paying for it or who my child was with. It would be more of fear my baby would be hungry and Dad (or whoever) wouldn't have any formula to give him.
@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
13 Jan 09
This is tough to comment on. I do agree that the mother should at least provide formula, clothes and food if needed. Thats stuff that is necessary and you'll shouldn't have to buy. As for diapers and wipes it wouldn't hurt your son to have a pack of each at his place when he comes over. My fiance doesn't live with me and he keeps diapers and wipes at his house to make it easier on me. I will agree with someone elses comment that it sounds like the mother is real immature. She needs to grow up real fast and face responsibility. I don't know the situation that lead to this but this baby is going to have a tough time. I hope they know that and that they are the cause of it as well. All you can do is show that baby as much love as you can. The baby at least needs love more than anything.
@tsledd (154)
• United States
18 Jan 09
you say should be supplied if needed.. Its not needed for us we are fully stocked on everything.. you always need to think ahead when your a parent.. Have supplies on hand incase of a emergency.. whaat if freak accident happened they would not get home for hours and no bottle or clothes in diaper bag why did she even send it????? maybe I am one of those people that are over cautious...and I expect every one to be same... I think bottle prepared, formula,diapers,wipes,clothes,rash med,teething med, and what ever else will fit..list of phone numbers in case of emergency....thanks for your post