Who Saw Ann Coulter On "The View"?
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
January 13, 2009 3:35pm CST
I'm sorry to say I missed it but I've seen some replays since. It seems Coulter, who loves to attack others for playing the victim, is...well, she's pretty good at playing the victim herself...lol! You can read the entire transcript of the exchange between Coulter and the ladies of The View below; be sure and scroll down to read the entire transcript:
I know that this appearance, like anything in politics, will be "in the eye of the beholder", that some conservatives will defend Coulter and that liberals will obviously feel she was in the wrong. What do you think? Do you agree with Coulter's attacks on single mothers in general?
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13 responses
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
13 Jan 09
I didn't see anything in there that I would call an "attack" either, but she kept referring to them attacking her before she came out when she wasn't there to retaliate. There is nothing in that transcript from before she came on stage so we really have no way of knowing exactly what she was referring to.
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@Guardian208 (1095)
• United States
14 Jan 09
First let me say that I am NOT a fan of Ms. Coulter. I think she has very legitimate points but I think that she presents them way to controversially in order to sell books. God bless her for that.I don't begrudge her that approach any more than I do these celebs that use their antics or their sexuality to gain attention to their CDs or movies. It's marketing.
but I think that her approach distracts from meaningful discussion. For example, the statistics that a LARGE majority of criminals come from single parent families is a legitimate statistic. The point that SOME women CHOOSE to have babies out of wedlock is a largely selfish choice. But I wouldn't connect those two points. The women that choose to be single mothers are not typically raising the children that end up in prison. So there are two legitimate points there.
1. The majority of criminals come from single parent homes.
2. Choosing to have a child as a single mother is not the best environment for the child.
But the issues that we should be discussing from those points are 1. What can we do to encourage parents to stay together or stay involved in their children's lives, and 2. Refocus our attention on the welfare of the child NOT the fulfillment of the mother.
I think that those are two topics worthy of meaningful discussion. Ms. Coulter's approach undermines that discussion.
But on the other hand, then "ladies" on the view did not give her much opportunity to finish a thought. She appeared to be constantly interrupted. That is why I can't watch that show. there is no coherent thread to the conversation. It jumps all over the place and no one finishes a thought. It's maddening... Arrrrgh!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
15 Jan 09
I've never been a fan of The View either no matter who has been on from Star to Rosie to Whoopie and the rest. You can never hear a word anyone's saying because they all talk over each other constantly.
As for single mothers, I agree with much of what you said. I'm totally for parents staying involved in their children's lives and even their grandparents; I know my husband and I are sure involved in our grandkids' lives and none of us would have it any other way. I'm sure not going to make any guarantees that neither of them will ever get in any trouble or make mistakes but I can tell you they know the meaning of family and they know they have lots of love and support from a BUNCH of relatives from their parents, three sets of grandparents (counting the step-grandparents who are just like the "real" kind) and a great-grandmother. Until recently they had two other great-grandmothers and a great-grandfather. Add to that several dozen aunts and uncles and cousins...well, you get the picture.
Anyway, I strayed from the topic a bit but I wanted to add I don't think the problems stem simply from single mothers but from the poverty and lack of attention that sometimes comes with these kinds of family situations. There are plenty of single PARENTS who do a great job and dedicate their lives to raising their kids the best way they can.
Basically what I'm saying is Ann Coulter loves to play with the facts and figures to attack whoever it is she's aiming to attack at any given time. It always starts with "evil" liberals and from there goes to whatever group of liberals she decides to pick on next. In her mind only liberals are poor or have children out of wedlock.
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@Guardian208 (1095)
• United States
17 Jan 09
The children in your family are truly blessed!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
14 Jan 09
First let me thank you for posting the link to the transcript of the show as I watched but everyone was all talking at once so I missed half of it.
I think that Coulter likes to dish it out but can't take it when she gets confronted on specifics. I think she knew damn well what to expect when she made such a controversial accusation about single mothers. I for one resent the hell out of her for blaming almost every person who became/becomes a criminal is a result of his/her lack of dual parenting. She certainly high tailed out of the show fast enough. If she had been so adamant about defending her point of view she should have come back after the break.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
14 Jan 09
Here is the YouTube link to the whole Ann Coulter on the show. It is in 4 parts and I have just watched part 2 again which just before Ann Coulter comes on stage (parts 3 and 4) and I still do not see where she thinks she is being attacked.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I don't think she really wanted a chance to defend her point of view, I think she enjoyed making herself out to be the victim. This is how she gets attention and publicity every time she writes a new book. I really can't understand who buys them so she keeps writing them and they keep publishing them!
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@MntlWard (878)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I think Ann definitely needed to be challenged on her "facts."
So (for sake of argument) let's say it's true that 70% of inmates are products of a single-parent household. That doesn't mean that single-parent households create criminals. The more likely situation is that the circumstances that led to the single-parent situation (poverty, for example) also contributed to the child's willingness to engage in criminal behavior. If one were to use Ann's "logic," one could say most men are rapists because most rapists are men. That's no more true than Ann's implications about single-parent households.
And Ann's whole conspiracy theory that "The Left" orchestrated the single-mother crime wave factory? That's one of her crazier ideas. Hell, it's the right that discourages teaching teens the proper use of birth control. The right also has a tendency to be pro-life, which would encourage single parenthood over abortion. Her theory is especially odd considering she accused the left of promoting abortion in her book "Godless."
Again, I say that respectable outlets shouldn't give Coulter the time of day, and they should feel no shame in calling her an outright liar.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I think you're right on all counts here. I have no idea why these people who know how she feels about them would ever have her on their networks or their shows. She's made it clear many times she hates the major networks and the cable news networks except for Fox so why doesn't she stick with Fox and let the rest of us watch TV in peace?
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
14 Jan 09
"If one were to use Ann's "logic," one could say most men are rapists because most rapists are men."
Nice example. Statistics don't lie, but liars use statistics. I usually combat crappy statistics with the "ice cream causes rape" study.
"Again, I say that respectable outlets shouldn't give Coulter the time of day"
"respectable outlets" is an oxymoron.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
13 Jan 09
I'm not a fan of Ann Coulter's and the times I've agreed with her could be counted on one finger. There are times I think she should just shut up. On the other hand I feel that way about Joy Behar too. In fact, I want Joy Behar to shut up a lot more than I want Ann Coulter to.
As for the content of what went on during her appearance on the View-They were all wrong and one of these days Elizabeth is going to go postal on all of them. I hope it's on Youtube as I don't watch the View.
Just my opinion. 

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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Jan 09
I don't watch The View either, that's why I missed this when it originally aired! I'll agree with you to a point about wishing both Ann Coulter and Joy Behar would shut up but I can't imagine wishing anyone would shut up as much as I wish Coulter would...lol! Actually, I've seen Joy already on shows other than the View and found her to be funny. I haven't seen a lot of her so maybe she is a pain more often than not.
When you say they were "all wrong" do you mean all the hostesses and Coulter or just all the hostesses with the exception of Elizabeth? Now SHE'S the one I find most annoying on that show, what little I've ever seen of it.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
13 Jan 09
I meant all of them. The transcript I read didn't have much of Elizabeth in it other than an interrupted sentence. All the clips I've ever seen of the View has her being interrupted. It may just be my observation of the few times I've watched clips. I'd still like to see her go postal. Just to shut Behar up for at least a minute or two.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I missed it. I dont even think I will go back and watch it on You tube. I am not going to waste my time with Anne Coulter. I am surprised she is on tv as much as she is.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I can't believe that, as a single mother, you weren't greatly offended by her words. I know I'M offended FOR all the single mothers I know. I'm not sure what you mean about the "acceptability" of single motherhood; do you think you and other single mothers should be attacked and vilified?
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
13 Jan 09
I'm really sorry I missed that one. I read the transcript but I think I probably didn't get the full thrust from that. It reads like Baba Wawa was really on the attack and she's usually the calm voice of reason on that show. I think ole Ann is in for some rough times. She may have flourished in the Bush years but she's not going to cut it in the Obama years.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Jan 09
When I did a search for this topic some of the sites said the audio was hard to understand with all the shrieking going on...lol! I heard a few small blurbs of it on TV and it was hard to hear all that was being said so the transcript was probably the best way to know all the exact words they said but you're right, hearing their tone would probably do it more justice.
I agree, Coultergeist is going to find things not as friendly towards her kind for the next few years.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
14 Jan 09
Yes she was being attacked. She was not allowed to explain herself why she felt that way, because when she started to Whoopie would butt in. And she turned it into racism as assuming that Ann Coulter was against just single black women, and not against single women who decided to raise their child without being married and I call tell why that started to be common.
Back in the sixties in the hippie era there was this woman sans clothes walking on the beach with her child also sans clothes. She was a celebrity who decided to not marry the father and raise the child alone. Ever since then, it became fashionable to have children without fathers. I guess they forgot to show the nurse and the governness in the background or tell of her large bank account, her fancy home, etc..
I think had Miss Coulter been allowed to continue she would be been more specific and talk about the single mothers who deliberately chose to raise their children alone even though the fathers wanted to marry them or the parents wanted them to give the children away for adoption, rather than the single mothers whose boyfriends promised to marry them and left them in the lurch and there was no one else around who would help.
I mean there is a difference between deliberately bringing a child into the world and deciding not to marry to make a point and that of an accident or the cad leaving you with the child.

@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
16 Jan 09
I go by what God says is wrong or right. HE is a greater authority than man. So since God says it is wrong for a woman and a man to have s*x without marriage, all the laws in the world or all the opinions does not make it right, because then you will make God wrong.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
15 Jan 09
I don't know how much you've seen of Ann Coulter but "reasonable discussion" is something you NEVER get with her. I'm not saying the hostesses weren't a bit rude but I have a feeling I'd be rude to her too...lol! I don't think the things you mentioned were at all what she had in mind and I have a feeling you'd really have to do some searching to find any women whose boyfriends wanted to take responsibility and marry them but they preferred struggling to raise a child on their own! I don't think it does the child any good if the parents get married just because of the woman's pregnancy. A child is better off being raised by one loving parent than by two miserable and resentful ones trapped in a bad relationship because they married for the wrong reasons.
For the record, if a woman isn't yet married but wants a child or children very badly and fears her "biological clock is ticking" I have no problem with her "deliberately bringing a child into the world" to raise herself if she has the means to give it a good live and lots of love.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
16 Jan 09
I think we all realize that ideally every child would be born to a mother and father but we don't live in a perfect world and unfortunately I don't know that there IS a man for every woman or vice versa. You wrote, "so in your opinion, wrong becomes right and right becomes wrong. And anyone who opposes you is of course wrong." Actually my point is it isn't UP to me whether someone else is right or wrong. If a woman chooses to have a child and raise him or her on her own and she does it well and takes good care of her baby who am I to judge her?
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Ann's people should have known better. I Know Ann doesn't have any sense but her people should have Known not to mess with Whoopi. She is too intelligent and she is too polite to fall for what Ann does on other shows. Bashing single mothers when there are 4 single mothers on the panel? Even the " Saddie", i.e. married lady, Elizabeth thought what Ann was trying to say was wrong.I guess only the ultra conservatives agree but guess what? They don't watch The View.It is too let's say colorful and too liberal for them.
I thought that Ann was wrong as usual. She took a assumption and tried to make it the truth for everyone and every case. Of course there are inmates who were raised by single parents , but to imply that if a child is raised by a single parent , they will automatically go to jail is so wrong.Everyone is different. I guess that's what scares conservatives, especially bi-racial people. How can They be this smart and be productive .And now " They" can be President.No book will change society back to the 50's ,where most conservatives would feel more comfortable.
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@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Oh my god, ann coulter was on the View? Is she crazy, or what? Talk about being out of your comfort zone, lol! Well at least somebody is having her on their show to discuss her book.
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@jenrl17 (420)
• United States
13 Jan 09
I agree with Bd. I didnt see the live version either (I dont watch the show), I just saw clips from CNN later in the day. The clips I saw looked like attacks and seemed to not let Coulter defend herself or finish any of her thoughts, plus I think the girls were already heated about the topic/her book anyway so that didnt help. I dont defend Coulter at all, but I think she shouldve been giving a chance to explain herself, uninterrupted. If Meredith is it, was there, she woudlve. Ever since Meredith left the show, its gone downhill in my opinion and with Hasselbeck on the show, its only gotten that much worse. Did you see Hasselbeck on the news program later that night? She defended Bush, saying how if you get to know him, hes a good person. Um, how the heck are we supposed to do that, and for her defending mr thief that way, her endorsements arent very reputable. Going back to Coulter, I think its wrong to say that single moms are to blame for the crime in America, etc. Id like to know where she gets this garbage from too. Thats just like people blaming blacks for all the crime and I unfortunately know too many people who do that. Cant stand people like that, so closed-minded. Gimme a break. Those people, the closed-minded racists, are whats really wrong with the world cause they teach their kids their views as truth instead of letting them develop their own minds. Guidance yes, but not by poisoning with biased opinions. Just state the facts.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Jan 09
I'm not defending what was at times rather rude behavior by the ladies of The View but I think Ann Coulter knew that was what she would get by going on that show and she eats this sh1t up! It gives her a chance to play the victim, to repeatedly say, "Can I finish? Would you please let me defend myself?" because she knows it will attract more attention than if she were politely interviewed by some nice conservative who shares her narrow-minded views.