Is this ethical?
By lilwonders
@lilwonders456 (8214)
United States
January 13, 2009 11:33am CST
I have been hearing on the CNN how great Dr. Gupta is. YOu know the anchor that does all those health stories. I think he does good stories. Well Obama has tapped him to maybe be his new Surgeon General. Well sense then CNN has been on a "why Gupta should get his job" cheerleading jag. CNN has said that sense they found out about this they made sure all his stories were about health issues without any political or policy in them. Which means we have no idea what this guy's ideas are for healthcare in this country.
Should CNN get involve in "selling" Gupta to the public? Is there a conflict of interest there? It is unethical considering they are not really just reporting the news but trying to influence how he is perseved by the masses? Tell me what you think.
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7 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Remember that Dr. Gupta is one of many at CNN who determine what gets reported on. They mentioned trying to keep him away from reporting anything related to politics or policy in order to keep him neutral and I believe that's how it should be. His personal opinions are not necessarily the same as those in control at CNN but he is obligated to cover the stories assigned to him. I believe they're trying to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest and to avoid looking like they have a specific agenda that they're using Dr. Gupta to push.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
13 Jan 09
I agree that CNN's anchors are promoting him...I would be saying the same things if it was someone I knew who was being considered for a position like that. His coworkers can't pretend that they don't know Dr. Gupta, or that they have no opinions but I doubt those opinions will matter much to Barack Obama or the people responsible for making the final decision.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
13 Jan 09
They may be trying to keep him neutral which I can agree with but his other employees are not. The other anchors are talking about perfect he is for the job and how he should get this job and on and on and on. CNN is not staying nuetral themselves in his appointment.
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@megsgem (123)
• United States
13 Jan 09
What a great question... I belive that the news is suppossed to be is not always unbiased and when a station or newspaper backs a political leader it is more apt to not report anything negative about that person while possibly reporting only the negative against the rival....The news should give us the good the bad and the ugly and let us make up our own minds. i like to look at other countries news regarding my country ...I tend to get a clearer view!
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
13 Jan 09
CNN has more very unbiased in a lot of things. This is just the latest one.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Jan 09
These days the word "news" itself is a bit blurred. It used to be there was nothing but the evening news where the anchors and reporters simply reported the news with no commentator or opinion pieces. They were restricted to the editorial pages in newspapers. These days with the 24/7 news networks like CNN, MSNBC and Fox it's sometimes how to separate the actual news reporting and the many, MANY opinion shows, which is actually the basis of most of their programming.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
13 Jan 09
I have agree with you there annie. I find it annoying
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I am not sure that I find this unethical. I think it is just another indicator that the circus is back in town!
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
14 Jan 09
Why should CNN be any different? All through the election ABC, CBS and NBC painted Obama and the democrats in the best possible light and McCain and especially Sarah Palin in the worst. The liberal leanings of the media in the US is rampant and has been for many decades. One would think that the Democratic party owned those networks rather then private companies.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I hate to tell you this, but the surgeon general really doesn't have much at all to do with our nations health care. Do you even know who the current surgeon general? I don't. If you really want to be scared, you should listen (or watch) CNBC yesterday when Jamie Dimon the CEO of JP Morgan announced that they support universal health care at the Merck health care conference. This is a major companies CEO who states "You could argue that it's unethical" that nearly 50 million Americans are uninsured, he told the audience, most of whom work or invest in companies that provide services to the $2 trillion health-care economy. "At a minimum it's not humane". This was the first time a major CEO has come out and supported universal health care.

@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
15 Jan 09
lil, I really don't care if CNN is selling him to the American people, like I said who really cares who the Surgeon General is? It isn't like he is working for Citi, and he is being appointed to secritary of Treasury. CNN doesn't have anything to do with the health care industry, is appointment really doesn't do anything for CNN. If the economy stays like this, and corporate American continues to shorten hours worked by employees you will have Universal health care in a matter of years.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
14 Jan 09
Ok how does this answer my question?
Should CNN be able to ethically push for this guy to get the job. They are the news...which means they are suppost to report the news not add their personal views in it. It is suppost to unbiased and fair. Have they talked about the other people considered for the job? Nope just their guy.
On to your committ....I am not in favor of universal healthcare.
@AllenTaylor (60)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I must confess, I don't see the problem here. I don't watch CNN, but if I understand correctly, the people who know Dr. Gupta are simply saying that he'd be good for the position. That's not "trying to get him hired." That's just offering an opinion on his skills and character. If the future president is considering Dr. Gupta for the position, I doubt that he's going to watch CNN and make a determination based on what the talking heads say. He's got his criteria and he will pick someone based on that criteria. If Dr. Gupta is what he's looking for then it won't matter whether the CNN folks are rallying behind him or someone else.
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@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
14 Jan 09
It all depends on whether Dr Gupta minds or does not mind being sold to the public. The news men or media have no authority over him. The man is indeed a great person and in my opinion, deserves publicity, but we will also have to think that his permission is needed and in fact, the most important thing to be considered.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
14 Jan 09
It is funny you brought that up. THey have not said if he actually wants the job or not.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Really, isn't that kind of like closing the barn door after the horse got out? He's been on CNN for several years now and has done many stories in that time so I think if he's shown what his views are we would already know them. One thing I've heard, which may be a good thing in his favor for those who are against universal health care, is he had some negative things to say about Michael Moore's "Sicko" documentary, which Moore has disputed as I understand. Several Congressmen who are on the record as being in favor of a singer-payer health care system like Medicare have actually spoken out against Dr. Gupta. However, I don't think it's the Surgeon General's purpose to decide health care policy. His job will be more to speak about health issues in a manner in which the general public can understand, which is kind of what he's been doing as a TV personality.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
13 Jan 09
I think he will do a good job if he gets the position. But I do have issues with the CNN's comments. I can see doing a story about him and then saying he in consideration for the position... but to have the all out "Obama please hire him" and other comments is just very unbiased, unprofessional and irresponsible journalism.They need to report the news....not try to gety their buddy hired for a job.
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