Am I the only one who has gi ven up on coupons?
By dragon54u
@dragon54u (31634)
United States
January 13, 2009 3:01pm CST
Every Sunday I look through the coupons, tons of them, that come in the paper. I rarely find anything that I can use. Even using a coupon, most items are more expensive than the generics (store brands) that I buy. I don't use air fresheners, premium toilet paper, canned macaroni stuff like Spaghettio's or pudding cups. I don't bake cakes except at Christmas and I don't buy prepared dinners or boxed dinners. It seems like all the coupons are targeted towards people who either eat a lot of junk, don't cook or both. I don't have a cat (although I do feed some neighborhood strays) and I don't buy my dogs Pupperoni or other treats--they won't touch 'em, they prefer the store brand biscuits!
So I doubt I'll bother with coupons anymore, I waste a lot of time going through them and rarely get anything I can use! I wish they would make coupons for frugal people who don't use a lot of convenience foods or eat a lot of junk. I could sure use some coupons for meat!
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29 responses
@j47lee (740)
• Canada
13 Jan 09
hmm... well.. but you do use basic things like toothpaste or shampoo rite... sometimes... they have good coupons for those stuffs sometimes...and when there is a sale anywhere... i use it... and save few dollars... a dollar saved is a dollar earned rite??? So hurray for coupons!!!!

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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
13 Jan 09
I use a toothpaste for sensitive teeth and there are never any coupons for that! I also use an all-natural shampoo that keeps my hair from breaking and falling out and I've never seen a coupon for it! I got my mom to use it and she had a bald spot where her hair had fallen out--she has new growth there now!
I love your avatar!

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@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
13 Jan 09
If there's a product that I really want to try (usually some new cleaning or beauty product) then I'll use a coupon IF it's more than a buck or two. I will not mess around with coupons that are only cents off. For the most part I just stick to the store brands - unless it's ketchup.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Kroger used to double coupons but they don't in my area anymore so I also don't bother with cents off.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Sometimes I'll use them if it's for something I need-which is rarely-and it's on sale. That usually brings it down to less than the generic brand but that doesn't often happen.
Most of the coupons I see are for pop tarts and chips and junk like that or useless things (to me) like air fresheners.
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
15 Jan 09
It's rare I use any coupons here too. Most like OP said they are for someone who is into brand name convience items typically. I don't even buy store brands I buy most items from Aldi's & they are usualy 20-50% cheaper than the generics of the local chains.
Then you have online coupons that never co-inside with the sales at the stores. I wish they'd have an exp shown on the site prior to you printing them. I'm not wasting my time if it's not on sale already & it expires before the next time the item goes on sale KWIM?
I hit up a local grocery store that marks down their meats a couple days before the sell by date is up. I get mainly chicken but alot of it is at 50% off normal retail or more. And occasionally I'll have a good find @ Aldi's like lunchmeat variety packs were .25! & 12ct dinner roll pkg's were .25! So I see a deal I stock up, I can't afford not to.
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@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
16 Jan 09
But like anywhere you have to know your prices. Aldi's prices are going up like anywhere so occasionally the regular grocery store will have a special on a name brand for similar price. Like this week Aldi's generic tub of margerine is $1.89, this week the big local chain here has Country Crock 2 for $4.... if you like country crock better then yeah it's worth the .11 difference on sale but regular price no way no how KWIM?
BTW.... when you go to Aldi's don't forget your quarter for the cart and some grocery bags or you'll have to buy some. Or I also recommend using their banana boxes they are very sturdy.
Happy Bargain Hunting :)
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
15 Jan 09
So many here have mentioned Aldi's! We do have one here and I was there once last year. I'll have to get serious about shopping there!

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
13 Jan 09
I gave up on using coupons for the most part a long time ago. Very rarely do I see a coupon for something that I use or, if it for something that I use, the store brand is just as good. We're not too picky at my house so, unless it's coffee or soda, the store brand is usually okay. 

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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Store brand soda (we call it pop) is very different from the name brand! That's about the only think I can tell a difference in. And I do buy a certain brand of coffee, I won't skimp on that--at least, not yet!
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@MdImranHossain (336)
• Bangladesh
16 Jan 09
Me also don't believe on coupons. You are right on the point that coupons are targeted towards people who are fond of junky food, don't cook or both. I think actually coupons are just to make a craze among people who are in this category. I never like junky foods but eat some fresh, never run behind the coupons. Thanks for your good discussion.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
16 Jan 09
You are right, coupons encourage people to eat junk food because they can save money. Many people in my country are obese, dangerously fat, because junk food is cheap and they are poor. It's very expensive to eat healthy in this country but cheap to eat what is bad for you.

@albert2412 (1782)
• United States
14 Jan 09
Have you tried looking for coupons on the web? Very often companies list coupons for their products on their web sites.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I have, but I don't often use brand names-I'm too cheap! 

@Fishmomma (11377)
• United States
30 Jan 09
I use coupons and do save money. It does depend on products people use, as French's Mustard is my favorite brand and it was free with coupon this week. Also have 2 free cans of Hormel Chili and yes I do prefer to make my own chili, but not turning down free.
My coupon sections are from The Los Angeles Times and have more coupons than my local paper, so no longer get the local paper. This area coupons are doubled, so I can get the premium toilet paper for less than the generic.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
30 Jan 09
You are lucky! Stores no longer double coupons here, I think they are too desperate these days to do that any more.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
14 Jan 09
We go to Superstore and we find there are instore coupons and we do not use those. They are for large quantities, and for what we do not use. I do use premium toilet paper but our store has its own brands "President's Choice" that is just as good. I do not buy prepared dinners, make my own. Sometimes we do find a real deal but it is seldom. But we do look for the store specials. And if the price of the premium brand is equal to the instore after coupons or specials, we will buy the premium brand. When we went to Safeway, we got the Safeway Club Card and they have the instore coupons that way.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
15 Jan 09
We usually buy the Purex double roll. I found that sometimes the instore brand is not as good as the premium type. And I also found the shampoo either gives me pimples the sun tan lotion the same, etc. So in some cases, the name grands are much better but if they are equal I go with the instore brand.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I use Angel Soft toilet paper--that's one thing that I really won't skimp on and it's a cheap brand that's nice and soft. I'll buy Banquet frozen dinners, they are only $1 and that's cheaper than I can fix it from scratch! They have a few that are low fat and low calorie and very tasty!
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@happythoughts (4109)
• United States
18 Jan 09
I did give up on coupons a while back but I have since gone back to them. I have been lucky enough to find some great deals. I have gotten shampoo and conditioner for free and now I have enough to last a year, plus it was better stuff then I was used to. I think it is a matter of waiting for the deals that match the coupons and going for them.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
18 Jan 09
I can rarely find deals like that. I did get half a year's worth of Pantene, though, through one of my survey sites that wanted me to try it and tell them what I thought of it! 

@GreenMoo (11833)
30 Jan 09
I hardly even see coupons these days, though I agree with you that the ones I see are normally for things I'd never use.
My local supermarket gives you coupons when you use their loyalty card, but there's normally only one or two that I'll use each month.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
30 Jan 09
My grocery gives out coupons, too, based on what you buy. Sometimes they'll give me coupons good for a free can of coffee or something else for free and those are the ones I really look forward to!
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
13 Jan 09
I've never look in the newspapers for coupons - they are never there. I usually look online and print them or i order them to be sent to me online.
I love the pet food ones. I occasionally find generic ones online for the local stores if i look hard enough.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
13 Jan 09
I like the ones for free stuff or buy one and get one free but they are few and far between and usually for things I don't use. I don't print off the internet because ink is so expensive!
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
13 Jan 09
I not only don't use coupons anymore, we don't even buy the paper. Both are a waste of time. Sometimes I will use a coupon that comes with something I normally buy. But, other than that, I just don't think they help much. Lots of things I buy store brands. And most things I buy that aren't store brands usually don't ever have coupons. I save by not buying a paper because we hardly ever read it anyway! Now, when we were living in Nashville, we bought the paper every Sunday. Up there, they had stores that allowed you to use the coupons and sometimes it was like getting things free! They would have double or triple coupon day and it was really money-saving! I really miss those sales!!
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
14 Jan 09
Then I lived in the Southwest, the Fry's would double or triple coupons and it was worth it to cut them out--my boys were with me, too, and they ate things that I now don't buy.
I thought about stopping my paper but that's one of my few luxuries and I really enjoy it so I'll keep it. I love to read it every morning. But if you don't read it there's no sense in getting it, I know.
I miss those double/triple coupon days. I doubt there'll be any more of them till the economy recovers. 

@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
14 Jan 09
Wow we must be very lucky cause the stores have not taken away our double coupons I would be lost with out my double coupons.
@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I hate coupons. After all is said and done, I find it's a lot cheaper to shop at Aldi's and stock up on what we use a lot. Then there's the Everything for a Dollar store. Sometimes one can find something very useful, and it's only a dollar. Dollar General comes in handy too. I'm a firm believer in stocking up. Flour, sugar, other staples that last, are cheaper at Aldi's.
Do you have a freezer? If it's a stand alone type, try buying in bulk at a locker for meat. When we were starting out, we bought a cheap little freezer. Then we bought 1/4 of a beef at a locker. You don't pay so much for rib eye, so much for hamburger, etc. You pay one price that's a combination of how much the meat is per pound (that includes all the different cuts in that section)and the processing fee. It's enormously cheaper than buying meat every week at the supermarket. Usually better meat too.
We had to switch lockers a few times. Some of them rip you off. We took in a year old heifer, so the meat should have been tender. What we got back was old and stringy. We never went back to that locker.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I don't have a freezer, just the one in my fridge, but if I had a family living with me I would definitely get one. You're one of several that's mentioned Aldi's! I went there once last year and will have to start going there again, the prices were really, really good!
I've heard that some places will switch your meat, I would have complained to them and reported them. They should be stopped from doing that, they probably made a tidy profit off your heifer!
@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
15 Jan 09
I'm sure. It would have been very tender beef. There really is no way to prove if it is or isn't ours. They could have said it was tough because it ran around a lot. Maybe. But who to go to?
The easiest way to hurt them is what we did. We invited people over to eat the prime cuts. Farmers, other people who lived around the locker. We told them how old our calf was, and where we got it butchered from. They lost a LOT of business that year. Nobody trusted them anymore.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
14 Jan 09
You know I just started looking into this coupon thing because of the extraordinary rises in food prices and I'm finding the same thing. I don't see how it will help me save money to buy a bunch of stuff I would not ordinarily buy just because I could use a coupon. I can't use any of them either.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
14 Jan 09
Yeah, they're mostly for a lot of junk foods that aren't good for you anyway!
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
14 Jan 09
Oh I would love coupons for frugal people too! I too go thru the coupons just to usually throw them out. I cool from scratch almost all the time. For cleaners I do use Dawn or Ajax but that is about it for the name brand items.
Im so tired of going thru them just to see all these coupons for microwavable foods, snacks or you will find a coupon for a name brand item BUT you can get basically the same thing cheaper by buying off brands.
In fact today I had a whole bunch of coupons to go thru and I kept thinking how much they are even wasting printing them out if everyone throws away as many as I do!
As for meats I'm lucky as I do go to a bulk meat market.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I usually cook from scratch, too. It's a lot cheaper and better for your health, you don't get all those chemicals and preservatives that are in the convenience foods.
@di1159 (1580)
• United States
14 Jan 09
Agreed! Most of the coupons are for stuff I never even buy. I only clip a few by going to the company's website and seeing if they have any specials of stuff I do buy. Most of the generic stuff is put on sale anyway, making it absurd to use coupons and end up paying more.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I have a friend that absolutely refused to buy store brands until the economy got so bad. She was surprised that they tasted pretty much the same and in lots of cases, better!
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
14 Jan 09
Kroger used to give me some really great coupons-I got free coffee and other stuff and money off things I actually use. But lately I haven't gotten any! Must be the stinking economy.
@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
14 Jan 09
Boy do I hear you. I have found that if I save some coupons and use them when later the store will have a sale right before the coupon expires giving you an even better deal. I also have used coupons on brand name items that are clearanced or marked way down cause they are about to expire. I usually get those for free or almost. That for me is when using coupons pay off when I do it like that I also buy my meat from the markdown section as well. I have found some great roast and sausage and what not there. To be honest thats the only way I can eat good. I very rarely buy the dinners in a box unless its lean cusine. I have also joined several coupon trader groups and trade coupons with others that have what I want. Not to mention the coupons are different in different areas of the country. Dont give up on coupons just yet your just getting started. lol.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
14 Jan 09
You know, I never thought of using coupons on the clearance items but I will definitely try to do that now. I, too, buy meats in the clearance section of the store and they're just as good as fresh. If it's a really good buy, I'll buy more than I need and then put it in my freezer!
@bookreadermom08 (5614)
• United States
14 Jan 09
No you are not the only one....I use store brand almost everything so the coupons dont do me anygood.
Now I do use the coupons for the dinner or lunch buy one get one free.... those help out alot, but those come in the mailers coupons in the mail.
the last year, with the prices skyrocketing because of the gas prices, we started going to the grocery stores that you bag your own groceries (like Aldi's or Sav-a-lot) and they dont have coupons there....but we save probably 20.00 in groceries that way alone.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I was impressed with Aldi's when I visited them last summer and plan to start going there. I like their cart policy, too, I get so tired of carts all over the parking lots of other stores!