The best job in the world!

@Lore2009 (7378)
United States
January 13, 2009 3:37pm CST
I've never had a career yet but I've had a few part timers that I enjoyed. The job I liked was where I can paint names for people at the amusement park. Another is when I volunteered at the retirement home... and lastly is being a bum! But what is the best job you've had while getting paid? Do you love your job now? Why or why not???
2 responses
@Spudy6 (25)
• United States
13 Jan 09
well for a job i want to be a pyrotechnician or just own a firwork store either of them i would love. Also if that wouldint happen i would like to be on a bomb difusal squad and if that didint happen i would like to be in law enforcement
@AbuIlyas (32)
13 Jan 09
My best job is probably ebay, i really make tons there. I started about 2 years ago, i started looking for rare items wich were getting sold cheaply. after that you find a good time to sell it. It might be a bit risky tho.