Would you turn your family in...

United States
January 12, 2009 4:34pm CST
If you had recently learned that your family member has been abusing their child every day from the moment that they were born would you turn them in. Could you or what would you do. Honestly if that was me and my family was abusing their child, I would first confront them about it and see what was going on. Advise them that they should stop doing what they were doing and try and get some counseling maybe. I love children so much and I hate to see them get hurt. I would also offer to help them with taking care of their child while they were getting their life together and getting counseling. But if I saw no change or no real effort I would have to turn them in. I'm sorry I just can't stand to see children get abused and sit back and not do anything about it. Or lets say it wasn't abuse, but if you know that they did some other crime, would you turn them in. What would you do and give a reason why or why you wouldn't turn them in.
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17 responses
• United States
13 Jan 09
I would defeniatly report them immediatly. I won't tolerate child abuse in the smallest sense. I'm sure the authorities will make them get some kind of counsling anyways. And I would offer to take care of the child (how could I abandon someone I'm related to, that needs help!?) Children shouldn't have to be scared, and in pain--and yet they always are in todays world...which is extremely sad. And if I can help a child get a better life I will!
• United States
13 Jan 09
I totally agree with you on that. It is sad to see what children go through today. I would definitely offer like you to care for the child, because I couldn't see no family member just be shipped off to a foster home or be adopted out to another family that they do not know. Or just be stuck in foster care system. I know I would not be able to live with myself in that situation.
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
13 Jan 09
If I knew positively, yes I would without hesitation, but first I would go to them and tell them I know and that they have a choice. Let me have the child and they could have visits under my roof, if the child wanted them. If they didn't go for that YES I would right then. I wouldn't care if they got mad or whatever! This is a child we are talking about. No child can do things so drastic to deserve being abused. Now if I just thought maybe, I would go talk to them and feel out the situation. Then decide from there. About turning in a family member, it really depends on what they did. Let it be known thou I have in the past and would again if I needed to. Now if it was for food cause they didn't have money or something along those lines. No but I would tell them that if they needed help they could have and can come to us.
• United States
13 Jan 09
I think that is a great idea with your plan on the child abuse. But I don't know if I could ever let them see that child again. But it would have to be up to the child and I'd have to be there when they were visiting.
@gemini_rose (16264)
13 Jan 09
Abuse is abuse, if I knew someone in my family was hurting their children in any way and I had absolute proof of it then I would do something about it. I would not just do it on the hearsay of someone who might only be gossiping I would have to have something to back it up but yes I would definately do something about it.
• United States
13 Jan 09
Exactly that is why I think it might be best to talk to them first and then see what is going on if you know nothing of it, but if you do know something of it, then you have your proof and you should do something about it.
• United States
13 Jan 09
I would have to say that under no circumstance would I go against what I know is right. If my family had done something wrong I would have no choice but to report them. If it was child abuse I would go and take the child from them and call the police as soon as the child was safe in my care and away from the abusive situation. For me it would be very hard to find that out about my family. I would never again trust them.
• United States
13 Jan 09
I totally agree about the who trust thing. It would be kind of hard to believe that that was going on. I would do the same thing, I would take the child away and then call authorities as well.
@paoxav (1382)
• Philippines
13 Jan 09
I will tell them to stop! If they don't and they continue to abouse their child/children, well I can't do anything but to consult the authorities and might have them in jail. Yes, those were their children but they are also relatives and close to me. Besides, the kids got human rights too.
• United States
13 Jan 09
So true that children have rights as well as us adults. I totally agree with everything that you think should be done.
@megdp07 (70)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Of course I would turn them in. If you do not want a child send them to be adopted. There are people out there who are not able to have kids and would love to have a family of their own.
• United States
13 Jan 09
Exactly or even for that matter since they are in your family maybe ask for one of the family to take care of the child. Cause most family like mine would not want the child to be adopted out and that family would have to keep that child away from the one who did the abuse. But the person doing the abuse definitely does need to be punished for what they did.
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
13 Jan 09
I would turn them in, and I wouldn't think twice about it. As much as children can be annoying at times, I could never hurt them. Children are entitled to their innocence, and it's taken away from them, when people abuse them, and physically, emotionally hurt them. It's not right. Even if it was a family member, I would turn them in, in a heart beat, and make that the children are alright, and always be there for them. I feel that it would be my responsibility to both those children and my conscience to turn the abusers in.
• United States
13 Jan 09
I totally agree with you. Children are so innocent and like you said they can be annoying at times, but that gives no right to anyone to abuse them for any reason.
• United States
13 Jan 09
Yes I would not with A second thought just the thought of it is so sad they are so small and do not need to be abused in any way How awful it must be and your plan is so cool I think it would be a good ideal you should go into this line of work your mind seems to be here and your heart is in it
• United States
13 Jan 09
I actually do want to get into the line of work with working with children. I just love children and my heart breaks even when I don't know the child and I hear on the news that they are being abused. I want to do teaching for awhile and then eventually get into being a pyschologist in the school for children. That is my heart working with children and thank you for your opinion.
• United States
13 Jan 09
If I knew a member of my family was abusing their child - KNEW - then I would turn them in without hesitating. I wouldn't bother to confront them first, because every minute that child remains with the abuser is another chance for them to be abused, and, in extreme cases, killed. I would want them out of that situation as soon as possible. Confronting my family member may only worsen the situation not only for the child/children, but myself as well. As for turning them in for another crime, well, that would depend on what the crime was and why they did it. If they stole some food because they were broke, I'm keeping my mouth shut. If they were part of a hit and run, I'm driving them to the police station myself. There are certain crimes (particularly where no one is really being hurt) that I'd be more than willing to turn a blind eye to. But there is just no justification for child abuse or for allowing it to continue when you can stop it.
• United States
13 Jan 09
That is so true that the longer that the child stays in an abusive situation the worst is for them. And yeah depending on the crime like you said would depend on weather or not I would turn them in.
@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
13 Jan 09
I most cetainly would turn them in. They do not need a reason cause they would already know it. I would not even try to talk to them. If they have done something as horrid as hurting their kids then they need to pay for it. As for any other crime it would all depend on what it was. If it were serious enough then sure I would. if it were something like stealing then I would try to talk to them and get it all fixed.
• United States
13 Jan 09
I totally agree that in the end they do need to pay for what they have done.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
13 Jan 09
If I thought a child was in danger,I would be to the bottom of it really quick. If the child was being abused..yes because that child is my family too..and the part of my family that can't take care of itself. As far as other crimes..I probably wouldn't know about them anyway because I'm not one to be involved in peoples business but to be honest..it would depend on what it was and the situation.
• United States
13 Jan 09
Its best to handle it quickly, the longer it is put off the harder it is on the child.
• Philippines
13 Jan 09
If it happened that one of my family members is abusing their child. . . Maybe I'll talk to them first and ask them the reason why they're doing such thing. . If for example their doing it because they dont love the kid well.. what I'm going to do is I'll just report everything to the government to officially state the I'll be the one who's going to take care of the kid..
• United States
13 Jan 09
Exactly, in this issue, I would even offer to care for the child if I could and still turn them in because they do need to be punished for their crime.
• United States
13 Jan 09
dang straight id turn em in! children cannot defend themselves against an adult. in some cases confronting an abusive adult can make matters worse in my opinion. i dont give a care if its my family or not if they were abusing a child id report it asap and make sure the child was not harmed again. people like that do not deserve to have children.
• United States
13 Jan 09
I think maybe depending on the person that is in your family, then it might be good to confront them. But so true that the child does not even deserve to be treated the way that they are being treated and the person doing the abuse deserves to be punished.
@kerri1981 (133)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Ok. I would talk to my family memeber's and find out first what's going on see if they need any help with the kids and see what I can do for them. I would also get them some counseling to see what's wrong and why they are doing it to there children. If it didn't stop then yes I would for sure turn them in no child should have to suffer that at all. If it was some bad crime like killing someone I'm sorry but thats agansit the law I'd have to turn them in. They may never forgive me but I can't have that in my family. Now if it was something small like they stole a peice of candy no I wouldn't turn them in I' would just say look thats not right and that they should not do that. Hope that answers the questions
• United States
13 Jan 09
Oh yeah that does answer the question. Yeah I totally agree with you on that.
@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
12 Jan 09
hi trisha! you are right. i guess i will have to find out what the real problem is. and maybe also, it is not abuse but discipline. so we should find out before jumping into conclusions. but if the parents are drunkards, gamblers, etc, do not provide food for the family, let the children beg for alms, and would hit the children, then i would definitely turn them in. take care and God bless you!
• United States
12 Jan 09
Exactly you would not want to jump to conclusions before finding out the real reason behind all that is going on. Thanks for responding.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
12 Jan 09
DAMN SKIPPY I WOULD!! Not only because abuse particularly of a child is vile and should NEVER be ignored but also because I am a survivor of long term child abuse and I know what it can and does do to a person so to sit back and have that knowledge but not do anything to protect that child isnt even an option for me..
• United States
12 Jan 09
I totally agree with that. I've been abused in my childhood as well and people just over look it. And that is something I could never turn my back on about period.
• United States
12 Jan 09
Oh i would turn them in,in a heart beat and not think about.hats wrong.Talking to people that is a waste of time,people who abuse any thing are no going to stopi know how many times can you say i am sorry i want do it again,yeah right.I dont care if it is family friend or somebody i don't know abuse is abuse and a crime is a crime.
• United States
12 Jan 09
I totally agree that is so true.