Browser Help Please?

@webeishere (36313)
United States
January 13, 2009 12:37pm CST
I have used IE for the last 20 years of doing computer work etc. I hear all the talk of various other browsers here. I would like to know about the others as far as your experiences. Which do you use? Why do you feel it is better than IE? What are the benefits of it? What are the pitfalls as well? I want to use a different browser but have no idea as to what each ones benefits and bad sides are. Please help and give me some info as to your use of a browser other than IE. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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42 responses
@mtsandeep (1586)
• India
13 Jan 09
opera is my favorite - opera- a better browser
Which do you use? I use opera for most of my browsing needs. Why do you feel it is better than IE? According to me, IE is very poor in security and won't block all popups and can invite viruses. What are the benefits of it? 1) Opera is having a good appearance, a modern look. 2) Opera has a speed dial in it, which is set as the start page and contains 9 sites with with thumnails of them. 2) It is secure and has a good pop up blocker. 3) A good download manager, better than the firefox's manager. Easy to resume the downloads if broken. 4) The password manager and bookmarking are good. 5) It also has a torrent client and an email client built in ( but i don't use any of them) What are the pitfalls as well? Some websites don't support opera, so they may have not optimized their websites for opera's engine. This may lead to some problems while using those site. I like opera more than firefox. i use firefox for web development purpose only. Happy mylotting
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Thanks bunches. That was another concern I had as far as supporting web sites. I had heard some don't support all web sites etc. Thanks again. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
• United States
14 Jan 09
So far I have not once had an issue with opera not working with a website. If it has an error or something, you switch opera to identify/mask itself as firefox or IE, then it has always worked for me. And that is on a per-site basis. So you set it to mask as IE on one site just to make that site work, and it will always act as IE on that site, but not on any others. I've been using Opera since it was a browser you bought, and at that time it was better than netscape. It still is better than the others I think. Opera has a lot of tools available and functionality for like developers and power users. You can customize a lot of almost everything, and all kinds of tools for doing all kinds of things. If you don't need ANY of the tools, then sometimes it can seem like a bit much for the average user. As mentioned, it does very well against pop-ups, and has few to no viruses. Spybot S&D supports immunization for Opera. It is also compatible with your norton internet security. Hope this helps.
• Chile
14 Jan 09
Great to hear it´s all going good with the new browser. Take care my friend and good luck!
@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Hi Grandpa! Have you tried Mozilla Firefox? That is the one I use a lot but I still use Internet Explorer also. The reason I use Firefox is because it is much faster than Internet Explorer. I actually go back and forth between both of them, I guess that doesn't make a lot of sense though. But you can use windows on both of them. Take care!! SheliaLee
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Wel duhhhh! I stated in the discussion I've used IE for 20 years. So the answer is NO! Does the Windows Firewall work with Firefox as well then? HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Jan 09
No idea if it works with the program you are speaking of Grandpa Bob. But I would assume that it would. I like FireFox I have less troubles with it than I do with IE. Plus it has a few features that IE doesn't have.
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• United States
15 Jan 09
I started using firefox for school and used it eversince. IE ran very slow and always cut out on me. firefox is the way to go!
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
14 Jan 09
I use Firefox for most things. The only reason I have the Internet Explorer because I need the updates. I like Firefox because of the add ons that makes it easier and the password keeper. The only pit fall is when the browser is updated, some of the add-ons may not work. But it loads faster, it has a spell checker, and it does tabs easier. I also use the Chrome, but that is more for if you go to specific web sites all the time.
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@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
16 Jan 09
Some websites reject Firefox / Opera or any other browser. For example, our statements for our job is put on a website...the website only works with Internet Explorer. Plus, on some survey websites they only allow IE. Firefox is nice because it has a spell check like you said. Pablo
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
13 Jan 09
I sugest You go to and take a look. I use this one. It is faster and easy to use. I can not say if it is safer however, I like this browser, and I know many people use it. Happy mylotting your self.
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@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
13 Jan 09
I have less trouble with Firefox than I do with Internet Explorer as far as aborts. Also when Firefox aborts and you restart it, it will (usually) restore all the tabs that you had open at the time of the abort. My friend was just recommending Opera the other day. She says it's much faster.
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@hildas (3031)
13 Jan 09
I use explorer but that new Safari looks excellent. I was going to try it out but I have not got around to it. My brother uses Safari now after using firefox for years. He says it is far better than firefox but thats his opinion. Go on a few sites and read some reviews. It might help you make up your mind and it will tell you if it is compatiable with all else you have on board.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
23 Jan 09
Hi webeishere. I have used Internet Explorer for several years too. When Firefox was introduced I was not that enthusiastic. A new company is always trying to take the share of the other company and it might start on a good foot but then things deteriorate. It is not the case with Firefox. It has been going strong since its introduction. It has tabbed browsing and I do believe it is much more reliable and have more security features than Internet Explorer.
@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
16 Jan 09
Hi Gb, Im a staff at an internet operator at kuta beach Bali, and we suggest our customer to use mozilla firefox than Internet explorer, firefos are more faster to load than IE, here. With firefox, we can also make a bookmarking page, so that we straight found login page and safe time. I bookmarking every site that important to me. We were still have IE as choices but we will told the customer that will going to be slow with that. Happy posting always GB, oxox'dian from bali island.
@BarBaraPrz (46490)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
13 Jan 09
I first used Netscape "way back when" but don't know what it's like now, or even IF it is now. When I got my own internet connection, I used IE, right up until I got my current computer. It's a Mac, running OSX, which IE doesn't support. So I tried Safari, the recommended browser for Macs. I didn't really like it, as it was constantly telling me it "couldn't find" whatever website I wanted to visit. I heard about Firefox and downloaded it and found it quite easy to use and hassle free... until they started with the updates. (Why can't "they" leave well enough alone?) I've downloaded Opera, and like the look of it but find it confusing to personalize, so still have Firefox as my primary browser, even though it gets tired out and stops responding to the point I have to force quit it and restart. I used to use the restore session option, but found it just restored whatever the problem was that tuckered it out in the first place. So now, when I restart Firefox, I always start a new session, and it's good to go for another 10,000 miles before it runs out of gas again. I don't know anything about Chrome, but you're not partial to it anyway. You've asked if Firefox is compatible with your Norton stuff and Windows firewall... I would hazzard the guess that the answer is "Yes". It is a very versatile browser, and Windows does fully support it.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Thank you very much also for good info. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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@suruchi86 (1873)
• India
16 Jun 09
I was also using IE earlier. But I'm using mozilla firefox since last 4-5 years and I find it better because of its speed and reliability.
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
14 Jan 09
Hi Grandpa Bob! We have been using Firefox for the longest time now. I really don't know why my husband used this as our browser although we also have Internet Explorer in our computer. I didn't bother to ask since I never had problems with Firefox. So, I can't give you any details of the benefits and advantages compared to other browsers. haha..I am too dumb to understand it anyway, I just rely on my husband when it comes to computers. All I know is to turn it on, logged in and surf and then turn it off. haha.. Take care and have a nice day! lovelots..faith210
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
13 Jan 09
I've used Firefox for nearly two years and I absolutely love it! I hate IE, it's always getting errors. Firefox is easy to use, just about the same as IE but I never get any trouble from it. It takes getting used to, like anything new, but I think you'll like it if you try it. And it's free!
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• China
16 Jan 09
I think we should accept all kind of Browsers,some new companys of honesttogod can grow up.this way, not only provide good service for us and have be propitious to society to grow. why not do it?
• Iran
16 Jan 09
Mozilla firefox is the best browser available in my opinion. these are the reasons: 1.Superior speed and performance has built-in password manager and download manager 3.its security is much more better than other browsers has a lot of great addons that add a lot of cool enjoyable functionalities to firefox 5.also it automatically integrates itself to your antivirus system so whenever a file is downloaded , it automatically gets checked by your antivirus system 6.i also love its smart location bar i think those reasons are more than enough to switch to firefox
@quinnkl (1667)
• United States
15 Jan 09
I have used Firefox for many years now (Mozilla) instead of IE. There are some sites I still have to use IE for though. But Firefox seems faster and I know it is safer internet-wise. It has a lot of cool add-ons and is easy to use. It took me a little bit to get used to it, but now I really prefer it overall.
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
15 Jan 09
Well it looks like alot of people have suggested you try Firefox, well I guess I'll suggest it I used IE for a long time too, and about 5 or 6 mos. ago I switched to Firefox, and so far I haven't had any problems with it, its easy to use, and I use Norton as my antivirus, and it works well with it. I have also found that its made my computer run alot faster than IE, it downloads pages faster, and your web pages just takes seconds to come up, and you can also switch back to IE easily if you want to. The only thing I found is that its not compatible with some web pages, mostly its online game websites, sometimes you might have to switch back to IE to play it, but the only one that it didn't work with was Worldwinner games, other than that it works fine.
• India
15 Jan 09
You can use opera. It is better than IE. It is easy to use, tab browsing is good, have great widgets to download, download feature is better than IE's downloader. My vote goes to Opera.
@megdp07 (70)
• United States
15 Jan 09
I have only used IE and I honestly doubt I will ever change. I have not had one problem with it.
• India
15 Jan 09
I use both IE and Mozilla. But when it comes to huge downloads I certainly advise Opra Mini. It is an excellent browser to run downloads as it gives you a clear detailed expanation on wat is happenin. But the pitfal is that number of websites are not configured for opra so they don't open up. Otherwise Mozilla is a perfect explorer
@tehilla (44)
• Nigeria
15 Jan 09
i have also been using IE but i discovered that IE some times gives me errors especially when i am trying to download a whole page, so i moved to firefox 3. I especially like the feature in firefox that allows you to download multiple pages at the same fire fox,you can also save a previouse session and return to it later. for me i think i prefer firefox to all other browsers